ANNUAL EVALUATION FORM FOR GAANN BIOTECHNOLOGY FELLOWS Please attach a copy of the Fellow’s Plan of Graduate Work to this form. If the Fellow has not yet developed a plan of graduate work, then an “informal” plan of graduate work should be attached. This “informal” plan of graduate work will not be submitted to Graduate School Records. It will be used by the Selections Committee to determine if the Fellow is meeting/will meet all of the academic requirements of the fellowship program. In addition, the fellow should attach a single page summary of his or her research with an explanation of how it is related to biotechnology. NAME OF FELLOW__________________________________ STUDENT ID NUMBER__________________ DEPARTMENT ______________________________________ MAJOR_________________________ MINOR___________________________ NAME OF ADVISOR_________________________________ GRADUATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTED _____YES _____NO MEMBER OF GAANN BIOTECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE REPRESENTED ON FELLOW’S GRADUATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: ________________________________ PLAN OF WORK FILED _____YES _____NO DATE ENTERED OR WILL ENTER DOCTORAL PROGRAM AT NC STATE______________ DATE EXPECTED TO COMPLETE PHD________________ HOW DOES THE FELLOW PLAN TO FULFILL THE SUPERVISED TEACHING REQUIREMENT (Please refer to the document at for options): ____ OPTION 1 (FIT + TA) ____ OPTION 2 (COAT) ____ OPTION 3 (PREPARING THE PROFESSORIATE) SEMESTERS IN WHICH THE FELLOW FULFILLED OR PLANS TO FULFIL THE TWO SEMESTER SUPERVISED TEACHING REQUIREMENT SEMESTER 1______ SEMESTER 2______ CUMULATIVE GPA__________ RESEARCH TOPIC_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING FOR THE ENTIRE PERIOD OF APPOINTMENT AS A GAANN FELLOW: 1) Complete citations of papers published or submitted for publication; titles, locations and dates of any oral presentations; and titles, locations and dates of posters presented: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 ANNUAL EVALUATION FORM FOR GAANN BIOTECHNOLOGY FELLOWS 2) Professional Meetings Attended:_______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Other Special Accomplishments_______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4a) If eligible, do you recommend that this student should be reappointed to a GAANN Fellowship? YES_______ NO________ 4b) If so, why? (Please make a brief case for reappointment of this Fellow.) __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ This Fellow is making satisfactory progress toward the degree objectives. YES_______ NO________ __________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF FELLOW’S ADVISOR ______________ DATE __________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE PROGRAMS ______________ DATE --------------------------------------------------------------------RECOMMENDED FOR RENEWAL BY FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE? YES_______ NO________ ______________________________________________________ SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE 11/10 2 ______________ DATE