Chapter 23, Section 2 World History / Reign of Terror

Revolution Brings Reform and
Section 2
Pages 656-661
• Explain how the National Assembly changed
France’s government.
• Summarize the positions of the three factions
that tried to govern France.
• Explain how war and the king’s execution
affected the Revolution.
• Describe the events and the aftermath of the
Reign of Terror.
• Why do people obey government?
The Assembly Reforms France
• Peasants were fearful, but they were not the only
parts of French society that were scared the officers
of the Church and nobles.
• The Rights of Man: late August of 1789, the
National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the
Rights of Man and of the Citizen. This document
reflected the ideals of the American Declaration of
Independence. Revolutionary leaders adopted the
expression “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” as their
mantra. When Olympe de Gouges published the
declaration of the rights of women, her ideas were
not accepted and she was declared an enemy of the
Revolution and executed.
• A State Controlled Church: The Assembly took over
the Church’s lands and declared Church officials and
priests were to be elected and be paid as state
officials. The Catholic church lost its lands and
political power. The reasons for the assembly’s
action was economic in nature. The money from the
sale of the lands were to pay of France’s huge debt.
• The peasant population was concerned over the
Enlightenment philosophy of controlling the church.
The peasants believed the pope should rule over the
church independently. From this point forward the
peasants opposed the assembly’s reforms.
• Louis Tries to Escape: The National Assembly
worked on restructuring the church and state.
The king was wondering what was going to
happen to the monarch. Many of the advisors to
the monarch felt that France was unsafe and left
the country. June, 1791 the king and his family
tried to escape to Austria and almost made it.
The family was caught and returned to Paris in
which his fate was sealed.
Divisions Develop
• A Limited Monarchy: September, 1791 the National Assembly
developed a new constitution in which Louis approved. In the
constitution it created a constitutional monarchy and created a
Legislative Assembly: this body would create laws and approve
or reject declarations of war. The king still had executive
authority to enforce laws.
• Factions Split France: With a new government problems still
existed such as food shortages and large government debt.
Legislative Assembly is divided into three areas; Radicals on the
left side-opposed the idea of the monarchy and sweeping
changes in government; Moderates in the center and wanted
some changes in government; Conservatives were on the right
side –idea of limited monarchy and wanted some changes in
• Emigres: these were nobles who had fled and
wanted to end the Revolution and restore the
Old Regime.
• Sans-culottes or “those without knee breeches”:
unlike the upper classes who wore knee length
pants, the sans-culottes wore regular trousers.
The group did not play a role in the assembly, but
had influence on the streets of Paris
War and Execution
• Monarchs and nobles wanted to put down any revolt in
other countries in Europe. Austria and Prussia urged the
French to restore the monarchy. The Legislative Assembly
chose to declare war in April, 1792.
• France at War: Prussian forces moved towards Paris
threatening to destroy the city if any harm came to the
monarch and his family. This threat angered the people of
Paris and they invaded the palace and imprisoned the
royal family.
• September Massacre: The people of Paris stormed the
local prison killing prisoners and many nobles, priests, and
royalist supporters were killed during this time.
• The radicals in the streets pressured the
Legislative Assembly set aside the Constitution of
1791 and declared the king deposed and
dissolved the assemble and called for the
election of a new government.
• The National Convention: new governing body
took office and abolished the monarchy. They
declared France a republic. Adult male citizens
were granted the right to vote and hold office.
Women were not given the right to vote.
Jacobins Take Control: September, 1792- many
were members of a radical political group known
as the Jacobins .
Jean-Paul Marat: he edited a newspaper during
the revolution called Friend of the People. In his
editorials he called for the death of those who
supported the king.
George Danton: lawyer and excellent speaker who
supported the poor of Paris.
• January 21, 1793- The National Convention tried
Louis XVI for treason and sentenced him to death.
His role had been reduced to common citizen. He
was walked up the steps to the
• Guillotine –a machine in which beheaded its victims.
• The Terror Grips France:
• Maximilien Robespierre: was a Jacobin leader who
slowly rose to power. He wanted to build a “republic
of virtue” wiping out all of France’s past. Churches
were closed due to being to religious and dangerous.
• Reign of Terror: July, 1793 Robespierre became
the leader of the Committee of Public Safety. He
ruled as a dictator and protect the Revolution
from its enemies. Enemies were tried and
guillotined all in one day. Marie Antoinette was
beheaded for being an enemy. It has been
estimated that at least 40,000 people were
beheaded, mainly peasants, urban poor or
middle class.
End of the Terror
• July, 1794- fearing for there own safety members of
the National Convention turned on Robespierre.
They arrested and executed Robespierre on July 28,
1794. The radical phase of the French Revolution
had ended.
• 1795: People had grown weary of the Terror, the
high prices of bread and other life’s necessities.
• The National Convention became moderate and
created a two-body legislature and a five man
executive body known as the Directory. It was not
perfect and some became rich. It gave the country a
time of order.