883 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS No. 76 TUESDAY 3 APRIL 2012 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Meeting of the House ............................................................................................................................... 884 Message from the Legislative Assembly—Retail Trading Amendment Bill 2012 .................................. 884 UIA Annual Seniors Forum (Formal Business) ....................................................................................... 884 Holi Mahotsav (Formal Business) ............................................................................................................ 885 Notices of Motions ................................................................................................................................... 886 Business Postponed .................................................................................................................................. 886 Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2012 ...................................................... 886 Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 886 Unproclaimed Legislation ........................................................................................................................ 886 Papers—Tabled by Minister..................................................................................................................... 886 Message from the Legislative Assembly—Local Government Amendment (Members of Parliament) Bill 2012 ............................................................................................................................... 887 Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2012 ...................................................... 887 Local Government Amendment (Members of Parliament) Bill 2012 ...................................................... 888 Message from the Legislative Assembly—State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 ............... 890 Business Postponed .................................................................................................................................. 890 Local Government Amendment (Elections) Bill 2012 ............................................................................. 890 State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 ................................................................................... 891 Adjournment ............................................................................................................................................ 891 Attendance ............................................................................................................................................... 892 884 Legislative Council Minutes No. 76—Tuesday 3 April 2012 1 MEETING OF THE HOUSE The House met at 11.00 am according to adjournment. The President took the Chair and read the prayers. 2 MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY—RETAIL TRADING AMENDMENT BILL 2012 The President reported the following message from the Legislative Assembly: Mr PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill with the long title “An Act to amend the Retail Trading Act 2008 to make further provision with respect to the regulation of shop opening hours, restricted trading days and bank trading days; and for other purposes” presents the bill to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly 2 April 2012 SHELLEY HANCOCK Speaker Bill, on motion of Mr Gallacher, read a first time and ordered to be printed. Mr Gallacher moved, according to contingent notice: That standing orders be suspended to allow the passing of the bill through all its remaining stages during the present or any one sitting of the House. Question put and passed. Ordered: That the second reading of the bill stand an order of the day for a later hour of the sitting. 3 UIA ANNUAL SENIORS FORUM (Formal Business) Ms Fazio moved, according to notice: 1. 2. That this House: (a) notes that the United Indian Association (UIA) held its Annual Seniors Forum on Saturday 24 March 2012 at Granville Town Hall, and (b) congratulates the UIA on celebrating Senior’s Week with this important event. That this House notes that: (a) the UIA Seniors’ Forum was addressed by a range of speakers including: (i) the Honourable Andrew Constance MP, Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability Services, (ii) the Honourable Barbara Perry MP, Shadow Minister for Family and Community Services, Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Shadow Minister for Ageing and Shadow Minister for Disability Services, (iii) Ms Julie Owens MP, Federal Member for Parramatta, (iv) Mr Tony Issa MP, Member for Granville, (v) Mr Purshotam Arora, a visiting Yoga teacher from India, (vi) Mr Dave Passi, Secretary of the Indian Seniors Group Hornsby, and (b) the Cultural Program was provided by Vinod Rajput and Band Baaja. 885 Legislative Council Minutes No. 76—Tuesday 3 April 2012 3. That this House notes the contribution to the organisation and success of the forum of Mrs Sumati Advani, President of the Sydney Sindhi Association and Co-ordinator of the UIA Seniors Program, Mr Amarinder Bajwa, President of UIA, Mrs Aruna Chandrala, President of the Global Women’s Network and Mr Renga Rajan, Secretary of UIA. Question put and passed. 4 HOLI MAHOTSAV (Formal Business) Ms Fazio moved, according to notice: 1. That this House notes that: (a) the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan held the 10th anniversary Holi Mahotsav, the Indian festival of colours, friendship and harmony, at Tumbalong Park in Darling Harbour from 23 to 25 March 2012, (b) Holi has Hindu religious origins, is said to represent the victory of righteous forces and celebrates the Hindu mythology of the love of Krishna and Radha, (c) since its inception, the festival has grown from a one day event to become a three day event which is the largest Indian festival held in central Sydney each year, (d) nearly one thousand artists, both local and international, performed during the festival and presented a mixture of culture, spirituality and entertainment, (e) the cultural performances included: Indian, Bollywood, Classical, Bhangra and belly dances, fusion and folk music, Punjabi songs, Balinese and Chinese performances and two flash mobs, (f) the music and dance, yoga, prayers, meditation activities and dance and art workshops lasted for all three days and visitors were able to enjoy delicious vegetarian Indian food and craft stalls, (g) the first day of the festival was dedicated to schools, young people and children who participated with group performances and art workshops, and the special school day has become an annual tradition with the NSW Department of Education and Communities facilitating the attendance of public school students, (h) on Saturday, there was a large street procession from Martin Place through the Sydney central business district and culminating at Tumbalong Park, and the procession included Rath Yatra, hand pulled Chariot, and other community floats, (i) the Sacred Holi Fire ceremony was carried out on Saturday afternoon to drive away evil from society, (j) on Sunday the traditional practice of colour throwing took place in the designated area in multiple sessions throughout the afternoon and this joyful activity brought many people of different cultural backgrounds together and was celebrated with happiness and harmony among the participants, and (k) the festival was addressed on Sunday by the following dignitaries: (i) Senator the Honourable Kate Lundy, Federal Minister for Multicultural Affairs, representing the Honourable Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minster of Australia, (ii) Mr Craig Kelly MP, representing the Leader of the Federal Opposition, (iii) Mr Geoff Lee MP, Member for Parramatta, representing the Premier, 886 Legislative Council Minutes No. 76—Tuesday 3 April 2012 (iv) (v) (vi) 2. the Honourable Amanda Fazio MLC, representing the Leader of the State Opposition, Dr Phil Lambert, Regional Director, Department of Education and Communities, Mr Shanker Dhar, Chairman, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. That this House: (a) congratulates Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and especially the President, Mr Gambhir Watts, for staging the Holi Mahotsav Festival, and (b) commends all the volunteers and sponsors who contribute to the success of the festival. Question put and passed. 5 NOTICES OF MOTIONS 6 BUSINESS POSTPONED Orders of the day nos 1 to 6 on the Notice Paper of government business postponed, on motion of Mr Gay, until a later hour of the sitting. 7 PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYMENT AND MANAGEMENT AMENDMENT BILL 2012 On the order of the day being read, Mr Gallacher moved: That this bill be now read a second time. Leave granted for the mover’s second reading speech to be incorporated in Hansard. Debate ensued. ____________________ According to sessional order, proceedings interrupted at 2.30 pm for Questions. ____________________ 8 QUESTIONS 9 UNPROCLAIMED LEGISLATION According to standing order, Mr Pearce tabled a list of unproclaimed legislation as at 2 April 2012. 10 PAPERS—TABLED BY MINISTER Mr Pearce tabled the following papers: (1) Report of Department of Finance and Services entitled “Fact finding investigation report into the processes utilised by Housing NSW in the management of the Nation Building Economic Stimulus Program (NBESP) & Perle Construction Management Pty Ltd”, dated November 2011. (2) Document entitled “Department of Finance and Services’ response to recommendations for future improvement in any construction related programs”, dated April 2012. Ordered: That the reports be printed. 887 Legislative Council Minutes No. 76—Tuesday 3 April 2012 11 MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY—LOCAL AMENDMENT (MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT) BILL 2012 GOVERNMENT The President reported the following message from the Legislative Assembly: Mr PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill with the long title “An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1993 to prevent a member of Parliament from also holding office as a councillor or mayor” presents the bill to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly 3 April 2012 SHELLEY HANCOCK Speaker Bill, on motion of Mr Gallacher, read a first time and ordered to be printed. Mr Gallacher moved, according to contingent notice: That standing orders be suspended to allow the passing of the bill through all its remaining stages during the present or any one sitting of the House. Question put and passed. Ordered: That the second reading of the bill stand an order of the day for a later hour of the sitting. 12 PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYMENT AND MANAGEMENT AMENDMENT BILL 2012 Order of the day read for resumption of the interrupted debate of the question on the motion of Mr Gallacher: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. ____________________ Mr Gallacher, by leave, tabled the draft Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment (Displaced Employees) Bill 2005. ____________________ Debate continued. Question put. The House divided. Ayes 20 Mr Ajaka Mr Blair Mr Borsak Mr Brown Mr Clarke Mr Colless * Ms Cusack Mr Gallacher Miss Gardiner Mr Gay Mr Green Mr Khan Mr Lynn Mr MacDonald Mrs Maclaren-Jones Mr Mason-Cox Mrs Mitchell Mrs Pavey Mr Pearce Dr Phelps * * Tellers 888 Legislative Council Minutes No. 76—Tuesday 3 April 2012 Noes 18 Ms Barham Mr Buckingham Ms Cotsis Mr Donnelly Ms Faehrmann Ms Fazio * Dr Kaye Mr Moselmane Mr Primrose Mr Roozendaal Mr Searle Mr Secord Ms Sharpe Mr Shoebridge Mr Veitch Ms Voltz * Ms Westwood Mr Whan * Tellers Pairs Ms Ficarra Mr Foley Question resolved in the affirmative. Bill read a second time. Leave granted to proceed to the third reading of the bill forthwith. Standing orders having been suspended Monday 2 April 2012— ____________________ Mr Gallacher sought the leave of the House for the Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment (Displaced Employees) Bill 2005 to be incorporated into Hansard. Objection taken. Leave not granted. ____________________ Bill, on motion of Mr Gallacher, read a third time. Bill returned to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. 13 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AMENDMENT (MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT) BILL 2012 On the order of the day being read, Mr Pearce moved: That this bill be now read a second time. Mr Pearce sought the leave of the House for his second reading speech to be incorporated in Hansard. Objection taken. Leave not granted. Debate ensued. Question put. The House divided. 889 Legislative Council Minutes No. 76—Tuesday 3 April 2012 Ayes 20 Mr Ajaka Mr Blair Mr Borsak Mr Brown Mr Clarke Mr Colless * Ms Cusack Mr Gallacher Miss Gardiner Mr Gay Mr Green Mr Khan Mr Lynn Mr MacDonald Mrs Maclaren-Jones Mr Mason-Cox Mrs Mitchell Mrs Pavey Mr Pearce Dr Phelps * * Tellers Noes 18 Ms Barham Mr Buckingham Ms Cotsis Mr Donnelly Ms Faehrmann Ms Fazio * Mr Foley Dr Kaye Mr Moselmane Mr Primrose Mr Roozendaal Mr Secord Ms Sharpe Mr Shoebridge Mr Veitch Ms Voltz * Ms Westwood Mr Whan * Tellers Pairs Ms Ficarra Mr Searle Question resolved in the affirmative. Bill read a second time. The Deputy President (Mrs Mitchell) left the Chair and the House sat as a committee of the whole for consideration of this bill. The committee reported the bill without amendment. The House adopted the report. Standing orders having been suspended this day— Mr Pearce moved: That this bill be now read a third time. Question put. The House divided. Ayes 19 Mr Blair Mr Borsak Mr Brown Mr Clarke Mr Colless * Ms Cusack Mr Gallacher Miss Gardiner Mr Gay Mr Green Mr Khan Mr Lynn Mr MacDonald Mrs Maclaren-Jones Mr Mason-Cox Mrs Mitchell Mrs Pavey Mr Pearce Dr Phelps * * Tellers 890 Legislative Council Minutes No. 76—Tuesday 3 April 2012 Noes 17 Ms Barham Mr Buckingham Ms Cotsis Mr Donnelly Ms Faehrmann Ms Fazio * Dr Kaye Mr Moselmane Mr Primrose Mr Roozendaal Mr Secord Ms Sharpe Mr Shoebridge Mr Veitch Ms Voltz * Ms Westwood Mr Whan * Tellers Pairs Mr Ajaka Ms Ficarra Mr Foley Mr Searle Question resolved in the affirmative. Bill read a third time. Bill returned to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. 14 MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY—STATE REVENUE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2012 The President reported the following message from the Legislative Assembly: Mr PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill with the long title “An Act to make miscellaneous changes to certain State revenue legislation” presents the bill to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly 3 April 2012 SHELLEY HANCOCK Speaker Bill, on motion of Mr Pearce, read a first time and ordered to be printed. Mr Pearce moved, according to contingent notice: That standing orders be suspended to allow the passing of the bill through all its remaining stages during the present or any one sitting of the House. Question put and passed. Ordered: That the second reading of the bill stand an order of the day for a later hour of the sitting. 15 BUSINESS POSTPONED Orders of the day nos 8 and 9 on the Notice Paper of government business postponed, on motion of Mr Pearce, until a later hour of the sitting. 16 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AMENDMENT (ELECTIONS) BILL 2012 On the order of the day being read, Mr Mason-Cox (on behalf of Mr Pearce) moved: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. 891 Legislative Council Minutes No. 76—Tuesday 3 April 2012 Leave granted for the remainder of the mover’s second reading speech to be incorporated in Hansard. Debate continued. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. Leave granted to proceed to the third reading of the bill forthwith. Standing orders having been suspended Monday 2 April 2012— Bill, on motion of Mr Mason-Cox, read a third time. Bill returned to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. 17 STATE REVENUE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2012 On the order of the day being read, Mr Pearce moved: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. ____________________ According to resolution of the House of 28 March 2012, proceedings interrupted at 10.00 pm for adjournment. ____________________ The House continued to sit. ____________________ Debate continued. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. Ordered: That consideration of the bill in committee of the whole stand an order of the day for next sitting day. 18 ADJOURNMENT Mr Gay moved: That this House do now adjourn. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. The House adjourned at 11.14 pm until Wednesday 4 April 2012 at 9.30 am. 892 Legislative Council Minutes No. 76—Tuesday 3 April 2012 19 ATTENDANCE All members present, except Ms Ficarra and Revd Mr Nile. David Blunt Clerk of the Parliaments _____________________________ Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales