First Semester Jordan University of Science and Technology Information Systems Department CIS (340) Web Application Development First Exam Date: 16/3/2015 Std_Name: Std_Number: Instructor Name: Section: Serial#.: Part1: write the output for the following code assume it write inside <script> tag [7 PTs] A. List item 1 var a,b; var choice=1; switch ( choice ) { case "1": a = "<ol style = 'list-style-type: lower-alpha'>"; b = "</ol>"; default: a = "<ol style = 'list-style-type: upper-alpha'>"; b = "</ol>"; break; } B. List item 2 C. List item 3 document.writeln( a ); for ( var i = 0; i <= 2; ++i ) document.writeln( "<li>List item " + i + "</li>" ); document.writeln( b ); 4 var a = new Array( "CIS201", "CIS340","CIS340" ); var b = [ 2, 4, 6, 8,4,5 ]; var c = [ 2, , , 8 ]; document.write("<h1>"+c.length +"</h1>"); document.write("<h1>"+b.lastIndexOf(4)+"</h1>"); document.write("<h1>"+a.join("**")+"</h1>"); document.write("<h1>"+a.indexOf("cis34")+"</h1>"); 1 4 CIS201**CIS340**CIS340 -1 CIS 340 First Exam Part2: write a JavaScript code for the following case [6-PTs] Consider the following HTML page with an incomplete JavaScript and HTML code, complete the page so: 1) Ask the user a positive number using FORMS 2) When the user click (press) the button print out “valid numeric value” in green message if enter a positive numeric value otherwise print” invalid numeric” value in red message.Sample run: <html><head><script> function start() { var A=document.getElementById("B1"); A.addEventListener("click",Validate,false); } function Validate() {var out=""; var T= parseInt(document.getElementById("T").value); if(isNaN(T)) out+="<p style='color:red'>Invalid numeric value</p>"; else out+="<p style='color:green'>valid numeric value</p>"; /*Student can use the isFinite function if(isFinite(T)) out+="<p style='color:green'>valid numeric value</p>"; else out+="<p style='color:red'>Invalid numeric value</p>"; */ document.getElementById("D2").innerHTML=out; } window.addEventListener("load",start,false); </ script></head><body > <h2>Enter Number then press button to validate </h2> <form method="post" action="#"> <p>Value to validate <input type="text" id="T"></p> <p><input type="button" id="B1" value="Submit"></p> <div id="D2"></div> </form></body> 2 CIS 340 First Exam Part 3[7-pts]: Suppose we have the following images [sunday.gif, Monday.jpg, Tuesday.gif, Friday.png], and the following list of quotes [“Life is short”, “to be or not to be”, “Actions speak louder than words”,” Willing is not enough, we must do”]. - Design a webpage using (HTML/JAVASCRPIT) so that when the page load different random image and quotes will show in each time the user visit the page: <script> function str(){ var pic=["sunday.gif","Monday.jpg","Tuesday.jpg","Friday.png"]; var qts=["Life is short","to be or not to be","Willing is not enough, we must do","Actions speak louder than words"]; var p = document.getElementById("p"); var q = document.getElementById("q"); var i = Math.floor(Math.random()*4); p.setAttribute("src",pic[i]); q.innerHTML=qts[i]+pic[i]; } window.addEventListener("load",str,false); </script> <body> <img id="p" src="1.jpg" alt="flower"> <div id="q"></div> </body> 3 CIS 340 First Exam