Working Internationally Regional Project International Travel Grant Scheme APPLICATION FORM PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY NON-NATIONAL MUSEUMS IN ENGLAND ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY ABOUT THE SCHEME The WIRP is offering a small number of travel grants to support non-national museums to work internationally. The travel grants will enable recipients to undertake an international research visit to museums and/or organisations abroad who they would otherwise not be able to meet with face-to-face. The intention is to support non-national museums who are starting to develop international contacts and/or projects, and who are exploring their potential to work internationally in a particular part of the world. Priority will be given to museums whose staff have not previously undertaken international travel as part of their work. The total budget available for the travel grants is £12,000. Applications will be considered for grants of up to £2,000 per organisation or consortium. Please note that applicants will need to make their own travel, insurance, and visa arrangements. The British Council will supply invitation letters where visa regulations require it. Organisation Name Job Title Email address Telephone number Address of organisation Postcode Please confirm that your application has the support of your organisation (give name and contact details for line manager, trustee, chairperson) 1 Where do you wish to travel to? Please describe the purpose of your visit. Include details of any specific projects or partnerships you would like to develop. Note if you have already established contact with potential partners, and the stage these discussions are at. Which museum(s) or organisation(s) do you wish to visit? How will the visit benefit your organisation and what impact will it have? Visit dates (start and finish) Please provide an approximate breakdown of the cost of your visit International travel: £ Local travel: £ Accommodation: £ Subsistence: £ Other, please specify: £ TOTAL: £ Does your organisation already have experience of working internationally? If so, please describe this briefly. Grants will only be paid by bank transfer Account name Bank sort code Bank account number 2 Signature of applicant Signature of line manager Date If your application is successful, you will be required to write at least one blog post for the ICOM UK website during your visit, complete a post-visit report (template provided below) and supply at least three high resolution images from your visit. Successful applicants will grant ICOM UK permission to use the report and images in connection with the WIRP and its promotion. Successful applicants also agree to participate in a round-table and/or workshop in February 2017 in England, which will bring together all of the travel grant recipients to share their experience and learning with the wider museum sector. The WIRP will cover the travel costs for successful applicants to attend the event in February 2017. ELIBILITY CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES The WIRP International Travel Grant Scheme is only open to non-national museums in England because the funding for this has been provided by Arts Council England’s Museum Resilience Fund. Applicants can apply for a maximum of £2,000 to fund an international research visit in 2016 from one organisation or consortium. The purpose of the visit must be to enable applicants to make international contacts, and scope or develop international partnerships and projects. The grant will cover the cost of travel, including international and local transport, visas, accommodation, and subsistence. The grant will not cover the cost of attending an international conference or meeting, nor will it cover the cost of travel associated with an established project or partnership under which travel costs have already been agreed. The grant will not cover overhead costs (including backfill costs), general running costs, professional fees or production costs such as the purchase or hire of materials, equipment, venues, goods and/or services. We cannot consider retrospective applications. If awarded, 75% of the grant will be paid on receipt of a detailed travel itinerary and invoice in advance of travel. 25% of the costs will be paid on receipt of the visit report and images, to be received no later than one month after the end of the visit. All travel must be completed by Monday 5th December 2016 and all paperwork for final payment must be submitted to ICOM UK by Monday 9th January 2017. Failure to submit the required paperwork by the January deadline may result in a delay or non-payment of the final instalment of the grant. DEADLINES FOR APPLICATIONS Applications open: Thursday 15th October 2015 Deadline for applications: 12:00 on Friday 30th October 2015 Successful applicants notified: w/c 16th November 2015 3 HOW TO APPLY Please complete one application form per organisation or consortium and email it to: Dana Andrew, WIRP Project Co-ordinator, Applications must be authorised by the applicant’s line manager, trustee, or chair person. Applications received by post, or after the deadline, will not be considered. All decisions are final. Working Internationally Regional Project - International Travel Grant Scheme REPORT TEMPLATE Organisation: Name: Job title: Country travelled to: Specific region or cities travelled to: Museum(s) and organisation(s) visited: Dates of visit: 1. Original purpose of the visit: (max 200 words) 2. Summary of visit, including what went well and what was challenging: (max 250 words) 3. Experience and knowledge gained, and the impact on you and your organisation: (max 200 words) 4. People, organisations, projects of relevance to your project/museum: (max 200 words) 5. Information of benefit to other museum professionals working internationally: (max 200 words) 6. What are the next steps following the visit, and what might you need in order to successfully realise your ideas?: (max 250 words) 7. In one sentence, please summarise the impact of your visit on your organisation. Images Please supply at least three images from the visit. Please send high resolution images as jpeg files. Image 1 file name Credit Line Image 2 file name Credit Line Image 3 file name Credit Line 4