YEAR 4 OVERVIEW (2 pages) Autumn 1 Autumn 2 ACTIVE PLANET ACTIVE PLANET ENGLISH Poetry, information texts, diaries, instructions Stories with a moral issue, explanation texts, newspaper reports MATHS Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Measures, Geometry: properties of shape, Geometry: position, direction and motion TOPIC SCIENCE States of matter inc. evaporation and condensation Spring 1 RISE OF THE ROBOTS Science fiction texts, debate (persuasive writing) Sound Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 RISE OF THE ROBOTS Biography, newspaper reports GREEKS GREEKS Electricity Myths and legends, play scripts, poetry Animals inc humans digestive system, teeth, food chains) Historical stories, biography, persuasive writing Living things and their habitats (grouping, classification, pollution) Throughout the year-plan different types of enquiry to answer questions. Take accurate measurements and repeat them if needed. Record increasingly complex data in various ways. Use results to make predictions and suggest further tests. Present findings orally and in writing. Identify scientific evidence for or against an idea. HISTORY The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution GEOGRAPHY Violent Earth (inc globe work, climatic zones, lat and longitude lines) Violent Earth (inc globe work, climatic zones, lat and longitude lines) Geographical skills and fieldwork – ongoing across the year R.E Buddhism Buddhism Judaism Judaism Who were the Ancient Greeks? How do we use Ancient Greece ideas today? The UK landscape and land usechanges through time The UK landscape and land usechanges through time D and T Light it up (Geography & Science) Art and design Drawing/Painting E-safety COMPUTING 1) Plan, design, & evaluate a game P.E. 2) Measuring analysing and presenting weather data Dance Swimming Printing/Textiles 3) Producing a digital, musical composition 4) Editing and writing HTML code Dance Swimming Book making (History) Cooking – Greek dips (feast) 3D work/ Making Connections 5) Producing a wiki 6) Designing a toy with sensors Dance Swimming Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination. Play competitive games, modified where appropriate and apply basic principles suitable For attacking and defending. Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and perform dances using a range of movement patterns. Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team. Compare performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best. Swim at least 25 metres; use a range of strokes. Perform self- rescue. MFL Italian Transport, Weather Italian Christmas, “Befana” (6th Jan) Italian Months, date, birthdays Italian Number 1-100, Easter Italian Number 1-500 Euro and shopping Making healthy choices Keeping safeon/offline Friendships/feelings Sex ed. Growing up and changing Local2global PHSE MUSIC Music lesson Recorders Brass Choir Active Planet Volcano-inspired composition Unit 13 Painting with sound Graphic scores and conventional notation Listening: Programme music Choir Rounds, upbeat modern songs to build enthusiasm, establish techniques, warm-ups etc Learning out of school Hampstead Heathbuild a volcano and visit adventure playground Rise of Robots Group song-writing inspired by topic Music and machines: counter-rhythms Use of digital loop pedal Unit 16 Cyclic patterns Listening: Renaissance to Baroque TBC Italian Revise Drugs common to everyday life Ancient Greece Aesop’s fables, learn songs and develop music to accompany storytelling Listen to traditional Greek folk music and learn melody with strings and xylophones (using notation) Listening: Baroque to Classical TBC