NORTH PACIFIC RESEARCH BOARD FINAL REPORT Pilot-scale development of laser ablation – isotope ratio mass spectrometry (LA-IRMS) for use in retrospective studies of marine productivity in the North Pacific Ocean NPRB Project 1223 Final Report James Moran, Timothy Linley, and Megan Nims Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Post Office Box 999, Richland, Washington 99352, (509) 371-6910, September 2014 1 Abstract 2 Muscle and scales of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) from Prince William Sound (PWS) were analyzed 3 by conventional and laser ablation isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) to measure seasonal and inter- 4 annual variation in stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N). Stable isotope analysis is 5 often employed to characterize energy flow and trophic relationships in aquatic ecosystems, and can 6 potentially be used to identify factors that influence long-term changes in stock abundance from archived 7 samples of calcified tissue. Our objective was to determine if there was a relationship between muscle and 8 scale δ13C and δ15N in PWS herring that would support a retrospective analysis of the scale archive of this 9 population. Conventional IRMS revealed significant relationships between muscle and scale for δ13C and 10 δ15N, although these relationships were affected by both the age of the herring analyzed and their season 11 of capture. By contrast, laser ablation IRMS showed limited variation in scale δ13C among age classes or 12 seasons, but wide variation in δ13C within scales, suggesting that scale architecture and processes such as 13 maturation and winter dietary stress may influence scale δ13C. The results support the use of conventional 14 IRMS to analyze the PWS scale archive for evidence of long-term changes in feeding ecology within this 15 population. 16 17 Keywords 18 Pacific herring, scales, stable isotope, mass spectrometry, laser ablation 19 20 Citation 21 Moran, J., T. Linley, and M. Nims. 2014. Pilot-scale development of laser ablation – isotope ratio mass 22 spectrometry (LA-IRMS) for use in retrospective studies of marine productivity in the North Pacific 23 Ocean. NPRB Project 1223 Final Report. 25 p. 24 1 25 Table of Contents 26 Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. 1 27 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4 28 Project Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 7 29 Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 8 30 31 Sample Preparation ....................................................................................................................... Isotopic Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 8 10 32 Results ................................................................................................................................................... 12 33 Conventional IRMS in Muscle and Scales ................................................................................... 12 34 35 LA-IRMS in Scales ...................................................................................................................... Discussion ............................................................................................................................................. 14 17 36 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................... 199 37 Management Implications ..................................................................................................................... 19 38 39 Publications ........................................................................................................................................... Outreach ................................................................................................................................................ 20 20 40 41 42 References ............................................................................................................................................. 20 43 44 Figures 1. Scanning electron microscope images of non-acid-treated and acid-treated scales analyzed 45 for δ13C by laser ablation. Panel A. A non-acid-treated scale at 2,000x. The laser has failed 46 to penetrate through the apatite layer and into the collagen layer, except for one small spot. 47 Panel B. Enlarged image (8,000x) of the same ablation shows the collagen matrix visible 48 underneath the apatite layer. Panel C. Acid-treated scale at 2,000x. The collagen matrix is 49 visible on the surface of the scale because the acid treatment has removed the apatite. Panel 50 D. A finer scale image (10,000x) of the same ablation spot showing the collagen matrix. .......... 51 2. The mean (± SD) 13C (left panel) and 15N (right panel) in the muscle of age-2 (white bar) 52 and age-3 (black bar) herring in the fall compared to age-3 (white bar) and age-4 (black bar) 53 herring in the spring. Bars without letters in common are significantly different from each 54 other (P 0.05). Letters within bars indicate significant differences between age classes 55 within seasons, whereas letters above bars indicate significant differences within age classes 56 between seasons. ........................................................................................................................... 57 58 3. 10 Comparison of the mean (± SD) 13C (left panel) and 15N (right panel) in the scales of age2 (white bar) and age-3 (black bar) herring sampled in the fall to age-3 (white bar) and age-4 2 13 59 (black bar) herring in the spring. Bars without letters in common are significantly (P 0.05) 60 different. Letters within bars indicate significant differences between age classes within 61 seasons, whereas letters above bars indicate significant differences within age classes 62 between seasons. ........................................................................................................................... 63 4. The relationship between muscle and scale δ13C for age-2 () and age-3 (▲) herring 64 collected in the fall (left panel) and age-3 () and age-4 (■) herring in spring (right panel) in 65 PWS. ............................................................................................................................................. 66 5. collected in the fall (left panel) and age-3 () and age-4 (■) herring in spring (right panel) in 68 PWS. ............................................................................................................................................. 6. caught in April 2012. The light and dark bands are collagen layers deposited over the life of 71 the fish, 1 band per year/annulus. The entire scale cross section length is 25 μm. Each 72 collagen layer is approximately 5 μm wide. The dark grey curved lines are artifacts of the 73 sectioning process. ........................................................................................................................ 7. 14 A scanning electron micrograph showing the cross section of a 6-year-old herring scale 70 74 14 The relationship between muscle and scale δ15N for age-2 () and age-3 (▲) herring 67 69 13 15 Depth profile of δ13C in herring scales measured by LA-IRMS. (N) indicates the number of 75 laser pulses in each scale at a single location (distal to the first annulus) and is a measure of 76 the relative depth in the scale. The left panel shows age-2 herring in the fall () and age-3 77 herring in the spring (■). The right panel shows age-3 herring in the fall () and age-4 78 herring in the spring (■). ............................................................................................................... 16 79 80 81 82 Tables 1. The mean (± SD) of 13C in the scales of PWS herring measured by LA-IRMS at three scale surface locations. .......................................................................................................................... 16 83 84 Study Chronology 85 The original timeline for the study was November 2012 to April 2014. We requested a no-cost extension 86 for the project through September 2014 because of technical problems with the LA-IRMS. Progress 87 reports July 2013, January 2014, and July 2014 contributed to the final report. 88 3 89 Introduction 90 Stable isotope analysis (SIA) is an important and widely used technique for studying energy flow and 91 describing trophic relationships in biological communities. The most common approach involves 92 determining the ratio between rare and abundant isotopes of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) because these 93 follow predictable pathways from primary producers to consumers (Peterson and Fry 1987). In general, 94 the isotope ratio for 13C/12C (a commonly expressed ratio in terms of its difference from a known standard 95 in δ-notation) in consumers approximates that of their diet, with a range of enrichment of ~ 0−1‰ 96 (DeNiro and Epstein 1978), whereas N (15N/14N) is enriched by about 3.4‰ at each trophic level 97 (Minagawa and Wada 1984; Owens 1987). Hence, δ13C has been most often used to identify diet sources 98 while δ15N provides an estimation of an animal’s trophic level along a food chain. 99 100 In aquatic ecosystems, SIA has proven useful in determining how natural and fishing-related shifts in 101 food webs can affect productivity and stock abundance. The Newfoundland and Labrador marine 102 ecosystem, for example, supported important fisheries such as Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) for nearly 103 400 years before a dramatic collapse in late the 1980s and early 1990s (Sherwood et al. 2007; Sherwood 104 and Rose 2005). Despite a fishing moratorium, the northern segment of this stock has yet to recover. The 105 SIA data indicate the problem is at least partly related to a similar decline in a major prey species, capelin 106 (Mallotus villosus), and greater reliance on benthic prey (e.g., shrimp). Moreover, the SIA data revealed 107 that the effect on cod recruitment was specific to medium-sized fish, resulting in slower growth, lower 108 condition factor, and reduced reproductive potential. Similarly, Jennings et al. (2002) used contemporary 109 δ15N data to show how fishing-induced trophic level changes in the North Sea fish community depend 110 more on the differential effect on size composition rather than species composition. However, because 111 their stable isotope data were contemporary, their use of the relationship between body mass and δ15N to 112 characterize the long-term trophic-level trends relied on a number of assumptions, several of which could 113 not be subsequently verified. By contrast, Wainright et al. (1993) had access to archived scales for 114 retrospective analysis of long-term food web dynamics in the Georges Bank and were able to relate 115 isotopic changes δ13C and δ15N for 13 fish species to variation in primary production, particularly the 116 importance of diatoms that have a relatively enriched δ13C signal. They were also able to show that 117 isotopic variation for some fish species was significantly correlated with both physical factors (North 118 Atlantic Oscillation Index, Greenland Regional Pressure Anomaly) and fish mortality. Satterfield and 119 Finney (2002) used a similar approach to describe interspecific trophic relationships among five species 120 of Pacific salmon and characterize the long-term variation in δ13C and δ15N for one of these species— 121 sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Their results showed that the combined δ13C and δ15N values for 122 five species clustered into three distinct groups, indicating clear dietary differences. They also found 4 123 highly significant correlations between muscle and scale for δ13C and δ15N (R2 ≥ 0.95), which allowed for 124 accurate estimates of δ13C and δ15N over the ~ 35 years of the scale archive. The δ13C data showed only 125 minor change over the time period, whereas δ15N was more pronounced with clear inter-decadal variation, 126 suggesting changes in primary production and nitrate utilization, or shifts in feeding location. Similar 127 relationships have been shown for striped bass (Pruell et al. 2003), whitefish (Perga and Gerdeaux 2003) 128 and Atlantic salmon (MacKenzie et al. 2012; Trueman et al. 2012). 129 130 These studies illustrate the value of using SIA to improve understanding of complex ecosystem processes, 131 particularly when archive samples, such as scales, are available to examine population dynamics over an 132 extended period of time. Laser ablation isotope ratio mass spectrometry (LA-IRMS) offers a means to 133 further refine SIA by being able to potentially measure both seasonal and inter-annual stable isotope 134 variation within a single scale sample and among individual fish. Among techniques used for sample 135 introduction for mass spectrometry, laser ablation has become a standard for high sample throughput, 136 multi-elemental and, more recently, light element SIA (Moran et al. 2011). The accuracy and precision of 137 determining elemental and isotopic concentrations in fish scales using laser ablation is, however, partly 138 confounded by scale architecture (Hutchinson and Trueman 2006). For elemental analyses, this is less 139 problematic because the data are ideally obtained from the thin, outer osseous layer composed of 140 hydroxapatite, and proper depth profiling with the laser can usually resolve the issue (Hola et al. 2011). 141 By contrast, C and N isotopic data are derived from the collagen that forms the basal plate, which grows 142 down and outward from the scale focus as a series of concentric overlapping layers. This structure 143 increases uncertainty in resolving seasonal and inter-annual isotopic signatures using laser ablation 144 because of the potential for the laser to penetrate multiple layers and thereby sample material from 145 different time periods. Courtemanche et al. (2005) showed that sagittal sectioning of scales significantly 146 improves signal accuracy and precision, but at the cost of added sample preparation. Nevertheless, the use 147 of LA-IRMS has the potential to improve understanding of energy flow and trophic-level relationships 148 within marine fish populations by enabling more detailed measurement of seasonal and inter-annual 149 variation in δ13C and δ15N. 150 151 We tested this technique using scales and muscle from Pacific herring from Prince William Sound 152 (PWS). The abundance of Pacific herring in PWS increased in synchrony along with other Alaskan 153 herring stocks beginning in the late 1970s before peaking at more than 100,000 tons annually between 154 1989 and 1993 (Williams and Quinn 2000; Gray et al. 2002). Although estimates differ, the herring 155 population declined significantly thereafter and is presently at levels similar to those observed in the 156 1970s. Early studies suggested that the Exxon Valdez oil spill impacted recruitment of the 1989 year class, 5 157 but its effect on the longer term population decline is unclear (Carls et al. 1998, 2001). Other stressors, 158 including predation, poor overwinter rearing conditions, and disease within the population, also appear to 159 have been important (Norcross et al. 2001; Rice and Carls 2007) and may still be acting as major 160 pressures contributing to persistent low population abundance. Among the suspected causes, poor forage 161 conditions in the fall may be particularly important because food is generally limited in winter and herring 162 rely heavily on stored energy reserves to survive until spring (Foy and Paul 1999). These effects are also 163 greater for younger age classes (Paul et al. 1998), indicating that population recovery has been 164 constrained, in part, by poor recruitment of juvenile fish. Whether this reflects a persistent, long-term 165 change in prey type or abundance is not clear, but studies have suggested that a major factor contributing 166 to the lack of recovery in PWS herring is competition or predation by hatchery pink salmon 167 (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) (Deriso et al. 2008; Pearson et al. 2012). More specifically, Pearson et al. 168 (2012) noted that although oceanic factors in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) influence biomass levels of adult 169 herring in PWS, the lack of improvement in the condition of these fish at low biomass levels suggests 170 other factors are involved, and because juvenile pink salmon and juvenile herring exhibit wide overlap in 171 early rearing habitat and food sources, competition could potentially compromise overwintering ability 172 and year class strength. 173 174 Interestingly, foraging dynamics for both PWS Pacific herring and pink salmon may be driven by 175 mesoscale eddies in the GOA. Kline (2009) identified distinct δ13C signatures in the copepod Neocalanus 176 cristatus, indicative of their origins either in the GOA or PWS. Neocalanus is an abundant and ubiquitous 177 zooplankter and serves as an important forage species for marine and anadromous fish in the northern 178 GOA and PWS. The observed δ13C differences in Neocalanus relate to δ13C values in the diatoms that 179 dominate the phytoplankton in PWS (high δ13C) versus the diatom-free, iron-limited species found in the 180 GOA (low δ13C). Shifts in the δ13C values in PWS fish from high to low appear to reflect subsidies from 181 oceanic production (Kline 2007). Importantly, these shifts have been linked to marine survival for pink 182 salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in PWS and may be affecting other species such as Pacific herring as 183 well, either directly through the food chain, or indirectly by drawing predators away from PWS to more 184 productive mesoscale eddies in the GOA (Kline 2010). 185 186 We hypothesized that if Pacific herring abundance was related to productivity associated with GOA 187 mesoscale eddies, or alternatively competition with juvenile pink salmon, or both, the signal could be 188 detectable through long-term changes in δ13C and possibly δ15N in the scale archive and associated 189 historical data that have been collected on stock abundance, age structure, length and weight at age, etc. 190 since the early 1970s. To test this hypothesis, however, we needed to establish a calibration metric 6 191 between the isotope values in scales and those in tissues such as muscle that are physiologically relevant. 192 For example, seasonal as well as inter-annual differences in δ13C and δ15N may reflect both dietary 193 influences as well as nutritional stress. In the fall, δ13C probably depends mostly on the food available 194 during the summer from either PWS or oceanic sources because the fish will have spent the last 4–5 195 months actively foraging, growing, and storing surplus energy. Moreover, dietary influences on δ13C and 196 δ15N have been shown to be affected by both food quantity (Gaye-Siessegger et al. 2004a) and quality 197 (Gaye-Siessegger et al. 2004b). By contrast, spring δ13C (and possibly δ15N) values are more likely to be a 198 function of their nutritional stress through the winter when food is either absent or greatly reduced 199 because lipid and protein catabolism result in δ13C and δ15N enrichment, respectively (Doucett et al. 200 1999). Given the high degree of correspondence shown for δ13C and δ15N in scales and muscle in salmon 201 (Satterfield and Finney 2002) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) (Wainwright et al. 1993), we 202 expected to find a similar association in PWS Pacific herring and possibly detect seasonal changes in 203 these values using a combined conventional and LA-IRMS approach. These calibration data would then 204 provide the basis for a retrospective analysis of herring scales from the Alaska Department of Fish and 205 Game’s (ADF&G’s) archive to help identify processes and functional responses that drive long-term food 206 web relationships for this species in PWS. 207 208 Project Objectives 209 1. Determine the carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope fractionation between the scales (in the 210 last year of growth) and muscle of herring (age 2−4) collected during the fall of 2012 and spring 211 of 2013 in Prince William Sound by conventional IRMS. 212 213 Muscle and scale samples were obtained from Pacific herring collected by the ADF&G in Port 214 Gravina in eastern PWS (60.7 ⁰N, 146.3 ⁰W) during November 2012 and from late March to 215 early April 2013. Lipids were removed from muscle samples before analysis, while scales were 216 washed in solutions of hydrogen peroxide and deionized water. Samples of both were weighed 217 into tin capsules and analyzed for isotopic ratios for δ13C and δ15N with a Thermo Fisher Delta V 218 isotope ratio mass spectrometer (see Methods section page 11). We found significant differences 219 in muscle δ13C between seasons and for muscle δ15N between age classes. Muscle and scale δ15N 220 were significantly correlated for herring collected in both seasons, whereas muscle and scale δ13C 221 were correlated only for herring collected in the fall (see Results pages 12–14 and Figures 1–5). 222 223 224 2. Determine the seasonal (~ spring and fall) variation in δ13C values in scales from these same fish from the focus to the penultimate annulus using LA-IRMS. 7 225 226 Annuli on scales used for LA-IRMS were first marked with a micro-scalpel so they could be 227 identified with the laser camera after demineralization. The scales were demineralize by washing 228 with hydrochloric acid (1.2 M) for 6 minutes, then rinsed with deionized water to remove the 229 outer mineralized plate and expose the collagen matrix. The scales were ablated in triplicate at 230 three locations on the surface to determine δ13C using a Cetac LSX-too Nd:YAG laser coupled to 231 a Thermo Fish Delta V Plus isotope ratio mass spectrometer (see Methods section page 11). 232 Additional de-mineralized scales were sampled with the same system to measure δ13C through the 233 depth of the scale (i.e., depth profiling). We found a slight but non-significant trend in δ13C 234 between the outer margin of the scale and the first annulus in each age class. There were also no 235 significant differences within scale locations between herring of different ages or caught in 236 different seasons. 237 238 3. Apply the calibration data obtained from Objective 1 to δ13C values from Objective 2 and 239 retrospectively estimate (i.e., back-calculate) the seasonal δ13C values in the muscle of herring 240 (age 2−4) from 2008 onward. 241 242 We were unable to complete this objective because of the overall lack of variation in scale surface 243 δ13C determined by LA-IRMS. Back calculating muscle δ13C from scale δ13C would have resulted 244 in equally invariant values for muscle δ13C. 245 246 Methods 247 Sample Preparation 248 Pacific herring collected by the ADF&G in the fall (November) of 2012 and spring (March–April) of 249 2013 were sampled for muscle and scales from a total of N = 100 fish representing two cohorts (brood 250 years 2009 and 2010) and two age classes (age-2 and age-3 herring collected in the fall and age-3 and 251 age-4 herring collected in the spring). The length and weight of each fish was measured and the sex, if it 252 could be determined, was recorded. Muscle samples were taken from the left side, above the lateral line, 253 anterior to the dorsal fin. The wet weight of the muscle was recorded and the samples were placed in 50- 254 mL Falcon tubes (Corning, Tewksbury, MA, USA), covered with parafilm, and freeze dried. 255 256 Lipids were removed from muscle samples prior to analysis to account for nutritional stress and 257 differences in lipid content between herring collected during the spring and fall (Paul et al. 1998). Lipids 258 were extracted by chloroform-methanol extraction described by Bligh and Dyer (1959). Briefly, muscle 8 259 samples were placed in glass vials with 2 mL of 10:5:4 methanol:chloroform:water and agitated with a 260 glass pipette. The samples were centrifuged for 1 minute and supernatant was then discarded. This 261 procedure was repeated a total of three times, after which 2 mL of methanol was added and the sample 262 was again centrifuged for 1 minute. The supernatant was then removed and samples were left to dry 263 overnight in a fume hood and re-homogenized the following day. 264 265 Scale samples were taken from the left side of each fish from one or both of the preferred areas used by 266 the ADF&G for aging. These areas are (1) posterior to the gill plates and dorsal to the pectoral fin, at or 267 below the lateral line, and (2) immediately below the dorsal fin at or just below the lateral line. The scales 268 were sonicated in 3% hydrogen peroxide for 6 minutes then each was scrubbed for approximately 20 269 seconds with an electric brush and triple rinsed with deionized water. After rinsing, the scales were placed 270 between glass slides and dried flat. 271 272 For analysis of 13C and 15N on the scale margin, the scale material between the last annulus and outside 273 margin was sectioned using a micro-scalpel blade and separated from the rest of the scale. The outer 274 margin material from approximately 10 individual scales was needed to obtain enough material for 275 analysis. For analysis of wholes scales, each scale was considered a replicated sample. We conducted a 276 preliminary test to determine if 13C and 15N on the scale margin were correlated with the respective 277 ratios in the whole scale. There was a significant correlation between the scale margin and whole scale for 278 13C (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.3) as well as for 15N (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.41), indicating a substantial contribution 279 to whole scale 13C and 15N from the most recent period of growth. As a result, the remaining 280 comparisons between scale and muscle stable isotopes were conducted with whole scales. In addition, 281 because scales are composed of both organic (e.g., collagen) and inorganic (e.g., hydroxyapatite) 282 materials, there is the potential for the latter to influence the isotopic composition due to the presence of 283 residual amounts of carbonate (Elliot 2002). Studies have shown, however, that the effects of carbonate 284 (primarily dissolved inorganic carbon [DIC]) on scale δ13C and 15N are equivocal and appear to depend 285 on the species and environment (Sinnatamby et al. 2007; Blanco et al. 2009; Ventura and Jeppesen 2010). 286 To account for this potential source of variation, we analyzed both acid-treated and non-treated scales. 287 Acid treatment removes the layer of apatite from the surface of the scale. We performed a preliminary test 288 on scales from N = 38 fish (9−10 from each age group and season) that were sectioned in half, and half of 289 which were demineralized by immersion in 1.2M HCl for 5 min, then analyzed these samples for δ13C 290 using conventional IRMS. We found no significant difference in δ13C between the two groups (t = 0.65, 291 df = 74, P = 0.52), and the slope (b = 0.61) and intercept ( = -6.24) did not differ significantly from 1.0 292 (t = -1.85, df = 36, P =0.07) and 0 (t = -1.83, df = 36, P = 0.08), respectively. This indicated that the δ13C 9 293 contribution from the inorganic carbon fraction in scales was probably limited and not likely to affect 294 bulk δ13C analysis, thus all remaining isotope analyses for whole scales were conducted on non-treated 295 scales. We also conducted a preliminary analysis of acid-treated and non-treated scales used for LA- 296 IRMS. By contrast, the results of this test indicated that the mineralized apatite layer did influence the 297 δ13C content of scale by preventing the laser from penetrating to the collagen underneath. This was 298 verified by examining acid-treated and non-acid-treated scales with scanning electron microscopy, as 299 shown in Figure 1. As a result, all subsequent scales used for LA-IRMS were acid-treated. 300 301 Figure 1. Scanning electron microscope images of non-acid-treated and acid-treated scales analyzed for 302 δ13C by laser ablation. Panel A. A non-acid-treated scale at 2,000x. The laser has failed to penetrate 303 through the apatite layer and into the collagen layer, except for one small spot. Panel B. Enlarged image 304 (8,000x) of the same ablation shows the collagen matrix visible underneath the apatite layer. Panel C. 305 Acid-treated scale at 2,000x. The collagen matrix is visible on the surface of the scale because the acid 306 treatment has removed the apatite. Panel D. A finer scale image (10,000x) of the same ablation spot 307 showing the collagen matrix. 308 309 Isotopic Analysis 310 Muscle and bulk-scale samples were analyzed for δ13C and 15N using a Costech Instruments Elemental 311 Combustion System (Valencia, CA), coupled to a Thermo Scientific Delta V Plus Isotope Ratio Mass 10 312 Spectrometer. The samples were weighed (~ 400 ug) into tin capsules and N = 8 were analyzed in 313 triplicate in each analytical run, along with randomly placed replicates of in-house glutamic acid isotope 314 standards (PNNL LOW δ13C = -11.09 ‰, δ15N = -8.58 ‰; PNNL MED = δ13C = 16.73 ‰, δ15N =73.58 315 ‰). These glutamic isotope standards have been previously standardized for carbon and nitrogen isotope 316 analysis using two glutamic acid isotope standards, USGS40 (δ13C = -26.39 ‰, δ15N = -4.50 ‰) and 317 USGS 41 (δ13C = 37.63 ‰, δ15N = 47.60 ‰) (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 318 Gaithersburg, MD, USA). A two-point linear correction was applied to the measured δ13C and δ15N 319 values. An acetanilide standard (Costech Analytical Technologies, Inc, Valencia, CA, USA; δ13C = -33.77 320 ‰, δ15N = -1.11 ‰) was used as a secondary standard to examine the effectiveness of the linear 321 correction. Samples were analyzed for both carbon and nitrogen in the same analytical run. Isotope ratio 322 values for δ13C and δ15N are reported in per mil notation (‰) and are referenced to the Vienna Peedee 323 Belemnite (δ13C) and air N2 (δ15N): 324 δR (‰) = [Rsample/Rstandard – 1] x 1000 325 Scales for laser ablation were mounted on a glass coverslip with double-sided Scotch tape (3M, St. Paul, 326 MN, USA). Four scales were mounted per slide. Samples were ablated using a Cetac LSX-500 Nd:YAG 327 laser (Omaha, NE, USA). The ablation system (described in detail in Moran et al. 2011) consisted of the 328 laser unit coupled to a micro combustion reactor (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), 329 cryofocusing unit, and a Thermo Fisher Delta V Plus isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Helium was used 330 as a carrier gas to transport the sample to the combustion reactor, to convert organic carbon into CO2. 331 Following combustion, the CO2 was trapped with a cryofocusing unit that consisted of a 0.53-mm internal 332 diameter fused-silica capillary immersed in a liquid nitrogen bath and a 6-port valve (Valco Instruments 333 Co. Inc., Houston, TX, USA). The capillary was immersed in the liquid nitrogen bath for 60 seconds to 334 trap the sample before removing the capillary and allowing the sample to flow to the mass spectrometer. 335 336 A total of 10 demineralized scales from each age class were analyzed by LA-IRMS. The scales were 337 ablated in triplicate at three locations on the scale surface: at the outer margin, between the outer margin 338 and last annulus, and distal to first annulus. Samples were bracketed with measurements of a blank and a 339 of 15# test fishing line (Premium Plus 7 monofilament, Danielson, Auburn, WA, USA), which was used 340 as a standard. The value for the 15# test standard (δ13C = -27.71 ‰) was established by Moran et al. 341 (2011). Measured δ13C values were corrected using blank measurements and 15# test values. Nylon 342 thread (Wonder Invisible Threads, YLI Corp, Rock Hills, SC, USA) was used as a secondary standard to 343 examine the efficacy of the correction, the isotopic value of which was established by Moran et al. (2010) 344 (δ13C = -28.71 ‰). The scales and standards were ablated using a 50-µm spot at a frequency of 10 Hz, 345 and power settings of 40% and 80%, respectively. 11 346 347 Isotope values for both conventional and LA-IRMS data were checked for normality and equality of 348 variances for each sample site, sex and age class. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for 349 differences in δ13C and δ15N between seasons, sexes, and age classes, or in the case of non-parametric 350 data, ANOVA by ranks (Kruskal-Wallis). Season and age class were treated as fixed effects. Significant 351 differences among age classes were tested by Tukey-Kramer honestly significant differences (HSD) post 352 hoc test to determine which means differed. The potential effect of fish length on δ13C and δ15N was 353 tested by least squares regression. For significant regressions the residuals were used in place of the 354 observed isotopic ratios. 355 356 Results 357 Conventional IRMS in Muscle and Scales 358 Lipid extraction resulted in significant (P ≤ 0.001) enrichment in muscle δ13C and δ15N in herring 359 collected in both spring and fall. Muscle δ13C increased by ~ 0.5‰ and muscle δ15N by ~ 1.0‰ (data not 360 shown). Two-way ANOVA of this lipid-extracted muscle indicated that season, but not age, had a 361 significant effect on muscle δ13C (P ≤ 0.001). However, there was also a significant interaction between 362 season and age (P = 0.034). Overall, herring collected in the spring were more enriched in muscle δ13C 363 than herring collected in the fall of the year (Figure 2), and age-3 fish in the fall were more enriched in 364 δ13C than age-2 fish. By contrast, age did have a significant effect on muscle δ15N (P = 0.007), whereas 365 season did not (P = 0.98). Age-3 herring in the fall were significantly enriched (P ≤ 0.045) in muscle δ15N 366 compared to younger fish in the same season. We also tested for differences in muscle δ15N between male 367 and female fish in the spring, but found no effect due to sex (P = 0.84). Moreover, although there were 368 significant differences in length among age groups, linear regression indicated that length did not have a 369 significant effect on muscle δ15N within (P ≥ 0.13) or across age groups (P = 0.57). 12 -18.0 -18.5 -19.0 -19.5 a a b -20.0 -20.5 Muscle 15N (‰) Muscle δ13C (‰) 14.5 b b a b 13.5 a 13.0 -21.0 Fall 370 14.0 Fall Spring Spring 371 Figure 2. The mean (± SD) 13C (left panel) and 15N (right panel) in the muscle of age-2 (white bar) and 372 age-3 (black bar) herring in the fall compared to age-3 (white bar) and age-4 (black bar) herring in the 373 spring. Bars without letters in common are significantly different from each other (P 0.05). Letters 374 within bars indicate significant differences between age classes within seasons, whereas letters above bars 375 indicate significant differences within age classes between seasons. 376 377 Scale 13C did not differ between seasons or age classes (Figure 3), whereas age had a significant effect 378 on scale 15N (P = 0.03). Scales were more enriched in δ15N for older herring compared to younger fish in 379 both seasons even after accounting for the effect of length on scale δ15N (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.24). 1.0 -15.8 b -16.0 -16.2 -16.4 Resideual Scale 15N Scale 13C (‰) -15.6 -16.6 0.5 0.0 b a a b -0.5 -1.0 Fall Spring Fall Spring 380 381 Figure 3. Comparison of the mean (± SD) 13C (left panel) and 15N (right panel) in the scales of age-2 382 (white bar) and age-3 (black bar) herring sampled in the fall to age-3 (white bar) and age-4 (black bar) 383 herring in the spring. Bars without letters in common are significantly (P 0.05) different. Values for 384 scale 15N are residuals after regression on length. 385 13 The relationship between muscle and scale δ13C is shown in Figure 4. Muscle and scale δ13C were 387 significantly correlated (P = 0.006, R2 = 0.18) for herring collected in the fall, but not for herring collected 388 in the spring (P = 0.28, R2 = 0.02). Carbon was enriched in scales compared to muscle by ~ 2‰. A similar 389 significant relationship shown in Figure 5 was found for muscle and scale δ15N for herring collected in the 390 fall (P = 0.002, R2 = 0.18), but in contrast to δ13C, muscle and scale δ15N were also correlated for herring 391 collected in the spring (P = 0.002, R2 = 0.18). Moreover, in both seasons muscle δ15N was enriched 392 compared to scale δ15N by ~ 2 ‰. -17.5 -17.5 -18.5 -18.5 Muscle δ13C (‰) Muscle δ13C (‰) 386 -19.5 -20.5 -21.5 -18 -17 -16 13 Scale δ C (‰) -15 -19.5 -20.5 -21.5 -18 -17 -16 Scale δ13C (‰) -15 393 394 Figure 4. The relationship between muscle and scale δ13C for age-2 () and age-3 (▲) herring collected in 395 the fall (left panel) and age-3 () and age-4 (■) herring in spring (right panel) in PWS. 16 Muscle 15N (‰) Muscle 15N (‰) 16 15 14 13 11 12 396 13 14 Scale 15N (‰) 15 14 13 11 15 12 13 14 Scale 15N (‰) 15 397 Figure 5. The relationship between muscle and scale δ15N for age-2 () and age-3 (▲) herring collected 398 in the fall (left panel) and age-3 () and age-4 (■) herring in spring (right panel) in PWS. 399 400 LA-IRMS in Scales 401 Studies have shown that scale architecture can confound time-resolved analyses of δ13C because the data 402 are derived from the collagen that forms the basal plate, which grows down and outward from the scale 403 focus as a series of concentric overlapping layers (Hutchinson and Trueman 2006). For LA-IRMS this can 404 increase the uncertainty in obtaining accurate and precise δ13C measurements in scales because of the 14 405 potential for the laser to penetrate multiple layers and thereby sample material from different time 406 periods. A potential solution is to measure δ13C in a transverse section of the scale in a manner analogous 407 to that described by Courtemanche et al. (2005). As a preliminary test of this approach, we embedded, 408 cut, and measured the architecture of a scale in cross section using electron microscopy. We found that 409 the scale from a 6-year-old herring captured in April 2012 had a cross section thickness 25 μm (Figure 6), 410 and an approximate width of an individual collagen layer of 5 μm. Moreover, during method 411 development, we determined that a laser beam diameter of 50 μm is needed to ensure enough material is 412 ablated to provide an adequate IRMS signal size. Based on these findings, we concluded that a transverse 413 section of the scale would not provide sufficient resolution to measure δ13C by laser ablation and thus all 414 remaining scales were ablated on the surface plane. 415 416 Figure 6. A scanning electron micrograph showing the cross section of a 6-year-old herring scale caught 417 in April 2012. The light and dark bands are collagen layers deposited over the life of the fish, 1 band per 418 year/annulus. The entire scale cross section length is 25 μm. Each collagen layer is approximately 5 μm 419 wide. The dark grey curved lines are artifacts of the sectioning process. 420 421 Analysis of discrete locations on the surface of demineralized herring scales by season revealed little 422 variation in δ13C between age classes, seasons, or scale locations (Table 2). Although there was a slight 423 trend toward enrichment of δ13C from the outer margin to the first annulus, differences within age classes 424 and (or) seasons were not significant (P ≥ 0.44). In fact, the range in δ13C across both seasons and age 15 425 groups was only 0.6‰ or about 20−25% of the range observed in δ13C for scales and muscle measured by 426 conventional IRMS. 427 428 Table 1. The mean (± SD) of 13C in the scales of PWS herring measured by LA-IRMS at three scale 429 surface locations. Season Fall Spring 430 431 Scale location Age class Outer margin Outer margin-last annulus Distal to 1st annulus 2 -17.7 (0.6) -17.5 (0.5) -17.4 (0.7) 3 -17.7 (1.5) -17.4 (1.4) -17.1 (1.2) 3 -17.4 (0.5) -17.4 (0.7) -17.4 (1.0) 4 -17.6 (0.8) -17.2 (0.8) -17.1 (1.0) By contrast, depth profiling of scales from each age class and season indicated wide variation in δ13C 433 (Figure 7). Although δ13C increases by ~ 1−2‰ from the scale surface (Laser pulse 1) through pulses 5-6, 434 it becomes rapidly depleted as material is obtained at greater depths in the scale. The highly depleted 435 values near the basal portion of the scale may reflect the influence of the adhesive used to mount the scale 436 for ablation, which we measured at ~ -30‰. Interestingly, however, the herring collected in the fall 437 appear more enriched in δ13C than the herring collected in the spring, particularly as the depth of the δ13C 438 measurement increases. -15 -15 -17 -17 -19 -19 δ13C ‰ δ13C ‰ 432 -21 -23 -23 -25 -25 0 439 -21 2 4 6 Laser pulse (N) 8 10 0 2 4 6 Laser pulse (N) 8 10 440 Figure 7. Depth profile of δ13C in herring scales measured by LA-IRMS. (N) indicates the number of laser 441 pulses in each scale at a single location (distal to the first annulus) and is a measure of the relative depth 442 in the scale. The left panel shows an age-2 herring in the fall () and an age-3 herring in the spring (■). 443 The right panel shows an age-3 herring in the fall () and an age-4 herring in the spring (■). 444 16 445 Discussion 446 The goal of this project was to determine if carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios in the muscle 447 and scales of PWS Pacific herring co-varied in a manner that would permit a retrospective analysis of the 448 ADF&G herring scale archive to identify potential processes that drive long-term food web relationships 449 for this population. We employed conventional IRMS and LA-IRMS to respectively measure isotopic 450 variation among and within individual herring. Conventional IRMS revealed significant seasonal and age 451 class differences in both muscle (δ13C and δ15N) and scale (δ15N only) isotope ratios and a significant 452 correlation between these tissues for both δ13C and δ15N. LA-IRMS, however, indicated only minor and 453 non-significant inter-annual variation in δ13C within individual herring, but potentially large δ13C 454 variation linked to scale architecture and (or) seasonal feeding dynamics. Herring caught in the spring 455 during the spawning season were enriched in muscle δ13C by ~ 1‰ compared to herring in the fall, 456 despite the fact that lipids were extracted from the muscle prior to analysis. Lipids are depleted in δ13C 457 compared to other tissues (DeNiro and Epstein 1977), and thus spawning or otherwise nutritionally 458 stressed herring should be enriched in δ13C assuming this tissue fraction is the primary source of energy at 459 this time. The enrichment in δ13C in the muscle of spawning herring in the spring compared to non- 460 spawning fish in the fall is consistent with results reported for other species, e.g., Atlantic salmon, during 461 their spawning migration (Doucett et al. 1999; Sinnatamby et al. 2008), as are seasonal changes in δ13C 462 that have been observed in young-of-the-year and age-1 herring in PWS (T. Kline, personal 463 communication). Equally interesting, however, is that age-3 herring in the fall were more enriched than 464 age-2 herring. Although this may also be due to differences in nutritional status, it may similarly reflect 465 variation in the relative contribution of differing dietary sources. The whole body energy content of age-2 466 herring in PWS in the fall increases significantly from that of age-1 herring, despite the fact that these fish 467 exhibit limited growth during their third year (Paul et al. 1998). This suggests a possible transition in diet 468 from that younger herring to age-3 fish. Age-3 herring may have access to a wider range of prey with 469 differing δ13C than that available to age-2 herring, and if these sources are more enriched in δ13C this 470 could account for observed differences between age-2 and age-3 herring in the fall. This suggestion is 471 supported by the similar difference in muscle δ15N between age-2 and age-3 herring in the fall. In contrast 472 to δ13C, which is generally used to identify dietary sources, δ15N provides an estimation of an animal’s 473 trophic level along a food chain, as well as other nutritional effects (Doucett et al. 1999). Differences in 474 δ15N between age classes in the fall could indicate different sources of food, possibly a shift from 475 herbivorous to carnivorous zooplankton. Kline (1999) found that carnivorous zooplankton in PWS had 476 the highest δ15N, which is consistent with access to a wider range of prey in age-3 herring. 477 17 478 Scales also differed significantly in relation to season and age, but only for δ15N. The scales of age-4 479 herring in the spring were enriched with 15N by ~ 0.5‰ compared to age-3 herring in the fall, but scales 480 were depleted by ~ 1.0‰ in both seasons and age classes compared to muscle. This result has been 481 generally observed in other studies (Satterfield and Finney 2002; Perga and Gerdeaux 2003; Kelly et al. 482 2006; Sinnatamby et al. 2008) and presumably reflects the high glycine content of collagen in scales 483 (Ikoma et al. 2003), which is depleted in 15N relative to bulk food by ~ 1.4‰ (Hare et al. 1991). The 484 glycine content in scales also affects 13C and likely contributes to the difference of ~ 3.5‰ that we found 485 between scale and muscle δ13C. These offsets between scale and muscle δ13C and δ15N were relatively 486 uniform among individual herring for both age classes and seasons and thus provided a significant 487 correlation between scale and muscle isotope ratios. These correlations are important because they will 488 allow us to retrospectively extrapolate muscle δ13C and δ15N from the scale archive for PWS herring held 489 by ADF&G. Related studies have shown similar although generally higher correlations between scale and 490 muscle δ13C and δ15N (R2 > 0.5) (Satterfield and Finney 2002; Perga and Gerdeaux 2003; Pruell et al. 491 2003), but the range for δ13C and δ15N was either much greater (~ 10−20 ‰) or conducted on species such 492 as striped bass (Pruell et al. 2003) that would not likely experience the nutritional stress reported for PWS 493 herring (Paul et al. 1998). The results of these studies illustrate the utility of using scale archives to 494 identify long-term trends in feeding ecology by demonstrating either cyclic or directional changes in scale 495 δ13C and δ15N over 20−30 year time frames. Whether similar trends are apparent in the scales of herring 496 from PWS remains to be seen, but annual and age-specific sample sizes with sufficient statistical power 497 should allow for identifying such trends if they exist. 498 499 In contrast to the scale δ13C results derived from conventional IRMS, those obtained by LA-IRMS were 500 equivocal. Scales grow by underplating, whereby the collagen that forms the basal plate grows down and 501 outward from the scale focus to form a series of concentric overlapping layers (Hutchison and Trueman 502 2006). Each of these layers extends to just below the surface of the scale where it comes in contact with 503 the outer mineralized layer. Acid treatment removes this mineralized layer (Ventura and Jeppesen 2010), 504 which presumably would expose the underlying concentric layers and make them available for LA-IRMS. 505 Our results showed limited variation in δ13C across the scale surfaces regardless of age class (< 0.5 ‰), 506 whereas depth profiling revealed variation of δ13C within scales of ~ 8−10 ‰, which was 4-5 times the 507 range of δ13C we observed in bulk analyses by conventional IRMS. As noted above, the highly depleted 508 values probably result from the influence of the adhesive used to mount the scale. This is partly because 509 of the close agreement in conventional (mean = -16.7 ‰, SD = 0.5) and laser ablation (mean = -17.6 ‰, 510 SD = 0.9) IRMS analyses for δ13C in the outer margin of the scales, and because the outer margin and 511 basal portion of the scale presumably reflect the most recent growth and thus should have similar δ13C. 18 512 We had also shown in a previous report (January 2014) that reversing the scale orientation did not 513 materially affect the depth profile δ13C result. Interestingly, however, the older herring in the spring from 514 both cohorts are generally more depleted in δ 13C with increasing scale depth (i.e., laser pulse), which 515 suggests that scales in these fish may be undergoing some resorption. Scales serve as reservoirs for 516 calcium and are resorbed during periods of high calcium demand or dietary restriction (Carragher and 517 Sumpter 1991; Armour et al. 1997). Moreover, if lipids cannot entirely supply the overwintering and 518 spawning energy requirements in PWS herring, it is possible that protein, including scale collagen, could 519 also be metabolized to meet these demands. Protein catabolism during spawning or periods of dietary 520 stress should result in δ15N enrichment (Doucett et al. 1999), and although this did not occur in muscle, 521 there was a significant increase in scale δ15N between fall age-3 and spring age-4 herring (Figure 3). This 522 supports the suggestion that herring scales may undergo resorption during the winter and spring because 523 of dietary stress, which would also account for the general lack of δ 13C variation across discrete time 524 periods of scale formation. 525 526 Conclusions 527 In summary, our study provides evidence that muscle and scale δ13C and δ15N differ in relation to age and 528 season in PWS herring when measured by conventional IRMS, and that these isotopic ratios are also 529 correlated between the tissue types. These correlations are a necessary condition for examining the 530 ADF&G 40-year scale archive to determine if PWS herring experienced a major shift in their feeding 531 ecology during this time period that might account for the lack of recovery in the biomass of this 532 population. Conversely, we found limited variation in δ13C in scales measured by LA-IRMS. This 533 finding, along with the observed enrichment in scale δ15N in the spring, suggests that herring scales may 534 undergo resorption during periods of dietary restriction or spawning, obviating the utility of LA-IRMS to 535 identify discrete life history shifts in δ13C within scales of individual fish. As a result, we did not attempt 536 to back-calculate muscle δ13C from scale δ13C in the herring analyzed by LA-IRMS. Additional research 537 is needed to determine if dietary stress from spawning or overwinter fasting leads to resorption and 538 remodeling of δ13C within scales. 539 540 Management Implications 541 The abundance of Pacific herring in PWS remains near historic lows despite a fishing moratorium for 542 more than 20 years. Several hypotheses have been advanced to account for the lack of recovery including 543 potential competition from juvenile pink salmon. In addition to natural production of pink salmon in 544 PWS, hatcheries annually release approximately 700 million juvenile pink salmon that may compete for 545 food with young-of-the-year herring. If these releases are shown to be acting as a constraint on herring 19 546 recruitment, stakeholders and resource managers may need to weigh the costs and benefits of these 547 programs and determine if current levels of salmon production are congruent with the potential recovery 548 of the herring population. 549 550 Publications 551 In preparation: Age and season-dependent effects on stable isotope ratios in the muscle and scales of 552 Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) from Prince William Sound, Alaska. Proposed journal: Fisheries 553 Management and Ecology. Projected date of submission: November 2014. 554 555 Outreach 556 Conference Presentations 557 558 Fact sheet 559 560 Poster at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium 2013, by J. Moran, and T. Linley Informational pamphlet produced for distribution at presentations in Cordova (attached) Community Presentations 561 Cordova High School (2) September 2014, by M. Nims 562 Prince William Sound Science Center (PWSSC) September 2014, by M. Nims 563 564 Radio broadcast Interview at the PWSSC for Field Notes September 2014, by M. Nims 565 566 Acknowledgements 567 We thank Krystin Riha and Kathleen Carter for their support and assistance with the IRMS, the Alaska 568 Department of Fish and Game (Rich Brenner, Steve Moffitt) for providing the herring samples, and the 569 Prince William Sound Science Center for their help with community outreach. Funding for this study 570 was provided by the North Pacific Research Board. 571 572 References 573 Armour, K.J., Lehane, D.B., Pakdel, F., Valotaire, Y., Graham, R., Russell, G., and Henderson, I.W. 574 1997. Estrogen receptor mRNA in mineralized tissues of rainbow trout: calcium mobilization by 575 estrogen. 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