Saturday, May 30, 2015 Toronto Face-to-Face and via Teleconference
0845 h MST/1145 h EST
PRESENT: Monica Branigan, Bernard Lapointe, David Henderson, Leonie Herx, Susan MacDonald,
Ted St. Godard, Anne Boyle, Stephanie Connidis, Bruno Gagnon, Kim Taylor (Executive Director &
Call to order at 0750 h
Welcome to new Board members – Susan
Teleconferences are held monthly, please participate regularly.
Board members are responsible to the Society and the membership, not to personal goals.
Decisions and actions are guided by guided by the CSPCP’s Vision, Mission, Goals.
Resources are tight (staff, budget, Board members’ time) so we have to be selective.
Election or Appointment of Officers – Susan
Vacant Officer positions are President-Elect & Treasurer.
Dave Henderson put his name forward to be President-Elect and Leonie Herx to be
MOTION: Bernard motioned to appoint David Henderson as President-Elect, seconded by
Leonie. Passed unanimously.
MOTION: Bernard motioned to appoint Leonie Herx as Treasurer, seconded by Susan.
Passed unanimously.
Date/Time for First Teleconference – Susan
June 8 at 9 am PST by GoTo Meeting/Telephone.
ACTION: Michelle to add new members to calendar invitation and remove members whose terms have expired.
Date for SeptemberF2F Board Meeting (2 days) – Susan
Friday & Saturday or Saturday & Sunday in September or early October.
Avoid Sept 25 – 26 & Thanksgiving weekend.
Friday & Saturday preferred.
ACTION: Michelle to send doodle poll.
Addresses for NEW Board Members – Kim
ACTION: Anne Boyle, Bruno Gagnon, Stephen Singh & Stephanie Connidis to email home addresses to Kim (
) & Michelle (
Signature Sheet for the Bank – Kim
Currently four people are authorized to sign for banking (2 signatures required): Doris,
Dave, Susan, Kim.
Doris will be removed from signing authority due to end of her term, suggest adding Leonie as new Treasurer.
MOTION: To add Leonie as signing authority. Motioned by Stephanie. Seconded by
Bruno. Carried unanimously
Health Canada opportunity – Kim
Health Canada has invited the CSPCP to submit a funding proposal based on a project brief submitted by Kim in November 2014. The deadline for submission is July 3, 2015.
Kim Taylor prepared a brief outlining the opportunities and risks associated with the contract that was reviewed by the 2014-15 Board on May 27 th
. The Board decided that the CSPCP should pursue the opportunity presented, but only if terms can be negotiated to mitigate the risk. Given that Kim’s time is already fully utilized, the board agreed to contract someone to prepare the application, provided that If the 2015-2106 Board supports this decision. If
CSPCP receives the grant we will hire someone to lead the project and to be accountable directly to the Board for the deliverables.
Discussion today: o The next step is to have Kim to indicate the CSPCP’s strong interest to Health Canada and ask whether the terms are negotiable, in order to reduce risk to an acceptable level while meeting the goals of both parties o If Health Canada is willing to negotiate, a contractor will be hired to write the proposal with input from Kim and the Board. Suggested contractors: Louise Hanvey or Leanne
o ACTION: Kim to contact Health Canada about the possibility of negotiations and notify Board of the results.
o ACTION: Kim to contact Louse and Leanne if Health Canada is amenable to negotiations o MOTION: To spend up to $5000 to prepare a proposal for Health Canada. Moved by
Anne Boyle. Seconded by David Henderson. Approved unanimously
Board pages/manual on web site – Kim
Members area of web site includes private Board pages.
ACTION: Michelle to change permissions to remove access for exiting board members and to grant access for new Board members.
Physician Assisted Death (PAD) task group
Monica proposes setting up a working group to support the Board on the subject of PAS (see proposal circulated by email) to do background work for the Board on this subject.
Membership by invitation but with clear criteria about how people were chosen.
Make two positions open to Board members with clear criteria on how they will be chosen.
Ensure terms “euthanasia” and/or “physician assisted suicide” are used; not “physician assisted death”.
If documents are confidential to the Board, they would not be shared with the task group
Work must be highly integrated with the Board and all messages reviewed and approved by
Board before being communicated publically.
Would there be a cost to this? Probably one face to face meeting in conjunction with the fall
Recommend including James Downar.
MOTION : To move forward with Monica’s proposal. Moved by Susan. Second Leonie.
ACTION: Monica to propose details of how the invitation would work and what the initial scope would be, for review and approval at June 8 th
Board meeting.
ADJOURN: 0835 h
NEXT MEETING: Monday, June 8, 2015 by Go To and Teleconference
9 AM PST / 10 AM MST / 11 AM CST / 1200 EST / 1300 ATL / 1350 Nfld