SYLLABUS Tulsa Community College, West Campus SPRING 2013 Course: Art 1023-Painting I, Art 1033-Painting II Days: Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00pm-3:40 p.m. Call No.: 22278 and 22281 Section No.: 401/401 Semester Code: 201320 Instructor: Margee Aycock Office Hrs: (not applicable) Contact Information: Evening Operations, 595-8060. TO CONTACT YOUR INSTRUCTOR: Evening Operations, West Campus Office: Evening Operations- Room I-106 Phone: 918-595-8060 TO CONTACT THE DIVISION OFFICE: Division Name: Liberal Arts Office: WC L 144 Phone: 595-8079 TCC Provided Email: TCC provides free email for students Your college email address is automatically entered in your Blackboard courses. All communication from your instructors will be sent to this email address. You will not be able to change your email address in the Blackboard system. The URL for the college e-mail is For a quick response, this instructor most commonly checks her personal email daily: PREREQUISITES FOR THIS COURSE Painting I: Art 1013; Painting II: Art 1023 or the approval of Instructor or Associate Dean COURSE DESCRIPTION Painting I will develop skills in opaque oil painting. Painting II and Watercolor I will continue to develop the student’s skills in opaque painting. Students in both classes will learn composition, drawing, paint mixing, measuring, impressionist style, painting like the masters, glazing, tool handling, use of photoshop,and much more. Students will have the opportunity to work directly from life in still life and portrait paintings and from photographs in landscape paintings. The instructor will teach by example during the first weeks with students following. As the class progresses and students show that they have grasped basic concepts, they will begin to work more independently. Course work may also involve trips to local galleries and museums and class critique. Students will create an online portfolio and blog. One assignment will involve the use of acrylic paints. TEXTBOOKS & SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL There are no required textbooks for these classes. Supplies are as follows: Oil Paints: Specifically Windsor Newton brand Winton 200 ML size. Student grade is preferable and if it says ‘hue’ after the color that is fine too; Alizarin Crimson, Cad. Red, Cad. Orange, Cad. Yellow Light, Yellow Ochre, Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Titanium white, Burnt Sienna. Assortment of boar bristle brushes from ¼” to 1: (feel free to get the cheap ones, 1 16x20 stretched canvas to start with and be prepared to purchase 4-7 more as the semester progresses, Pallet; either purchase or bring a piece of 12 x 16 cardboard that we will cover with freezer paper. A pallet box is optional but saves money in the long run. ** We often purchase paints together as a class which cuts the cost down from around $100 to around $10-15. I have you covered for the first few classes. Course Name Syllabus Page 1 GENERAL EDUCATION GOAL STATEMENT The General Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa Community College have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry them successfully through their work and their personal lives. General Education Goals relevant to this course include critical thinking and effective communication. Students should be able to demonstrate the ability to problem solve during the painting process, and effectively communicate their ideas to canvas. Art 1023, Art 1033 Course Name Syllabus Spring 2010 Submitted: 1/7/10 Page 1 Page 2 COURSE OBJECTIVES To introduce students to basic and intermediate oil painting techniques, to have a fun, successful painting experience, complete several paintings and to gain skills needed for independent painting. Students will also gain knowledge in using photoshop and will learn how to create their own art blog. TEACHING METHODS Teaching methods include demonstration, lecture and lots of hands-on painting. Students wishing to see samples of the instructor’s work may visit her blog at or her ebay gallery at There are also some teaching video samples on youtube. ADA POLICY STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Students with documented disabilities are provided academic accommodations through the disABLED Student Resource Center (918-595-7115) or Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (918-595-7428/TDD-TTY 981-595-7434). If any student is in need of academic accommodations from either office, it is the student's responsibility to advise the instructor so an appropriate referral can be made no later than the first week of class. Students may also contact the disABLED Student Services Offices directly at the telephone numbers indicated. ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED UNLESS APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED TO THE DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES OFFICES TO SUPPORT THE NEED. ASSIGNMENTS Each assignment will require the student to demonstrate ability in the following areas: composition, drawing and measuring skills, design, color mixing, brush work, and problem solving. Assignments may include two still life, one landscape, one self-portrait, one copy of a master, four object paintings, a finished portfolio and resume, and one final. Most of the work will be completed in class. There is very little homework for this class. Painting II students may have the opportunity to create their own assignments in painting and may work independently instead of following the teacher’s demonstration with ok of the instructor. All assignments in Painting II must be ok’d by the instructor before beginning. EVALUATION TECHNIQUES Students will earn their grade in this course by accumulating points from the following sources: Five-six completed paintings Possible 100 points each Final 50 points Portfolio/resume 50 points Blog 50 points Pop assignments 50 points Total possible points for the semester: 750 points GRADING SCALE: 89.5% - 100% = A 79.5% - 89.4% = B 69.5% - 79.4% = C 59.5% - 69.4% = D Below 59.5% = F Grades will be posted on Blackboard. MAKE-UP AND LATE ASSIGNMENTS POLICY All assignments are due on the specified due dates unless you have a different agreement with the instructor. ATTENDANCE Because much of this class is demonstration, it is important for the student to be on time and avoid absences. Demonstrations will not be repeated. A pop quiz cannot be made up. If you are absent on the day of the quiz you will have a zero for the quiz. You will be allowed to drop one quiz grade from final grade calculations however. Your success in this class hinges on your ability to see and follow the instructor’s demonstrations. Failure to show Course Name Syllabus Page 3 up for class severely limits your possibilities for success in this class. Makeup work counting 25 points will be assigned for any absences. INCLEMENT WEATHER Listen to television and radio stations for announcements of school closings. If TCC is not included in the list of closings, TCC classes will be held. INSTITUTIONAL STATEMENT Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, TCC Student Handbook, TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook, and semester information listed in the Class Schedule. CLASS ROOM ETIQUETTE Students will refrain from using cell phones in class. There will be several breaks if such calls are necessary. Students will be responsible for cleaning their area before leaving each day. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES, AGENDA, AND/OR COURSE OUTLINE) The instructor may change the assignment schedule AT ANY TIME by verbal or written notification in class. Course Withdrawal: The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed ¾ the duration of any class. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for the deadline that applies to the course (s) . Begin the process with a discussion with the faculty member assigned to the course. Contact the Advisement Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course (W grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Withdrawal and or change to an audit from a course after the drop/add period can alter the financial aid award for the current and future semesters. Students may receive and outstanding bill from TCC if the recalculation leaves a balance due to TCC. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of F, which may have financial aid consequences for the student. Course Name Syllabus Page 4