Basic English SAP GRADING SCHEME INDICATORS WEIGHT (%) ASSESSMENT NAME/DESCRIPTION UAS (30% - 60%) 20 70 Questions (MCQ, T/F, Fill in the blanks, Matching) UTS (20% - 40%) 20 70 Questions (MCQ, T/F, Fill in the blanks, Matching) 60 Quiz Homework targeting competencies Speaking Assessment Writing Assessment KAT 1 1 | Course Catalog Number SESSION 1 Week of Aug 24 2 Week of Aug 31 3 Week of Sept 7 ACTIVITIES / LEARNING METHODS TOPIC 1 -Learning about -Grammar : Grammar (Using ‘be’ Using ‘Be’ and and ‘have’ in sentences ‘Have’ & discussion – 90’ -Vocabulary Break-10’ (VocComp) and -Learning about Pronunciation Vocabulary – 30’ (Azar’s book) Break-10’ -Listening & Repeating Word Pronunciation 20’ TOPIC 2 -Grammar: idem Using ‘Simple Present Tense’ Part 1 - VocComp and Pronunciation (Azar’s book) TOPIC 3 -Learning about -Grammar: Grammar (Review & Review and continue discussing continue the use of ’simple discussing the present tense’’ in use of ‘Simple sentences –70’ Present Tense’ Break-10’ Part 2 -Learning about Vocabulary – 30’ -Vocabulary Break-10’ (VocComp) and -Listening to & TOPICS ASSESSMENTS MEDIA RESOURCES Vocabulary Practice PC, LCD, (VocComp) – 10’ sound-system, VocComp Listening : software, Pronunciation Practice (Azar’s book) –10’ Azar’s Basic English Grammar (3rd Edition), Ch. 1&2 VocComp software/ book Vocabulary Practice PC, LCD, (VocComp) – 10’ sound-system, VocComp Listening:Pronuncia software, tion Practice (Azar’s book) –10’ Azar’s Basic English Grammar (3rd Edition), Ch.3 VocComp software/ book Grammar practice - PC, LCD, individual/ group sound-system, work (KAT 1) -20’ VocComp software, Vocabulary Practice (VocComp) – 10’ Azar’s Basic English Grammar (3rd Edition), Ch.4 Listening/Pronunci ation Practice (Azar’s book) –10’ VocComp software/ book 2 | Course Catalog Number SESSION TOPICS Listening/ Pronunciation (Azar’s book) 4 TOPIC 4 Week of -Grammar: Sept 14 Talking about the Present and ‘Nouns and Pronouns’ -Vocabulary (VocComp) and Listening/ Pronunciation 5 TOPIC 5 Week of Review Topic Sept 21 1-4 6 TOPIC 6 Week of Count and Sept 28 Uncountable Nouns ACTIVITIES / LEARNING METHODS Repeating Word Pronunciation –20’ -Learning about Grammar (prepositions of time, using it to talk about the time & weather), learning about nouns and pronouns –90’ Break-10’ -Listening to & understanding dialogue-30’ -Reviewing Topic 1-4 – in 90’ Break-10’ -Class discussion 30’ Break - 10’ -Learning about Grammar (Count and Noncountable Nouns ‘ – 80’ Break-10’ -Learning about Vocabulary – 10’ Break-10 minutes -Listening to & Repeating Word Pronunciation – 20’ ASSESSMENTS MEDIA Grammar practice30’ PC, LCD, sound-system, VocComp Listening:Answerin software, g questions from dialogues heard-20’ Grammar practice10’ RESOURCES Azar’s Basic English Grammar (3rd Edition), Ch.5&6 VocComp software/ book PC, LCD, Idem sound-system, VocComp software, Vocabulary Quiz (KAT1) (VocComp) – 30’ Grammar practice - PC, LCD, 20’ sound-system, VocComp Cont’ Vocabulary software, Quiz (KAT1) (VocComp) – 20’ Azar’s Basic English Grammar (3rd Edition), Ch.7 VocComp software/ book Listening/Pronunci ation Practice (Azar’s book) –10’ 3 | Course Catalog Number SESSION TOPICS 7 TOPIC 7 Week of Expressing Oct 5 Past time 8 UTS Week of Oct 12 TOPIC 8 Writing technique (topic sentence) 9 UTS review & Week of discussion Oct 19 Expressing future tense TOPIC 9 Writing technique (topic sentence) ACTIVITIES / LEARNING METHODS -Learning about Grammar: Simple Past Tense and use it in sentences in class discussion – 90’ Break-10 minutes -Learning about Vocabulary – 30’ Break-10’ -Listening to & Repeating Word Pronunciation – 10’ ASSESSMENTS MEDIA Grammar practice - PC, LCD, 10’ homework Vocabulary Practice sheet, (VocComp) – 10’ Listening/Pronunci ation Practice (Azar’s book) –10’ Homework (KAT1) Azar’s Basic English Grammar (3rd Edition) PC, LCD, sound-system, Individual Test - 90’ - Explanation about writing techniques-20’ Discussion on how to comprehend topic sentences-30’ Writing assignment on comprehending UTS paper a topic sentences and produce 5 of it (30’) PC, LCD, sound-system, Class discussion on VocComp the use of future software, tense in sentences20’ Listening/ speaking Practice (Speaking Naturally Book) – 10’ Discussion on UTS & its answers 20’ Learning about Grammar: Future Tense and use it in sentences –50’ Break-10’ Listening to dialogues –20’ Break-10’ RESOURCES - Azar’s Basic English Grammar (3rd Edition), Ch.10&11 Bruce, Tillit & Bruder, Mary Newton (1985) Speaking Naturally 4 | Course Catalog Number ACTIVITIES / ASSESSMENTS LEARNING METHODS Discussing on writing Writing practice on technique – 10’ comprehending a topic sentences and produce 5 of it -30’ 10 TOPIC 10 Learning about Grammar practice Week of Modals - Part 1 Grammar Using on Modals - 10’ Oct 26 Expressing ‘Modals’ in sentences – Ability 90’ Listening/ speaking Break-10’ Practice (Speaking Writing Listening to dialogues - Naturally Book) – technique 20’ 10’ (transition Break-10’ Writing practice on signal) Discussing on writing transition signal technique – 20’ comprehension and able to mention 5 of it individually -10’ SESSION TOPICS 11 TOPIC 11 Week of Modals - Part 2 Nov 1 Advice, necessity, requests, suggestions Writing technique (transition signal) 12 TOPIC 12 Week of Nouns and Nov 8 Modifiers, Learning about Grammar Continue using ‘Modals’ in sentences – 90’ Break-10’ Listening to dialogues 20’ Break-10’ Discussing on writing technique – 20’ Grammar practice on Modals - 10’ Listening/ speaking Practice (Speaking Naturally Book) – 10’ Writing practice on transition signal comprehension and able to use it in a paragraph -10’ Learning about Grammar practice Grammar Using ‘Nouns 10’ and Modifiers’ in MEDIA RESOURCES PC, LCD, Idem sound-system, Speaking Naturally ebook PC, LCD, idem sound-system, Speaking Naturally ebook PC, LCD, Azar’s Basic sound-system, English Grammar Speaking (3rd Edition), 5 | Course Catalog Number SESSION TOPICS Possesives Writing technique (concluding sentence) 13 TOPIC 13 Week of Possesives, Nov 15 Making Comparisons ACTIVITIES / LEARNING METHODS sentences – 45’’ Learning about Grammar Using ‘Possesives’’ in sentences-45’’ Break-10’ Listening to dialogues 20’ Break-10’ Discussing on writing technique – 20’ Learning about Grammar Continue discussing about ‘Possesives’’ and learning about Writing ‘’making comparisons’ technique - 80’ (concluding & Break-10’ recommendati Listening to dialogues on sentence) 20’ Break-10’ Discussing on writing technique – 20’ ASSESSMENTS MEDIA RESOURCES Listening/ speaking Naturally ePractice (Speaking book Naturally Book) – 10’ Ch.14&15 Bruce, Tillit & Bruder, Mary Newton (1985) Speaking Naturally Writing practice on making a concluding sentence and produce 2 of it individually -10’ Grammar practice - PC, LCD, 10’ sound-system, Speaking Listening/ speaking Naturally ePractice (Speaking book Naturally Book) – 10’ Writing practice on making a recommendation sentence and produce 2 of it individually -15’, peer assessment 5’ Azar’s Basic English Grammar (3rd Edition), Ch.14&15 Bruce, Tillit & Bruder, Mary Newton (1985) Speaking Naturally 14 TOPIC 14 Reviewing Topic 1 - 13 PC, LCD, Azar’s Basic Week of Review Topic 1 in 90’ Grammar practice - sound-system, English Grammar Nov 22 - 13 Break-10’ 10’ Speaking (3rd Edition), 6 | Course Catalog Number SESSION TOPICS 15 Speaking Week of assessment Nov 29 Writing assessment & 16 Week of 6 Dec Reflection Time Final Test ACTIVITIES / LEARNING METHODS Listening to dialogues 20’ Break-10’ Discussing on writing technique – 20’ 3 minute dialogue in pair 30 minutes for writing one academic paragraph ASSESSMENTS MEDIA Naturally eListening/ speaking book Practice (Speaking Naturally Book) – 10’ Writing practice on making a recommendation sentence and produce 2 of it individually -15’, peer assessment 5’ Speaking Speaking assessment & Naturally eWriting assessment book RESOURCES Ch.14&15 Bruce, Tillit & Bruder, Mary Newton (1985) Speaking Naturally - 1 page A4 paper Final Test 70 Questions Covering topic 9-14 Final Test - - 7 | Course Catalog Number Rubric for Speaking Assessment 3 Accuracy (Grammar) Successfully used most of the grammar points. Their reflection is understandable. Fluency (Memorization) Most of their writing is memorized and is able to speak fluently. Presentation Presentation is genuine,meaningful and enjoyable. 2 Successfully used some of the grammar points. Their reflection is understandable. Some of their writing is memorized and is able to speak fluently. Presentation is easy to understand and enjoyable. 1 Successfully used most of the grammar points. Their reflection is understandable. Most of their writing is memorized and is able to speak fluently. Presentation is not easy to follow and not enjoyable. Rubric for Writing Assessment ASSESSMENT ASPECT 4 (high) 3 1 (low) 1. Topic Sentence It is one long sentence that has topic and controlling ideas. 2. Transition Signals There are 5 of it Only 4 Only 3 in the paragraph . It is more than It is around 75- It is around 50100 words 100 words 74 words Only 1-2 4. Grammar It has 0-3 grammar mistakes It has 4-7 grammar mistakes It has more than 10 grammar mistakes 5. Topic & Arguments Fresh and all are Clear Fresh but only Quite Fresh but Boring and all some are clear many are are vague vague 3. Word Count It is one long sentence with a topic in it but no controlling ideas 2 It is short with The sentence vague topic does not have and controlling ideas It has 8-10 grammar mistakes . It is below 50 words 8 | Course Catalog Number 9 | Course Catalog Number