Three Year Plan INTRODUCTION What is a Parish Council Business Plan? It is a statement of the vision of Spratton Parish Council (SPC) for the parish, setting out its role and responsibilities in the community, its short and longer-term objectives and key priorities. WHY A BUSINESS PLAN? Why has the Parish Council decided to produce such a Plan? Having an agreed strategy will provide a framework for SPC to work within, enabling it to operate in a consistent and co-ordinated way. It is intended that the development of the Business Plan will be based on community engagement and involvement, so that SPC will become more confident and proactive in its decision-making, knowing that it has the support of parishioners. At the same time, the Business Plan will help the local community to have a better understanding of what the Parish Council does and also to clarify what it doesn’t do; in other words to explain what issues fall under the responsibility of other delivery bodies such as Daventry district council and Northamptonshire County Council. It is a ‘live’ document which the Parish Council will update every three years, enabling it to track and monitor its progress against the key priorities. The Plan will be publicly available, so parishioners will be able to monitor progress. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN THE PLAN To ensure that the Business Plan truly represents Spratton’s best interests, the Parish Council is inviting the local community to participate in its development. While there has been much recent consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan, we are looking for a wider input in order to develop a Parish Council Business Plan THE ROLE OF THE PARISH COUNCIL It is the role of Spratton Parish Council (SPC) to manage its responsibilities within the community with an over-riding objective of maintaining the rural character of the village. The Parish Council has a Mission Statement and this sets out its aims, which are to: to promote Spratton as a pleasant place to live and work be transparent, and informative on village matters by all appropriate means be proactive with agreed short and longer terms goals understand the needs of residents, and to seek to address these needs within the resources and powers available give value for money for the services and facilities provided by the Council to the village community seek external funding wherever possible to extend the scope of its activities in the interest of the community and/or community assets preserve open spaces for the enjoyment of all and ensure that there are adequate leisure and recreational opportunities that meet local requirements encourage the preservation, promotion and conservation of natural environment promote the saving of energy and to use resources in a manner which aims to achieve the best economic value, as well making a contribution towards the reduction of the effects of climate change encourage all to participate in activities beneficial to the community, especially in those areas which promote inclusivity and cohesion by whatever means available to the council, encourage businesses within the parish to continue trading where this is considered a benefit to the community. RESPONSIBILITIES of Spratton Parish Council It’s main areas of responsibilities are: 1. Cemeteries 1.1. Burials and burial records, regulations and fees 1.2. Refuse collection for East View Cemetery 1.3. Maintenance of three churchyards, grass cutting and hedges. Responsible for entry or retaining wall features. 1.4. Safety of memorials 2. Verge maintenance 3. Street lights The Parish Council own and are responsible for the maintenance and electricity costs of 67 street lights. 4. Highway matters 4.1. Measures to deter speeding in the village 4.2. Highway and pavement maintenance issues to be reported 4.3. Over-hanging trees 5. Planning 6. Keeping parishioners safe 6.1. Crime reports 7. Environmental issues and keeping Spratton tidy 7.1. Village handyman 7.2. Serving ‘Improving Village Matters’ notices 7.3. Annual village spring clean 7.4. Dog bins 8. Communication. Newsletter, website and other CURRENT OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES 1. Cemeteries 1.1. Creating a Garden of Remembrance for interment of ashes in East View Cemetery. 1.2. Prepare a Plan of the burials in this cemetery for reference by parishioners and available online 1.3. Refurbishment of the War Memorial. 2. Verge maintenance 2.1. Improve the quality of work with the existing contractor or change contractor. 2.2. Rationalise the ‘winter’ mowing requirement (November to March) striking a balance between cost and the need for a longer mowing period due to global warming. 3. Street lights 3.1. Continue the programme of replacing some 40 MBFU lamps with SOX type, but keep other alternatives (such as LED) under review. 4. Highway matters Road Safety is one of the main concerns of residents. The solution to many of these problems is only achievable with the co-operation and financial support of Northamptonshire County Council (NCC). Unfortunately, in the recent period of severe financial constraint, some of the aims and objectives may continue to be difficult, or even impossible to implement. 4.1. Measures to deter speeding in village 4.1.1. Keep moving the recently purchased VAS sign so as to deter speeding, but also to build up a database of speeds around the parish so as to inform on other actions that might be needed. 4.1.2. Continue discussion with County Highways as to traffic calming on Brixworth Road, which we now know has a greater volume of traffic than even the A5199. 4.2. Highway and pavement maintenance issues to be reported Current issues to be addressed. 4.3. Inconsiderate parking In conjunction with a possible initiative from NCALC, to see whether this matter can be addressed around the village. 4.4. Over-hanging trees 4.4.1. To continue to try to resolve the trees planted in the Holdenby Road pavement adjacent 46 Gorse Road 5. Planning 5.1. Take the Neighbourhood Plan through to Referendum and, assuming its acceptance, it is then an ongoing project of itself 5.2. Find sites for affordable housing 6. Keeping parishioners safe 6.1. Seek delivery of a footpath to Brampton Valley Way 7. Environmental issues and keeping Spratton tidy 7.1. Village handyman Current issues to be addressed 7.2. Serving ‘Improving Village Matters’ notices Current issues to be addressed 7.3. Annual village spring clean Organisation of this has recently been taken over by the CCOS committee 7.4. Additional litter bins on Holdenby Road and elsewhere subject to funds being available. 7.5. Dog fouling In conjunction with a possible initiative from NCALC 7.5.1. Start a programme of education about the health dangers of dog excrement 7.5.2. Keep positions of dog bins under review. 8. Natural Spratton 8.1. Maintain and develop the natural environment of Spratton with particular regard to trees and wildflowers. 8.2. Carry out audit of own trees and, on a triennial basis have an external risk assessment of these. 9. Communication 9.1. Newsletter To be uploaded to the website 9.2. Website Upgrade this and ensure that more than adequate information is available to parishioners on all elements of its business so as to demonstrate transparency 9.3. Annual Parish Meeting Monitor the new format introduced in 2014 9.4. Recreation Ground Seek an improvement in liaison with the committee 9.5. Wifi for village, church, village hall. 9.6. Archival roles 10. Finance 10.1. Provide improved details of how the precept is spent 10.2. Detail the Parish Council reserves and plans for these 11. Community matters/facilities 11.1. Support local facilities as required. 11.2. Identify any needs in village requirements, and stimulate as necessary. 12. Youth 13. Governance Sources