Associated Students of the University of Washington Bothell UW1-361 11/02/10 3:45-5:45pm Minutes 3:52pm Call Meeting to Order 3:55pm Note Attendance: Amira Davis Maryam Soomro Ali Bulzomi Lidia Tadesse Eric Chan George-excused tardy Action Items Approve meeting minutes-Motion to be approved by Maryam, seconded by Ali Committee Reports (Amira)-Motion that committee reports be added to agenda by Ali, seconded by Maryam-Passes unanimously Campus Art Advisory Committee (Amira)Maryam motioned to have Lidia Tadesse Parking Space: and Sam shupe to sit on this committee, Run down seconded by Eric- passes unanimously Printer status Informational Items Student of the Month Award (Ali) o Who received it?-Sean Alley o Advertising- Ali will make sure it is done by Thursday, Lidia Will help in Advertise Legislative Reception (Eric) o Seattle-Dec 8th 7 to 9 PM WalkerAmes room, Each campus will be splitting costs of room rental and invitations, Seattle WSA to pay for food, email questions to Eric for application for students to attend the reception by Friday, Revisions for invitation to be sent to Eric by 7pm tonight - Eric to set up a date for Legislative reception training day with Kelly o UWB hosting one? - Eric will be attending CEB meeting to discuss today Husky Huddle (Ali) - email Ali of questions for Husky huddle survey by this Sat. -Date for November- 7:30 8:15 pm Nov 23rd (Attending is Marayam, Eric, Ali, Amira, Lidia) and Nov 24th 10:30 to 11:30 (Attending is Eric 10:30 to 10:50, Amira @ 10:50, Marayam, Ali, Lidia) Holly (Ali) o appearance request update o meeting with George and Lane ASUWB Meeting Agenda 11/02/10 5:00pm Bylaws (Amira)-Amira will send out bylaws by tomorrow, edits need to be emailed out to Amira by Sunday evening, Amira will then send out the revised version, members will have the next week to look over them. Approval of the bylaws will be done on Nov.16th meeting Cram Nights (Amira)- Fundraising and finding funds for Cram Nights Report outs (Amira)- Motion by Lidia to have report outs sent to Amira every week by end of meeting day, seconded by Eric, passes unanimously Printer status update (George)-parking garage Veterans’ Day events (Amira)- SVA working with Bastyr to provide food for BBQ Instead of ASUWB planting flags on the morning of Nov. 8th we will ne collaborating with SVA to plant a flag for your loved one Motion by Maryam for ASUWB to co-sponsor veterans day BBQ for $200, Seconded by Ali, passes unanimously Lidia create flyers for the receptions and speakers Chancellor’s Town Hall (Amira) o December 8, 9:30-10:30am Report Out President: -Met Steve Tatge who is project manager for phase 3 -Attended focus groups for phase 3 -Attended SFAC meeting -Met with George in changing SAEF application to catalyst application -Met with all team members -Met with Sean Alley SVA president -Attended Tri-campus meeting -Coordinating for Veterans day reception -Compiled weekly agenda -Complied report out of ASUWB for tri-campus meeting -Will send out invitations from ASUWB to students for Veterans Day reception Vice President: -Attended leadership conference -SFAC committee meeting -Contacted Vals palace message for discounts -Sent out n-ball for new SeaPac discount -Fliers for discounts -veterans Day invitations for city counsel -Get out and Vote promotion- talked to students in the commons -Thank you cards for presidential forum -Spoken to Lane about additional cashier- do students think we need a second cashier? -Spoke with Elizabeth Goldstein about new layouts in cafeteria Director or Student Advocacy -Worked with Lidia and Eric to organize promotions and created template -Went to event with Holly at leadership conference - Attended Tri-campus and received contact info for husky pride scholarship -Meeting with George to discuss Holly appearance form -Promoted elections and spoke to students in the commons -SMA compiled votes from group Director of Public Relations -Put up holly request form on UWB website - Promoted for students to apply for Tec fee via message board -Created and distributed posters for Husky Huddle survey results -Met with Marilyn Cox- Discussed best ways to advertise upcoming projects. -Created face book event for voter registration/ ASUWB get out and vote -Attended Tri-campus meeting ASUWB Meeting Agenda 11/02/10 -Created small size fall posters to distribute to ASUWB supply stations -Advertised ASUWB meeting and last day to vote via twitter and face book -Sent out blurb to advertise for Veterans Day reception and new SeaPac discount through BS times and Wed. update -Advertised Veterans Day reception via Google calendar -In the process of setting up a meeting with Paul-to create veterans logo to be used for Veterans Day event. Setting up a meeting with Kate to discuss best methods of advertising upcoming UWBB, Book store, UW3, and sports field/ student union building -Met with Amira -Revised last meeting minutes 5:30pm Director of Business and Government Relations -Created voters guide -Attended Tri-campus meeting -Attended leadership conference -Updated ASUWB budget -Meeting with CEB about co sponsoring legislative reception at UWB -Met with Seattle and Tacoma leg. Liaisons to discuss legislative reception -Will be updating supply stations with fall hours -Working with Kelly to set up training for leg. Reception -Emailing Megan to discuss WSA Advisor -SAF contingency application will be out Mon nov.8th and will be due Nov. 16 -Hired a graduate assistant -Please add Terry and Andrea to next agenda -Attended the housing program directors meeting in evergreen Close Meeting Dates for the Calendar o Veterans Event- November 8, 4pm o Lox and Noah’s Bagels- BDC event- November 16, 7:30-9am o Cram Nights- Dec 4 & 5, 8pm-1am o Chancellor’s Town Hall – December 8, 9:30-10:30am Next meeting 11/09/10. ASUWB Meeting Agenda 11/02/10