Yomba Shoshone Tribe Office of Environmental Protection

Sagebrush Celebration
Yomba Shoshone Tribe
Office of Environmental Protection
Quarterly Newsletter October 2011
The Sagebrush Celebration Internship
Program, which is a partnership between
Nevada Audubon Society, Great Basin
Bird Observatory, and the Yomba
Shoshone Tribe, was designed to provide
students and recent graduates with an
opportunity to learn about the science of
sagebrush ecosystems and Greater SageGrouse biology, along with teaching
younger students.
The internship included the following
1. Training on habitat ecology, bird
biology, forestry, natural resources
management, insect ecology and
environmental issues
On June 9, 2011 our department held a free weed training
and thistle pull. We talked about the different types of
noxious and invasive weeds here in Reese River Valley.
We discussed the ecological, environmental, cultural, and
economical impacts that these weeds have on Yomba
Indian Reservation/Reese River Valley.
Thistle Dig
Approximately 8 community members participated in the
“Thistle Pull” that took place at James Birchim, Jr. Land
Assignment this year. If you are interested in holding a
thistle dig on your assignment please let our office know.
This year the OEP department got together
with the Summer Youth program to clean up
around the Transfer Station we gathered 18
large bags of trash that blew out of the
Transfer Station onto the roads and by the
OEP/Summer Youth Clean-Up Day
2. Greater Sage-grouse lek monitoring
and bird surveys (counting birds)
3. Habitat monitoring
4. Work days, (tagging fence posts,
restoring key habitats)
This internship program began on
February 10th and ended on August 20th.
All six interns received a $500.00 stipend
upon completion. Congratulations to
Daylon Boots, Marlena Martin, Dasha
Jim, Davin Jim, Darlene Dewey and Greg
Bryan for completing this volunteer
On July 15, 2011 the Yomba Tribe held their annual Health
Fair at the Tribal Gym. In efforts to get the community to
recycle aluminum cans we handed out can crushers to each
household along with some information on where to take
their cans. We also had plenty of information at our booth
on how to reuse, reduce and recycle.
Together We Can
Community Yard Sale
Thank you to those who have
cleaned their trash bins out in
a timely matter. And to those
who have not please let this
serve as a kind reminder.
NO plastic grocery bags will
be picked up.
All trash must be bagged in
regular household trash
bags in order to be picked up
every Tuesday.
Thank You,
OEP Curbside Transporter
This community yard sale took place at
the Tribal Gym on July 29, 2011.Several
community members brought their
“recyclables” such as clothing, toys,
videos, furniture and even baked
goods. This was an excellent turn out
and so much fun.
Water Festival
On July 27, 2011 our Water Quality
program along with the Sagebrush
Celebration interns demonstrated the
importance of water quality through fun
hand on activities. This was an exciting
way to learn about our watershed here in
the Reese River Valley.
Any questions please feel free to contact Karmel Bryan, OEP Director at (775)
964-2463 ext. 111 or Nerissa Dyer, OEP Assistant at (775) 964-2463 ext. 110.
Thank You.