SMART Objective - West Orange-Cove Consolidated Independent

West-Orange Cove CSD
The Third six
weeks has 38
days 1/3 –
1/3 – 1/4 Bad
Weather days
1/7 Staff
1/21 Holiday
2/15 Early
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
Major Concepts
During week 1, students will continue to explore and
understand the role of natural events in altering Earth
systems. Students learn how interactions in solar, weather,
and ocean systems create changes in weather patterns and
During week 2-4, students will learn and understand that the
Earth, Sun and Moon move in cyclical patterns
During week 5, students will learn and understand the
components of the universe.
During week 6, students will learn and understand
characteristics of the universe.
During week 7, students will learn how scientific theories
explain the origin of the universe
2012 - 2013
Construct models and identify their limitations when constructing models of
the Earth and Sun relationship as it relates to seasons.
Use models to represent aspects of the natural world in 3D model of the
lunar cycle, and identify its advantages and limitations
Use appropriate tools to collect, record, and analyze information
Use models to represent aspects of the natural world such as an atom, a
molecule, space, or a geologic feature
Implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making
observations, asking well-defined questions, and using appropriate
equipment and technology
Construct tables and graphs to organize data and identify patterns; and
Analyze data to formulate reasonable explanations, communicate valid
conclusions supported by the data, and predict trends.
During week 8, students will review concepts learned or
teachers have the option to adjust their lessons from week 3 – 7
by adding 1 day as a review or, based on classroom data, to
make sure students master the learning objective for the week.
In order to use time, resources, and hold students accountable for their own learning, we must agree to continue using:
Notebooking. Also, remember to refer back to files sent during the first six weeks to expand on the use of notebooks in the science classroom.
SMART objective posted and used daily. For example, the TEKs for the lesson (week or weeks) is….
o Model and illustrate how the tilted Earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night, and revolves around the Sun causing changes in seasons. 8.7A
o The SMART objective for the 2nd week may be written in the following way,
Today, we (or I, based on preference) will model and illustrate how Earth is tilted on an axis and revolves around the sun, causing
changes in the seasons by using the Seasons presentation to support students in better understanding how Earth’s tilt, direct sunlight, and
Earth’s movement around the sun are the reasons for the season.
The next day, the underlined part of the objective may change for the next part of the lesson such as Today, we (or I, based on preference) will
model and illustrate how Earth is tilted on an axis and revolves around the sun, causing changes in the seasons by participating,
understanding, and explaining the Seasons Lab.
Developing Effective Science Lessons. During the first semester, we explored how to develop effective science lessons by referring to Figure 1.1, from Designing
Effective Science Instruction: What Works in Science Classrooms. As we continue to engage students in the learning of science, we will focus on providing
adequate time and structure for sense-making and wrap-up; enhancing the development of students’ understanding and problem solving through teacher’s
questioning; providing a classroom culture in which the climate encourages students to generate ideas and questions; and having a quality classroom culture where
intellectual rigor, constructive criticism, and challenging of ideas are evident (p.4).
Creating a Positive Learning Environment. At the beginning of the school year, we presented Table 4.1, from Designing Effective Science Instruction: What Works in
Science Classrooms, showing how to create a positive learning environment. During these fourth six weeks, we will explore the third strategy presented in this book.
Strategy 3: Develop Positive Attitudes and Motivation – Develop positive student attitudes and motivation to learn science p.150 - 160.
Using technology and interactive games to support student engagement.
Collaborative grouping
Formative assessment in science and other formative assessment strategies that will work depending the needs of your class(once you are in the page, click on
each formative assessment strategy to get more details)
West-Orange Cove CSD
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
2012 - 2013
Use of the 5E scientific model:
o Engage
o Explore
o Explain
o Elaborate
o Evaluate
Using a rubric or a criteria chart generated with the students, go over the expectations in the science lab as it concerns to safety, active participation, homework,
research and other projects.
Week 1
January 3 - 11
Learning Standards
Earth and space. The
student knows that
climatic interactions exist
among Earth, ocean, and
weather systems. The
student is expected to:
Recognize that the Sun
provides the energy that
drives convection within
the atmosphere and
oceans, producing winds
and ocean currents. 8.10A
Identify how global
patterns of atmospheric
movement influence local
weather using weather
maps that show high and
low pressures and fronts.
Identify the role of the
oceans in the formation of
weather systems such as
hurricanes. 8.10C
Students identify the role of natural events in altering
Earth systems. Students learn how interactions in solar,
weather, and ocean systems create changes in weather
patterns and climate.
Solar energy, radiant energy, conduction, convection,
specific heat, ocean, convection currents, wind,
upwelling, prevailing winds atmosphere, ocean
currents, density, land breeze, sea breeze, high
pressure, low pressure, fronts
Due to the complexity of content and having 38 days in
the 4th six weeks, these lessons continue from the 3rd
six weeks.
ENGAGE students daily by
Brainstorming with your class to elicit their ideas
about the wind and what causes it to blow. Ask
them to tell you if they have noticed any trends.
What direction is the wind blowing when they walk
to school? When they walk home?
Products, Projects, Labs
Use the following lessons
to support students’
understanding and
knowledge by using
Science Starter 50
Catastrophic Events
Science Starter 64
Science Starter 65
Water Cycle
Science Starter 91
convection , and
Gateways 8th grade Unit 5
Lesson 1 Unequal Heating
in the Oceans
T.E 362 - 368
Students will participate in
this lesson to recognize that
the Sun provides the energy
that drives convection,
producing ocean currents.
Use RM 1 – 3 in CD or
Unequal Heating, Winds,
and Air Pressure SMART
Notebook File
Students will design a
model to show how
air moves from a high
(cold) pressure area
to a low (warm)
pressure area.
Discovery Education
Ocean Oasis
Reviewing about solar energy, water cycle and the
transfer of heat using annotated student drawings
or commit and toss
Middle School Portal
Geography for Kids
Watching Heat and Weather: How energy from the
sun affects the weather and discussing how the
uneven heating of the earth by the sun creates our
weather. Students will recognize that convection is
the movement of heat in the air and that the
Gateways 8th grade Unit 5
Lesson 2 Winds and Air
T.E 369 - 394
Students will participate in
this lesson to investigate
winds and areas of high and
low pressure. Use RM 5 –
15 in CD or Unequal
Heating, Winds, and Air
Pressure SMART Notebook
Research El Niño and La
Niña and how they cause
Students will use the
sequencing cards to
show their
understanding of how
wind forms.
Reflection –
Students will describe
how the uneven
heating of Earth’s
surface and oceans
affects air. Students
will include
illustrations and the
importance of air
convections to Earth’s
West-Orange Cove CSD
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
oceans retain and release heat through
evaporation and condensation.
Collecting daily weather data and recording it in a
weather table. Students will analyze the data at
the end of the weather lessons. Students will make
an anemometer and a barometer.
Interacting of the Wind PowerPoint presentation to
have a better understanding of the relationship
between air pressure and wind.
Teachers will facilitate students’ learning and discovery
to reinforce skills and concepts
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN- Teacher will demonstrate
convection current in a fish tank for students to
observe convection as a result of differentiated
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN – Teacher will guide
students in dramatizing high and low pressure to
have students better understand the type of
weather related to high and low pressure systems.
2012 - 2013
changes in the weather.
West-Orange Cove CSD
Week 2
January 14 – January 18
Learning Standards
Earth and space. The
student knows the effects
resulting from cyclical
movements of the Sun,
Earth, and Moon. The
student is expected to:
model and illustrate how
the tilted Earth rotates on
its axis, causing day and
night, and revolves around
the Sun causing changes
in seasons. 8.7A
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
Axis, seasons, equator, rotation, revolution, tilt,
hemispheres, orbit, equinox, solstice
ENGAGE students daily by
Showing students a PowerPoint Presentation of
various pictures of the Earth. Then, students write
what they think they already know about daytime,
nighttime, and what causes them to occur and
change. Also, students write down any questions
they have about daytime, nighttime, and what
causes them to occur and change as
well as what they would like to learn.
Use the following
lessons to support
students’ understanding
and knowledge by using
Science Starter 62
Discovery Education
Watching the video clip The Sun at Different Times
of the Day in order to discuss the causes of day and
The Universe Cycle
Brainstorming with students the various
characteristics for each season. Teacher may
assign seasons to each table and then present to
the class.
Teacher Domain
Analyzing the pictures presented in Which Season
Is It? and using the questions as scaffold for
students’ discussions.
Watching the video clip Seasons and discussing
how the tilt of the Earth as it revolves around the sun
is the reason for our seasons.
Teachers will facilitate students’ learning and discovery
to reinforce skills and concepts
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN- Teacher will support
students as they participate in Exploring Rotation on
the Earth’s Axis.
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN – Teacher will guide students
in Seasons to support students in better
understanding how Earth’s tilt, direct sunlight, and
Earth’s movement around the sun are the reasons
for the season.
2012 - 2013
Earth’s Rotation, Tilt,
Orbit and Phases of the
Notebook File
Products, Projects, Labs
Gateways 8th grade Unit 4
Lesson 5 Movements
Through Space
T.E 293 - 304
Students will participate in
this lesson to demonstrate
the cause and effects of the
cyclic movement of Earth.
Gateways 8th grade Unit 4
Lesson 6 Seasons
T.E 305 - 318
Students will participate in
this lesson to model and
illustrate how Earth is tilted
on an axis and revolves
around the sun, causing
changes in the seasons.
A second grade
class thinks that the
seasons are caused
by the Sun being
closer to the
Earth in Spring and
Summer and farther
away in the Fall and
Students will make a
handout for the
students to show
why the above
statement is not true
and what really
causes the seasons.
Make sure students
include diagrams.
Students will create a poster
or a poem/song displaying
their understanding of
Earth’s rotation on its axis
causing Day and Night.
Reflection –
Why is it winter in
Australia when it is
summer in the
United States?
Students will create a poster
or a poem/song displaying
their understanding of how
Earth revolves around the
Sun causing changes in the
How would you
explain why North
America is warmer in
summer and colder
in winter?
(Remember, Earth is
about the same
distance from the
Sun all year long —
seasons are not
caused by Earth's
distance from the
West-Orange Cove CSD
Week 3
January 22 - January 25
Learning Standards
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
Earth and space. The
student knows the effects
resulting from cyclical
movements of the Sun,
Earth, and Moon. The
student is expected to:
full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter (last quarter),
waning crescent, new moon, waxing crescent, first
quarter, waxing gibbous, lunar = moon, revolving,
rotating, reflect, lunar cycle, lunar/moon phases
demonstrate and predict
the sequence of events in
the lunar cycle. 8.7B
ENGAGE students daily by
Showing the class a diagram of the Earth, Sun and
Moon relationship. In groups have them write an
explanation to determine the relationship of the
three bodies.
Asking the students and allowing time to do table
talk or think-pair-share, “Have you noticed that the
moon changes shape each time you see it? Why
does the moon change shape?”
Watching the movie clip Moon Phases and
discussing how during the 29 days it takes the moon
to orbit the Earth, the moon appears to change
shape from one day to the next. Students will know
that these shapes are known as the phases of the
Watching and singing Phases of the Moon Rap.
Use a projector to make sure students are able to
follow along with the lyrics. This is a very interactive
way to engage students and reinforce phases of the
moon daily.
Selecting a student’s birthday and finding how the
moon looked like during that particular day. Use
StarDate to display the approximate moon phases.
How are scientists able to predict the phase of the
moon in the next month? Year?
Teachers will facilitate students’ learning and discovery
to reinforce skills and concepts
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN- Using this interactive moon
phase link to examine for each phase how the view
from Earth is related to the view from space.
Use the following
lessons to support
students’ understanding
and knowledge by using
Science Starter 61
Phases of the
Science Starter 63
2012 - 2013
Products, Projects, Labs
Gateways 8th grade Unit 4
Lesson 7 Moon Phases
T.E 319 - 339
Students will demonstrate
and predict sequences of
events in the lunar cycle
Students will create a poster
or a model to describe and
explain the lunar cycle.
Discovery Education
Earth’s Rotation, Tilt,
Orbit and Phases of the
Notebook File
Phases of the Moon Daily
Log and Flip Book
Project: Students will make
observations and record the
phases of the moon and
then create a flip book.
Tell the students that
they are moon.
Students will write a
narrative of their
month long journey
through the various
If necessary, show
the students the
following example.
West-Orange Cove CSD
Week 4
January 28 – February 1
Learning Standards
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
Earth and space. The
student knows the effects
resulting from cyclical
movements of the Sun,
Earth, and Moon. The
student is expected to:
full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning
crescent, new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter,
waxing gibbous, lunar = moon, revolving, rotating,
reflect, tidal bulge, spring tide, neap tide, net force
relate the position of the
Moon and Sun to their
effect on ocean tides.
ENGAGE students daily by
Using this video showing the highest tides in the
world at Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick,
Canada. Before students begin to watch, tell them to
keep in mind the following questions, “What do you
see happening with the water?” and “What might
cause the water to move?”
Using Annotated Students Drawings or Commit and
Toss, students will produce a brief explanation of
what they know about tides. Have them watch the
tide video; revise and discuss what students
originally thought and develop a class definition for
the term tide.
Watching the video segment The Moon and the
Tides and discussing how tides are produced by the
pull of gravity from the moon. Students will learn that
tide levels may vary by several feet depending on
the depth of the water and the surface features.
Showing the students the interactive link of spring
and neap tides. Using Think-Pair-Share or Table
Talk, students will be able to discuss what they see
happening in the clip. Each group will come up with
an explanation of what they see and share out with
the class.
Teachers will facilitate students’ learning and discovery
to reinforce skills and concepts
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN- Teacher will support student’
understanding of the production of tides using this
animated interactive site. Students will see how the
motion of the Earth creates inertial forces that
combine with the gravity of the moon and sun to
produce ocean tides on our planet.
Discovery Education
Earth’s Rotation, Tilt,
Orbit and Phases of the
Notebook File
2012 - 2013
Products, Projects, Labs
Gateways 8th grade Unit 4
Lesson 8 Tides
T.E 340 - 359
Students will participate in
this lesson to relate the
position of the moon to its
effect on high and low tides
and the position of the moon
and sun to their effect on
spring and neap tides using
models and graphs.
Using the knowledge
acquired during the week as
it relates to tides, students
create a travel brochure to
advertise a trip to The Bay of
Fundy. Students will use the
words from the word wall,
concept wall or students
personal dictionary to
advertise their trip.
Collaborating with the class,
develop a criteria chart and
rubric for students to monitor
and manage their products.
Students will create
a poem, skit, song,
or rap to explain the
causes and
frequency of ocean
tides. Collaborating
with the class,
develop a criteria
chart and rubric to
assess students
Reflection –
The moon has a
special effect on
Earth and our
ocean's tides. With a
partner, students will
write down the best
explanation of how
tides are created.
Use some of the
following vocabulary:
West-Orange Cove CSD
Week 5
February 4 – February 8
Learning Standards
Earth and space. The
student knows
characteristics of the
universe. The student is
expected to:
describe components of
the universe, including
stars, nebulae, and
galaxies, and use models
such as the HerztsprungRussell diagram for
classification. 8.8A
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
Universe, stars, nebulae, galaxies, Hertzsprung Russell
(HR) diagram, asteroid belt, nuclear fusion, blue giant,
main sequence, luminosity, super nova, milky way,
spiral, elliptical, irregular, telescope, big bang theory,
ENGAGE students daily
Showing the presentation A Little Astronomy or
various pictures of the universe found in this PPT
presentation, the students will use Graffiti Writing to
write down the various things students notice and/or
wonder as it relates to the universe.
recognize that the Sun is
a medium-sized star near
the edge of a disc-shaped
galaxy of stars and that
the Sun is many
thousands of times closer
to Earth than any other
star. 8.8B
Using the Warm Up Universe PPT as bell ringers for
the week to have students practice and spiral
concepts learned.
Discussing the following questions, “What can
observing stars tell us?” ” When we look into the
night sky we are actually looking into the past. How
do you explain that?”
Watching the segments Galaxies, The Life Cycle of
a Star, Star Color, and Black Matter of the video
Exploring Space: The Universe: The Vast Reaches
of Space in order for students to get a better
understanding of the various components of the
universe and some of its characteristics.
Students will watch the video clip "Tonight’s Sky"
and then write a summary about the components of
the universe that were observed. In this monthly
stargazing guide keeps you informed about
constellations, deep sky objects, planets, and
Teachers will facilitate students’ learning and discovery
to reinforce skills and concepts
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN - In groups of 3 - 5, students will
organize the pictures according to size from least to
greatest. The group will provide an explanation why they
chose the sequence of the pictures. Students will then
2012 - 2013
Products, Projects, Labs
Use the following
lessons to support
students’ understanding
and knowledge by using
Science Starter 47
Galaxies and the
 Science Starter 48
Solar System
 Science Starter
The Sun and Other
Gateways to Science 8th
grade Unit 4 Lesson 3
Components of the
Universe T.E 263 – 274
Students will participate of
this lesson to learn about the
components of the universe.
Students will write a
personal advertisement
for a universe that
includes characteristics
such as the solar
systems, Milky Way and
Discovery Education
Queensland Science
Gateways to Science 8th
grade Unit 4 Lesson 4
Characteristics of Stars
and the HR Diagram T.E
275 – 292
Students will participate of
this lesson to learn about the
characteristics of stars,
including the Sun, and use
models such as the HR
diagram to classify stars
Students create an Objects
in the Universe graphic
organizer to explain the
characteristics of the
components of the universe.
Use the template included or
create own format
Reflection –
Students will write a
reflective writing piece
related to the universe.
Students will follow the
example provided to
create own reflection,
“When I look up at the
West-Orange Cove CSD
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
complete a gallery walk to give feedback on the
information that the students have shared.
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN- Students will conduct a research
using encyclopedias, online databases, and library
books. After this research, video explorations, and
laboratory, students will be able to:
Describe and define components of
the universe (stars, nebulae,
Recognize and explain the types of
galaxies: elliptical (bar), irregular,
and spiral (disc-shaped).
Depending on time, the teacher may opt
to use the Dust and Gases PPT to guide
students in the exploration and learning
of galaxies
Classify stars on the HR diagram.
Depending on time, the teacher may opt
to guide students learning about the
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram as a tool
that shows relationships and differences
between stars. It is something of a
"family portrait." It shows stars of
different ages and in different stages, all
at the same time
Recognize that the Sun is a
medium sized star and the closest
to the Earth.
Students will write a report including key facts
about the universe using the above bullets as a
reference. At the end of the research report,
provide students with notes created by the
teacher using web resources provided by
2012 - 2013
West-Orange Cove CSD
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
The Web sites below are a good starting point for
online research:
Universe, Galaxies, Stars, Solar System
Universe (Wikipedia)
BBC Science and Nature (Space)
Curious About Astronomy? Ask an Astronomer
(Cornell University)
Exploring the Universe (NASA)
Imagine the Universe (NASA)
Universe Forum Learning Resources (Harvard
2012 - 2013
West-Orange Cove CSD
Week 6
February 11 – February 15
Learning Standards
Earth and space. The
student knows
characteristics of the
universe. The student is
expected to:
Crest, trough, wavelength, amplitude, frequency, hertz,
radio waves, speed, electromagnetic waves, period, light
waves, component, spectrum.
ENGAGE students daily in one of the following activities
explore how different
wavelengths of the
electromagnetic spectrum
such as light and radio
waves are used to gain
information about
distances and properties
of components in the
universe. 8.8C
model and describe how
light years are used to
measure distances and
sizes in the universe. 8.8D
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
Guiding Question – by the end of the week, students
should be able to answer this question.
“How do astronomers evaluate different types of
electromagnetic radiation to gather information
about objects in space?”
Products, Projects, Labs
Use the following
lessons to support
students’ understanding
and knowledge by using
Science Starter 34
Gateways to Science 8th
grade Unit 4 Lesson 1
Exploring the
Electromagnetic Spectrum
T.E 236 – 251
Students will participate of
this lesson to explore the
different wavelengths of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Discovery Education
Observing the simulation of a wave on a string and
record observations using previous learning. At the
end of this activity, describe how waves transfer
“energy” without transferring matter.
Using the Wave on a String simulation in the
oscillate mode, students will Think-Pair-Share to
discuss the concept of Frequency. The teacher will
change the frequency box and have students
discuss observations to facilitate students’ learning
related to wave frequency.
Using the Webisode On My Wavelength to learn
more about how putting math and science into
something that we are able to use in our daily lives.
Students will learn how antennas are the eyes and
ears of everything we do, transmitting radio waves
to link our cell phones, TVs, and other electronics.
These radio waves carry energy through the air
between antennas -- sending information like
images and voices.
Students will use the video segment How the
Electromagnetic Spectrum Determines Celestial
Bodies from the video Exploring Stars to find out
more about how some telescopes can view different
bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, including
radio waves, X rays, infrared waves, and ultraviolet
waves. Students will learn how each kind of
telescope can tell different information about
celestial bodies.
2012 - 2013
Geology for Kids
National Defense
Education Program
Gateways to Science 8th
grade Unit 4 Lesson 2
Distances in Space T.E 252
– 262
Students will participate of
this lesson to demonstrate
how light-years measure
distances in space
Students will compare and
contrast mechanical waves,
which REQUIRE a medium
(ex. sound, water, seismic
waves), with electromagnetic
waves (radio, microwaves,
visible light, X‐rays, etc.)
which do NOT require a
Use a large area such as the
schoolyard or football field to
model the distance in light
years of the solar system
from various objects in the
universe. Define a scale
such as 1 inch = 1 light year
Students will create
a concept map
related to the
Waves using the
vocabulary learned
and used during the
Students will write
down how a
large/small boulder
thrown into water
demonstrates parts
of the
spectrum. (Size of
frequency, and size.)
You are an astronaut
and have been
assigned a mission
to explore the space
around Wolf 359.
Your spaceship can
travel at the speed of
light. Wolf 359 is 7.8
light years away from
Earth. How long will
it take you to get
there, and what do
you plan to take with
you on your trip to
keep you occupied
for this amount of
West-Orange Cove CSD
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
Discussing the following question,” What is the
problem with using visible light to take pictures
of space?”
Watching the segment Measuring the Universe from
the video Exploring Space: The Universe: The Vast
Reaches of Space in order for students to get a
better understanding of how the distance in space is
measured in light-years.
Teachers will facilitate students’ learning and discovery
to reinforce skills and concepts
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN- After students have had an
introduction to the electromagnetic spectrum and the
concepts of wavelength and frequency, students will
discover and verify the relationship between
Wavelength and Frequency of the Electromagnetic
Spectrum by conducting the lab What's the
Frequency, Roy G. Biv?. Use Student Worksheet to
guide learning during lab.
2012 - 2013
West-Orange Cove CSD
Week 7
February 18 – February 22
Learning Standards
Earth and space. The
student knows
characteristics of the
universe. The student is
expected to:
research how scientific
data are used as
evidence to develop
scientific theories to
describe the origin of the
universe. 8.8E
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
Law, theory, Big Bang theory, Steady State theory,
Oscillating theory comets, meteorite, asteroids, meteors,
galaxy, compressed, elongated.
ENGAGE daily using one of the following
Asking students, “What evidence do we have that
the universe is in constant change?”
Watching the segment The Big Bang from the video
Exploring Space: The Universe: The Vast Reaches
of Space in order for students to get a better
understanding of The Big Bang theory and how it is
the most established scientific theory of how the
universe began.
It is important to emphasize that the "big bang" was
not an explosion - it was just the time when the
universe started expanding. Have students think
about the differences between the explosion model
and the big bang model. Ask, “How could you tell,
based only on what you can see and measure
from Earth, which model correctly describes our
universe?” Remind students that the process of
deciding between models based on observable
evidence is at the heart of the scientific method
Provide students with a copy of Edwin Hubble’s
discovery; students will discuss this discovery with a
partner or with the group to share the importance of
Hubble’s discovery
Teachers will facilitate students’ learning and discovery to
reinforce skills and concepts
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN – the teacher will facilitate this
activity by guiding students in Big Bang Balloon
creating a simple model using a balloon to learn how
the universe expands over time.
Use the following
lessons to support
students’ understanding
and knowledge by using
Science Starter 82
Theories and Laws
2012 - 2013
Products, Projects, Labs
Gateways to Science 8th
grade Unit 4 Lesson 2
Distances in Space T.E
258 – 261
Students will participate of
the later part of this lesson
to investigate and make a
model of the Big Bang
Discovery Education
Planetarium – The
University of Texas at
This site provides
students the opportunity
to view components of
the universe.
Gateways to science 8th
Students will create a
foldable book to write down
information related to the
theories of the origins of the
universe. Students will draw
a picture or a diagram to
assist in understanding each
Big Bang Theory
Steady State Theory
Oscillating Theory
Create a book without
words (picture book) that
illustrates a theory about
the origin of the
Students will write down
a journal reflection
answering the following
question, “How does the
balloon and the dot
relate to the Universe
and apply to the Big
Bang Theory?”
West-Orange Cove CSD
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
EXPLORE / EXPLAIN – knowing that If a star is
moving closer to us, the light it gives off gets
squeezed together (high frequency), which makes it
appear bluer than it actually is. If the star is moving
away from us (low frequency), the light gets
stretched out, which makes it appear more red than it
really is. If the star is also going faster all the time, or
accelerating, this effect is even greater. Ask, “If the
earth revolves around the sun how do we know if
the stars are moving closer or farther away?”
2012 - 2013
West-Orange Cove CSD
Week 8
February 25 – March 1
Learning Standards
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
 During this week, the teacher
will support students by
reviewing and/or clarifying
any concepts.
 Teachers had the option to
adjust their lessons from
week 3 – 7 by adding 1 day
as a review or based on
classroom data to make sure
students master the learning
objective for the week.
2012 - 2013
Products, Projects, Labs
Students will
work in teams
to demonstrate
of the universe
by answering
questions about
space. Use the
and the
following review
West-Orange Cove CSD
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
2012 - 2013
SMART Objective
In the book, Learning by Doing, P. 126, Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Thomas Many, and Robert Eaker, talk about SMART goals and how
establishing these goals will assist stakeholders in creating a collaborative effort oriented by results.
According to Dufour et al, SMART objectives are Strategic and Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Oriented, Timebound. For our
purposes in the classroom, we will use SMART objectives in the following manner:
Standards-based – use the wording of the TEK
Makes a connection – find a way to connect to everyday situation
Attainable - do students feel they can learn the concept?
Results oriented – how will students know they have learned the concept?
Tell – Students are able to tell what they are learning
The objective does not have to change every day as you write it on the board or keep it in a prominent place. Keep in mind that by posting
the learning objective in this manner and using with the students before, during, and after the lesson then the students will know the what,
how, and why of the learning. Besides, using the standard will support the students learn the vocabulary they are expected to know and
master by the end of the lesson.
West-Orange Cove CSD
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
2012 - 2013
Some Examples of Formative Assessments in Science
(Source: Science Formative Assessments by Page Keeley)
Concept Cartoons
Familiar Phenomenon Probe/
Friendly Talk Probe
(p.85 & 102)
Interest Scale
I Used to Think…Now I Know
KWL (and its variations)
Pass the Question
Popsicle Stick Questioning
Sticky Bars
Terminology Inventory Probe
-cartoon of people sharing their ideas on common, everyday phenomenon/concept
-students choose the cartoon they agree with most and explain their reasoning
-used to assess and address misconceptions, diagnostic
-see: for examples
-a dialogue between characters addressing a concept
-students choose the character they agree with most and explain their reasoning
-used to assess and address misconceptions, diagnostic
-students use sticky notes to indicate their interest in a subject on a low to high scale (e.g. a
thermometer with the heading “How Hot is the Topic?”)
-kinesthetic, student interest
-at the end of a lesson, students reflect and compare what they knew at the beginning of a lesson to
what they know after a lesson
-metacognition, assessment as learning
KWL – what I know, what I wonder, what I learned
OWL – what I observed, what I wonder, what I learned
KWLH – KWL + H = how I learned it
-students begin to respond to a question; halfway through, they exchange responses and complete,
modify, or change each other’s responses
-can be done in pairs and then exchanged with another pair
-cooperative learning
-names of students are written on a popsicle stick
-pull popsicles sticks for name of student to call on (e.g. for questioning)
-reflection/exit card for a lab activity
-recall (summarize), explain the purpose, results (describe their meaning), uncertainties
(list/describe), new things you learned
-to answer a multiple choice question, students write their responses on a sticky note, hand in to
their teacher, teacher posts answers to show the variety of answers from all students
-diagnostic, metacognition
-give a list of terms to students
-students use a checklist to indicate what they know of a term using a range from “I have never
heard of the this” to “I clearly know what it means and can describe it”
-students revisit the list at the end of learning
-ask students to reveal their understanding by providing a description, drawing a picture, etc.
West-Orange Cove CSD
Traffic Light Cups
A&D Statements
Annotated Student Drawings
Commit and Toss
Concept Card Mapping Concept
Missed Conception
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
2012 - 2013
-“the fitting together of different and apparently irrelevant elements”
e.g. a physical change is like a milkshake because different ingredients are put together and
combined to make something different but each ingredient can still be physically separated
-teacher can assess student’s conceptual understanding of a concept
-link to Marzano’s “identifying similarities and differences” instructional strategy
-red, yellow, and green stackable party cups
-used to signal whether a group does not need help from the teacher (green), needs some feedback
or assistance (yellow), or does not know what to do next (red)
-allows teacher to circulate and differentiate the process based on readiness
Students use A & D Statements to analyze a set of “fact or fiction” statements. In the first part
of A & D Statements, students may choose to agree or disagree with a statement or identify
whether they need more information. In addition, they are asked to describe their thinking
about why they agree, disagree, or are unsure. In the second part of the FACT, students
describe what they can do to investigate the statement by testing their ideas, researching what
is already known, or using other means of inquiry.
“If a picture is worth a thousand words, perhaps drawing and visualizing can help science
students enhance their learning potential” (National Science Teacher Association [NSTA],
2006, p. 20. Annotated Student Drawings are student-made, labeled illustrations that visually
represent and describe student’s thinking about a scientific concept.
Commit and Toss is an anonymous technique used to get a quick read on the different ideas
students have in the class. It provides a safe, fun, and engaging way for all students to make
their ideas known to the teacher and the class without individual students being identified as
having “wild” or incorrect ideas. Students are given a question. After completing the question,
students crumple their paper up into a ball and, upon a signal from the teacher, toss the paper balls
around the room until the teacher tells them to stop and pick up or hold on to one paper.
Students take the paper they end up with the share the ideas and thinking that are described
on their “caught” paper, not their own ideas.
Card Mapping is a variation on the familiar strategy of concept mapping (Novak, 1998). Instead of
constructing their own concept maps from scratch, students are given cards with the concepts
written on them. They move the cards around and arrange them as a connected web of knowledge.
They create linkages between the concept cards that describe the relationship between concepts.
Moving the cards provides an opportunity for students to explore and think about different linkages.
A Missed Conception is a statement about an object or phenomenon that is based on a commonly
held idea noted in the research on students’ ideas in science. Students are asked to analyze a
statement, describe why some people may believe it is true, describe what one could do to help
someone change his or her “missed conception” in favor of the scientific idea, and reflect on their
own ideas in relation to the statement.
West-Orange Cove CSD
Two-Minute Paper
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
2012 - 2013
The Two-Minute Paper is a quick and simple way to collect feedback from students about their
learning at the end of an activity, field trip, lecture, video, or other type of learning experience.
Students are given two minutes to respond to a predetermined prompt in writing.
West-Orange Cove CSD
8th Grade Science –4th Six Weeks
2012 - 2013
Graffiti Writing
Graffiti Writing is a cooperative learning structure that facilities brainstorming and also doubles
as a group energizer. Each cooperative group of 3 or 4 students is given a piece of chart paper
and different colored markers. Group #1 might have black markers; group #2 green markers,
etc. There needs to be a different color marker for each group so that the teacher can track
each individual group’s contribution. If you have small enough classes you can give each
student a different color marker and track individual performance, but this is not usually
possible. Each group is given a different question, topic, issue, or statement to which they
respond. All students can respond to the same topic but I find it more effective if three or more
different topics are used. For a short time period (3-5 minutes), every group writes their “graffiti”
(words, phrases, statements, pictures) on their particular topic. For example: Your students
have just read the book Who Moved My Cheese; I would use a graffiti sheet for each character
and have students describe these characters with words, phases, and pictures. All students in
the group write on the same piece of chart paper at the same time. It is very important that, as
the teacher you monitor total participation to get the most out of this activity. After about three to
five minutes, the teacher stops the groups and asks each group to pass their graffiti sheets to
the next group. The new group with the sheet reads what has already been written or drawn on
the sheet and adds additional new information. Continue the process until each group’s original
sheet has been returned to them. Once a group has their original sheet back, as a group, they
read all of the contributing comments, discuss them, summarize them, and prepare a brief
presentation to the class as outlined by the teacher. I often have the students categorize the
comments in order to draw conclusions as part of their presentation phase. A specific outcome
must be set by the teacher for the presentation part of this assignment in order for it to be
Graffiti writing works very effectively as an anticipatory set, a closure activity or as an energizer
during any lesson where the generation of ideas or the recall of facts is desired. Please
encourage your students to draw during graffiti writing as this will motivate students who love to
doodle and often are not super productive in your classroom. Also, for extremely large classes
the same lesson can be going on twice in your classroom which will result in two groups
presenting on the same topic at the end. This keeps both groups and the scope of the lesson
appropriate in size and depth.