Energy Based Systems Modeling of a Steam Turbine System ME 6105- Modeling and Simulation in Design Colin Riley and James Spence 11/5/2011 Task 1: Goals and Problems Domain of the Steam Turbine System Steam turbines serve as the most common power generation technology of the modern world. By converting heat energy into rotational work, steam turbines are the source of approximately 90% of electrical power used in the world today. The goal of this project is to maximize the profitability of a steam turbine system by optimizing the power generation cycle. The goal of this project is to maximize the profitability of the power generation cycle by maximizing the efficiency of the steam turbine system. Efficiency will be maximized when the energy output of the steam turbine is maximized, while the amount of fuel used by the boiler and the cost of equipment is minimized. Our original goal was to accomplish this by modeling a basic steam turbine system and witness the affect of introducing different configurations of feedwater heaters into the system; however, after realizing the complexity of creating multiple configurations of the system, we have decided to focus on just one configuration of a basic steam turbine system. We will characterize the system by varying four design parameters: the initial temperature of the steam turbine, the condenser pressure, the pressure at which steam is removed for reheat, and the temperature of reheated steam entering the system. These parameters will help us optimize the system, and maximize profit by maximizing energy output while minimizing energy input. Design Scenarios: As stated above, we will vary four design parameters to characterize the system: the initial temperature of the steam turbine, the condenser pressure, the pressure at which steam is removed for reheat, and the temperature of reheated steam entering the system. We will design a high/low condition for each of these parameters while holding the other parameters constant. This will be used, in the end, to find an optimal state of the system by using the individual parameter relationship demonstrated. Table 1 below shows how the design parameters will be varied: Table 1: Design Parameter Variations Initial Steam Temperature Condenser Pressure Steam Reheat Pressure Reheat Steam Temperature Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 500 C 550 C 500 C 500 C 500 C 0.1 bar 0.1 bar 0.2 bar 0.1 bar 0.1 bar 55 bar 55 bar 55 bar 40 bar 55 bar 500 C 500 C 500 C 500 C 550 C We will characterize the overall effect of varying each parameter by looking at the total energy output of the turbine, the energy input required by the boiler and reheater, and the efficiency determined by the ratio between the two values. Table 2 below provides a brief summary of the expected results from varying each parameter. 2 Table 2: Design Parameter Effect Expectations Initial Steam Temperature Condenser Pressure Steam Reheat Pressure Reheat Steam Temperature Turbine Power Output As temperature increases, output increases As pressure decreases, output increases As pressure decreases, output increases As temperature increases, output increases Cycle Heat Input As temperature increases, heat input increases As pressure decreases, heat input increases As pressure decreases, heat input increases As temperature increases, heat input increases While these results are expected based on basic thermodynamic relationships, the sensitivity of each of these parameters is what will determine the effect on overall cycle efficiency. This project will look to quantify the effects of varying the above design parameters and use these relationships to identify desired steam turbine cycle conditions. Task 2: System and Simulation Specification The steam turbine system is comprised of a boiler, steam turbine steampath with reheater, a condenser, two feed pumps, an optional feedwater heater, and a simple generator. See Figure 1 for a depiction of the system. Figure 1: Steam Turbine Cycle Flow Diagram As seen above, the components interact in a closed water cycle, with only heat and work being transferred in and out of the system. Shaft power from the steam turbine will be converted to electrical 3 power by a generator, which is not included in this project’s scope. Each component defines a key aspect of operation that will influence the behavior of other components and the overall system. During steady-state operation, feedwater is pumped into a boiler/steam generator at a given pressure and temperature. The boiler will produce steam at the pressure determined by the feedwater, often superheating the steam to a temperature above the steam's saturation temperature. The boiler determines the temperature at which steam will enter the turbine. The steampath next expands the steam produced as a specified temperature and pressure down to a pressure specified by the condenser. The steampath component of the steam turbine produces the shaft work that will eventually be turned into electricity by an associated generator. Steam turbines with a reheater take partially expanded steam exiting a high pressure section of the steam turbine, heat it to a higher superheated temperature, and readmit the steam to the steampath. The reheater design determines the temperature of the steam reentering the turbine and the size of the lower pressure steampath determines the pressure at which the steam is reheated. The condenser of the steam turbine cycle determines the pressure to which the steam will ultimately expand. The condenser removes the heat from the expanded steam until all steam is condensed into water. Water at condenser pressure is then sent to the feedwater pumps to repeat the cycle. Overall Model Goal: The model developed for this project will concentrate solely on the thermodynamic operation of the steam turbine. The physical aspects of the steam turbine system, such as boiler size and material, will not be considered. The design parameters investigated by this project are all thermodynamic variables, so rotational and heat transfer energy system parameters do not need to be modeled beyond simplifying assumptions. Steam turbines spend the majority of their operating lives at steady-state conditions. As such, steam turbines are designed to perform best at defined steady-state or set of defined steady states. The model developed for this investigation will not model transient operation of the system. It will instead look to characterize the effects of steady-state design parameters on steam turbine output and performance. The working fluid in a turbine is defined thermodynamically by two intensive variables and one extensive variable. As long as these three parameters are defined at every point of operation, the working fluid will be fully defined. Each of this project's steam turbine model components ensures that the change in water or steam enthalpy and pressure during operation is accurately defined, while the flow rate of water and steam through the system is maintained at a constant rate. 4 Individual Component Overview: Boiler: Figure 2: Boiler Operation Representation Figure 2 shows a basic representation of boiler operation in a steam turbine cycle. Water enters the boiler as sub-cooled liquid, brought to saturation temperature, and boiled in a vessel at a controlled pressure near the pressure of the sub-cooled liquid. This saturated steam is then sent through a heat exchanger, often using the same heat source used in boiling at a hot medium, and the steam is superheated to a desired temperature. Boilers will experience a pressure drop from the pressure of the sub-cooled liquid during operation, both from the boiler vessel and the superheater piping and valves. Steam Turbine Model Application: While the physical design of the boiler and the type of heat input to the system determine the temperature of the steam leaving the boiler in real world applications, this project's model of a steam thermodynamic cycle is only concerned with the effects the boiler will have on the pressure and enthalpy of the working fluid. The steam inlet temperature to the steampath is a design parameter of interest for this investigation. To control this design parameter, the enthalpy rise of the boiler should be easy to manipulate. This component should thus model an enthalpy rise and pressure drop in the working fluid. Both of these values should be user inputs to the system. 5 Assumptions: The boiler component of this model will assume: The type of heat input used is irrelevant to the model being developed. Pressure drop through the boiler is approximately 10% [2]. The heat input to the system is equal to the heat transferred to the working fluid. Steampath: Figure 3: Steam Turbine Steam Path Overview Figure 3 illustrates the overall thermodynamic operation of a three pressure steam turbine. Steam from the boiler (designated as the “heater” in Figure 3) is admitted at a specified pressure and enthalpy to the high pressure section of the steam turbine. After expanding to an intermediary pressure, steam is removed from the steampath and passed through a steam reheater (called the “intermediate heater” in Figure 3). After a second expansion, steam is passed to a dual flow low pressure section, through which the steam is expanded to a pressure specified by a connected condenser. Steam turbines use a traditional stator/rotor configuration to produce power. By expanding through a series of stages increasing in physical area, steam is directed by a stationary “nozzle” component to a rotating “bucket” component in each stage to produce shaft power. This shaft power is used by a generator to produce electrical power. The physical design and dimensions of the steampath, such as number of stages, bucket length, and the inner rotor diameter will determine a thermodynamic efficiency for the expansion process. A higher thermodynamic efficiency translates to lower entropy generation rates and a greater amount of work extracted from the steam expansion. 6 Steam Turbine Model Application: In the basic thermodynamic model of a steam turbine steampath approached by this project, two variables will have a meaningful impact on operation: the steampath efficiency and the pressure at which steam is extracted from the steampath and sent through the reheater. The Modelica ThermoPower library currently has examples of several steam turbine configurations that are leveraged for this investigation. Steampath efficiency in these models is a direct user input that can be easily manipulated. Modelica steam turbine examples use an active area variable to define the sizing of the steampath at each section. Under a constant flow rate, this active area will set the pressure at the entrance to each steam turbine section. By adjusting the active area at the inlet of the intermediate pressure section, the pressure at which steam is extracted for reheat can be directly manipulated at a given flow rate. Assumptions: The steam turbine steampath component of this model will assume: Steampath thermodynamic efficiency is approximately 90% [2]. Steam leakages from the steampath are negligible. Heat loss while passing through the steampath is negligible. Reheater: In most steam turbine applications, the reheater functions like the superheating section of the boiler described above. Heat Recovery Steam Generators in combined cycle applications actually use the same equipment and heat source to produce the main steam and reheat partially expanded steam. Like boilers, reheaters will experience a pressure drop as the steam moves through the equipment. Steam Turbine Model Application: As in the boiler, this project's model of a steam thermodynamic cycle is only concerned with the effects the boiler will have on the pressure and enthalpy of the working fluid. The reheat temperature reentering the steampath is a design parameter of interest for this investigation. To control this design parameter, the enthalpy rise of the reheater should be easy to manipulate. This component should thus model an enthalpy rise and pressure drop in the working fluid. Both of these values should be user inputs to the system. The boiler and reheater should actually be able to use the same component in the steam turbine model. 7 Assumptions: The reheater component of this model will assume: The type of heat input used is irrelevant to the model being developed. Pressure drop through the reheater is approximately 10% [2]. The heat input to the system is equal to the heat transferred to the working fluid. Condenser: Figure 4: Condenser Operation Representation Figure 4 shows a representation of condenser operation in a steam turbine cycle. Steam condensers normally operate at a vacuum determined by the temperature of the cooling water. Lower cooling water temperatures will have a lower condenser pressure. The cooling water absorbs heat from the exhaust steam, normally already at or near the saturation temperature, until the steam is fully condensed. The condensate is then drained from the condenser and sent to the feedwater pump system. Steam Turbine Model Application: In designing a steam turbine plant, condenser sizing and design to ensure a steady level of condensate during operation and minimize the turbine exhaust pressure. In a thermodynamic model, however, a specified exhaust pressure is the only design parameter of interest in the condenser component. The Modelica ThermoPower library has a condenser component that allows the user to directly specify an exhaust pressure. This component will therefore specify the pressure to which the steam turbine will expand, provide the heat removal necessary to fully condense the exhaust steam, and define the enthalpy at which the condensate leaves the condenser. Assumptions: 8 The condenser component of this model will assume: Exhaust pressure will be a steady state value for a given condenser design. No pressure drop will be observed in the condensate from condenser to feedwater pump. Feedwater Pumps: The feedwater pump arrangement in a steam turbine cycle is responsible for increasing the pressure of the water feeding the boiler from condenser pressure to boiler inlet pressure. The power used to perform this operation raises the enthalpy of the feedwater along with the pressure. Steam Turbine Model Application: In a thermodynamic analysis of a steam turbine cycle, pump operation is often considered separately from the rest of the cycle’s design. The goal of the feedwater pump arrangement is simply to get the condensate from condenser pressure to the desired boiler pressure. The Modelica ThermoPower library has a basic pump component. This component, however, provides a more defined physical model than usable by this project. Changing the flow from a nominal pump design value will change the pump discharge pressure. This component should be modified slightly so that the discharge pressure can be explicitly defined rather than calculated from a specific pump design. All other relevant pump calculations will be performed as modeled in the example component. Assumptions: The feedwater pump component of this model will assume: Pump discharge pressure is a value directly defined by the user, not a value based off a set pump design. No heat or mass will be lost through pump operation. System Assumptions: This system will model the thermodynamic cycle the working fluid of a steam turbine (water/steam) experiences. From this cycle, required heat input, heat rejection, and pump power will be determined, although the processes of heat transfer and shaft power to the pump will not be modeled in Modelica. Likewise, the steam turbine shaft power output will be determined, but its conversion to electrical power will not be modeled. The following system assumptions will be made: Other than specified heat inputs in the boiler and reheater and heat rejection in the condenser, the steam turbine operates adiabatically. 9 System pressure drops are only observed in the boiler and reheater components. No valve or line pressure drops in the rest of the steam turbine system will be modeled. The generator and pump power source are outside of the project scope. The shaft power from the steam turbine and the shaft power required of the pump will be provided as a project output. Likewise, the boiler/reheater heat source and condenser cooling system is outside of the project scope. The model will provide values necessary for these systems. No steam is lost in the steam turbine cycle. Assumed cycle parameters will be discussed in Task 5. 10 Task 3: Create the Steam Turbine Model Figure 5 below shows a screenshot of the Modelica model used to develop the steam turbine cycle with reheat for this project. Figure 5: Steam Turbine Model The Modelica model consists of five major steam turbine cycle components, two Modelica blocks to define the system, and several specified constant input values. This section will discuss each component individually, identify the inputs required, and detail the connections between components. 11 Boiler/Reheater: Figure 6 below shows a screenshot of the Modelica model used to perform calculations of the boiler and reheater in the steam cycle. Figure 6: Boiler/Reheater Modelica Model The boiler/reheater model is simple in construction. Water/steam enters the model from the upper fluid connection and experiences a change in thermodynamic state via a pressure drop and an enthalpy increase as specified by real input connectors dp and dh respectively. The working fluid then exits the model through the lower fluid connection at the thermodynamic state determined by the pressure drop and enthalpy rise user inputs. No other values are used in the boiler/reheater model, as the boiler/reheater is treated as a black box to change thermodynamic state in this investigation. 12 Condenser: Figure 7 below shows a screenshot of the Modelica model used to perform calculations of the condenser in the steam cycle. Figure 7: Condenser Modelica Model The condenser component used in this project's steam turbine model is the CondenserPreP component from the ThermoPower Modelica library. This component has parameter inputs of condenser pressure, condenser fluid slide total volume, and the initial liquid water volume. Since the geometry of the condenser is not specified in this investigation, the volumetric parameters are irrelevant to the study. Exhaust steam from the turbine enters the condenser at the upper fluid connection and condensate leaves the condenser at the lower fluid connection. The condenser component condenses the steam to saturated liquid, determining the amount of heat removal necessary to run the condenser effectively. 13 Feedwater Pump: Figure 8 below shows a screenshot of the Modelica model used to perform calculations of the feedwater pump in the steam cycle. Figure 8: Feedwater Pump Model The feedwater pump component used in this project's steam turbine model is a slightly modified version of the Pump component from the ThermoPower Modelica library. While the original pump component calculates the head based on the flow rate through the pump and specified pump nominal conditions, the modified model allows the user to directly input the pressure increase across the pump. By leaving all other calculations the same and bypassing the need for a nominal pump design, all other relevant pump operation value calculations remain accurate. This component has parameter inputs of pressure increase, pumps in parallel, rotational speed, pump internal volume, nominal liquid density, and power calculation method. The pump component also has an initialization page and ability to designate the component as a steady state design. As the system modeled is steady state and the geometry of the pump is not considered, the only relevant parameter inputs are pressure increase, nominal liquid density (assumed 1000 kg/m3 for water), and rotational speed. Rotational speed is defined by a user input block. The pump component will characterize the discharge water pressure and enthalpy, as well as calculate the power required to operate the pump. 14 Reheat Steampath: Figure 9 below shows a screenshot of the Modelica model used to perform calculations of the steampath with reheater provisions in the steam cycle. Figure 9: Reheat Steampath Model The reheat steampath component used in this project's steam turbine model is the ST3LRh_base component from the ThermoPower Modelica library. The most complex component of the steam turbine cycle model, the reheat steampath component has fluid connections that allow for inlet steam to enter, expand through the ST_HP section, exit for reheat, reenter and expand through the ST_IP section, combine with an LP admission flow before expanding through the ST_LP section, and finally leave the model through a connection to the condenser. 15 The parameter inputs of the reheat steampath component are a series of nominal flow rates and pressures at the inlet of each steam turbine section, the pressure of the condenser, the internal volume of the LP mixer, the active area flow coefficient at the inlet of each turbine section, the mechanical efficiency of each section, and the isentropic efficiency of each section. The initialization page of the component has an array of initial values within the steam turbine and the ability to define steady state operation. The reheat steampath in this project's cycle does not utilize LP admission flow, nor does the steampath operate at conditions other than steady state. Sensors and actuators are also not use in this model. Therefore, the parameters of interest in the steampath component are the condenser pressure, the active area flow coefficients to set the steam turbine inlet pressures, and the mechanical/isentropic efficiencies to identify the steam expansion line and power output from the steam turbine. Model Overview: To successfully run, the steam turbine model requires two blocks from the ThermoPower library to fully define the system, the ThroughFlow block and the PrescribedSpeed block. Through user-defined input, these components set the mass flow rate and rotational speed of the steam turbine (assumed to be 3600 RPM, or designed for a 60 Hz power grid). Since it is assumed no working fluid mass losses are present in the system, the value specified by ThroughFlow sets the steam flow rate of the steam turbine cycle. Combined with the active area definitions in the reheat steam turbine component, the pressure of the condenser, the discharge pressure of the pump, and the pressure and enthalpy changes in the boiler and reheater, the user is able to fully define the steam turbine thermodynamic cycle. 16 Task 4: Verify the Model Works Boiler Model: Initial_Pressure Initial_Enthalpy Mass_Flow _? k=12000000 k=900000 k=100 h p0 P throughW sourceP Drop_Pressure k=2100000 Drop_Enthalpy boiler k=100000 Final_Pressure k=10000000 h p0 P sinkP Figure 10: Boiler Component Model To test the boiler component, we send a flow of water through the boiler at a specific pressure (120 bar), enthalpy (900,000 J/kg), and mass flow rate (100 kg/s). In the boiler itself, we control how much the boiler will heat the water by specifying the change in pressure (21 bar) and enthalpy (100,000 J/kg). So, if the model is working correctly, the water output will be at a higher pressure and enthalpy than the water input. Figure 11 shows the results of the test which clearly indicate that when the component model is run, the input pressure (120 bar) is higher than the output pressure (100 bar) by the amount specified, and the input enthalpy (900,000 J/kg) is less than the output enthalpy (1,000,000 J/kg) by the amount specified (100,000 J/kg). These results are the expected behavior of a boiler: it heats water to steam which will increase the enthalpy and decrease the pressure. 17 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 0.0 1.2E5 boiler.waterIn.p 0.1 boiler.waterOut.p 0.2 0.3 boiler.waterIn.hAB 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 boiler.waterOut.hAB 8.0E4 4.0E4 0.0E0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Figure 11: Boiler Test Results Turbine Model: Pressure_In Mass_Flow _? k=100 h p0 P k=100 sourceP throughW Pressure_Out constantSpeed k=2000000 steamTurbineUnit Time_Constant h p0 P sinkP k=1 Figure 12: Turbine Component Model 18 We test the turbine model in much the same way as the boiler model: send steam through the turbine component at a specified mass flow rate (100 kg/s) and pressure (100 bar). When this happens, we should see the shaft of the turbine spin, power generated, and the output pressure to be lower than the input pressure. Figure 13 shows the shaft rotation angle increasing, and that the shaft has an angular velocity of 377 rad/s or 3600 rpm; these show that the turbine model is accepting the steam inputs and that it is using that to generate power. Figure 14 shows that the high pressure turbine is generating 20 MW of power and the low pressure turbine is generating 8.8 MW. Additionally, the enthalpy of the steam going into the turbine is greater than the enthalpy going out, as seen in Figure 15, and the pressure going into the turbine is greater than the pressure going out, as seen in Figure 16. Now, if we decrease the input mass flow rate, or the rate at which steam is entering the turbine, the total power output should go down; Figure 17 shows that when we lower the mass flow rate to 25 kg/s, the power output of the high pressure turbine is decreased to 800 kW as opposed to 20 MW when the mass flow rate was at 100. So, the model is working as we would expect. 2.4E4 steamTurbineUnit.phi [deg] steamTurbineUnit.der(phi) [rad/s] 2.0E4 1.6E4 1.2E4 8.0E3 4.0E3 0.0E0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 13: Turbine Rotation 19 2.2E7 steamTurbineUnit.P_HP steamTurbineUnit.P_LP 2.0E7 1.8E7 1.6E7 1.4E7 1.2E7 1.0E7 8.0E6 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 14: Turbine Power Output steamTurbineUnit.hout steamTurbineUnit.hin 3.00E6 2.96E6 2.92E6 2.88E6 2.84E6 2.80E6 2.76E6 2.72E6 2.68E6 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 15: Turbine Enthalpy 20 110 steamTurbineUnit.inlet.p steamTurbineUnit.outlet.p 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 16: Turbine Pressure In/Out 8.5E5 steamTurbineUnit.P_HP steamTurbineUnit.P_LP 8.0E5 7.5E5 7.0E5 6.5E5 6.0E5 5.5E5 5.0E5 4.5E5 4.0E5 3.5E5 3.0E5 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 17: Low Mass Flow Rate 21 Condenser Model: Pressure_In Enthalpy_In Mass_Flow _? k=15000 k=2000000 k=100 h p0 P sourceP throughW Condenser Figure 18: Condenser Model The condenser works in the opposite manner as the boiler, so when we test this component, we should see the input enthalpy be greater than the output enthalpy, as seen in Figure 19. 22 2.2E6 condenserPreP.steamIn.hBA condenserPreP.steamIn.hAB 2.0E6 1.8E6 1.6E6 1.4E6 1.2E6 1.0E6 8.0E5 6.0E5 4.0E5 2.0E5 0.0E0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 19: Condenser Enthalpy To further test this component, if we decrease the mass flow rate, we should see the rate at which steam turns to liquid drop. In the tested configuration, the rate at which the steam mass was changing is -9 grams/s; if we drop the mass flow rate to 25 kg/s, that rate drops to -2.2 grams/s (as seen in Figure 20). So, this component is working as expected. 23 condenserPreP.der(Mv) -0.002 condenserPreP.der(Mv) -0.003 -0.004 -0.005 -0.006 -0.007 -0.008 -0.009 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 20: Condenser Steam to Liquid Rate Test Pump Model: PressureOut Pres? Entha? k=10? k=90? RotationalSpeed k=10000000 k=100 h p0 throughW h p0 n P P sinkP sourceP pump MassFlow Rate k=100 Figure 21: Pump Model The Pump model is very simple, water flows in and water flows out at a rate specified by the rotational speed of the pump and the amount of water flowing into the pump. When the mass flow rate (going into the pump) is 100 kg/s, the volume flow rate (out of the pump) is 36 m3/s. If we increase the mass flow rate to 10000 kg/s, the volume flow rate increases to 3600 m3/s (see Figure 22). That means that when the pump has access to more water, it pumps more. We should also expect to see an increase in pressure and enthalpy when water flows through the pump. Figure 23 shows the increase in enthalpy 24 between the incoming and outgoing fluid, and Figure 24 shows the increase in pressure. So, the model is working as expected. 4000 pump.q pump.q 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 22: Pump Volume Flow Rate Test 5.5E6 pump.hin pump.hout 5.0E6 4.5E6 4.0E6 3.5E6 3.0E6 2.5E6 2.0E6 1.5E6 1.0E6 5.0E5 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 23: Pump Enthalpy Test 25 pump.pin_start pump.pout_start 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Figure 24: Pump Pressure Test Task 5: Experimentation and Interpretation Since the current model does not allow for a direct temperature definition, the values in Table 3 were used to meet the conditions specified in Task 1. Table 3: Full Steam Turbine System Test Parameters Initial Steam Enthalpy Boiler Absolute Pressure Drop Reheat Absolute Pressure Drop Reheat Steam Enthalpy Pump Outlet Pressure Trial 1 3375 kJ/kg Trial 2 3500 kJ/kg Trial 3 3375 kJ/kg Trial 4 3375 kJ/kg Trial 5 3375 kJ/kg 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar 5.5 bar 5.5 bar 5.5 bar 4.0 bar 5.5 bar 3428 kJ/kg 3428 kJ/kg 3428 kJ/kg 3445 kJ/kg 3544 kJ/kg 110 bar 110 bar 110 bar 110 bar 110 bar These conditions were met by modifying: the boiler enthalpy drop, reheater enthalpy drop, condenser pressure, reheat pressure drop, and the pump outlet pressure. In each trial run, the simulation took about six seconds to reach a steady state because of the multiple components interacting with pressure and enthalpy. After this initial period, the system was clearly at a steady state where we could take measurements of the heat input (enthalpy drop of the boiler and reheater multiplied by the mass flow rate) and the mechanical power output (the sum of the individual turbine outputs). Then, to get a simple efficiency, we divided mechanical power output by the heat input. The results of the experiments are shown in Table 4. 26 Table 4: System Experiment Results Heat Input Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 317810 kW 341583 kW 340417 kW 342080 kW 351457 kW Mechanical Power Output 112860.5 kW 128348.8 kW 122526.3 kW 127814.4 kW 132863.9 kW Overall Efficiency 35.5% 37.6% 36.0% 37.4% 37.8% What these results show is that Trials 2, 4, and 5 were the most efficient configurations of the system. Trials 2 and 5 set a high enthalpy (temperature) output for the boiler and reheater, while trial 4 did not reduce the pressure of the reheated steam as much as the other trials. What this seems to show is that the steam turbine system is most efficient at higher temperatures and pressures. Task 6: Lessons Learned This assignment highlighted several difficulties inherent in modeling a complex energy-based system. We discovered that the first priority in modeling a system should be to understand your modeling tool’s capability. Our initial project plan from Assignment 2 was to create several different steam turbine cycle feedwater heater configurations. Yet within the object-oriented world of Modelica, this would require creating a completely new model for each desired configuration. While possible to do, this strategy opens the system to unintended errors and inconsistencies between models. We ultimately decided to focus on parameters that can be directly manipulated in one configuration of model components. We also learned that as the scope of your system of interest increases, more aggressive simplifying assumptions need to be made to keep the model manageable. This project looks to define and make system decisions on the entire thermodynamic cycle of a steam turbine. While a model that provides a physical accounting of every single component in the steam turbine cycle will be more accurate, this would require a vast knowledge of the physical characteristics of each piece of equipment in the steam turbine cycle. The alternative approach, taken for this project, is to turn each component into a “black box”, for which only parameters of interest such as pressure and enthalpy are reasonably accurate. If we were to create another simulation model with the intended complexity of this class, we could consider choosing a specific component within the steam turbine cycle, such as the condenser, and focus on the physical design of that component. While this model would not be able to reach the overall conclusions about power output and heat input in a steam turbine cycle, more specific design decisions could be made. These lessons learned point to another: keep the scope of your project as narrow as possible. Each component adds a level of complexity that may be too much to handle. Each component not only needs to be designed, but also needs to be tested, understood completely, and modified to suit your individual needs. We had to lessen the scope in several instances to get the project off the ground. 27 Related to this, is to not add complexity unless the model is up and running. Choosing to add multiple components simultaneously only increases frustration and confusion and lengthened the time to completing the model. 28