Nuance Communications, Inc. - Iron Gut Fitness & Nutrition

Pre/Post- Workout Nutrition
There is much debate over pre and post-workout nutrition these days. The debates stem from the fact
that different guidelines should be followed depending on the individual’s goals.
These two terms are very important to understand proper fueling pre/post workout…
Catabolism: The breaking down of muscle tissue (not for me!)
Anabolism: The building up of muscle tissue (yes, please!)
How do I stay in an anabolic state??
I. Eating every 3-4 hours
2. Consuming adequate protein
(Protein intakes of 1.4 – 2.0 g/kg/day for physically active individuals)
Pre-Workout Nutrition (1 hour prior)
Performance Enhancement - 4:1 Carbohydrate to Protein Ratio (Natural Fruit Juice + added
Whey Isolate)
Weight Loss - 1:1 Carbohydrate to Protein Ratio (Debated 0:1)
Muscle Gain - 3:1 Carbohydrate to Protein Ratio (Fruit + Cheese/Egg Whites/Protein Shake)
Post-Workout Nutrition (15-45 minutes after)
Performance Enhancement - 5:1 Carbohydrate to Protein
(Whey Isolate + Fruit/Veggies/Starch)
Weight Loss - 0-5:1 Carbohydrate to Protein (Whey Isolate)
Muscle Gain - 2:1 Carbohydrate to Protein (Whey Isolate + Banana)
*Carbohydrates and Protein are both 4 calories/gram
**Always keep fat sources to a minimum pre and post-workout. Fats slow down digestion and makes it
difficult to tap in to appropriate fuel sources.
Darryl Bushard –
General Mgr. - Mi5 Fitness
Owner - Iron Gut Fitness & Nutrition
Weight Loss & Nutrition Coach
ISSN - Sports Nutrition Specialist
Precision Nutrition Certified
NASM - Cert. Personal Trainer
--Like Us on Facebook: Mi5 Fitness
Office: Mi5 Fitness & CrossFit Lakeville
Supplements & Lab Testing: ThorneFX
Phone: 612-978-6786