DurhamCathedralSleepOut Media press Release

Durham Cathedral Sleep Out
Durham Cathedral will play host to a sleep out to help raise awareness of homelessness and recovery
from addiction.
The event, held for the first year in the historic setting, will take place on Friday 11th September and is
organised by Faces & Voices of Recovery UK (FAVOR UK) in partnership with Durham cathedral.
The event seeks to raise awareness of substance use disorders and RECOVERY from addiction. The
Charity Faces and Voices of recovery aim is to celebrate the achievements of individuals in recovery, and
acknowledges the work of prevention, treatment, and recovery service providers.
Each September, and throughout the year, Recovery Month encourages recovery communities worldwide
to spread the message that prevention works, treatment is effective, and Recovery from addiction is a
lived reality in millions of people’s life’s.
We are a policy advocacy movement that is taking on issues of discrimination, social justice and service
We are also a public and professional education movement, intent on challenging stigma. We do this by
delivering messages of hope to the cultures of addiction within our systems and treatment.
Dot Turton CEO OF Hope North East and also Trustee for FAVOR UK said “this event is a fantastic
opportunity to raise awareness of the issues of substance use disorders here in the North East and to
celebrate the progress made by people in recovery, their friends and allies. Substance use disorders in
the North East often go unseen by many, we hope that this historic event and the UK Recovery Walk the
next day can show the impact recovery has on communities and also highlight that there are
organisations like us out there that can support people in getting their lives back on track”.
The Rt Rev Mark Bryant, Bishop of Jarrow, who is speaking at the Conference said “I have seen at first
hand the truly remarkable work happening in the Recovery community in the North East. It is wonderful
that we shall be able to welcome the Recovery Walk to Durham this year and I hope this is going to be a
real celebration of the wonderful and often hidden life of Recovery communities up and down the country”
Spaces are limited so early registration is essential to secure a place. Further information is available on
the Faces & Voice of Recovery UK : at http://www.facesandvoicesofrecoveryuk.org/sleepover-in-durhamcathedral
or register directly through event bright at
Notes to Editors
The UK Recovery Walks were established in 2009 seeking to break the stigma and prejudice of those
who are suffering from substance use disorders across the UK, the charity provides range of services
that contribute to improving the health and wellbeing of families, friends, allies and people in and seeking
recovery so that they become less vulnerable and have the opportunity to improve their chances of
leading happy and productive lives.
Faces & Voices of Recovery UK would be more than happy to provide an interview or addition information
upon request; and reporters are more than welcome to attend the sleepout.
For more details contact:
Annemarie Ward (CEO) Faces & Voices of Recovery UK on 0141 946 2710 – 07727 255 808