Rick Steves` Castles of the Loire Valley

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Rick Steves’ Castles of the Loire Valley
Français 2
Directions: Répondez à chaque question en regardant le vidéo.
1. The Loire Valley’s chateaux are a 2 hour drive to the ___________ of Paris.
a. north
b. east
c. south
d. west
2. The first castles in the area were designed for ______________.
a. beauty
b. defense
3. _______________ is the biggest castle in the Loire Valley with 440 rooms and 365 fireplaces.
a. Chenonceau b. Villandry
c. Azay-le-Rideau
d. Chambord
4. Chambord began as a ___________ lodge for rich nobles.
a. hunting
b. hotel
c. party
d. vacation
5. Starting in 1519, King Francis I had Chambord built by 1,800 workers. It took _____ years.
a. 23
b. 4
c. 64
d. 15
6. The architecture of Chambord is modeled after __________________.
a. an Italian church
b. a Greek amphitheater
c. a Spanish castle
7. The tallest tower has a ______________ on top which symbolizes the French monarchy.
a. fleur de lis
b. magnolia flower c. sunflower
d. diamond
8. Throughout much of the year, these royal castles would be ___________.
a. crowded with the royal court
b. empty since the King left often
9. Many castles were built along the Loire River because of its _______________.
a. natural beauty
b. strategic location c. potential for business
10. During the Hundred Year’s War, the French royalty ruled from the Loire Valley because the
___________ controlled parts of France including Paris.
a. English
b. Spanish
c. Bretons
d. Belgians
11. In the 1600s, France’s time of stability and peace meant castles were built for _________.
a. beauty
b. defense
c. worship
d. extended family
12. Today, the owners of the chateaux get monetary support from the government if they _____.
a. sell their castle
b. open the castle to the public
c. restore their castle
13. Amboise reflects the ______________ style of its time which was shown in architecture,
gardens, and more.
a. French Rococo
b. gothic
c. Italian Renaissance d. simplistic
14. Invited by King François I, __________ lived in Clos-Lucé near the castle of Amboise.
a. Leonardo de Vinci
b. Claude Monet
c. Eleanor of Aquitaine
15. The 16th century ___________ castle was built over the Cher River.
a. Ussé
b. Villandry
c. Chenonceau
d. Loches
16. While visiting Chenonceau, tourists can learn about the castle through a(n) _________ guide.
a. costumed
b. audio
c. dramatic
d. professional
17. Tapestries on the walls kept rooms warm and also depicted ___________.
a. castle owners
b. views from the castle
c. historical events
18. Chenonceau is nicknamed the castle of the ______________.
a. nobles
b. hunters
c. ladies
d. English
19. After King Henry’s death, his wife Catherine de Medici took Chenonceau back from his ___.
a. mistress
b. uncle
c. finance minister
d. granddaughter
20. Escargots originally came from the French province of ______________.
a. Centre
b. Auvergne
c. Provence
d. Burgundy
21. _____________ is the chicken of France.
a. foie gras
b. turkey
c. duck
d. horse
22. The same family has always had ownership of the ___________ castle.
a. Cheverny
b. Amboise
c. Blois
d. Chinon
23. The Cheverny castle includes details such as __________.
a. painted ceilings
b. a wedding dress
c. suits of armor
d. all
24. Spectators come to watch the hunting ________ being fed each day at Cheverny.
a. dogs
b. horses
c. families
d. cats
25. The castle of Villandry is most famous for its ___________.
a. towers
b. location
c. fireplaces
d. gardens
26. Monks used the gardens to grow vegetables and medicinal ___________.
a. herbs
b. fruits
c. trees
d. spices
Match each castle name with its picture. Then complete the
Je préfère le château _______________ parce que...