2015-2016 Calendar of Events for Mentees

Pott College of Science, Engineering, & Education
Mentor program
Fall 2015 Schedule of Events
Brownbag Luncheon Professional Development Sessions
September 9 - Mentoring Dinner (5:00 pm – 7:00 pm – UC 2219-UC 2220)
Dean Gordon, Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education
Glenna Bower, Assistant Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education
Guest Speaker - Emily Lynn – Grant Administrator, Sponsored Projects & Research Administration
Jump Starting Your Research Agenda with Internal Grant Funding
Get a head start on your research agenda by taking advantage of the numerous internal grant opportunities
that USI offers. USI awards nearly $150,000 annually in internal grant money to faculty. Learn about
both the institution wide grant opportunities, and college level opportunities and tips about how to prepare
a competitive proposal.
September 16 - Pre-Tenure Promotion Meeting (12-1 pm – Traditions Lounge)
Scott Gordon, Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education
Evaluation Criteria for Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion
Faculty will learn more about the evaluation criteria and procedures for reappointment, tenure, and
promotion as it relates to teaching, scholarship and professional activities, and service.
September 21– Advising Workshop (12-1 pm – UC 206)
Keith Powers, Director of Advising & Resource Center
Pott College Advising Workshop
Topics will include concepts of academic advising, the Pott College Advising Handbook, academic
information (Core 39, Math placement, Science pre-requisites, teacher education), advising forms
(add/drop, later registration, change of academic program, closed course), MyUSI (Student Self Service
Information Menu), and DegreeWorks.
September 22– Advising Workshop (12-1 pm – UC 206)
Keith Powers, Director of Advising & Resource Center
Pott College Advising Workshop
Topics will include concepts of academic advising, the Pott College Advising Handbook, academic
information (Core 39, Math placement, Science pre-requisites, teacher education), advising forms
(add/drop, later registration, change of academic program, closed course), MyUSI (Student Self Service
Information Menu), and DegreeWorks.
September 22 - Pre-Tenure Promotion Meeting (12-1 pm –Traditions Lounge)
Scott Gordon, Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education
Evaluation Criteria for Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion
Faculty will learn more about the evaluation criteria and procedures for reappointment, tenure, and
promotion as it relates to teaching, scholarship and professional activities, and service.
September 23 –Open Meeting with the Dean (12-1 pm – Traditions Lounge)
Scott Gordon, Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education
Open Meeting
This is an open meeting for any and all faculty and staff of the Pott College to talk with and give feedback
to the Dean. Bring your thoughts, ideas, questions, and/or concerns about the College. Specific
conversation topics and directions will be decided by attendees.
September 24–Open Meeting with the Dean (12-1 pm – Traditions Lounge)
Scott Gordon, Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education
Open Meeting
This is an open meeting for any and all faculty and staff of the Pott College to talk with and give feedback
to the Dean. Bring your thoughts, ideas, questions, and/or concerns about the College. Specific
conversation topics and directions will be decided by attendees.
October 7 – Mentor/Mentee Luncheon (12-1 pm – Traditions Lounge) – Attend only one luncheon
Mentors and mentees will meet for a mentor/mentee luncheon to have the opportunity to socialize and get
to know each other better.
October 8 – Mentor/Mentee Luncheon (12-1 pm – University Suite) – Attend only one luncheon
Mentors and mentees will meet for a mentor/mentee luncheon to have the opportunity to socialize and get
to know each other better.
October 14 – Strategic Research Agenda Decision Making Workshop (12 pm – 1 pm - UC 2205)
Emily Lynn – Grant Administrator, Sponsored Projects & Research Administration
Strategically Research Agenda Decision Making Workshop
Strategically planning the direction of your research agenda puts faculty in a position to meet promotion
and tenure requirements on schedule, publish in desired discipline specific areas, and build a curriculum
vitae that better prepares you for applying to external grant agencies.
October 15 – Strategic Research Agenda Decision Making Workshop (12 pm – 1 pm - UC 2205)
Emily Lynn – Grant Administrator, Sponsored Projects & Research Administration
Strategically Research Agenda Decision Making Workshop
Strategically planning the direction of your research agenda puts faculty in a position to meet promotion
and tenure requirements on schedule, publish in desired discipline specific areas, and build a curriculum
vitae that better prepares you for applying to external grant agencies.
October 21 – College Picnic (4:30 pm – 6:00 pm - Education Lawn)
Faculty will have the opportunity to socialize with others within the college. The Deans will be cooking
your dinner.
October 28 – IRB and Ethics (12-1 pm –UC 205)
Emily Lynn – Grant Administrator, Sponsored Projects & Research Administration
IRB and Ethics
The Institutional Review Board is the governing body of human subjects research. This seminar
presentation will cover the basic ethical premises of human subjects research, how to navigate the IRB
process at USI, student research, and tips about how to get your human subjects protocol approved
October 29 – IRB and Ethics (12-1 pm – UC 206)
Emily Lynn – Grant Administrator, Sponsored Projects & Research Administration
IRB and Ethics
The Institutional Review Board is the governing body of human subjects research. This seminar
presentation will cover the basic ethical premises of human subjects research, how to navigate the IRB
process at USI, student research, and tips about how to get your human subjects protocol approved
Other Events
Fall 2015 or Spring 2016 Semester – Take your Mentee to Lunch - TBD by Mentor/Mentee
Each mentor and mentee will determine a time to meet during the fall semester. The mentor will need to
set-up a time to pick-up the meal card in EDUC 1104 for lunch on the Dean. It is recommended to take
the mentee to lunch within the first month of the program to begin a relationship from the beginning of
the mentees tenure at USI.
Meet with T & P Committee (Various Dates)
The mentee’s T & P Committee Chair will contact them to set-up a time to meet the committee members
and have the opportunity to ask questions.
Chair of Department and/or T & P Committee member Peer Evaluation (Various Dates)
The chair and/or T & P committee member will set-up a time with the mentee to complete a peer
evaluation of teaching. This may be complete fall, spring or both semesters. It is recommended this to
occur following the October 1st Ensuring Instructional Effectiveness Workshop.
October 3- Intramurals – Cornhole Tourney
Join your colleagues and enjoy the fun of playing in a cornhole tournament.
October 17 – Intramurals – 4 x 4 Sand Volleyball
Join your colleagues and enjoy the fun of playing in a 4 x4 sand volleyball tournament.
Purchase your Pott College Swag
Be on the lookout for an email about purchasing Swag. The college tries to obtain as many orders as
possible in order to keep the cost down.
Pott College of Science, Engineering, & Education
Mentor program
Spring 2016 Schedule of Events
Brownbag Luncheon Professional Development Sessions
February 1– Advising Workshop (12-1 pm – HP0043)
Keith Powers, Director of Advising & Resource Center
Pott College Advising Workshop
Topics will include concepts of academic advising, the Pott College Advising Handbook, academic
information (Core 39, Math placement, Science pre-requisites, teacher education), advising forms
(add/drop, later registration, change of academic program, closed course), MyUSI (Student Self Service
Information Menu), and DegreeWorks.
February 2– Advising Workshop (12-1 pm – HP0043)
Keith Powers, Director of Advising & Resource Center
Pott College Advising Workshop
Topics will include concepts of academic advising, the Pott College Advising Handbook, academic
information (Core 39, Math placement, Science pre-requisites, teacher education), advising forms
(add/drop, later registration, change of academic program, closed course), MyUSI (Student Self Service
Information Menu), and DegreeWorks.
February 10 – Mentor/Mentee Luncheon (12-1 pm – UC 2207) – Attend only one luncheon
Mentors and mentees will meet for a mentor/mentee luncheon to have the opportunity to socialize and get
to know each other better.
February 11 – Mentor/Mentee Luncheon (12-1 pm – University Suite) – Attend only one luncheon
Mentors and mentees will meet for a mentor/mentee luncheon to have the opportunity to socialize and get
to know each other better.
March 16 – Tips from Tenured -Faculty Panel Discussion (12-1 pm – UC 2206)
Evan Milliam, Chemistry; Marco Lara-Gracia, Engineering; Cindy Deloney, Biology; Jennie Mohr,
Teacher Education
Tips on the Planning for Pre-Tenure Review, Promotion, and Tenure
Non-tenured faculty will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with faculty who have gone
through the tenure track process. This panel discussion is beneficial to new faculty and those approaching
promotion to Associate Professor. The panel will share their experiences, and tips that assisted them in
being successful throughout the tenure and promotion process.
March 17 – Tips from Tenured Faculty- Panel Discussion (12-1 pm – UC 2206)
Kenneth Walsh, Chemistry; Natasha Smith, Engineering; TBA; TBA
Tips on the Planning for Pre-Tenure Review, Promotion, and Tenure
Non-tenured faculty will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with faculty who have gone
through the tenure track process. This panel discussion is beneficial to new faculty and those approaching
promotion to Associate Professor. The panel will share their experiences, and tips that assisted them in
being successful throughout the tenure and promotion process.
March 29 – Is a New Day Coming or is it More of the Same Old Thing? (UC 2207)
Bonnie Beach, Associate Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education & Chair Teacher
Is a New Day Coming or is it More of the Same Old Thing?
Description: This session is designed to stimulate reflection on the innovative teaching at the university
level. Participants will be encouraged to approach teaching with a spirit of discovery, to systematically
study their own teaching, and to share their findings so others may benefit.
April 13 – Mentor Debriefing Session – Snacks will be served (UC 2205)
Glenna G. Bower, Assistant Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education
How was the Program?
Faculty will provide feedback on the mentoring activities that took place during the 2015-2106 academic
April 14 – Mentor Debriefing Session – Snacks will be served (UC 2205)
Glenna G. Bower, Assistant Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education
How was the Program?
Faculty will provide feedback on the mentoring activities that took place during the 2015-2016 academic
Other Events
Fall 2015 or Spring 2016 Semester – Take your Mentee to Lunch - TBD by Mentor/Mentee
Each mentor and mentee will determine a time to meet during the fall semester. The mentor will need to
set-up a time to pick-up the meal card in EDUC 1104 for lunch on the Dean. It is recommended to take
the mentee to lunch within the first month of the program to begin a relationship from the beginning of
the mentees tenure at USI.
Meet with T & P Committee (Various Dates)
The mentee’s T & P Committee Chair will contact them to set-up a time to meet the committee members
and have the opportunity to ask questions.
Chair of Department and/or T & P Committee member Peer Evaluation (Various Dates)
The chair and/or T & P committee member will set-up a time with the mentee to complete a peer
evaluation of teaching. This may be complete fall, spring or both semesters. It is recommended this to
occur following the October 1st Ensuring Instructional Effectiveness Workshop.
Purchase your Pott College Swag
Be on the lookout for an email about purchasing Swag. The college tries to obtain as many orders as
possible in order to keep the cost down.