FACILITIES/CAPITAL BUDGET COMMITTEE AND FINANCE COMMITTE Joint Meeting Thursday, January 27, 2011 Members present: Robert Mallat, Harvey Hill, Richard Heath, Craig Lawler, Lucille Jordan, Ned Densmore, Ron Rioux, Richard Gustafson, Susan Huard, Steven Guyer, Paul Holloway, and Jeremy Hitchcock. Regrets: Claudie Mahar, Kim Trisciani, Robert Duhaime, Dave Paquette, William Marcello, and Kathy Shields, Also in attendance: Bill Gabler, Scott Osgood, Shannon Reid, Mike Marr, Alice Mowery, and Mary Scerra. The joint meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. at NE Delta Dental, 2 Delta Dr., Concord, NH. FACILITIES AND CAPITAL BUDGET COMMITTEE Chair Heath opened the meeting by expressing the Board’s thanks to Mr. Mallat for his leadership chairing the Facilities and Capital Budget Committee. 1. Approval of the September 23 and October 6, 2010 Meeting Minutes VOTE: The Committee, on motion of Mr. Mallat, seconded by Mr. Guyer, voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the September 23 and October 6, 2010 meetings minutes as presented. 2. OEP/CCSNH Energy Projects Mr. Osgood introduced Bill Gabler, who has been hired to coordinate the systemwide energy projects funded through the NH Office of Energy and Planning (OEP). Funding for this work totals $1.3 million. Projects must meet specific federal guidelines and include energy projects at each college. 1 NH OEP is responsible for federal reporting. CCSNH will submit information to OEP. Mr. Gabler noted the specific guidelines, requirements and required outcomes for eligible projects, including BTU thresholds. The updated project contract status was circulated. Mr. Gabler reported on each of the projects/contracts identified on the January 24, 2011 Energy Projects. Question was raised on awarding two contracts to non-NH companies. While most of the vendors are NH companies, we must follow bid rules that do not include an in-state preference. Of concern is completing the work by June 30, 2011. There is some risk related to the availability of the funds for projects not completed in accordance with federal timelines. Committee members emphasized to the project coordinator that our contracts, as well as any bond requirements of the vendors, must address project deadlines. Mr. Gabler indicated that he contacted all contract vendors today about completing the work on time. All have indicated they can. After contract approval today, vendor contracts can be completed soon so work can begin as soon as conditions permit. VOTE: The Committee, on motion of Mr. Mallat, seconded by Mr. Guyer, voted unanimously to approve the following energy contracts as submitted as follows: OEP - CCSNH ENERGY PROJECTS PROJECT CONTRACT STATUS DSO update 1/25/2011 PROJECT # DESCRIPTION Company Budget Bid Contingency WM OEP 01 Audit Retrocommissioning H.L. Turner $20,000 $26,400 $0 $26,400 WM OEP 02 Insulate Walls Memolo $220,000 $176,397 $11,466 $187,863 WM OEP 03 Update Lighting LighTec $50,000 $50,000 $0 $50,000 White Mt. Lakes Region TOTAL Coos Belknap LR OEP 04 Photovoltaic System(s) ReVision $100,000 $99,467 $7,460 $106,927 LR OEP 05 Energy Audit H.L. Turner $15,000 $17,000 $0 $17,000 LR OEP 06 Control systems Pro Controls $75,000 $79,300 $5,948 $85,248 2 NHTI Merrimack NH OEP 07 Heating system in Library Palmer Sicard $95,000 $132,000 $9,900 $141,900 NH OEP 08 North Hall CHP TBD $80,000 $102,575 $7,693 $110,268 River Valley Sullivan RV OEP 09 retrocommission Energia $25,000 $18,460 $0 $18,460 RV OEP 10 Implement Changes TBD $50,000 $50,000 $3,750 $53,750 Keene Comm. Int. $50,000 $16,150 $1,211 $17,361 Keene AC RV OEP 11 Manchester Cheshire Insulate Attic Spaces Hillsborough MC OEP 12 Update Lighting LighTec $80,000 $80,000 $0 $80,000 MC OEP 13 Control systems Control Tech. $100,000 $95,780 $7,184 $102,964 IRC $50,000 $119,820 $8,987 $128,807 LighTec ReVision or Rev $10,000 $12,064 $0 $12,064 $75,000 $75,000 $5,625 $80,625 $60,000 $20,000 $80,000 Nashua NC OEP 15 Great Bay Hillsborough Install Solar Thermal Rockingham GB OEP 16 Energy Audit GB OEP 17 Photovoltaic System(s) System Office Project Manager $364 General Contingency TOTAL $1,300,000 3. Nashua CC – Construction Update Mr. Osgood reported that a Certificate of Occupancy for the full building has been awarded by the City. It is on a temporary basis to resolve issues of pH monitoring of the Science Lab waste. The contractor still has many items on the punch list to complete. Dr. Gustafson indicated that he is now attending weekly project meetings. The auditorium is not in full use, but the users are pleased with the rest of the building. There have been many issues with this project and we have learned 3 from the experience. We anticipate that the punch list will be completed within a month. Brief discussion followed on restricting the ability of firms to bid on future contracts. 4. Status of Critical Maintenance Projects Mr. Osgood referred to the Facilities Projects Update report dated January 25, 2011 for critical maintenance updates. No questions were asked. Dr. Gustafson added that we are currently reviewing and identifying the critical maintenance needs for the next biennium so we can share that list with legislators. Trustee Mallat requested that maintenance funds be identified in the operating budget and that we not allow those funds to be redirected. Routine maintenance is critical. Parking lot material for Nashua CC was discussed. 5. Long Range Capital Budget Plan Update Chancellor Gustafson indicated that we continue to meet with legislators individually on our plan. They approve of the theme and integrated plan. We also briefed the governor’s staff last week and will be meeting with the Governor. ACTION: Prepare a one page recap of the capital budget request for Trustees, including a statement that we are capacity building in technical areas. 6. Discussion of Committee Activities and Direction Not discussed 7. Other Dr. Gustafson noted that the Purchase and Sales agreement with Webster Care was terminated due to its failure to make the $100,000 payment on October 1, 2010. We are preparing to list the property. Three companies have been contacted for interviews. President Eneguess indicated that WMCC may receive a gift of a building or opportunity to purchase at a very reduced rate to house the automotive, mobile equipment and welding programs. She will keep the Board updated. 4 FINANCE COMMITTEE Trustee Guyer left the meeting. The Finance Committee meeting was called to order at 2:28 p.m. by Trustee Rioux. 1. Approval of the November 30, 2010 Meeting Minutes VOTE: The Committee, on motion of Mr. Mallat, seconded by Mr. Hitchcock, voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the November 30, 2010 meeting minutes as presented. 2. Ratification of the MCC Janitorial Contract Phone Vote VOTE: The Committee, on motion of Mr. Mallat, seconded by Mr. Hitchcock, voted unanimously to ratify the phone vote of January 5-7, 2011 to approve the contract with SJ Services for janitorial services at Manchester Community College. 3. OEP/CCSNH Energy Projects Contracts Mr. Rioux noted that most of the details of the projects were explained earlier during the Facilities Committee meeting. Discussion followed on flow of funds/payment and consequences should the projects not be completed by June 30, 2011. It was explained that we are paid by project intervals through an invoice to OEP. ACTION: It was requested that we obtain exact information on consequences for missing the completion deadline date. VOTE: The Committee, on motion of Mr. Mallat, seconded by Mr. Heath, voted unanimously to approve the following six energy project contracts. LRCC Installation of Photovoltaic Systems contract in the amount of $106,927 awarded to ReVision Energy, Portland, ME. NHTI Upgrade to Heating System in the library contract in the amount of $141,900 awarded to Basix Automation Integrators, Portsmouth, NH 5 MCC HVAC Controls System Upgrade in the amount of $102,964 awarded to Control Technologies, Manchester, NH Nashua CC Installation of a Solar Thermal System in the amount of $128,807 awarded to Industrial Roofing Company, Lewiston, ME WMCC Insulation of Walls in the North Wing in the amount of $187,863 awarded to Louis T. Memolo GC, Inc., Gorham, NH NHTI Combined Heat and Power System in North Hall in the amount of $110,268 awarded to Revolution Energy, Dover, NH. 4. Other Chancellor Gustafson reported on implementing a CCSNH fraud reporting line. The official memo to all CCSNH employees will be emailed tomorrow. Communications to this line can be anonymous and will remain confidential. Over the past several years, more and more organizations, including colleges and universities, have implemented internal and external mechanisms to improve fiscal and operational integrity and transparency. The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m. NEXT MEETING: April 5, 2011 9:00 Facilities; 10:00 Finance Respectfully submitted Marie Anne Mills Assistant to the Chancellor 6