Telling my family members I am pregnant…. How would I tell your parents/family members you’re pregnant and what would their reaction be? If your son or daughter told you she was pregnant how you would react, would it be the same as your parents or would you somehow think it would be different? (more understanding, less understanding/supportive?) In full sentence form answer the following questions…. 1. How would you tell your family members (parents/guardians) you were pregnant? (Under what conditions/location/setting/circumstances, which one would you tell first?) 2. What do you think their reaction would be? 3. How would you handle or prepare yourself for their reaction? Now put yourself in your family member’s shoes, you become the parent… 4. How would you react if your teenage daughter told you she was pregnant? Would it be much different than your family’s reaction? 5. Would you support her? Why? How? 6. What if any role do you think the teenage father or his family should play? Rubric for Telling my Family Members Questions… Criteria Level 1 (50-59%) - limited understanding of concepts/material Level 2 (60-69%) - adequate understanding of concepts/material Level 3 (70-79%) - competent understanding of concepts/material Level 4 (80-100%) - masterful understanding of concepts/material Knowledge/ Understanding Understands concepts/material - some use of - considerable use - high degree of Thinking/Inquiry - limited use of Shows evidence of evidence to evidence to of evidence to use of evidence to in-depth thought support thesis support thesis support thesis support thesis and response - limited - some application - considerable - high degree of Communication Follows all application of of language rules application of application of language rules and language rules and practices language rules language rules practices and practices and practices and practices - transfers - transfers - transfers - transfers Application Applies concepts/skills in concepts/skills concepts/skills concepts/skills information in a limited way with some success with considerable with high degree practical ways effectiveness of effectiveness Note: A student whose achievement is below level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity. Overall Level of Achievement: _______ Percentage Grade: _____ Remember this plan of action (reflections piece) doesn’t only apply to telling your family members you are pregnant but it can be applied to any serious scenario that needs your family’s attention.