1920s Unit Calendar

The Roaring Twenties
How do clashes between new ideas and traditional values cause conflict and controversy?
How do people react to major cultural change? Is generational conflict inevitable?
What kind of American identity does mass culture create?
Great Migration discussion
Intro to 1920s
Select Characters for 1920s Research
Film: The Century: Boom to Bust (If you
are absent on 11/4, watch the
documentary posted on my website)
HW: HW #2 Reading
HW #3 Reading DUE
1920s Social/Cultural Trends
Computer Lab: Work on Character
HW: HW #2 Reading
Veterans’ Day
No School
HW: Finish Poster; Prepare for
Partner Quiz on 1920s key terms &
Foreign Policy Reading Quiz
HW: HW #1 due Monday
HW #2 Reading DUE
1920s Political/Economic trends
HW: HW #3 Reading
Reading Quiz on 1920s (Open
Character Poster Due
Group Discussions with 1920s
HW: Assigned reading on Great
Homework #1: Read about The Great Migration in The Warmth of Other Suns excerpt
Due Mon., 11/2
 Read the excerpt from The Warmth of Other Suns
 Key terms/concepts to know: Great Migration, Jim Crow laws
 Be able to answer the following questions with specific details for a reading quiz and discuss in class:
1. What was the Great Migration? How did it change America?
2. In what ways were the African-American participants in the Great Migration similar to and different from
immigrations from Europe during this time period?
What is the significance of the Great Migration?
Homework #2: Read pages 412-418 & p. 425-427 (part of Chapter 12)
Due Friday, 11/6
 Key terms/concepts to know: Red Scare, Palmer Raids, Sacco & Vanzetti, “New” KKK, “Return to Normalcy”, quota system,
buying on credit, superficial prosperity
Be able to answer the following questions with specific details for a reading quiz and discuss in class:
1. How were paranoia and intolerance demonstrated in American society in the 1920s?
2. What evidence suggests that the prosperity of the 1920s was not on a firm foundation?
Homework #2: Read p. 435-439, 440-443, & 452-457 (part of Chapter 13)
Due Tues, 11/10
 Key terms/concepts to know: prohibition, fundamentalism, Scopes Trial, flapper, double standard, women’s changing role in society,
Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Jazz
Be able to answer the following questions with specific details for a reading quiz and discuss in class:
1. Why was the prohibition of alcohol largely ineffective in the US during the 1920s?
2. How did religious trends of the 1920s show a conflict between traditional and modern values?
3. How did many women challenge social norms during the 1920s?
4. What was the Harlem Renaissance, and why was it significant?