Peer Academic Coach Application The Center for Academic Success at Manhattan College is hiring Peer Academic Coaches! A Peer Academic Coach is a peer mentor who will work one-on-one with MC students in order to identify barriers to academic success and offer solutions to overcome them. Coaches are expected to build trust with their students, communicate clearly, and nurture a sense of campus community. Peer Academic Coaches will: teach study techniques and strategies help students effectively manage their time assist with test preparation work with students to set appropriate goals and accomplish these goals connect students with other academic support services (tutoring, SI, etc.) have the opportunity to design and administer relevant workshops properly track student progress and maintain records of sessions Peer Academic Coaches will teach skills and lay the groundwork necessary for success throughout college and beyond. Peer Academic Coach Qualifications The applicant must: be a Manhattan College student who has completed at least 2 semesters by Fall 2015 have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (if a student with a GPA lower than 3.0 applies, his or her application will be considered but scrutinized closely) be in good academic and judicial standing at the College make at least a one-semester commitment (this is to ensure no Coach leaves mid-semester) attend Academic Coaching Training (dates TBD) be available for a biweekly staff meeting with Learning Specialist and other Coaches demonstrate reliability and strong work ethic demonstrate patience and a desire to help others succeed demonstrate responsibility and appropriate etiquette demonstrate interpersonal communication skills Created April 2015 Peer Academic Coach Application Please PRINT or TYPE responses clearly and legibly. Please include an unofficial academic transcript, your Fall 2015 class schedule, and two letters of recommendation (1 peer and 1 faculty) when you submit this application. Name: _________________________________________ Student ID #: ________________________ Major: _____________________ Minor: _____________________ Semester GPA:________________ Year of Study:__________________________ Expected Graduation Year:_______________________ Athletic Participation:_________________________________________________________________ State/Country of Permanent Residence:__________________________________________________ Summer Address:____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone #:______________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone #:________________________________________________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________________________@ Please list the days and times you are available to work as a Peer Academic Coach: Monday:___________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday:___________________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday:________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday:__________________________________________________________________________________ Friday:_____________________________________________________________________________________ 1) What would you consider your areas of strength? Please check all that apply: o o o time management academic performance student leadership Created April 2015 Peer Academic Coach Application o o o socializing/making connections rapport with professors other:_______________________________________________________________________________ 2) What areas would you consider a challenge? Please check all that apply: o o o o o o time management academic performance student leadership socializing/making connections rapport with professors other:_______________________________________________________________________________ 3) Please indicate only one organization, club, activity, committee, community service, sports team, or project per block. Organization, club, volunteer activity, special committee, department project Reference Name Leadership Role (s) Please indicate dates for each role listed Level of Involvement Circle the appropriate number and add comments 1 (low) 2 3 4 5 (high) 2 3 4 5 (high) Comments: Organization, club, volunteer activity, special committee, department project Reference Name Leadership Role (s) Please indicate dates for each role listed Level of Involvement Circle the appropriate number and add comments 1 (low) Comments: 4) Tell us about any special interests, hobbies, or special skills you possess. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Created April 2015 Peer Academic Coach Application __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) How would you describe yourself? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) How would others describe you? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7) Why do you want to become a Peer Academic Coach? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Do you plan to have a job in addition to peer academic coaching during the Fall 2015 semester? Yes_____ No______ 9) If you do plan to have an additional job, how many hours per week will the job require? Is it on or off campus? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Created April 2015 Peer Academic Coach Application References Please provide the following information for at least two people who can serve as your references. One reference should be a peer and one should be a professor. Please have each reference write a brief letter of recommendation, put it in a sealed envelope, and sign across the seal. Peer Reference Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone #:___________________________________________________________________________ Relationship to You:_________________________________________________________________________ Faculty Reference Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone #:___________________________________________________________________________ Relationship to You:_________________________________________________________________________ I certify that the above information is true and I grant permission for the Learning Specialist of the Manhattan College Center for Academic Success to verify the information provided. Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:____________________ Thank you for your interest in this exciting new position! You may be contacted for an interview. Please return this form, your Fall 2015 class schedule, an unofficial transcript, and the two required letters of recommendation to Sarah Glessner, Learning Specialist in the Center for Academic Success. Materials can be emailed* to Sarah at or brought to her office in De La Salle Hall Room 206e. *If you choose to email application materials, recommendation letters must still be submitted as hard copies in signed and sealed envelopes. Created April 2015