Legacy Fellows Application - Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans

658 Cedar Street, Suite 160
St. Paul, MN 55155
PHONE: 651-757-1740 FAX: 651-296-8735
The Legacy Fellowship Program
About the Fellowship Program
The Legacy Fellowship Program is a leadership and capacity-building program of the Minnesota
Humanities Center and its collaborator the Council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans. In May 2009, the
Minnesota State Legislature asked the Minnesota Humanities Center and the Council on Asian-Pacific
Minnesotans (CAPM) to collaboratively create new programs and events that celebrate and preserve
the artistic, historical, and cultural heritages of the communities represented by CAPM. Our hope is
that the Legacy Fellowship Program will increase the number of artists of Asian Pacific Islander
descent to work in the area of art and cultural preservation.
What You Can Expect From This Fellowship Program
 10 Asian Pacific Islander American artists will be selected to join the Legacy Fellowship
 From July 2012 to December 2012, artists are expected to attend monthly meetings and
training/development opportunities. We will be covering topics that include:
o Developing a 5-year career plan
o Fundraising for artists including grant consultations
o Marketing yourself as an artist
o Equipping you with basic tools and resources, such as writing artistic résumés, bios,
and head shots
o Many others
 Fellows are expected to provide support to other cohort members.
 Along the way, you will receive one-on-one consultations about your artistic career from
respected artists.
 Artists will be given $2,000 each for a demonstration project showcasing their genre
 Logistical support from CAPM staff to support your fellowship journey
More Information About Individual Artist Projects
As part of the fellowship, artists will be granted $2,000 in seed money to curate an event or project
highlighting their work. Up to $500 can be used for creative time for fellows. The remaining funds can
be used for multiple things that may include but are not limited to: space rental, event food, flyers,
programs, brochures, art supplies, and consultants. The sample budgets below are meant to illustrate
how you can use the seed money. You are not required to submit a budget for this application.
Sample budget for a photographer
Same budget for a theater artist
Creative Time
Photography supplies
and printing
Space Rental
Reception Food
Exhibit equipment
Mileage for project
Space rental for
rehearsal and final
Actor stipends
Director stipend
Who This Program Is Designed For
 MN residents
 Individuals who come from an Asian/Pacific Islander ancestry or cultural background
 Individuals who are at least 18 years of age
 Mid-Career Artists
o We do not require that you are a full-time, working professional artist.
o We identify “mid-career” as an artist who has some evidence of professional
achievement but not a substantial record of accomplishment and someone who is not
yet recognized as an established artist by other artists, curators, critics, and arts
Selection Criteria
The strongest candidates for this program will have applications that:
 Demonstrate the artist’s commitment to their art form as evidenced by past experience.
 Artists with unique and innovative ways of viewing the world through art.
 Artists whose work sample show a strong understanding of their craft and show the promise
of potential.
 Artists who demonstrate a willingness to work in fellowship with other cohort members.
 Artists who understand the importance of developing their business and leadership skills to
advance their artistic careers.
Our definition was borrowed from the Jerome Foundation’s definition of an emerging artist.
Important Dates
Friday, June 22, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
July Meeting Date (TBD)
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Saturday, September 8
Saturday, October 6
Saturday, November 3
All of December
Saturday, December 29
Applications due by 5:00 PM Central Time
Fellows notified
Fellows orientation 10-2 PM
An Insider Track to Grant-Writing (2 hours)
Bios, Résumés, and Other Tools Every Artist Needs déjà vu
Creating Your 5-Year Plan
Marketing Your Work as an Artist
Ways to Make a Living as an Artist
Fellowship Showcases
Celebration and Evaluations
** Unless otherwise noted, most meetings will run from 10 AM – 4 PM
For more information, contact:
May Lee-Yang, Legacy Fellows Program Coordinator
Phone: (651) 757-1740
Email: mayleeyang@gmail.com
Applications can be mailed or hand-delivered to:
The Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
Att: May Lee-Yang
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Or emailed to mayleeyang@gmail.com.
NAME: ___________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________
CITY: _____________________________ STATE: ______________ ZIP: _____________
DAY PHONE: ___________________________ EVENING PHONE: ____________________
EMAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
WEBSITE (IF APPLICABLE): ___________________________________________________
How would you describe your art form? Check all that apply.
___ Writing
___ Poetry
___ Spoken Word
___ Theater (general)
___ Acting
___ Directing
___ Playwriting
___ Choreography
___ Dance
___ Visual Art (General)
___ Photography
___ Film
___ Ceramics
___ Sculpture
___ Musician
___ Other. Please describe: ___________________________________________________
You may write your answers below or generate another document making sure to answer these
questions in this order. Separate document should not exceed 3 pages.
1. Please tell us about your art. What genre(s) do you work in? What questions do you explore
with your art?
2. Where are you currently as an artist? (This is a great opportunity to talk about what you’ve
accomplished so far as an artist: Where have you been published? Where have you
performed? Where has your work been displayed?)
3. Five years from now, where would you like to be as an artist?
4. How do you think the Legacy Fellowship Program will strengthen you as an artist?
5. As part of the Legacy Fellowship, you will be provided with $2,000 in seed money to curate a
public event to showcase your work. What kind of final project might you be interested in
organizing? (Keep in mind we know projects may change. Selected artists are not held to ideas
listed in this application.)
6. Is there anything else we should know about you as an individual or artist that we have not
yet asked?
Work Samples
If you are a…
Visual Artist
Spoken Word Artist
If your work doesn’t fit into
any the categories above
You should submit
No more than 10 pages of writing. No more than 1
poem per page. Please double-space prose writing.
1 scene from a full-length play or one-act
Up to 8 minutes of work featuring your performance.
Work can be formatted on a DVD and should be cued to
the scenes you would like us to view. You may also send
links to videos on YouTube but note that, should there
be complications accessing your link, your work sample
will suffer.
Up to 6 images of your work on a CD
Up to 8 minutes of music on a CD
Up to 10 pages of writing OR
Up to 8 minute of performance on a CD OR
Up to 8 minutes of video featuring your performance on
a DVD.
To submit a combination of writing, sound, or video
work, please contact us.
Contact us to identify what and how you can submit
your work sample.
Checklist of Items to Submit
Application Coversheet
Application Narrative addressing questions above
Bio or artistic résumé
Work Sample
By submitting and signing this application, you agree to the following, if selected:
Attend the July 7, 2012 orientation meeting.
Commit to attending meetings and training opportunities from July to December 2012.
Follow through on a final public showcase or project showcasing your work.
Work with CAPM staff to evaluate the program.
Work in collaboration with others. This program is built around the idea of fellowship—of
creating a community of APIA artists who support each other.
Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _________________
Application Deadline: Friday, June 22, 2012
Organizational Overviews
The Council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans (Council or CAPM) is a statewide government agency created by the
legislature in 1985 to advise the governor and state legislature on issues confronting Asian and Pacific Islander
(API) people in this state, including problems unique to non-English speaking immigrants and refugees; ensure
that API are incorporated and engaged in governmental and policy-making processes; publicize the
accomplishments of API, as well as their contributions and value to this state; and serve as a bridge between
the API community in Minnesota and mainstream society and institutions.
Focused on the future of our state, The Minnesota Humanities Center brings the unique resources of the
humanities to the challenges and opportunities of our times. We work in partnerships across the state to build
thoughtful, literate, engaged citizens. Through the humanities, this Center builds community and brings into
public life the untold stories that deepen our connections to each other.
The Humanities Center engages all Minnesota communities in imagination, creativity, and innovation toward a
vital and prosperous future. Through partnerships with schools and community members the Humanities
Center works to increase academic achievement for all. The Humanities Center also builds the capacity of
partner organizations to conduct high-quality and meaningful programs for the public, and creates and
provides vibrant and engaging public programs that support community decision-making.
During the 2011 Legislative session, the Minnesota State Legislature asked the
Minnesota Humanities Center to award competitive grants to the Council on Asian
Pacific Minnesotans, the Council on Black Minnesotans, the Minnesota Indian
Affairs Council, and the Chicano Latino Affairs Council. Competitive grants are for
programs and cooperation between the Minnesota Humanities Center and the
grant recipients for community events and programs that celebrate and preserve
artistic, historical, and cultural heritage (Special Session 1: Senate File Chapter 6,
Article 4, Section 2, Subdivision 8).
The Legacy Amendment is a constitutional amendment adopted by Minnesota
voters in November 2008. It raised the state sales tax by 3/8 of 1% for a period of
25 years and dedicated the earned revenue to clean water, parks, outdoor
habitat, and arts and cultural heritage, as established in the Minnesota
Constitution, article XI, section 15. This work is funded with money from the Arts
and Cultural Heritage Fund that was created with the vote of the people of
Minnesota on November 4, 2008.