CPR 2015-16 Office of Student & School Success (OSSS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 16.1 School Improvement Grants The district ensures that identified SIG schools implement one of the two federal intervention models (SIG Guidance, March, 2015). Evidence District Level ⧠ A. List of the district’s SIG schools that have implemented each model (Transformation and/or Turnaround). ⧠ B. Data for each school that demonstrates improved student achievement. ⧠ C. Describe the implementation of each required element. Narrative CPR 2015-16 Office of Student & School Success (OSSS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 16.2 SIG – Transformation Model The district ensures that identified SIG schools implement one of the two federal intervention models (SIG Guidance, March, 2015). Evidence District and Building Level Teachers and Leaders ⧠ A. Replace the principal. • Recruitment posting • Principal contract ⧠ B. Implement rigorous, transparent, and equitable evaluation systems for teachers and principals that are developed with staff and use student growth as a significant factor. • Sample teacher evaluation • Sample principal evaluation • Bargained agreement • MOU ⧠ C. Implement strategies (e.g., financial incentives and career ladders) for recruiting, placing, and retaining effective teachers. • Salary or supplemental pay documentation • Recruiting, placing, and retaining policies • Teacher retention data documentation • Human Resources policy manual ⧠ D. Identify and reward school leaders and teachers who have increased student achievement Narrative 16.2 Cont and graduation rates; identify and remove those who, after ample opportunities to improve practice, have not done so. • MOU that documents reward metric • Human Resource policy on incentives and rewards • Human Resource policy on removal of underperforming staff Instructional Support Strategies ⧠ E. Use data to select and implement an instructional program that is research based and vertically aligned to each grade and state standards. • Curriculum maps • Building leadership team minutes • Evidence of alignment and implementation • Professional Development sign-in sheets and minutes ⧠ F. Provide staff ongoing, high quality, job-embedded PD aligned with the school’s comprehensive instructional program and designed with school staff. • Professional Development calendars • Sign-in sheets • Personal improvement planning documents ⧠ G. Ensure continuous use of data to inform and differentiate instruction to meet the academic needs of students. • Data logs that demonstrate how data is being used to differentiate instruction • PLC agendas with outcomes • Administrative monitoring documents that show evidence of implementation 16.2 Cont Learning Time and Support ⧠ H. Increase learning time for students and staff. • Learning time logs for staff and students • Master schedule • Yearly schedule ⧠ I. Provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement. • Schoolwide Title I family and community engagement documentation • Sign-in sheets • Survey results Governance ⧠ J. Grant school sufficient operational flexibility (e.g., staffing, calendar, budget) to implement fully a comprehensive approach to substantially improve student achievement and increase graduation rates. • Student and School Success Action Plan ⧠ K. Ensure school receives intensive ongoing technical support from district, state, or external partners. • Office of Student and School Success school visits calendar • SIG/RAD Professional Development participation • District support meetings with outcomes CPR 2015-16 Office of Student & School Success (OSSS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 16.3 SIG – Turnaround Model The district ensures that identified SIG schools implement one of the two federal intervention models (SIG Guidance, March, 2015). Evidence District and Building Level Teachers and Leaders ⧠ A. Replace principal. • Recruitment posting • Principal contract ⧠ B. Implement strategies (e.g., financial incentives and career ladders) for recruiting, placing, and retaining effective teachers. • Salary or supplemental pay documentation • Recruiting, placing, and retaining policies • Teacher retention data documentation • Human Resources policy manual ⧠ C. Use locally adopted competencies to measure effectiveness of staff who can work in turnaround environment; use to screen existing staff and select new staff. • District developed screening tool or rubric • Bargaining Agreement ⧠ D. Screen all existing staff, rehiring no more than 50%. • Previous years End-of-Year Report Narrative 16.3 Cont Instructional Support Strategies ⧠ E. Use data to select and implement an instructional program that is research based and vertically aligned to each grade and Common Core State Standards. • Curriculum Man • Pacing Guides ⧠ F. Provide staff ongoing, high quality, jobembedded PD aligned with the school’s comprehensive instructional program and designed with school staff. • Professional Development calendars • Sign-in sheets • Personal improvement planning documents ⧠ G. Ensure continuous use of data to inform and differentiate instruction to meet the academic needs of students. • Documented shifts based on frequent data reviews Learning Time and Support ⧠ H. Increase learning time for students and staff. • Learning time logs for staff and students • Master schedule • Yearly schedule ⧠ I. Provide appropriate social-emotional and community oriented services and support for students. 16.3 Cont • Title I Schoolwide Plan • Meeting Agendas • Curriculum Agendas Governance ⧠ J. Adopt a new governance structure to address turnaround of school(s); the district may hire a chief turnaround officer to report directly to the superintendent. • Previous years End-of-Year Report ⧠ K. Grant school sufficient operational flexibility (e.g., staffing, calendar, budget to implement fully a comprehensive approach to substantially improve student achievement and increase graduation rates. • Previous years End-of-Year Report End of Year Report ⧠ L. Provide evidence that the End of Year Report for 2014-15 meets compliance. CPR 2015-16 Office of Student & School Success (OSSS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 16.4 Priority/Focus School Parent Notification Parents have been notified that their children attend a Priority or Focus School annually. Evidence Building Level ⧠ A. Parent notification was completed on or before September 11, 2015. Notification may be delivered in multiple ways, but posting to website only is insufficient. Narrative CPR 2015-16 Office of Student & School Success (OSSS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date 16.5 Description Evidence Technical Assistance The district provides technical assistance and resources to identified Priority and/or Focus Schools. District Level ⧠ A. District provides technical assistance and resources to Priority and/or Focus schools. Evidence may include: • District sign-in for PD offered • Calendar of PD and interventions • Documentation of compensation outside the contract day • Other ⧠ B. District supports Priority High Schools (with a graduation rate of less than 60%) that have been identified as 2015-16 Title I schools (if applicable). Evidence may include: • Additional resources • Time provided • Extended year intervention programs that is targeted to raising the graduation rate • Other Narrative CPR 2015-16 Office of Student & School Success (OSSS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 16.6 Focus Schools Focus schools have implemented interventions. Evidence Building Level ⧠ A. Describe how interventions are aligned with the reason the school was identified. Evidence may include: • Indicators and tasks specifically speak to improvement within the identified subpopulation • Demonstrable correlation exists between how the “up to 20 percent” setaside and grant support the improvement of the identified subpopulation • Other Narrative CPR 2015-16 Office of Student & School Success (OSSS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 16.7 Student and School Success Grant Activities District ensures that all fiscal expenditures related to the Student and School Success grant (if applicable) are directly connected and support indicators selected in identified schools Student and School Success Action Plan. Evidence District Level ⧠ A. The Student and School Success grant is directly connected to indicator implementation on each school’s OSSS Action Plan. Evidence may include specific notation within the OSSS Action Plan on how funds are invested in indicator and task acquisition and completion. ⧠ B. N/A Narrative CPR 2015-16 Office of Student & School Success (OSSS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 16.8 Student and School Success Action Plan The Priority and/or Focus School’s Student and School Success Action Plan includes the following turnaround principles and has data that demonstrates that schools are on track to success: 1. Provide strong leadership by: (a) reviewing the performance of the current principal; (b) either replacing the principal if such a change is necessary to ensure strong and effective leadership, or demonstrating to the SEA that the current principal has a track record in improving achievement and has the ability to lead the turnaround effort; and (c) providing the principal with operational flexibility in the areas of scheduling, staff, curriculum, and budget. 2. Ensure effective teachers by: (a) reviewing the quality of all staff and retaining only those who are determined to be effective and have the ability to be Evidence Building Level ⧠ A. OSSS Action Plan addresses each of the school level Expected Indicators as connected to the 7 Turnaround Principles. ⧠ B. Principle 1: Provide strong leadership. Evidence may include: • Job description • Resume of principal hired • Required competencies or scoring rubric used in hiring decision • Other ⧠ C. Principle 2: Ensure that teachers are effective and able to improve instruction. Evidence may include: • District – MOU/other documentation related to preventing ineffective teachers from transferring into school • School – Schedules, agendas, and descriptions showing job-embedded PD and how PD needs were identified. • Other ⧠ D. Principle 3: District includes additional time for student learning and teacher collaboration. Evidence may include: Narrative 16.8 cont successful in the turnaround effort; (b) preventing ineffective teachers from transferring to these schools; and (c) providing job-embedded, ongoing professional development informed by the teacher evaluation and support systems and tied to teacher and student needs. 3. Redesign the school day, week, or year to include additional time for student learning and teacher collaboration. 4. Strengthen the school’s instructional program based on student needs and ensuring that the instructional program is research-based, rigorous, and aligned with State academic content standards. 5. Use data to inform instruction and for continuous improvement, including by providing time for collaboration on the use of data. 6. Establish a school environment that improves school safety and discipline and addressing other non-academic factors that impact student achievement, such as students’ social, emotional, and health needs. 2. 7. Provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement. • Daily schedule • Annual Calendar • Document showing redesign of school day/year leading to additional time for student learning and teacher collaboration • Other ⧠ E. Principle 4: District strengthens the school’s instructional program based on student needs. Evidence may include: • Curriculum maps/pacing guides showing alignment of units with CCSS and state standards. • Gap analysis documents • Standards alignment documents • Multi-tiered instructional framework and description of process used to move students among tiers • Agendas and minutes of Student Support Team (e.g., team that uses data to place student in the multi-tiered framework) • Leadership team meeting agendas and minutes demonstrating use of data to strengthen the school’s instructional program • Summary reports on interim assessments in reading and math • Use of formative/interim assessment data in making instructional, intervention or placement decisions for students • Other ⧠ F. Principle 5: Use data to inform instruction and for continuous improvement, including by providing time for collaboration on the use of data. Evidence may include: 16.8 Cont • Schedule showing teacher collaboration time (PLCs) for use of data; minutes, handouts, etc. from PLCs. • Agendas and handouts showing PD focused on use of data to inform instruction and/or for effective implementation of PLCs focused on using data to improve instruction • List of data used (e.g., student outcome data; leading indicator data; and results of formative or interim assessments to help improve classroom instruction. • Other ⧠ G. Principle 6: District works to establish a school environment that improves school safety and discipline and address other non-academic factors that impact student achievement, such as students’ social, emotional, and health needs. Evidence may include: • Surveys, other tools used to assess student needs • Documentation showing system of positive behavioral interventions and support, including staff, student and parent training in the system. • Anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies • Student handbooks outlining expectations, policies, and student support systems • Agreements showing partnerships with community and other agencies focused on addressing students’ social, emotional, and health needs • Other ⧠ H. Principle 7: Provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement. Evidence may include: 16.8 cont • Community-wide assessments; agendas and minutes from parent meetings; parent/community surveys re: satisfaction and support. • Results of community-wide assessment to identify the major factors that significantly affect the academic achievement. • Inventory of the resources in the community and the school that could be aligned, integrated, and coordinated to address identified challenges. • Family/community surveys re: satisfaction and support. • Family Compact. • Agendas and minutes for public meetings involving parents and community members to review school performance and help develop school improvement plans. • Written procedures for complaints for families • Plans resulting from coordination with community organizations, if available • Reports from community assessments of needs and resources, if available • Written evidence of coordinated efforts with local social and health service providers to help meet student and family needs, provide wraparound services for students, or provide parent education classes (including GED, adult literacy, and ESL programs). • Other CPR 2015-16 Office of Student & School Success (OSSS) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 16.9 District’s Student and School Success Action Plan District has implemented Expected Indicators through the Indistar tool to ensure Priority and/or Focus school compliance, support, and accountability. 1. Provide strong leadership by: (a) reviewing the performance of the current principal; (b) either replacing the principal if such a change is necessary to ensure strong and effective leadership, or demonstrating to the SEA that the current principal has a track record in improving achievement and has the ability to lead the turnaround effort; and (c) providing the principal with operational flexibility in the areas of scheduling, staff, curriculum, and budget. 2. Ensure that teachers are effective and able to improve instruction by: (a) reviewing the quality of all staff and retaining only those who are determined to be effective and have the ability to be successful in the turnaround effort; (b) Evidence District Level ⧠ A. OSSS Action Plan addresses each of the district level Expected Indicators as connected to the 7 Turnaround Principles. ⧠ B. Principle 1: Provide strong leadership. Evidence may include: • P1-A: Principal Evaluation Process • P1-B: Human Resource (HR) policies addressing assignment of principal to P, F, or E school • PI-C: HR, budget/fiscal, and organizational policies and procedures, internal student and school success office. ⧠ C. Principle 2: Ensure that teachers are effective and able to improve instruction. Evidence may include: • P2-A: Teacher certification levels, HR policies and procedures, incentives for placement • P2-B: HR policies and procedures, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) • P2-C: Professional Development (PD) calendar, school year calendar with job- embedded PD opportunities, assignment of instructional coaches Narrative 16.9 cont preventing ineffective teachers from transferring to these schools; and (c) providing job-embedded, ongoing professional development informed by the teacher evaluation and support systems and tied to teacher and student needs. 3. Redesign the school day, week, or year to include additional time for student learning and teacher collaboration. 4. Strengthen the school’s instructional program based on student needs and ensure that the instructional program is research-based, rigorous, and aligned with State academic content standards. 5. Use data to inform instruction and for continuous improvement, including by providing time for collaboration on the use of data 6. Establish a school environment that improves school safety and discipline and address other non-academic factors that impact student achievement, such as students’ social, emotional, and health needs. 7. Provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement. ⧠ D. Principle 3: Redesign the school day, week, or year to include additional time for student learning and teacher collaboration. Evidence may include: • P3-A: Budget, master schedule of school, CBA’s, MOU’s ⧠ E. Principle 4: Strengthen the school’s instructional program. Evidence may include: • P4-A: Annotated literature review of researchbased programs, e.g., Instructional Framework (Danielson, Marzano, CEL 5D’s); CCSS • P4-B: Early warning data system, assignment of intervention specialists and instructional coaches, master schedule with intervention time • P4-C: Interim assessment plan and master schedule with assessments, e.g. Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), Mathematics and/or Reading Benchmark Assessments (MBA/RBA), Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELs), etc. ⧠ F. Principle 5: Use data to inform instruction and for continuous improvement. Evidence may include: • P5-A: District technology plan, data systems, professional development schedule, assignment of data support staff ⧠ G. Principle 6: Establish a school environment that improves school safety and discipline and address other non-academic factors that impact student achievement, such as students’ social, emotional, and health needs. 16.9 cont ⧠ H. Principle 7: Provide ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement. Evidence may include: • P7-A: Family notification letter, family and community section of website with relevant information for parents, families, and community; family involvement policy and procedure • P7-B: Family and community section of website with calendar of family and community meetings, agendas and minutes of family and community meetings