Enrollment Spreadsheet Instructions

Census Instructions:
Group Data (this is the XML Tab)
By Column:
A. Enrollment Action: click the drop down to Open Enrollment or other
B. The Group name here HAS to match the group name from tab MBR Data, column A (Group
C. Tax ID has to be 9 digits, no dashes
D. Group Number: Leave this blank, LLH will assign.
E. Waiting Period: select from the following drop down:
a. No Waiting
b. 30 days
c. 60 days
d. 90 days
e. 1st month after hire
F. Effective date: enter the groups effective date as mm/dd/yyyy
G-Z. Not required, but helpful if filled in. They are free form columns
AA-AG. Required:
AA. Agency Name (if there is an agency)
AB. Broker first
AC. Broker last name
AD. Broker/Agency Producer Number; no dashes (usually 6-7 digits)
AE. General Agency: if there is a GA, please select one from the drop down.
AF. Broker Phone (if provided)
AG. Broker Email ALWAYS required
AH-AK. Not required, but preferred to be filled out.
AL-AM. Required:
AL. Select Small Group or Large Group
AM-BO. Please select one plan name per column. Use as many columns as needed
Member Data (MBR DATA)
By Column:
A. Group Name to match name from Group Data Tab
B. Group number required, for every line of members
C. First Name
D. Last Name
E. Middle Initial (if provided)
F. Suffix (usually left blank)
G. Coverage Code=EMP, ESP,ECH, E1D, FAM (drop down menu)
**DO NOT USE E1D. Please use ECH in its place.
a. Each member has to have a code (drag the coverage code down for family, children,
H. Relationship
a. 1-Employee
b. 2- Spouse
c. 3-Dependent/Child
**Only up to 3 child dependents are charged for individual/family rates.
Social Security Numbers:
a. Have no dashes
b. If not social is provided for child/spouse, list as Blank
J. Each Family needs the Employee’s social tied to each member (spouse and all children) in
column “SSN of Employee” (column J)
K. Birthdate should be filled out DD/MM/YYYY
L. Genders have to be listed as 1 digit
a. Female = F
b. Male=M
M. Smoker column is REQUIRED. If the cell is left blank for any/all members, fill in N. This column
only accepts N/Y, not No/Yes.
N. Ethnicity (not required). Usually left blank
O. Addresses:
a. Required for all members (even children/spouses)
b. No punctuation ex. (North can be written as N, but not “N.”)
P. Address 2
a. For Apt, Ste, Fl etc.
Q. City (required)
R. State (select drop down with full name, or if older version ,has to be 2 digits (IL))
S. Zip (6 digits)
T. County (not required)
U. Phone:
a. Phone number is not required, but if entered, needs to be 10 digits, no dashes or
b. Just enter number, no dashes or parenthesis, and click enter. The template will populate
it to (XXX) XXX-XXXX
V. Hire date:
spouses and children as a dummy date.
i. Needs to be entered as DD/MM/YYYY
b. Be careful for anyone hired within 30-90 days of effective date. Will need to check the
group master app for waiting/probationary period. Will have to contact broker if
someone falls into the probationary period. The waiting period entered on the Group
Data tab will move anyone’s effective date where the date of hire falls into that time
period during load.
W. Email (nice to have, not required)
X. Plan name. This is a drop down.
a. IMPORTANT: the first 26 plans listed are for Small Groups ONLY. The last 26 plans have
LG in front of them, these are to be used for all 51+ groups. This may change, stay
Quick Note: Cobra section Y-AA is only required for Cobra members.
Y. Cobra Y/N. This is a dropdown.
Z. Please select from the drop down for Reason.
AB-AE. Not required
a. Small Groups:
a. Enter nothing in column AF. Rates are entered at subscriber level in column AH.
b. Enter nothing for Rating Area (column AG)
b. Large Groups:
a. Enter rates for all members in column AH.