“A Christmas Carol” Study Guide

“A Christmas Carol” Study Guide
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Definition of Greed
Definition of Ignorance
Definition of Poor Laws
Definition of Work Houses
Definition of Morals
Where was the FIRST place Scrooge visits with a spirit?
When the Gentleman Visitor comes to visit Scrooge in his shop, what does he ask
Scrooge for?
8. Who invites Scrooge to Christmas Dinner?
9. What does the Warder do in the play?
10. Why does Jacob Marley visit Scrooge?
11. Name the 4 spirits that visit Scrooge.
12. What do Robinson Crusoe and Scrooge have in common?
13. Pick 2 words to describe Fezziwig.
14. Who are Hunger and Ignorance?
15. Which scene does NOT include little girl?
16. In Scene 5, Scrooge “dies.” What do Sparsit, the Cook, and the Charwoman do?
17. Which event changes Scrooge? (turning point)
18. In scene 6, Scrooge has changed. List 2 actions Scrooge did to prove this change.
19. Who attends Christmas dinner at the end of the play? (characters)
20. What is the time period of the play?
21. What is a possible Theme for the story?
22. Why does Scrooge dislike Christmas?
23. What do Marley’s chains symbolize?
24. How does Scrooge feel about money in the beginning of the story? At the end?
25. After seeing Fezziwig, what does Scrooge realize about being a good boss?
26. In scene 4, how do Scrooge’s words come back to haunt him?
27. What does the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come show Scrooge about his possible future?
28. How does Scrooge react to Tiny Tim’s “death”?
29. What does Scrooge ask of the Gentleman visitor at the end of the play?
30. What are the two words that describe how Scrooge felt at Christmas Dinner?
1. Definition of Greed Excessive desire, especially for wealth or possessions.
2. Definition of Ignorance The act or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning,
information, etc.
3. Definition of Poor Laws System or law providing for the relief or support of the poor at
public expense.
4. Definition of Work Houses The poor were given work and accommodations for their
labor. Harsh to deter able workers.
5. Definition of Morals Rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong’ ethical:
moral attitudes.
6. Where was the FIRST place Scrooge visits with a spirit? Boarding school when a child
7. When the Gentleman Visitor comes to visit Scrooge in his shop, what does he ask
Scrooge for? Charity/donation for the poor
8. Who invites Scrooge to Christmas Dinner? His nephew, Fred
9. What does the Warder do in the play? Serves the poor children food
10. Why does Jacob Marley visit Scrooge? To give him a chance for change
11. Name the 4 spirits that visit Scrooge. Marley, Ghost of Christmas-Past-Present-Yet to
12. What do Robinson Crusoe and Scrooge have in common? Both are isolated- alone
13. Pick 2 words to describe Fezziwig. Generous. Positive. Cheerful
14. Who are Hunger and Ignorance? The poor house children
15. Which scene does NOT include little girl? Scene 5
16. In Scene 5, Scrooge “dies.” What do Sparsit, the Cook, and the Charwoman do? They
steal from him. Anything of value
17. Which event changes Scrooge? (turning point) Tiny Tim’s “death”
18. In scene 6, Scrooge has changed. List 2 actions Scrooge did to prove this change. Bought
Turkey for the Cratchit’s. Gives to the gentleman Visitor. Pays boy to get Turkey. Says
“Merry Christmas”
19. Who attends Christmas dinner at the end of the play? (characters) The Cratchit family.
Tiny Tim. Fred. Scrooge. Girl
20. What is the time period of the play? Victorian Era. Industrial Revolution
21. What is a possible Theme for the story? Compassion. Forgiveness. Choices in Life. Greed
22. Why does Scrooge dislike Christmas? Time for paying bills without money. Time for
finding yourself a year older.
23. What do Marley’s chains symbolize? Regret. Greed.
24. How does Scrooge feel about money in the beginning of the story? At the end? Greedy.
25. After seeing Fezziwig, what does Scrooge realize about being a good boss? You need to
be kind to your employees and value them as people
26. In scene 4, how do Scrooge’s words come back to haunt him? Each time he asks a
questions about the poor children or money, the spirit says Scrooge’s words right back
to him
27. What does the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come show Scrooge about his possible future?
That his future is dark and of no value.
28. How does Scrooge react to Tiny Tim’s “death”? NO! NO! Sad that Tim “died”
29. What does Scrooge ask of the Gentleman visitor at the end of the play? To take money
for his charity.
30. What are the two words that describe how Scrooge felt at Christmas Dinner?
Embarrassed. Humble.