165 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS No. 15 WEDNESDAY 1 JUNE 2011 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Meeting of the House ............................................................................................................................... 166 Assumption of the Administration of the Government by the Administrator .......................................... 166 St Vincent de Paul Society’s Wellington Conference (Formal Business) ................................................ 166 Lithgow St Vincent de Paul Society workers (Formal Business)............................................................. 166 Fairfax outsourcing (Formal Business) .................................................................................................... 167 Printing of Tabled Papers ......................................................................................................................... 167 Paper—Tabled by Minister ...................................................................................................................... 168 Petition ..................................................................................................................................................... 168 Notices of Motions ................................................................................................................................... 168 Notices of Motions withdrawn ................................................................................................................. 168 Business Postponed .................................................................................................................................. 168 Crimes Amendment (Murder of Police Officers) Bill 2011 ..................................................................... 168 Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 168 Messages from the Legislative Assembly ................................................................................................ 169 (1) Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment (Maximum Annual Percentage Rate) Bill 2011 .............................................................................................................................................. 169 Cognate bills— (2) Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 ................................................................................................ 169 (3) Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2011 ............................................................... 169 Crimes Amendment (Murder of Police Officers) Bill 2011 ..................................................................... 169 Notice of Motion ...................................................................................................................................... 170 Industrial Relations Amendment (Public Sector Conditions of Employment) Bill 2011 ......................... 171 Address-in-reply to the Governor’s opening speech ................................................................................ 171 Message from the Legislative Assembly—Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Amendment (Move on Directions) Bill 2011 ........................................................................................... 171 Adjournment ............................................................................................................................................ 172 Attendance ............................................................................................................................................... 172 166 Legislative Council Minutes No. 15—Wednesday 1 June 2011 1 MEETING OF THE HOUSE The House met at 11.00 am according to adjournment. The President took the Chair and read the prayers. 2 ASSUMPTION OF ADMINISTRATOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE GOVERNMENT BY THE The President reported the following message from the Honourable Thomas Frederick Bathurst, Administrator of the State of New South Wales: Office of the Governor Sydney 2000 T Bathurst ADMINISTRATOR The Honourable Thomas Frederick Bathurst, Chief Justice of New South Wales, Administrator of the State of New South Wales, has the honour to inform the Legislative Council that, as a consequence of the Governor of New South Wales, Professor Marie Bashir, having assumed the administration of the government of the Commonwealth, he has this day assumed the administration of the government of the State. 1 June 2011 3 ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY’S WELLINGTON CONFERENCE (Formal Business) Mr Kelly moved, according to notice: 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) the St Vincent de Paul Society's Wellington Conference celebrated its 100 th anniversary on 29 January 2011, (b) the Conference has been doing outstanding work in the community since 1911, having started with 19 members and, since then, many more have picked up the torch to continue its vital work in the Bathurst Diocese, and (c) in 2010 alone, the Conference members: (i) assisted with 1,100 visits to hospitals, nursing homes and aged care rooms, (ii) supported 350 families with food, clothing and furniture and provided 100 Christmas hampers to families in need. That this House extends its congratulations to the current Manager and former Manager Frank Lacey on the Conference’s ongoing commitment and support to families and individuals in Wellington and across New South Wales. Question put and passed. 4 LITHGOW ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY WORKERS (Formal Business) Mr Kelly moved, according to notice: 1. That this House notes that: (a) on Australia Day 2011, Lithgow St Vincent de Paul Society workers Mr Pat Okon and Ms Margaret Kennedy were honoured with Order of Australia medals, 167 Legislative Council Minutes No. 15—Wednesday 1 June 2011 2. (b) the St Vincent de Paul Society St Patrick’s Conference in Lithgow now has three active members who have been awarded Order of Australia honours, including Mrs Kennedy's husband Alan who received a OAM in 2004, and (c) these members are not only active members of the St Vincent de Paul Society but also Family Support, Neighbour Centre, Meals on Wheels, Women's and Community Housing, Community Consultative Committees and local school, church and show committees. That this House extends its congratulations to Pat and Margaret on their Order of Australia awards and their continued and ongoing contribution to the Lithgow community. Question put and passed. 5 FAIRFAX OUTSOURCING (Formal Business) Dr Kaye moved, according to notice: 1. That this House acknowledges: (a) the importance of a high quality, critical and independent print media to the successful political, cultural, economic and social functioning of a modern democracy, and (b) the central role that artists, sub-editors and designers play in maintaining and enhancing quality newspapers and their capacity to fulfil their role in society. 2. That this House notes with grave concern plans by Fairfax management to outsource the work of 82 subeditors, designers and artists who currently ensure the quality of the Melbourne Age and the Sydney Morning Herald. 3. That this House supports the concerns raised by Fairfax employees and their union that the quality and communications effectiveness of these papers will inevitably suffer as: 4. (a) in-house specialist production expertise accumulated over many years is lost, (b) quality is placed into direct competition with cost, (c) the uniqueness and character of these papers are lost, and (d) inevitable errors of fact and grammar will result from a cost-driven service and will undermine public confidence in the papers. That this House: (a) calls on Fairfax management to abandon plans to outsource production services, and (b) requests the President to convey the terms and passage of this resolution by the House to Fairfax Media CEO, Greg Hywood and Chairman, Roger Corbett. Question put and passed. 6 PRINTING OF TABLED PAPERS According to standing order, Mr Gallacher tabled a list of papers tabled and not ordered to be printed in the previous month. 168 Legislative Council Minutes No. 15—Wednesday 1 June 2011 7 PAPER—TABLED BY MINISTER Mr Gallacher, according to the Annual Reports (Departments) Act 1985, tabled a report of the Department of Education and Training for year ended 31 December 2010. Ordered: That the report be printed. 8 PETITION Webbs Creek Ferry crossing Mrs Maclaren-Jones presented a petition from 1,225 citizens of New South Wales stating that they are experiencing ongoing breakdowns and dangerous traffic congestion at the Webbs Creek Ferry crossing of the Hawkesbury River, and requesting that the House consider a duel ferry crossing, a spare power pack and spare parts available on 24 hour call, accountability and quality control of ferry maintenance, better signage to inform of ferry down time including a sign at Maroota School, better notification to local businesses impacted by ferry closure, the erection of Give Way signs on the upriver side of River Road, ongoing training for ferry masters, and completion of Bicentenary Road from Chaseling Road to Wheelbarrow Ridge Road. Petition received. 9 NOTICES OF MOTIONS 10 NOTICES OF MOTIONS WITHDRAWN 11 (1) Ms Faehrmann withdrew private members’ business item no. 68 outside the order of precedence on the Notice Paper for today relating to an order for papers regarding the Hills M2 upgrade. (2) Dr Kaye withdrew private members’ business item no. 82 outside the order of precedence on the Notice Paper for today relating to plain packaging of tobacco products. BUSINESS POSTPONED Orders of the day nos 1 and 2 on the Notice Paper of government business postponed, on motion of Mr Gallacher, until a later hour of sitting. 12 CRIMES AMENDMENT (MURDER OF POLICE OFFICERS) BILL 2011 Order of the day read for resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Gallacher: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. ____________________ According to sessional order, proceedings interrupted at 2.30 pm for Questions. ____________________ 13 QUESTIONS 169 Legislative Council Minutes No. 15—Wednesday 1 June 2011 14 MESSAGES FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY The President reported the following message from the Legislative Assembly: (1) Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment (Maximum Annual Percentage Rate) Bill 2011 Mr PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill with the long title “An Act to amend the Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2010 with respect to the maximum annual percentage rate for certain credit contracts” presents the bill to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly 1 June 2011 SHELLEY HANCOCK Speaker Bill, on motion of Mr Gallacher (on behalf of Mr Pearce), read a first time and ordered to be printed. Mr Gallacher moved, according to contingent notice: That standing orders be suspended to allow the passing of the bill through all its remaining stages during the present or any one sitting of the House. Question put and passed. Ordered: That the second reading of the bill stand an order of the day for next sitting day. The President further reported the following messages from the Legislative Assembly: Cognate bills— (2) Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 Mr PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly has this day agreed to the amendments made by the Legislative Council in the Bill with the long title “An Act to secure the health, safety and welfare of persons at work; to repeal the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000; and for other purposes”. Legislative Assembly 1 June 2011 (3) SHELLEY HANCOCK Speaker Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2011 Mr PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly has this day agreed to the amendments made by the Legislative Council in the Bill with the long title “An Act to amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 to adopt some national work health and safety reforms pending the enactment of new legislation; and for other purposes”. Legislative Assembly 1 June 2011 15 SHELLEY HANCOCK Speaker CRIMES AMENDMENT (MURDER OF POLICE OFFICERS) BILL 2011 Order of the day read for resumption of the interrupted debate of the question on the motion of Mr Gallacher: That this bill be now read a second time. 170 Legislative Council Minutes No. 15—Wednesday 1 June 2011 Question put. The House divided. Ayes 19 Mr Ajaka Mr Blair Mr Borsak Mr Brown Mr Clarke Mr Colless * Ms Cusack Ms Ficarra Mr Gallacher Mr Gay Mr Green Mr Khan Mr MacDonald Mrs Maclaren-Jones Mr Mason-Cox Revd Mr Nile Mrs Pavey Mr Pearce Dr Phelps * * Tellers Noes 16 Ms Barham Mr Buckingham Mr Donnelly Ms Faehrmann Mr Foley Dr Kaye Mr Moselmane Mr Primrose Mr Roozendaal Mr Searle Mr Secord Ms Sharpe Mr Shoebridge Mr Veitch Ms Voltz * Ms Westwood * * Tellers Pairs Miss Gardiner Mr Lynn Mrs Mitchell Ms Fazio Ms Cotsis Mr Kelly Question resolved in the affirmative. Bill read a second time. The President left the Chair and the House sat as a committee of the whole for consideration of this bill. The committee reported the bill without amendment. The House adopted the report. (With concurrence) Bill, on motion of Mr Gallacher, read a third time. Bill forwarded to the Legislative Assembly for concurrence. 16 NOTICE OF MOTION Mr Gallacher sought the leave of the House, under standing order 71, to give a notice of a motion relating to the precedence of business on Thursday 2 June 2011. Objection taken. Leave not granted. 171 Legislative Council Minutes No. 15—Wednesday 1 June 2011 17 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS EMPLOYMENT) BILL 2011 AMENDMENT (PUBLIC SECTOR CONDITIONS OF Order of the day read for resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Pearce: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. Motion made (Ms Cotsis speaking) and question: That this debate be now adjourned until next sitting day—put and passed. 18 ADDRESS-IN-REPLY TO THE GOVERNOR’S OPENING SPEECH Order of the day read for resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mrs Pavey: That the following address be adopted and presented by the Whole House to the Governor, in reply to the Speech which Her Excellency had been pleased to make to both Houses of Parliament: To Her Excellency the Honourable MARIE BASHIR, Companion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the State of New South Wales in the Commonwealth of Australia. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY— We, the Members of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, in Parliament assembled, desire to express our thanks for Your Excellency's Speech, and to express our loyalty to the Sovereign. We assure Your Excellency that our earnest consideration will be given to the measures to be submitted to us, and that we will faithfully carry out the important duties entrusted to us by the people of New South Wales. We join Your Excellency in the hope that our labours may be so directed as to advance the best interests of all sections of the community. Debate resumed—first speech of Mr Searle. Motion made (Mr Pearce) and question: That this debate be now adjourned until next sitting day—put and passed. 19 MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY—LAW ENFORCEMENT (POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES) AMENDMENT (MOVE ON DIRECTIONS) BILL 2011 The President reported the following message from the Legislative Assembly: Mr PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day agreed to the Bill with the long title “An Act to amend the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 in relation to move on directions to intoxicated persons in public places” returns the bill to the Legislative Council without amendment. Legislative Assembly 1 June 2011 SHELLEY HANCOCK Speaker 172 Legislative Council Minutes No. 15—Wednesday 1 June 2011 ____________________ According to sessional order, proceedings interrupted at 6.30 pm for adjournment. ____________________ 20 ADJOURNMENT Mr Gallacher moved: That this House do now adjourn. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. The House adjourned at 7.02 pm until Thursday 2 June 2011 at 9.30 am. 21 ATTENDANCE All members present, Ms Fazio and Mr Lynn. David Blunt Deputy Clerk _____________________________ Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales