History Channel-French Revolution-You Tube https://www.youtube

History Channel-French Revolution-You Tube
4:00-Where did Louis XIV build his palace?______________________________________________________
Describe Louis XVI-__________________________________________________________________________
His wedding was a political union between which two countries?_______________________________________
His bride was _________________________________________________________________________________
Was Louis interested in having a child?_____________________________________________________________
8:04 At the time of the wedding, the French people were feeling _________________________________________
The Seven Years War, which Louis had lost, to England, had nearly _______________________________ France.
10:25 What Age do we see forming in France, as the new King takes power _____________________________
11:08-Who is the promising young attorney we meet? ________________________________________________
Around 12:10-Pay close attention to the Three Estates, and Their makeup.
12:20 During the 18th century, thinkers started to use _____________________________________________ to
challenge traditions
12:51 The Enlightenment is a movement that says Don’t _______________________________________________
15:30 Marie Antoinette was obsessed with __________________________________________________________
16:00 Marie’s nickname is _______________________________________________________________________
19:00 Deregulation leads to an increase in the cost of __________________________________________________
19:26 Complaints are written down, and one is leveled at the ____________________________________________
19:50 _________________________________________________________________ is behind these complaints.
20:00 Louis burdens the poor with heavy __________________________________________________________
21:00 In addition to political unrest, France is faced with a great ________________________________________
21:30 Under Louis’ financial mismanagement, the cost of flour ________________________________________
The cost of a loaf of bread equals a month’s salary
Riots break out across France
22:20 Louis hirea a finance minister _________________________________ He is popular with the people.
He says the government’s duty is to make sure there is enough bread and grain.
He calls for a meeting of the Estates General
24:05 Robespierre was an eloquent __________________________________________________________
He became a lawyer for the downtrodden
24:49 At the Estates General, he says the nobility and the clergy ___________________________________.
Louis is threatened
The members take the Tennis Court Oath, they want to write a Constitution, forming the National Assembly,
enacting the peoples’ will. It is difficult to take power from the king.
The king gathers troops around Paris
The people form a new National Guard
The people take arms, but they do not have gunpowder.
27:20 They know they can get it in the _____________________, which is a dungeon, a symbol of horror.
27:34 Louis fires Noecker due to being sympathetic to the people.
The people revolt, and gather on July 14.
The people attack the Bastille, which says you cannot get rid of the National Assembly.
30:20 the People tear down the Bastille
31:12 Due top the energy of attacking the Bastille, the people draft the ______________________________
Is the king mentioned in this document?_______________________________
Who holds the power? ____________________________________________________________________
32:05 Robespierre calls for freedom of the press.
35:07 after the Women’s demonstration, people march on ________________________________________
36:00 It’s often said, that as the angry group of women approached the Palace of Versailles, that Marie Antoinette
said “Let them eat cake”. But, our video says that never even happened, because
36:31 Louis _____________________________ the Declaration of the Rights of Man due to these demonstrations.
36:51 The demonstrators demand that the King and Queen ___________________________________________
37:24 Describe what happens when the women invade the palace-______________________________________
The women want the King and Queen in Paris, so that then they can be forced to do what the people of Paris want.
The King and Queen were forced to go back to Paris with the heads of their guards with them
France will now have _________________________________________________________________________
Robespierre earns the nickname “________________________________________________________________”
France is now a constitutional monarchy, where the King must share power with the Assembly.
Louis now wants to regain control.
The King and Queen disguise themselves and leave Paris, heading for Austria, but they are discovered.
The people realized the king betrayed his people.
At the heart of the revolutionary government is Robespierre
44:00 a look at types of killing
The French wanted equality in death and developed a killing machine called the ____________________________,
a decapitating machine
Its nickname is “The National Razor”
There is fear, in the Assembly of an attack led by Austria. Robespierre is afraid.
The Assembly declares war on Austria-Nationalism grows.
Louis is stripped of his authority.
49:31 The Birth of a New Republic can only begin with the death of a _________________________________
50:28-50-The “San Coulette” felt themselves to be __________________________________________________
They seized control of Paris’ government
The war against Prussia and Austria is going poorly, while Robespierre concentrates on internal problems, locking
up many people.
The San Coulette seize control of Paris government.
The National Assembly changes Its name to the Convention
The Revolutionary government arrests those it feels to be a threat. Priests, journalists.
George D’Antoine, the Minister of Justice wants men to join the war on the frontier.
52:20 He appeals for the people to be ______________________________________________________________
52:52 Paris is now defenseless
A call is put out for revolutionary citizens to descend on the prisons, and kill the prisoners.
53:52 The San Coulette invade the prisons, killing everyone. They started carrying out their own trials, resulting in
Robespierre becomes the leader of the Revolution.
55:40 France decides to put the King on trial-there is no chance of a constitutional monarchy.
56:40Was the King guilty of treason, of betraying his country?
He is sentenced to die.
58:00 the killing of the King
Victory for the revolutionaries
The French Republic is born in blood
1:00 Marat, the journalist, who has been calling for executions is critical of the leadership of the Revolution
1:01 the people are sick and tired of the killing
He is stabbed by a woman.
1:05:15 Among the things that happen to Marie after Louis’ execution, include that her
1:06:07 Marie is put on ____________________________ for _______________________________
1:07:15 What is Marie’s fate? _________________________________________________________
Many other countries want to carve up France. Port taken, invasion by France and Prussia
Robespiere and DAntoine decide on a new form of martial law to preserve the Revolution.
1:12 It is a period of violent repression called _____________________________________________
The constitution is ___________________________________________________________________
Anyone suspected of being against the revolution is sent to the _______________________________
1:12:56 People could be killed for not using the more formal way of addressing another , with
Everyone is paranoid. Neighbors turn in neighbors. Police spies were everywhere.
A special court is set up to speed up executing, and a 12 member tribunal, called the
They ruled France like a dictatorship.
1:15:25 “_____________________________” is proposed, due to the root of all problems being priests.
Marat is determined to be the saint of the Revolution. Churches are trashed.
1:18 We meet a new military leader, Napoleon Bonaparte
Robespierre appeals for the people to become virtuous, through terror.
DAntoine feels it’s time to stop the terror.
Robespierre feels DAntoine is a traitor, sentenced to death
1:22 France is thrust into an even worst era, called “__________________________________________________”
Robespierre declares a new holiday, in honor of The Supreme Being.
He delivers a speech of threats.
He is arrested and removed from the Convention.
Robespierre tries to kill himself.
Robespierre is killed.
No one can figure out how to end the Terror, and he is killed.
The Terror dies, but the Revolution does not.
France enters a period of uncertainty. Power goes to Napoleon Bonaparte.