School Governance Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2014 The meeting began at 5:32 Attendance: Present: Bryan Lewchick, Mia Webb-Holmes, Karen Champagne, Phyllis Winkler, Bob Kaplan, Ana Smith, William Carol, Kim Deroiser, Jan Cribben, Kristen Angel Absent: Safina Chaudry, Lindsey Gauthier, Jason Hahn, Brenda Greene 1. Review Meeting Minutes Bryan Lewchick moved to approve the December meeting minutes. Karen Champagne seconded the motion. 2. Increase After School Activities There was an update about the Mad Science program. Eleven people have signed up for the 6 weeks and three have signed up for the 12 weeks. Mrs. Greene has contacted Mad Science to establish 2 scholarships for the six week program. So, the school will pay for two students to participate for 6 weeks. Another flyer will go home the beginning of the week of February 10th. This flyer will include a note to contact Mrs. Greene to request a scholarship. Mad Science presented to students grades 1-5 during the lunch waves. The 3rd/4th computer course has been meeting every Monday and Thursday after school and has had a great turnout. All slots filled quickly. This program ends late February. Mrs. Winkler wanted to know where the grant came from to pay for this program. Vernon Reads continues. Jason Hahn was going to talk to Park and Recreation about extending afterschool care to kids in afterschool programs. Still waiting for a report on this. Kristen Angel spoke to Kim Johnson from Lunging Tiger Karate. Kim Johnson is interested in becoming the other community member needed for our Council. She is also interested in doing programs for kids and adults after school. 3. Increase Parent Involvement Three parents have left the School Governance Council. We need to get nominees for these slots and have a vote on them. Discussion ensued about possible parents who may be interested in joining. Kim and Kristen are going to speak to the PTO next week about the need for these positions to be filled. Brenda will send home a form to ask parents if they are interested. SGC teachers will talk to parents of their students. 4. New Items Open for Discussion The Open House day care program was discussed. If after school program by high school students happens, what are the parameters for adult supervision? Possible intramural sports for 4th and 5th graders in Vernon were discussed. Kim is talking to Lois Possell about it. Practices would be after school and games in the evening. Karen Champagne questioned if there should be a subcommittee to organize after school activities. SGC should have copies of the School Improvement Plan. Ideas for getting more parents to respond to the school climate survey were discussed. William Carol proposed taking items from last year’s climate survey and creating an action plan. Should SGC have input into SIP? Should we develop ways to monitor and gauge success? Should that be the function of SGC? Next meeting: Tuesday March 4 at 5:30 Meeting adjourned at 7:00