APPC/11/37 (1 – 8) CONFIRMED UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD SENATE ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES AND PARTNERSHIPS COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11 MAY 2011 Present: Professor C Pine (Chair) Professor G Aouad S Braid Dr M Burke C Dangerfield Dr K Dayson Prof N Linge Dr G Murphy L Puttick (Secretary) Apologies: Dr K Kniveton J Lloyd In attendance: Geoff Taylor (ref minute APPC.11.39) Annette Cooke Barbara Booth David Singer Russell Cahill (ref minute APPC.11.44) APPC.11.37 Confirmation of the minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2011 (APPC/11/25) The minutes were confirmed as a correct record of the meeting. APPC.11.38 Chair’s Statement The Chair reported that the QAA would be undertaking an Institutional Review of the University in 2012/13 and that this would have significance for the Committee in terms of its remit for programme approval amendment and review and for approval of partnerships. She proposed inviting the Associate Secretary, Governance Services Unit, Gregory Clark, to give a presentation to the next meeting about the new methodology for Institutional Review. The Chair also advised the Committee of 2 forthcoming affiliation visits one to ThinkLabs IIT, Mumbai, India for the partial delivery of the MSc Robotics and Embedded Systems and one to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at the Manchester Royal Infirmary for the University’s first validation of modules delivered by PICU. APPC.11.39 Programme Costing Model (APPC/11/26) The Management Accountant from Finance Division gave a presentation to the Committee on the methodology used for costing at the programme level. He reported that the costing was a historical exercise, based on the previous year’s accounts and comprised a number of elements: actual fee income which, with actual student numbers, generated values for income per programme 37/2 direct staff costs, which generated the calculation of a cost per module to be aggregated up to the programme level indirect staff costs and direct non--pay costs which, using the Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC), were allocated to teaching, then divided by the student FTE numbers to derive a cost per student FTE, which was then aggregated to the programme level indirect costs, which were overhead costs such as Estates, HR, Finance calculated using the Resource Allocation Model (RAM); these were allocated at School level; the teaching element was extracted and applied to each programme on the basis of staff FTE or student FTE. He explained the difficulty of breaking down costs to module level because modules could belong to many different programmes which might cross Schools and Colleges. A similar difficulty arose in determining costs for joint programmes which crossed Schools or Colleges and he reported that manual intervention and reconciliation of data derived from various sources was required. Members of the Committee made the following comments in response to the presentation: i) that a more dynamic model was needed which would help programme teams determine the cohort size at which a programme no longer became viable eg what loss of students could the programme endure because of changes in the market or retention ii) that for the purposes of activities such as Academic Portfolio Review, APME, PPRR it was necessary to model forward based on retention and market demand projections ie “what if” scenarios iii) that the current model did not take account of value added from a particular programme which, although it might have a small cohort, resulted in reputation and income generation elsewhere; the current units of measure only permitted flexibility in numbers of students and staff iv) that the model needed to account for significant variations in indirect costs between programmes within a School such as in Computing, Science and Engineering, for example in the use of space; v) that notwithstanding the difficulties reported, the model needed to reflect the costs of running a module across several programmes; vi) that with a new fees regime in 2012, the imperative for a dynamic model was even stronger; vii) that there was an additional hierarchy of data, beyond the straight financial costs, which had to be taken into account in determining the viability of a programme and this had been identified as a requirement of Academic Portfolio Review; there was an intention to maintain this data dynamically as input to the various ongoing approval and review processes 2 37/3 viii) that the standardised sizes of modules and programmes might facilitate the costing model The Committee resolved to establish a task group comprising: Ms Sue Braid, Head of School and Associate Dean Academic Dr Gai Murphy, Associate Dean Academic Mrs Barbara Booth, Head of Progression, Student Information Directorate A member of staff from Finance Department (a request to be put to the Acting Director of Finance) to scope the requirements for financial information which could support programme teams in their determination of financial viability of programmes as part of approval, annual and periodic review processes and to report back to APPC at its next meeting. APPC.11.40 Report from College PARSC (Arts and Social Sciences) (APPC/11/27) 1 March 2011 The Committee considered a recommendation from the PARSC meeting of 1 March 2011 and resolved to approve the proposed amendments to the MSc/PgDip Islamic Banking and Finance with effect from September 2011 which comprised: a change to entry requirements a named Pg Certificate The Committee noted the action taken by the PARSC with respect to PPRR reports for: BA (Hons) Interior Design BA (Hons) Product Design 29 March 2011 The Committee considered a recommendation from the PARSC meeting of 29 March 2011 and resolved to approve the amendments to BA Hons Fashion: Design and BA Hons Fashion: Image Making and Styling to take effect from September 2011. The Committee noted the action taken by the PARSC with respect to PPRR reports for: Chartered Institute of Marketing Professional Diploma Chartered Institute of Marketing Postgraduate Professional Diploma Master of Business Administration 14 April 2011 The Committee noted the action taken by the PARSC meeting of 14 April 2011 with respect to withdrawal of the following programmes with effect from September 2010: HND Top-up Leisure & Tourism Management (Full-time) 3 37/4 HND Top-up Leisure & Tourism Management (Part-time) HND Top-up Ord Leisure & Tourism Management (Full-time) HND Top-up Ord Tourism Management (Full-time) HND Top-up Ord Tourism Management (Part-time) HND Top-up Tourism Management (Full-time) HND Top-up Tourism Management (Part-time) HND Hospitality & Leisure Management HNC Hospitality & Leisure Management BSc (Ord) Business Decision Analysis BA (Hons) Hospitality & Leisure Management (Top-up) PG Action Learning & Research PgC Gambling Industry Management MSc Interactive Computer Graphics (Full-time & Part-time) APPC.11.41 Report from College PARSC (Health and Social Care) (APPC/11/28) 12 April 2011 The Committee considered a recommendation from the PARSC meeting of 12 April 2011 and resolved to approve the amendments to MSc Strength and Conditioning and MSc Sports Injury Rehabilitation with effect from September 2011. The Committee noted that these programmes had a common first year but for marketing and demand reasons the programme team had decided to retain two distinct programmes with different titles. In view of the principle of designing programmes with a common first year the Committee proposed that consideration be given to: i) amending the programme specification to demonstrate that programmes were clustered in some way; ii) using terminology to reflect the relationships between programmes eg groupings for programmes which had a common first year and generic award title on entry with pathways leading to separate awards; linking for programmes which had a common first year and other common modules but which had separate award titles on entry The Committee noted the action taken by the PARSC with respect to: Detailed Approval Pg Cert Upper Limb Orthopaedics New module – Applied Professional Practice: Working with Adults Module amendments – Advanced Practical and Advanced Practice 2 As a consequence of the request for an exception to the Regulations for the Masters Advanced Practice programme the Committee considered the difficulties associated with the 60 credit project module, on some part-time programmes, in which the 60 credits had formerly been split into a 15 credit Research Proposal module and a 45 credit Research Project module. This had enabled part time students to commence work on their Project in one academic year (Semester 3) and complete it in the next academic year (Semester 1). This then, did not contravene the regulation 3.1.11, which states that a module shall be delivered within a single academic year. 4 37/5 The Committee was advised that this Regulation was designed to avoid issues of noncompletion. If a module straddled 2 academic years there would be no assessment mark recorded at the end of 1 year and this would be reported to HESA as a non-completion and the University would lose funding. The Committee therefore resolved to request approval for a general exception for the 60 credit Project from the new Regulation concerning the minimum credit size of Level 7 modules to allow flexibility in the 60 credit project module and permit it to be split into 2 modules of 15 credits and 45 credits each. APPC.11.42 Report from College PARSC (Science and Technology) (APPC/11/29) 21 April 2011 The Committee considered a report from the PARSC meeting of 21 April 2011 concerning the PPRRs which had been undertaken for undergraduate physics programme. It noted that all undergraduate physics programmes, except for the BSc Hons Physics with a Foundation Year had met the conditions required by the PPRR. The Committee recorded serious concern that the condition set for BSc Hons Physics with a Foundation Year in June 2009 had not been met and that the programme had, in effect, been running without re-approval. The Periodic Programme Review and Re-Approval procedure states that conditions set “are regarded as items which should be acted upon as a matter of urgency as they put either academic standards of the quality of students’ learning experience at risk; resulting actions should normally be implemented before the start of the following academic session …..” The Committee was advised that the programme leader had been asked repeatedly for a response but no resolution had been received. The Committee therefore resolved that, as the condition set had not been progressed, the academic standards and quality of the programme were at risk and therefore could not recruit for entry in September 2011. The Committee resolved to write to the Head of School, advising him of the timeline which had passed and requesting him to respond to the Chair of APPC concerning the future plans for the programme. The Committee was advised that students who had applied for the Foundation Year in September 2011 could be diverted to other programmes in the School. The Committee resolved to approve amendments to the MSc Accessibility and Inclusive Design to permit a named Postgraduate Certificate with effect from September 2011. The Committee noted the action taken by the PARSC with respect to withdrawal of the MSc Computer Science with the proviso that the date when the last cohort of student would complete the programme be amended to September 2012 to allow for any students required to retake parts of the programme in 2011/2012. The Committee noted the action taken by the PARSC with respect to PPRR for MSc Applied GIS and Remote Sensing and the suspension of the programme for 2011 entry. The Committee considered the amendments to the MSc Molecular Parasitology and Vector Biology which would permit students to carry out their research project in an overseas laboratory. 5 37/6 The Committee resolved that the approval given by PARSC should be withdrawn pending further clarification of the quality assurance arrangements proposed particularly with respect to supervision and assessment of the project at an overseas laboratory. The programme team should be asked to provide a report to APPC. The Committee noted the action taken by the PARSC with respect to amendments to: MSc Housing, Regeneration and Sustainability BSc Housing Practice BSc Regeneration (Neighbourhood Renewal) BSc Community Governance APPC.11.43 Revised Collaborative Provision Forms (APPC/11/30) The Committee considered proposed revisions to the Preliminary Approval and Detailed Approval forms for collaborative provision. Members of the Committee made the following comments in relation to the proposed templates: i) clarification of the sequence of approvals would be helpful and it was proposed that a flow diagram be included; ii) further consideration should be given to the appropriate sequence of information on the forms; iii) the membership of the Collaborative Provision Panel should reflect new College roles such as Associate Dean International and Associate Head International to comment on proposals where appropriate; iv) the preliminary approval should include a brief summary of how the partnership had arisen; v) Student Information Division should read Directorate; vi) further consideration should be given to the most appropriate bodies to provide confirmation eg on proposal in relation to University Strategy; on other relationships collaborative partner has with University; on appropriateness of proposed partner; vii) the forms should include identification of link tutor. The Committee resolved that the Secretary should provide the report author with more detailed feedback and requested further revised versions to be brought back to the Committee. APPC.11.44 Academic Portfolio Review (APPC/11/31) Proposed checklist The Project Manager for Academic Portfolio Review presented a proposed checklist which would be used by programme teams and PARSCs as a mechanism for reflecting systematically about the design principles and learning teaching and assessment themes embedded in Academic Portfolio Review. The checklists were based on those which had been produced in the College of 6 37/7 Health and Social Care and also incorporated some comments on earlier drafts which had been available for consultation on Blackboard. The checklists included a rating system to aid reflection. Members of the Committee made the following comments: i) the use of a rating system was not applicable for a number of items on the checklist as some were operational or management issues which would not be considered by a PARSC; ii) the preference was for a simple tick box system with the opportunity for programme teams to explain or comment on any variations from the principles or themes; iii) further clarification was required for the design principle on assessment and whether the maximum summative assessment of one in-module and one end of module was applicable to all modules, no matter what their credit weighting; iv) further explanation was needed of the rationale for 30 students per module; The Committee resolved to refer the checklist to the Associate Deans (Academic) Forum to clarify: i) ii) iii) the purpose of the checklist (a guidance or a compliance tool) at what point in Academic Portfolio Review it should be used and by whom which aspects were regulatory, which were guidance and which were recommended as best practice. Proposed dataset (APPC/11/32) The Research Officer, Planning and Performance, advised the Committee that the intention of the dataset was to produce a standardised set of micro level data which would be dynamic and designed to meet the requirements of a number of difference review mechanisms such as APR,. APME, PPRR. The Committee was very positive about the example outputs and commended in particular the finance data, which would be invaluable in reviewing the viability of programmes. APPC.11.45 Chairs and Independent Institutional Nominees 2011/2012 (APPC/11/33) The Committee considered the proposal for Chairs and Independent Institutional Nominees for College Partnerships and Programme Approval and Review Committees for 2011/2012. The Committee proposed that Associate Heads Teaching should be nominated as IINS rather than Chairs, because of their very heavy workloads. The Committee resolved to approve the proposal for the nomination of 3 Chairs and 4 IINS from each College to be approved by the Chair of APPC. 7 37/8 APPC.11.46 Developmental Engagement Report for St Helen’s College (APPC/11/34) The Committee received for information an extract from the IQER Developmental Engagement Report for St Helen’s College which had identified some good practice in the area of staff development in the partnership between Salford University and St Helen’s College. APPC.11.47 QAA- Collaborative Provision Outcomes (APPC/11/35 and APPC/11/36) It was reported that QAA had published a series of papers, based on Collaborative Provision Audits conducted between 2004 and 2007. These papers called Outcomes from collaborative provision audit provided institutions with information about the emerging broad findings of collaborative audit and review activity. Two recent reports had been published in April 2011: Learning support arrangements in partnership links Arrangements for monitoring and support These papers could be downloaded from the QAA website at A summary of Features of good practice for each report was attached. The Committee noted that collaborative provision was likely to be a prominent feature in the next QAA institutional Review. The Committee resolved to write to Tracey Hulme and Gregory Clark to request staff development in this area in order to highlight the quality assurance requirements and support good practice in collaborative provision. The Committee also noted that it would be useful for the essential and advisable recommendations from recent QAA Collaborative Provision Audit Reports to be extracted in order to inform the Committee about potential areas of risk within collaborative provision. APPC.11.48 Date of next meeting Wednesday 6 July 2011 at 2.00pm. APPC.11.49 Dates of meetings in 2011/2012 28 September 2011 26 October 2011 7 December 2011 25 January 2012 7 March 2012 16 May 2012 27 June 2012 8