Newsletter December 2014

For adults, Scrooged with Bill Murray is a
comedic twist on the Dickens tale that
includes plenty of tear inducing scenes.
It's the perfect time for munching old
fashioned homemade buttered popcorn,
while curled under cozy blankets to chase
off winter's chill.
25 Days of Christmas Ideas
Celebrate 25 Days of Christmas with
activities every day. They'll get you and your
Family into the Christmas spirit from
December 1st until Christmas Day!
December 1
Make or buy an Advent Calendar. Open a
new window each night until Christmas.
An easy Advent Calendar to make is the
simple paper chain calendar. Simply attach
red and green paper links to each other
then number them 1 through 25.
Have your child undo a link each night until
the last link is left on Christmas morning.
December 2
Watch A Christmas Carol.
Choose an age appropriate version for your
family. Younger kids love The Muppet
Christmas Carol, while older children can
appreciate George C. Scott as Ebenezer.
December 3
Send Christmas Cards.
This is the time of year to reconnect with
those you care about, especially longdistance friends and relatives.
Get everyone to help, from writing notes
inside and signing the cards to putting the
stamps on the envelopes. You'll beat the
mailing frenzy at the post office by getting
your cards out early, while letting someone
know they're being thought of at Christmas.
December 4
Decorate a Gingerbread House.
You can bake the gingerbread house from
scratch using a template or you can buy a
pre-baked kit at most discount stores.
Another alternative is to use graham
crackers for the walls, attached to an empty
pint container of milk or cream. The milk
carton provides stability for the graham
crackers to be stuck on with frosting.
Decorate using a variety of icing colors,
hard candies, licorice and other colorful
December 5
Decorate a Christmas Tree.
If you haven't already decorated your
Christmas tree, go ahead and decorate it! If
you have done it, or are waiting until later
in the month, get a small tree to decorate
for each child's room.
Craft and discount stores sell small trees
(anywhere from 12" to 24" tall) that fit onto
a dresser or nightstand perfectly. Let each
child decorate their own tree with popcorn
strings, tinsel, homemade ornaments or
dollar store decorations and lights.
Let the tree be a nightlight in their room
throughout the Christmas season. Even the
older kids will love falling asleep to the
twinkling of Christmas lights in the dark.
December 6
See the Nutcracker Ballet.
If have a production of this magical holiday
event near you, try to get out to see it live.
If you aren't able to attend a live
performance, the next best thing is to
watch the George Balanchine Nutcracker on
Watch while munching an assortment of
sweet and salty nuts, including good oldfashioned nuts in their shells (that need
opened with a nutcracker of some sort).
December 7
Make Homemade Hot Cocoa.
To make 12 servings:
Combine 1 cup sugar, 1 cup unsweetened
cocoa powder, 1/2 cup mini semisweet
chocolate chips and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a
bowl. Mix well.
Warm 8 ounces of milk for each cup of hot
cocoa. Add 2 Tablespoons of the mix into
each cup of milk (3 Tablespoons if you like
your cocoa extra chocolatey).
Top with large marshmallows or whipped
cream sprinkled with cocoa powder.
December 8
Celebrate Christmas Past.
Get out the photos of Christmases past.
Everything from the olden days when Mom
& Dad were little, to the recent years when
the kids were a bit smaller.
Watch the previous Christmas celebrations
that you recorded with your video recorder,
taking time to celebrate what has past and
what the future holds.
Start a memory box with a short note from
each family member with their Christmas
Wish for the coming year. As each year goes
by, open the box to share the wishes of the
year before.
December 9
Watch Classic Christmas Shows.
Some Christmas specials have remained
favorites year after year, with both adults
and kids alike.
Get a DVD with one or more of the classics Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty
the Snowman, The Little Drummer Boy and
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Popcorn,
Christmas cookies and a toasty fire are
December 10
Have a Christmas Craft Night.
Gather everyone around the kitchen table
and get crafty! From simple holiday crafts
to detailed homemade gifts, make it a night
to bring out the creative elf in yourselves.
For younger children, the footprint reindeer
is a way to record their growth over the
years. Older kids can make thoughtful gifts
for other family members, helping them to
understand that Christmas gifts from the
heart are among the favorites every year.
December 11
Bake Gingerbread Men.
Gingerbread men are not only tasty cookies
but they're fun to decorate. Much like
gingerbread houses, you can get as creative
as you like.
December 12
Bake Christmas Cookies.
Christmas cookies are a must-have at
Christmas. Beyond traditional gingerbread
men, there are cookies that just say "it's
Christmas" when they appear in the cookie
For family favorites choose from the Cookie
Recipes section. For special seasonal
cookies, try a few from the Christmas
Cookies collection. Recipes from our own
families and friends are included in Recipe
Box Christmas Cookies.
Keep some for your family and share with
friends and neighbors. They'll appreciate
the holiday treat.
December 13
Make Paper Snowflakes.
We all may be dreaming of a white
Christmas, but sometimes nature and
geography don't cooperate. Paper
snowflakes can help add the white stuff to
your holiday decor.
You can dress your snowflakes up with
glitter, sparkly jewels, or young artist's
creative embellishments. Create a
snowstorm for a window or make just a few
to add a homespun feel to your Christmas
December 14
Spy Christmas Pictures and Riddles.
After two days of baking in the kitchen, it's
time for curling up with a book. The I Spy
Christmas book is a fun way for kids and
parents to read together while searching for
Christmas items.
If you can't get the book from a local store
or library, choose another Christmas
themed book to read aloud. Choose an easy
book for younger children or a short
chapter book for older kids.
December 15
Have a Game Night.
For Christmas themed games, use the
Christmas Party Games ideas, which can
easily be scaled for a family night instead of
a large group.
You can also bring out the board games that
haven't been played in a while. Playing nice
is a great example of Christmas spirit.
December 16
Make Christmas Fudge.
Fudge is a true Christmas confection,
smooth and creamy goodness stirred in a
pot on the stove in the heart of the
home...the kitchen.
Get everyone involved in picking out the
recipe. With all the different flavors in our
fudge recipes section, you won't have a
problem choosing one for your crew.
Make extra to wrap and give as gifts, to
send back to school with the college kids,
and to share with guests during the
Linus Van Pelt: "And there were in the same
country shepherds abiding in the field,
keeping watch over their flock by night. And
lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them,
and the glory of the Lord shone round
about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: for
behold, I bring unto you good tidings of
great joy, which shall be to all people. For
unto you is born this day in the City of David
a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this
shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the
babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in
a manger.'
And suddenly there was with the angel a
multitude of the heavenly host, praising
God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the
highest, and on earth peace, good will
toward men.'"
[Linus picks up his blanket and walks back
towards Charlie Brown]
Linus Van Pelt: That's what Christmas is all
about, Charlie Brown.
December 17
Watch A Charlie Brown Christmas.
As you watch the Christmas classic, reflect
on this quote from the movie:
December 18
Christmas Light Drive.
Pile everyone in the car and drive through
your local neighborhoods admiring houses
dressed in their Christmas finery.
If it's cold out, bring blankets and pillows to
make the car even cozier. Take votes and
choose your favorite light show among
them all.
December 19
Make Homemade Cinnamon Rolls.
Cinnamon rolls are a Christmas morning
favorite, but it's sometimes hard to fit
mixing, rising (if using yeast) and baking into
an already busy day.
Use today to slow down and enjoy the smell
of cinnamon wafting through the house as
the rolls bake to perfection. Get the recipes
for both types (with and without yeast)
from our Cinnamon Rolls Recipe.
Have a delightful family breakfast with your
cinnamon rolls warm from the oven.
December 20
Make Christmas Trees for Birds.
Feed the birds with these easy homemade
bird feeders. Take pine cones and coat well
in creamy peanut butter.
Once each pine cone is covered, roll it in
bird seed to thickly coat the peanut butter.
Tie a brightly colored ribbon tightly around
the top part of the cone, forming a loop.
Hang the pine cone bird feeder from a tree
and share your Christmas blessings with the
birds, who can use extra help during the
winter months.
December 21
Make Pet Treats.
Remember your loyal pets at Christmas by
making homemade treats for them. For cat
treats - combine 1/2 cup dry cat food with
1/4 cup warm milk. Sprinkle 3 Tablespoons
catnip over the mixture and mix well. Bake
in a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes. Cool
and place in a decorated baggie for giving.
For dog treats - combine 4 cups whole
wheat flour, 2 cups oatmeal, 3/4 cup
peanut butter and 2 1/2 to 3 cups hot water
(add additional water if dough is sticky).
Knead well and roll out to 1/4". Cut out into
bone shapes. Spray a cookie sheet with
cooking spray, place treats about 1 1/2"
apart and and bake at 350 F for 40 minutes.
Let set for about 2 hours until completely
December 22
Wrap Presents.
Help younger children wrap gifts to other
family members or teachers, older kids can
choose their favorite wrapping paper and
get their gifts wrapped.
If the kids want to get creative break out
crayons, markers, glue sticks and glitter.
Have them decorate plain brown craft
paper then wrap gifts with their one-of-akind Christmas wrap.
When the gift wrapping is done, get
together around the tree to tell the story of
the original bearers of gifts...the Three Wise
December 23
Read Christmas Stories.
Snuggle with everyone on the couch to read
Christmas stories. Picture books are perfect
for tonight, no matter what age the children
are. Christmas picture books have beautiful
illustrations to add to the experience.
A few favorites are : The Polar Express,
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, and
'Twas the Night Before Christmas (the popup version is beautiful).
December 24
Go to Christmas Eve Service.
If you belong to a church that has services
Christmas Eve, go there. If you don't belong
to a church or your church doesn't have
Christmas Eve services; attend a church that
does for that night. Most churches welcome
guests any time and will enjoy your
presence on Christmas Eve.
After church, take time to talk about the
meaning of Christmas and what took place
on that very first one.
Tuck everyone into bed in fresh, warm
pajamas ...dreaming of sugar plums and
what awaits them in the morning.
December 25
Merry Christmas!
We wish you and your Family a very Merry
Christmas & Happy New Year!
Old Fashioned Glazed Ham
3/4 cup Dijon mustard
1/2 cup light brown sugar, plus more for
2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme leaves
1 (14-pound) cooked and smoked cured
ham, shank end
3/4 cup pineapple juice
20 canned pineapple rings
1/2 cup maraschino cherries
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Put
oven rack in the middle of the oven.
In a small bowl, mix together the Dijon
mustard, brown sugar, and thyme.
Put the ham in a large roasting pan, fat side
up. Rub the ham with mustard glaze. Pour
the pineapple juice into the bottom of the
pan. Put the ham in the oven and bake for 2
hours, brushing every 20 minutes with the
pineapple juice. Remove the ham from the
Turn oven to 400 degrees F.
Using toothpicks, decoratively adhere the
pineapple rings around the ham and put a
cherry in the center of the pineapple ring.
Sprinkle the pineapple rings lightly with
brown sugar. Return to the oven,
uncovered, and bake until the pineapples
turn a light golden brown. Remove from the
oven to a serving platter and let rest for 15
minutes before slicing.
Gingered Green Beans
2 pounds asparagus beans or Chinese long
beans, cut into 3-inch lengths, or whole
green beans
6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
Kosher salt
Fill a large bowl with ice water. In a large
pot of boiling salted water, cook the beans
until crisp-tender, about 4 minutes. Drain
the beans and transfer them to the ice
water to cool. Drain and pat dry.
In a large skillet, heat the olive oil. Add the
garlic and cook over moderately high heat
until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Stir in the
ground ginger and crushed red pepper,
then add the beans. Season with salt and
stir-fry until the garlic is lightly browned and
the beans are tender, 2 to 3 minutes.
Transfer the beans to a platter and serve.
Shayaitsa Chavez
Verla Gomez
Justine Shale
Martina Rodriguez 12/10
Jody Nelson
Elva Hudson
Richard Sheriff III
Yolanda Afterbuffalo 12/15
Candice Pisani
Mireya Gonzalez
Kenya Rosales
William Williams
Yvonne Horejsi
Isabel Tegoseak
Claire Horejsi
Delores Hernandez 12/24
Mary Leitka
Clifford Cooper
Zachariah Afterbuffalo
Giovanni Washington
Hoh Tribal Services
Youth schedule for Christmas Break
December 22nd Skating 11AM-1PM
lunch will be provided (Port Angeles)
December 23rd Bowling 11AM-12PM
Pizza Lunch 12PM-12:45PM
Swimming 1PM-2:30PM (Forks)
Please contact Bobbyjoe Ashue at
Domestic Violence Program is
Christmas Swags Wednesday
December 3rd 12PM-2PM
Christmas Ornaments Wednesday
December 17th 12PM-2PM
At the Old Tribal Office
After school program from 4:30 to
7:00 PM Any questions please call
Bobbyjoe Ashue at 360-374-3188
The Housing Board meets every
other Tuesday. Next meeting is on
December 2nd at 10:00 AM at the
Chief Kila Wellness Center
Please feel free to contact me if you
would like to add anything in future
newsletters at (360) 374-4281 or by
Food Bank hours Monday-Friday from 9AM
to 2PM contact LaToya Hudson
(360) 374-4284
LIHEAP for assistance please contact LaToya
Hudson (360) 374-4284
Childcare and Higher Education contact
Leslie Ashue (360) 374-6582
Accounting requests, questions, and
assistance please contact LaToya Hudson
(360) 374-4284
Every Thursday group with Eddie Bowlby
from 12PM to 1PM at the ICW building
Individual services are available upon
Medical transport is available 48 hours
prior to your appointment. Please contact
Dawn Gomez for more information at
(360) 374-4280.
Drum Group Wednesdays - Van leaves at
4:30PM to go to La Push Drum Group.
Limited seating. Call Kelly Rosales for more
information, (360) 374-3240.