Lesson Plan Final

Lesson Plan
Name: Kylie Harris
Edel 200Section/group: 003, B-1
Email address: kmharris@bsu.edu
Classroom Teacher: Mrs. Holder
Grade level: 1st
Lesson Objective: The students will generate sentences using the
correct form of the past, present and future verbs.
Common Core Standard: 1- Demonstrate command of the conventions
of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Standard Indicator: e. - Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present
and future.
o Verbs are action words that show what a person is, was or
is going to do.
o Sentences start with a capital letter, have the correct verb
tense and end with punctuation.
o Verbs:
 Past
 Present
 Future
Materials/ Media: My laptop, index cards with words for practice,
game board, poster with categories, crayons, printer paper, School
House Rock video via YouTube, game pieces
a. School House Rock – Verbs Video
b. Ask…
Can you guys tell me after that what you think a verb is?
What other words not in the video are used as verbs?
Did you say a verb today?
How many of you have seen that before?
What all have you done today?
Can you point out all the verbs you have accomplished
Were they past present or future?
Goal for Learner: Today we are going to learn how to correctly
make sentences using the some of the verbs that we just talked
about. At the end of the lesson, you will be able to write your very
own stories using these different verbs and the correct tenses.
New Information:
o Past Tense Verbs
o Past- most of the time, you add an “–ed” to the end, such as
She walked home. But in certain circumstances, the whole
word changes (eat to ate).
o The past tense is used to convey an action that has already
passed and that they have already accomplished. I’ll recall
back to my opening questions to the students that we
started out the lesson with and point out the verbs in each
of their sentences.
Modeling: I will take the cards and do one myself just to allow the
kids to see what the task is.
Guided Practice: I will do one of the card scenarios with them in
order to insinuate the goal and make sure they understand before
I do the actually check for understanding.
Practice: I’ll take out the cards and shuffle them around and allow
the students to make educated sentences and use the correct form
of the verb to make the sentences correct.
Check for Understanding: I will observe as they take the cards
and sort them into different sentences using the correct verb in
the correct sentence and that the tense is correct.
New Information:
o Present tense verbs
o Present- several uses: I hear you; She sings, it is hot outside,
o The present tense is showing that you are preforming an
action at this very moment.
Modeling: I will take the cards and do one myself just to allow the
kids to see what the task is.
Guided Practice: I will do one of the card scenarios with them in
order to insinuate the goal and make sure they understand before
I do the actually check for understanding.
Practice: I’ll take out the cards and shuffle them around and allow
the students to make educated sentences and use the correct form
of the verb to make the sentences correct.
Check for Understanding: I will observe as they take the cards
and sort them into different sentences using the correct verb in
the correct sentence and that the tense is correct.
New Information:
o Future Tense
o Future- usually formed by adding will to the front of the
verb (I will eat that sandwich).
o The future tense is used to convey a sense of an action that
will be completed in the near future.
Modeling: I will take the cards and do one myself just to allow the
kids to see what the task is.
Guided Practice: I will do one of the card scenarios with them in
order to insinuate the goal and make sure they understand before
I do the actually check for understanding.
Practice: I’ll take out the cards and shuffle them around and allow
the students to make educated sentences and use the correct form
of the verb to make the sentences correct.
Check for Understanding: I will observe as they take the cards
and sort them into different sentences using the correct verb in
the correct sentence and that the tense is correct.
Modeling: I will take out a stack of magazines and have the
students see what the task at hand will be.
Guided Practice: I will have the students watch me as I cut out
different verbs that I see and paste them onto the board in the
right category.
Practice: I will pass out the magazines to the four students in my
group and have them cut out any verbs that they have in them and
put them in the correct category.
Assessment: I will lie out the game board and pass out the pieces.
I will say a sentence and the kids will need to say if it is in the past,
present or future. If they get it correct, they get to move ahead one
Closure: You have learned so much about verbs today! Can
anyone tell me what a verb is? What are the three types of verbs?
Can you name them? One of you please give me an example of a
present verb, a past, and a future.
Extension: The students will draw a picture and then write a
sentence to say what the person in their drawing is doing and
whether it is a past, present or future verb sentence.
Evaluation: For Assessment, the kids played a game and in order
to evaluate whether they understood the questions I will use a
checklist of things they should be able to do.
Understand the
difference between
the tenses
Know how to pick
out the tenses
Answered quickly
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