Hour ____ Name Due Date The Roaring 20`s Project

Hour ____
Name __________________________
Due Date _________________________
The Roaring 20’s Project
Do not move desks. It makes it difficult for people to move around the room.
Bring scissors, glue, markers and colored pencils to class each day.
A daily work day grade will be taken for four days. Stay on task.
All parts of the project will be completed as a group. I will check the revision
history on Google Drive. Equal work on all parts of the project is required.
Choose TWO questions to research and submit your FIVE paragraph essays on
Google Drive to tpearce@auburn.k12.il.us and allow me to comment.
Print a hard copy of your essays to turn in on the due date.
Three sources per essay will need to be used in your research. Cite your sources
at the end of each essay.
Do not copy and paste anything on this project. A zero will be entered in the
grade book if you plagiarize these group essays.
Essays should be at least 600 words, typed in 12 point in Times New Roman font
with double spacing.
MLA citations:
Book Citation:
 Author Last Name(s), Book Name, Publisher, Copyright, Page numbers used.
 Example: Rice, Richard B., Bullough, William A., Orsi, Richard A., The Elusive Eden: A
New History of California. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 1996 p.477-79.
Internet Citation:
 Author’s name if known, “Title of Article.” Title of Website. Date of website.
Organization name. Date you accessed website. Link to article
 Example: “People.” JARDA: Japanese American Relocation Digital Archive. 2008.
University of California. 4 Jan. 2008.
Research Choices
1. Invention of radio and television- Explain the history of each during the 1920’s.
Who could afford them? When did the radio become really popular? When did
the television become really popular? What were the popular shows? Explain any
advertizing that was used.
2. History of Henry Ford, the assembly line, and the first “affordable” car.
3. Sacco-Vanzetti Case- What was the Red Scare? Who were Sacco and Vanzetti?
Discuss the effects of the public sentiment on criminal trials. Did the pair receive
a fair trial? Why or why not. Would the outcome be the same today? Why?
4. The Teapot Dome Scandal- Explain the Scandal. What are some ways a
president can make sure that only qualified, honest people are given important
government jobs? Explain cronyism.
5. Write about the Great Depression. How did it affect families? How did they
economize to make ends meet? How would families economize today?
6. What was the Scopes Monkey Trial about? What were the key issues? Where was
the court case held? When? What brought about the trial? What did the Butler Act
state? Why did some citizens in this town want the trial to take place in their town?
Who were the three key players in the trial? What role did John Scopes take? Did he
really do what he was accused of doing? The two attorneys had differing ideas about
what exactly was on trial, what did each attorney think was on trial? At the beginning
of the case, the crowd sided with which attorney? How did Darrow lessen the integrity
of Bryan? Was Scopes found guilty? If so, what was the punishment? What,
ultimately, happened to the law that was challenged?
7. The Sultan of Swat- Give a history of Babe Ruth, the baseball player and Ruth
Cleveland, the President’s daughter. Then, give a history of the Babe Ruth candy
bar. Lastly, explain the controversy over the naming of the candy bar. Who do you
think the candy bar was named after?
Create an Item
 Again, this is a group project. Equal work by all members is expected on
the writing portion and the project item.
 Choose TWO items and write at least a 100 word paragraph to go with the
project. The paragraph should be double spaced using 12 point Times
New Roman font.
 Submit the paragraph on Google Drive and a hard copy to Mrs. Pearce on
the due date.
1. The Walt Disney Story- Give a history of Walt Disney. Design a new
merchandising product featuring Mickey Mouse. It will need to be hand
drawn. Explain the product.
2. The Master Clown of Silent Movies- Give a history of Charlie Chaplin.
Design a DVD cover for one of Charlie Chaplin movies.
3. Transatlantic Flight- Give a history of Charles Lindbergh. Create a map of
Lindbergh’s flight across the Atlantic.
4. Flappers- Explain what a flapper was. Create four outfits for a paper doll
that represent clothing from the 1920’s.
5. A Treatment for Diabetes- Give a history of diabetes and Frederick
Banting during the 1920’s. Create a healthy menu for an individual that
suffers from diabetes. Do not copy and paste a menu from online.
6. Modern Art- Give a history of modern art during the 1920’s. Give a history
of Pablo Picasso and Piet Mondrian. Use a ruler and black marking pen
to draw a series of horizontal and vertical lines on plain white paper. Vary
the thickness of the lines for a more interesting piece. Fill in some of the
resulting rectangles with red, blue, and yellow marker or colored pencils.
Hour _______
Name _____________________________
The Roaring 20’s Project Rubric
Partially Proficient
3 points
2 points
1 point
0 points
At least 700 words
At least 600 words
At least 500 words
Below 500
__ /3
Fewer than 4
__ /3
__ /3
6 or more paragraphs
Evidence of proofreading.
Few spelling, punctuation
or grammatical errors.
Presented content clearly
and concisely with a logical
progression of ideas and
effective supporting
5 paragraphs
4 paragraphs
Some evidence of
Some spelling,
punctuation or
Presented most of
the content with a
logical progression
of ideas and
Little evidence of
proofreading. Many
spelling, punctuation or
grammatical errors.
A great many
Presented content
which failed to
maintain a consistent
focus, showed minimal
organization and effort,
and lacked an adequate
amount of supporting
content which
was unfocused,
showed little
thought or
effort and
Identified no
sources in any
Selection of
Identified highly
appropriate sources in a
variety of formats (books,
journals, electronic
Identified mostly
sources in a
variety of formats
(books, journals,
Identified a few
appropriate sources but
made little attempt to
balance format types.
Sources Cited
More than 6 Cited
6 Cited
5 Cited
Fewer than 5
Evidence of equal work on
all four parts of the project.
Assisted group in
the finished
Finished individual
task but did not assist
group during the
Evidence of planning and
effort produced
professional quality items.
Neat and fulfills
Mostly neat and some
effort evident.
little to the
group effort
during the
Lines are not
drawn with a
ruler. Shading
is not uniform.
Products not
on grade level
for difficulty.
__ /3
__ /3
__ /3
__ /3
__ /3
____ / 24
Points will be multiplied by 3 for a final point total. ___ / 72