Cycle 1 2014-15 Long term plan for non-core subjects 2014-16 Year group: Autumn Spring summer Topic title Rise of the Robots Vikings Wild Woods Main focus of topic work Wild card History based Geography based Arc of history/ Vikings Study of a forest Trips Visit STAR Centre Visit- Viking day in school Matthew Gledhow Valley Woods Visits by BMW and Audi cars Museum artefacts Visitor- Den builder Riveting robots Vicious Viking assembly Visit woods and make shelters, find a letter? End of topic celebration Making doodlebots with parents Viking plays for parents Picnic/ Treasure hunt in the woods Topic summary A great topic where we find out what a robots are and what they are used for. We look at the latest developments in robotics and research on the computers. This is a practical topic which involves making robots and electrical circuits. An exciting historical topic looking at all aspects of Viking life. It starts with a Horrible Histories style assembly. We get dressed up and re-enact a Viking attack on a British monastery. An adventurous topic where we make use of Gledhow Valley Woods and try to be outdoors as much as possible. We build shelters using tarpaulins and items from the forest. We make our own dump based on the story of Stig of the Dump. Links to core subjects for cross curricular skills- maths and English English- sci-fi The Iron Man, Dr Who etc Drama class robot, robot teacher , news desk , reports, making a non-fiction book about robots. Maths- measure /shape /geometry linked to robots English- myths and legends, stories with historical settings, plays English, stories which raise issues, persuasive texts- letters of complaint Main text Stig of the Dump Maths- data handling/statistics Big bang starter Maths- measures History/ geography/ DT skills and coverage History of robots Designing and Making a class robot, individual robots, making our robots move using (mechanical systems)pneumatics, electrical circuits Arc of history/ Vikings develop historical vocabulary, ask historical questions, use a range of sources. Study of a forest Make structures, strengthen, stiffen and reinforce structures Geography-use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the w Describe and understand volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle Science The Power of Forces Electricity- Switched on Amazing bodies Beebots Photostory e-mails and e-safety Design games Making graphs Making presentations Videos and editing Multi-media presentations Photo- editing Studying artists who use robots eg Clayton Bailey, Eric Joyner and Egenberger Drawing and sculpture Y3 Gymnastics/ Games/Dance Y4 Swimming/Gymnastics/Dance Viking shield and boat designs, design and make artefacts. Painting How to paint trees- Ashley Jackson Andy Goldsworthy-natural sculptures Y3 Gymnastics/ Games/Dance Y4 Swimming/Games/Dance Y3 Games/OAA/Athletics Y4 Swimming/Games/OAA/Athletics RE Sikhism, Sikh festivals, Life of Guru Nanak, Guru Granth Sahib, Khalsa, festivals, compare to Christianity Visit Gurdwara Inspirational people Beliefs and questions PSHCE New beginnings Good to be me Relationships Saying No to Bullying Going for Goals Drugs Education Getting on and falling out Friendships Changes ICT across the curriculum ART PE units In a state (long unit) Good Vibrations Extra notes Cycle 2 2015-16 Autumn Spring summer Topic title Healthy Me Walk like an Egyptian Mughal gardens Main focus of topic work Focus on science, healthy eating, keeping Focus on geography and history Focus on art/DT/ Islamic pattern fit, organs of the body Compare modern Egypt and UK, contrast desert and Nile. Mummies and tombs- Mantle of expert Trips Visitors- Chef George, dentist, doctor, various coaches Visit to Leeds Museum Visit to Roundhay Park Museum artefacts Visit synagogue Big bang starter PE boot camp Classes move round to find out different aspects about Egypt Key to secret garden End of topic celebration Health fair School museum Evaluate gardens Topic summary An inspirational topic that compares Ancient and modern Egypt. We love finding out about the Ancient Egyptians especially the gory bits! The children design and make artefacts for our own museum. A topic A science based topic which helps the children to understand how to make healthy choices. We have lots of expert visitors to give us information. The children organise and run a health fair for parents Links to core subjects for cross curricular skills- maths and English History/ geography/ DT skills and coverage English- non fiction topic related, instructions, newspapers Maths- data handling/statistics linked to science Science Where does all that food go? Can you see me? ICT across the English- Myths and legends, adventure and mystery Maths- measures English link to secret garden, stories from other cultures, explanations Maths- symmetry/ shape/geometry DT Design and make artefacts, using mechanical systems(cams and levers) History- ancient civilisation, develop historical vocabulary, ask historical questions, use a range of sources. Geography-use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied DT Evaluate gardens,Design and Make a Mughal garden Human impact How does your garden grow? Rock Detectives Who am I? Data-handling Data-base Models e-mails and e-safety Research skills Animation Music? Drawing patterns/ symmetry Digital designer Website page ART Figure drawing, how artists show body in motion, painting Egyptian drawings, design and artefacts Sculpture Art- Islamic patterns, architecture PE units Y3 Gymnastics/ Games/Dance Y4 Swimming/Gymnastics/Dance Y3 Gymnastics/ Games/Dance Y4 Swimming/Games/Dance Y3 Games/OAA/Athletics Y4 Swimming/Games/OAA/Athletics RE Judaism, places of worship Life after Death Islam PSHCE New beginnings Good to be me Relationships Saying No to Bullying Going for Goals Drugs Education Getting on and falling out Friendships Changes curriculum Extra notes