Addiction Vulnerability - Child

PhenX Toolkit Supplemental Information
Collection: Substance Abuse and Addiction - Assessment of Substance Use and Substance Use
Release Date:
Addiction Vulnerability - Child
Description of
Protocol Text
About the Measure
Substance Abuse and Addiction - Assessment of Substance Use and
Substance Use Disorders
Addiction Vulnerability - Child
An index used to quantify a child’s risk of developing substance use
About the Protocol
The Transmissible Liability Index (TLI) is a 45-item scale used to assess
a child’s risk of developing a substance use disorder. The index is
based on a variety of statistical methodologies, including Item
Response Theory, which is a psychometric test theory used to relate a
person’s response on a test/questionnaire item to a latent trait. The TLI
was developed in a sample of boys aged 10–12. The appropriateness
of the TLI for girls or older children is unknown but is under
Refer to Appendix A of the following manuscript for the Transmissible
Liability Index (TLI).
Vanyukov, M., Kirisci, L., Moss, L., Tarter, R., Reynolds, M., Maher, B.,
Kirillova, G., Ridenour, Ty, Clark, D. (2009). Measurement of the Risk
for Substance Use Disorders: Phenotypic and Genetic Analysis of an
Index of Common Liability. Behavior Genetics, 39(3): 233-244.
Scoring Procedures and Interpretation
Information about calculating the TLI score is available upon request to
the original authors (Vanyukov et al., 2003).
Language of
Personnel and
Training Required
Equipment Needs
Child (3 –12 years)
Vanyukov, M., Kirisci, L., Moss, L., Tarter, R., Reynolds, M., Maher, B.,
Kirillova, G., Ridenour, T., & Clark, D. (2009). Measurement of the Risk
for Substance Use Disorders: Phenotypic and genetic analysis of an
Index of Common Liability. Behavior Genetics, 39(3), 233–244.
Vanyukov, M. M., Kirisci, L., Tarter, R. E., Simkevitz, H. F., Kirillova, G.
P., Maher, B. S., & Clark, D. B. (2003). Liability to substance use
disorders: 2. A measurement approach. Neuroscience and Biobehavior
Reviews, 27, 517–526.
The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with
individuals from the general population. The interviewer should be
trained to prompt respondents further if a “don’t know” response is
PhenX Toolkit Supplemental Information
Addiction Vulnerability Child
PhenX Toolkit Supplemental Information
Collection: Substance Abuse and Addiction - Assessment of Substance Use and Substance Use
Release Date:
Addiction Vulnerability - Child
Protocol Type
Interviewer-administered questionnaire
Hicks, B. M., Iacono, W. G., & McGue, M. (in press). Index of the
transmissible common liability to addiction: Heritability and prospective
associations with substance abuse and related outcomes. Addiction.
Tarter, R. E., Kirisci, L., Mezzich, A., Cornelius, J. R., Pajer, K.,
Vanyukov, M., Gardner, W., Blackson, T., & Clark, D. (2003).
Neurobehavioral disinhibition in childhood predicts early age at onset of
substance use disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 1078–
Vanyukov, M., Kirisci, L., Moss, L., Tarter, R., Reynolds, M., Maher, B.,
Kirillova, G., Ridenour, T., & Clark, D. (2009). Measurement of the risk
for substance use disorders: Phenotypic and genetic analysis of an
Index of Common Liability. Behavior Genetics, 39(3), 233–244.
PhenX Toolkit Supplemental Information
Addiction Vulnerability Child