flyer - East Durham Trust

Durham Cathedral Woodlands and Riverbanks Project
Public Events Programme
Birds of the Riverbanks
Saturday 9th June, 9.00am & 11.00am
A joint event between the Durham Bird Group and the Cathedral’s Woodlands and
Riverbanks project team to look for bird life along the riverbanks surrounding Durham
Cathedral. There will be an opportunity to attend one of two walks being led by brid
enthusiast John Olley from the Durham Bird Club. The walks are free of charge but places
are limited therefore advance booking is essential by calling 0191 3744078. Walks will
take place at 9am and 11am. Meet outside the Cathedral main entrance, North Door,
opposite Palace Green. Bring binoculars if you have some, please wear sturdy footwear and
dress appropriately for the weather.
The Foundations of Durham
Saturday 7th July, 10.00am – 12noon
Join local geologist Brian Young for a walk around Durham’s riverbanks to discover how and when
the spectacular setting for Durham Cathedral and Castle were formed. By exploring some of the local
rocks we will travel back over more than 300 million years to unravel some of Durham’s earliest
history, to a time when the tropical swamps that covered our area gave us coal seams and the stone
to build the Cathedral. We will also look at how these have been used over the centuries to create
the city landscape we see today. This walk is free of charge but places are limited, therefore advance
booking is essential by calling 0191 3744078. Meet at the Cathedral main entrance, North Door,
opposite Palace Green, at 10.00am. Please wear sturdy footwear and dress appropriately for the
Images of Durham
Wednesday 1st August, 10.00am – 11.30am
A chance to embark on a photographic journey around Durham’s picturesque riverbanks.
Local photographer Lee Gannon will be leading this photographic walk in partnership with
the Heritage Woodlands and Riverbanks project team. Please bring a camera, wear sturdy
footwear and dress appropriately for the weather. The walk is free but places are limited,
therefore advance booking is essential by calling 0191 3744078. Meet at the Cathedral
main entrance, North Door, opposite Palace Green, at 10.00am. Please wear sturdy
footwear and dress appropriately for the weather.
All of the above activities are free of charge. For further information about any of these
events please contact Julie or Gina on 0191 3744078
This project is supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund