Day 8 Properties of Metals Lab Journal Set up

Date of entry – each new day needs to be dated (1)
Lab Partners – Green Group (1)
Properties of Metals Lab (centered at top, labeled rest as PML)) (1)
Question (each heading must be written in the left margin) – This is the question that you will be investigating in the lab.
What are the general physical and chemical properties of metals? (1)
Knowledge Probe – Research the following terms/questions. Restate the question being asked in your answer and
provide the answer using complete sentences in your journal. Each entry must include a citation of where the
information was located – be sure it is a trust worthy and reliable site. (10 pt total – 1 pt/question, 2 pts for citing
source and writing in complete sentences.)
Define physical properties and include examples.
Define chemical properties and include examples.
Describe the observations/changes that will signify that a chemical change has occurred.
Define luster.
Define malleable and ductile. Be sure to discuss how these terms are similar and different.
Define brittle.
Define conductive. Describe the two things that can be conducted.
What does oxidation do to the surface of a metal? How can the oxidation be removed?
Prediction – develop an if, then because statement. (3 pts)
Investigation Plan – cut and paste in the given plan, initial over the edge of what is pasted in so if removed one will only
see ½ an initial. (1)
Use the elements in the envelope provided to complete the following steps
1. Observe each sample individually and describe it with enough detail that can be picked out of a basket. Be sure
to include the color, texture, luster, malleability, ductility and brittleness.
2. Run a magnet passed each sample. Record the results.
3. Touch the conductivity tester to each sample. Be sure to have good contact; it may need to hold the wires to
the sample with finger. Record these observations including the intensity of the light.
4. Return the samples to the envelope
Use the element samples provided in the jars. Only one piece or a small amount is necessary.
5. Place a small amount of each element into separate wells of the spot plate.
6. Using the provided squirt bottles, add a small amount of water to each sample. Record the observations.
7. Place a piece of paper towel on top of the spot plate and flip upside down. Allow the paper towel to absorb the
water. Once absorbed, flip the spot plate over again with the paper towel still on top. Adjust the samples to
make sure they return to separate cells.
8. Add a couple of drops of hydrochloric acid to each spot plate. Record the immediate observations, then wait 5
minutes and record observations again.
9. Dump the samples into the trash. Be sure NO metal samples go in the sink or down the drain. Rinse the spot
plate and return the lab to its proper condition.
Observations – cut and paste in given table; initial over the edge of what is pasted in so if removed one will only see ½
an initial. When in the lab, complete with detailed qualitative observations. (8pts – 1 pt/metal and 1 pt for identifying
physical vs chemical correctly)
Date of entry – each new day needs to be dated (1)
Lab Partners – Green Group (1)
Table 1: Physical and Chemical Properties of Select Metals
Metal Appearance
Change with H2O
Change with Acid
P or C
Data Analysis – (9pt total)
Summarize the results of each property, include a percentage for how many of the metals displayed this
property – show your work for this. (0.5 pt/property)
Describe the common color.
Describe the general texture.
Describe the general luster
Describe the general malleability.
Describe the general ductility.
Describe the general brittleness.
Describe the general conductivity.
Describe the general magnetism.
Describe the general effect of water.
Describe the general effect of acid.
Obtain data from other lab stations. Discuss the similarities and difference between your data and
theirs. Be sure to note who you compared with including the date and time. (1 pt for each
Research the physical properties of metals; find two reliable sources, cite them. Discuss the
similarities and differences between your data and what you found online. (1 pt for each source)
Take a moment to reflect on the data you have collected. Does it make sense? Do you have questions? Now is
the time to be sure you understand before proceeding.
Explanation – Explain your findings in a well-written paragraph, past tense and third person. (10)
First sentence should be your claim: The physical properties of metals include… while the chemical
properties of metals include… (2 points)
 Next sentence(s) should provide your evidence. As shown in Table 1, then summarize those
observations. (3 points)
 The next few sentences are your reasoning for why/how you developed your claim. Since 100% of the
metals were …, it was presumed to be a physical property of all metals. Since none of the metals …, it
was concluded the metals do not chemically react ... (3 points)
 Include information from your secondary sources. How does their data support or contradict your
results. (2 points)
Evaluation – Answer the following questions in complete sentences restating the question being asked. This
may be written in paragraph form. (3pts – 0.5 pt/question)
Describe the sources of error.
Describe what should be done differently to obtain better results.
Based on the confidence chart in the lab, explain the level of confidence you have in your findings.
Tell me what surprised you.
Based on the new knowledge you have obtained, what would you like to investigate in the lab now?
Application – What is the affect of sampling size on results? Be sure to cite a source with this and explain what
you found. (2 – affect & source)