1129 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS No. 97 WEDNESDAY 15 AUGUST 2012 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Meeting of the House ............................................................................................................................. 1130 Mr Thomas Kelly (Formal Business) ..................................................................................................... 1130 Australian Institute of Credit Management Young Credit Professional of the Year (Formal Business) ................................................................................................................................................ 1130 Petition ................................................................................................................................................... 1131 Notices of Motions ................................................................................................................................. 1131 Notice of Motion withdrawn .................................................................................................................. 1131 Business Postponed ................................................................................................................................ 1131 Fines Amendment Bill 2012 .................................................................................................................. 1131 Inspector of Custodial Services Bill 2012 .............................................................................................. 1132 Message from the Legislative Assembly—Community Housing Providers (Adoption of National Law) Bill 2012 ....................................................................................................................................... 1132 Select Committee on the provisions of the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment Bill 2011—Government’s Response to Report ................................................................. 1132 Business Postponed ................................................................................................................................ 1133 Questions ................................................................................................................................................ 1133 Crime Commission Bill 2012 ................................................................................................................. 1133 Tobacco Legislation Amendment Bill 2012........................................................................................... 1133 Unproclaimed Legislation ...................................................................................................................... 1134 Committees—Membership .................................................................................................................... 1134 Adjournment .......................................................................................................................................... 1134 Attendance ............................................................................................................................................. 1134 1130 Legislative Council Minutes No. 97—Wednesday 15 August 2012 1 MEETING OF THE HOUSE The House met at 11.00 am according to adjournment. The President took the Chair and read the prayers. 2 MR THOMAS KELLY (Formal Business) Mr Blair moved, according to notice: That this House: (a) extends its condolences to the family of Thomas Kelly, tragically killed in Kings Cross on 7 July 2012, (b) acknowledges the strength shown by Thomas’s parents Ralph and Kathy, and his siblings Stuart and Madeline, from Bowral, New South Wales in the days following, (c) recognises the significance of Thomas’s parents’ decision to donate their son’s organs “because they felt that his death should result in some life for other people”, (d) remind all citizens of New South Wales of the importance of organ donation and encourage discussions within families, and (e) shows appreciation to the members of the NSW Police Force who worked tirelessly to arrest a suspect in the case. Question put and passed. 3 AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF CREDIT MANAGEMENT YOUNG CREDIT PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR (Formal Business) Ms Ficarra moved, according to notice: 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) the Australian Institute of Credit Management (AICM) was founded in 1937, (b) AICM is recognised as the authority and professional body providing for the career needs and interests of all who work in the credit industry, is committed to ‘Setting the Standard’ in professional training and practice and lays down a strict ethical code to which all members must adhere, (c) the AICM Young Credit Professional of the Year Award has become the most prestigious and high profile award in credit in Australia, (d) the 2012 National Young Credit Professional of the Year Awards program was sponsored by Dun and Bradstreet for the sixteenth consecutive year, (e) over 50 potential candidates were approached by AICM representatives, from whom 30 finalists were selected across the five AICM divisions, (f) the New South Wales winner of NSW Young Credit Professional of the Year was Mr Bassam Sleiman of PG Lion Resources Australia Pty Ltd, and (g) in October, Bassam Sleiman will represent New South Wales in the National Finals of the Youth Credit Professional of the Year. That this House congratulates and commends: 1131 Legislative Council Minutes No. 97—Wednesday 15 August 2012 (a) Mr Bassam Sleiman of PG Lion Resources Australia Pty Ltd on winning the Australian Institute of Credit Management’s NSW Young Professional of the Year award for his excellence in credit and finance management, and (b) the Australian Institute of Credit Management for inspiring and encouraging younger business people to achieve corporate excellence. Question put and passed. 4 PETITION Religious discrimination Mr Moselmane presented a petition from 25 citizens of New South Wales supporting the proposition that the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 be amended to include religion as a grounds of discrimination, and requesting that the House support the amendment to the Act to make it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of religious belief or absence of religious belief. Petition received. 5 NOTICES OF MOTIONS 6 NOTICE OF MOTION WITHDRAWN Dr Kaye withdrew private members’ business item no. 822 outside the order of precedence on the Notice Paper for today relating to an overnight emergency doctor at Mullumbimby Hospital. 7 BUSINESS POSTPONED Notice of motion no. 1 on the Notice Paper of government business postponed, on motion of Mr Gallacher, until a later hour of the sitting. 8 FINES AMENDMENT BILL 2012 Mr Pearce moved, according to notice: That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Fines Act 1996 to make further provision with respect to fines and their enforcement. Question put and passed. Bill presented. Bill read a first time and ordered to be printed. Mr Pearce then moved: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. Motion made (Mr Searle) and question: That this debate be now adjourned until five calendar days ahead—put and passed. 1132 Legislative Council Minutes No. 97—Wednesday 15 August 2012 9 INSPECTOR OF CUSTODIAL SERVICES BILL 2012 Order of the day read for resumption of the interrupted debate of the question on the motion of Mr Gallacher: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. The President left the Chair and the House sat as a committee of the whole for consideration of this bill. The committee reported the bill without amendment. The House adopted the report. Standing orders having been suspended Wednesday 20 June 2012— Bill, on motion of Mr Clarke (on behalf of Mr Gallacher), read a third time. Bill returned to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. 10 MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY—COMMUNITY HOUSING PROVIDERS (ADOPTION OF NATIONAL LAW) BILL 2012 The President reported the following message from the Legislative Assembly: Mr PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill with the long title “An Act to apply as a law of this State a national law relating to the registration of community housing providers, to make other provision for community housing providers and community housing and to make consequential amendments to the Housing Act 2001 and to other legislation” presents the bill to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly 15 August 2012 SHELLEY HANCOCK Speaker Bill, on motion of Mr Gay (on behalf of Mr Pearce), read a first time and ordered to be printed. Mr Gay moved, according to contingent notice: That standing orders be suspended to allow the passing of the bill through all its remaining stages during the present or any one sitting of the House. Question put and passed. Ordered: That the second reading of the bill stand an order of the day for a later hour of the sitting. 11 SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE PROVISIONS OF THE EXPENDITURE AND DISCLOSURES AMENDMENT BILL RESPONSE TO REPORT ELECTION FUNDING, 2011—GOVERNMENT’S Mr Pearce tabled the Government’s response to Report No. 1 of the Select Committee on the provisions of the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment Bill 2011 entitled “Inquiry into the provisions of the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment Bill 2011”, tabled on 15 February 2012. 1133 Legislative Council Minutes No. 97—Wednesday 15 August 2012 Ordered: That the document be printed. 12 BUSINESS POSTPONED Orders of the day nos 2 and 3 on the Notice Paper of government business postponed, on motion of Mr Gay, until a later hour of the sitting. ____________________ According to sessional order, proceedings interrupted at 2.30 pm for Questions. ____________________ 13 QUESTIONS 14 CRIME COMMISSION BILL 2012 Mr Gallacher moved, according to notice: That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to re-enact the New South Wales Crime Commission Act 1985 to implement certain recommendations of the Special Commission of Inquiry into the New South Wales Crime Commission; and for other purposes. Question put and passed. Bill presented. Bill read a first time and ordered to be printed. Mr Gallacher then moved: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. Motion made (Ms Voltz) and question: That this debate be now adjourned until five calendar days ahead—put and passed. 15 TOBACCO LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2012 On the order of the day being read, Mrs Pavey (on behalf of Mr Gallacher) moved: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. The Deputy President (Mrs Mitchell) left the Chair and the House sat as a committee of the whole for consideration of this bill. The committee reported the bill without amendment. The House adopted the report. Standing orders having been suspended Wednesday 13 June 2012— 1134 Legislative Council Minutes No. 97—Wednesday 15 August 2012 Bill, on motion of Mrs Pavey, read a third time. Bill returned to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. 16 UNPROCLAIMED LEGISLATION According to standing order, Mrs Pavey tabled a list of unproclaimed legislation as at 14 August 2012. 17 COMMITTEES—MEMBERSHIP The Deputy President (Mr Green) informed the House that the Clerk had received from the Leader of the Government the following changes in membership of General Purpose Standing Committees: General Purpose Standing Committee No. 1: Mr Mason-Cox in place of Miss Gardiner General Purpose Standing Committee No. 2: Miss Gardiner in place of Mrs Mitchell General Purpose Standing Committee No. 4: Mrs Mitchell in place of Mr Mason-Cox. 18 ADJOURNMENT Mrs Pavey moved: That this House do now adjourn. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. The House adjourned at 10.30 pm until Thursday 16 August 2012 at 9.30 am. 19 ATTENDANCE All members present, except Ms Fazio. David Blunt Clerk of the Parliaments _____________________________ Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales