Daffodil Room - Derby Street Nursery

Derby Street Nursery
March 2014
Newsletter 45
General News
Bluebell Room
1 December 2009
m e 1Tessa
, I s s u eand
like to
Miss Laura is now a fully qualified First Aider,
Firstly the boys and girls would
December 2009
completing the 3 day course on the 21st of
Emily lots of fun times in the Daffodil Room. We
olume 1, Issue 1
would also like to welcome Esme toVthe
room; we
March, well done!
look forward to lots of fun together. Throughout
Miss Jillian attended Planning and Responding to
March Miss Denise began to explore the sense of sight
Under Threes Play on the 26 of March delivered
with the children. We will be continuing this
by Experiential Play and is keen to feedback to
throughout April by making reflectors for our garden
staff at next weeks full staff meeting on her
and exploring different light sources.
In March Miss Laura and the children chose ‘Fun
Our baby sitting service is proving to be a
Farm’ to be their story of the month. They have all
popular addition to Derby Street Nursery with
been enjoying listening to the story and making
parents/carers already enjoying some ‘me’ time!
animal sounds. We will be continuing to read ‘Fun
The service is offered to parents/carers of
Farm’ and creating an interactive wall display so
Nursery children at a reduced rate and where
that the children can move the little calf to meet his
friends and flaps for the children to lift to see what
possible you can request a particular staff
animal is hiding.
member. The Nursery is enjoying many visits and
In March Miss Rachel and the children had lots of fun
places being taken for children and we would
exploring the sand and water. We love splashing in
like to take this opportunity to thank you for the
the water and pouring the sand into our sand toys.
recommendations you give to family and friends
This month we will be exploring different textures
who are seeking childcare for their children.
with sand such as cornflour, water and shaving foam.
Buttercup and Daisy Room
During the month of March we have been exploring
things that move; the pull along toys, the rocking
caterpillar, the musical walker and the boats. All the
children are becoming very confident in pulling
themselves up and climbing, well done Daisies! We
would like to welcome Mattias and Raphael to the
room; we look forward to fun times together. Now
that it is spring we are looking forward to the good
weather and exploring the outdoors.
During March Miss Shadab and the children explored
sound in the sensory area using metal and wooden
spoons, boxes and tins. In April we will be creating
Easter and spring paintings using colours and a
variety of tools e.g. sponges, paint brushes and
lollipop sticks. We are also making lots of flowers for
our Mothers Day wall.
Daffodil Room
Last month we were very busy in the Daffodil Room.
We talked about people who help us and focussed on
road safety. We learned about waiting for the green
man and how the lollipop person helps us. We also
talked about firemen and police officers. We even
got to be fire fighters rescuing someone from a
building that was on fire! We had made our own
building out of boxes and dressed up in the fire
fighter costume. We had lots of fun being wiggly
caterpillars and fluttering butterflies as we
celebrated Very Hungry Caterpillar Day.
Street Nursery News Letter
Derby StreetDerby
Fun was had by all; we read the story, watched the DVD
on the SmartBoard, played some games, danced like
butterflies and had some caterpillar cake. Best of all Miss
Jillian painted some very cool butterflies and caterpillars
on our faces. What a great month we had!In the coming
month we will be focussing on spring. We will be making
lots of pictures and exploring and discussing plants,
flowers and animals. We will also be decorating our book
corner to reflect our new book of the month ‘The Animal
Boogie’. We would like to remind parents/carers about
the lending library; you are welcome to borrow a book.
We would like to welcome Emily and Tessa to the
Daffodil Room, we are very excited about having 2 new
friends to play with.
Thistle Room
This month we have been learning about farm animals.
We have been exploring the names of baby animals and
have been learning about what foods we get from
animals. We are in the process of developing our role
play area into a farm shop. We have also been
participating in nature walks in the park to look for the
early signs of spring. We also celebrated World Book Day
by writing our own stories which we read to our friends.
Finally we celebrated “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” day
by reading the story, participating in butterfly ring
games, using the parachute and we used face paint to
dress up as butterflies and caterpillars.
Eco Schools
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Chef Belinda’s Recipe
Aubergine and Chickpea Masala
Aubergine, potatoes, olive oil, mild curry
paste, fresh coriander, onion, garlic,
chickpeas, basmati rice, mango chutney,
vegetable stock, natural yoghurt/soya
natural yoghurt
Method; Dice onions and potatoes.
Roughly chop aubergines and peel garlic
cloves. Heat oil in a large pan and add
the aubergine and garlic, cook for 5
minutes. Add stock and cook until soft
then blend. Meanwhile heat oil on a
baking tray in the oven and add the
diced potatoes and onions, cook until
soft turning occasionally to avoid
burning, cook at a moderate heat.
Meanwhile cook the rice. Add curry paste
to the blended aubergine mixture, then
add chickpeas then add the cooked
potatoes and onions. Cook for a further
20 mins then add the mango chutney,
chopped coriander and cook for a further
5 mins. Just before serving add some
natural yoghurt and serve with the rice.
Eco schools continues to move forward. Our application
for our Bronze Award is imminent. We now have our eco
Children’s Quotes of the
code written along with a rap and a song, a big thank you
to the Parent Committee for their excellent contribution. Month
We are currently replacing the 40 watt bulbs in our
chandeliers to energy efficient 3 watt LED bulbs.
LM “I want to be a caterpillar so I can
The children will soon be undertaking some planting of
eat lots and lots of food”
seeds. One of our parents has very kindly volunteered to Upcoming Events
assist us with this.
As ever if you would like to be involved or have any ideas HG “The chicken lays the egg and we buy
them from Marks and Spencer” and “At
or suggestions please feel welcome to speak to Hazel in
the weekend we bought a smart TV. It is
the Daffodil Room.
Upcoming Events and Reminders to
Glasgow’s Book Festival ‘Aye Write’ from
the 4th to the 12th of April.
 The Nursery will be closed on Easter
Monday, the 21st of April.
 Easter Bonnet competition Thursday the
17th of April.
 Thistle Room story telling event Monday the
7th of April at 10.15am.
smart because you can watch Netflix on
When asked what hibernation was DAV
answered “It is when the animals sleep
for 100 years”
When talking to her friend AH
said “You are a clever girl but I am