Unit_4_Revision - pisscience

Port Said International Schools
Better Education for Future Generations
Science Department
Grade: 11
Unit 4 Revision
Name: ………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………………………
Choose the correct answer:
1. The calcium Cyanamid reacts with water and (hydrogen – nitrogen – nitrogen
dioxide – ammonia) gas evolves. Egypt 2011
2. Carnallite is ………… Egypt 2010
a. Calcium chloride and calcium phosphate.
b. Calcium fluoride and calcium phosphate.
c. Potassium chloride and calcium chloride.
d. Potassium chloride and magnesium chloride.
3. On adding sodium hydroxide to copper sulphate, then heating the product, the color
of the formed precipitate is (blue – black – yellow – reddish brown). Egypt 2009
4. All the following compounds decompose by heat except (HNO3 – NaNO3 – Na2CO3
– NaHCO3). Egypt 2008
5. On the electrolysis of molten sodium hydride (sodium metal – sodium oxide –
hydrogen gas – water) will form at the anode. Egypt 2008
6. On adding sodium hydroxide solution to aluminum salt solution, we obtain …….
a. White greenish precipitate soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide.
b. White color.
c. Yellow precipitate.
d. White greenish precipitate soluble in excess of sodium hydroxide.
Show by balanced chemical equations:
1. Starting with ammonium chloride, how can you prepare one of the most important
fertilizers which provide the soil with nitrogen and phosphorous element?
Egypt 2011
2. The effect of water on sodium oxide. Egypt 2009
3. The effect of water on calcium carbide. Egypt 2009
4. The effect of water on magnesium nitride. Egypt 2009
5. Magnesium ribbon reacts with nitrogen at high temperature then water is added to
the product. Egypt 2008
6. The effect of passing the ammonia gas and carbon dioxide on saturated aqueous
solution of sodium chloride. Egypt 2008
Port Said International Schools
Better Education for Future Generations
Science Department
Grade: 11
Unit 4 Revision
How can you differentiate between each of the following? "Chemical equations"
1. Aluminum chloride solution and iron (3) chloride solution. Egypt 2010
2. Copper (2) sulphate solution and iron (2) sulphate solution. Egypt 2010
3. Nitrate and nitrite salt. Egypt 2009
4. Copper (2) sulphate and aluminum sulphate. Egypt 2008
Correct the underlined words:
1. When the atoms of the sodium are excited, they give golden yellow color, while the
cesium atom gives bluish violet. Egypt 2010
 Draw the apparatus used for the preparation of ammonia gas and write the balanced
chemical equation. Egypt 2010
 Draw the apparatus used to prepare nitric acid in the laboratory.
o Write the chemical equation.
o How can you differentiate practically between the diluted nitric acid the
concentrated nitric acid? Egypt 2008
Port Said International Schools
Better Education for Future Generations
Science Department
Grade: 11
Unit 4 Revision
Write the scientific explanation of the following:
1. Concentrated sulphuric acid is not used to dry ammonia gas. Egypt 2009
2. Nitrogen has many oxidation states. Egypt 2009
3. Calcium Cyanamid is used as a fertilizer.
4. The alloy of bismuth, lead, cadmium and tin is used in making fuses.
5. Nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent.
6. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is used in detecting the ammonia gas.
7. It is easy to study elements in the main group A-group (s and b block elements)
8. 1A group elements are known as the alkali metals.
9. We don’t know much about the Francium metal.
10.Elements of group 1A are chemically active.
11.The 2nd ionization energy of elements in group 1A is greater than the 1st ionization
Port Said International Schools
Better Education for Future Generations
Science Department
Grade: 11
Unit 4 Revision
12. The metallic bond between the atoms of elements in group 1A is weak.
13.Metals in group 1A have low melting point and low boiling point.
14.Metals in group 1A are strong reducing agents.
15.Elements in group 1A are used to make photo-electric cells.
16.Elements of group 1A show characteristics colors.
17.Elements of group 1A are kept under kerosene of paraffin oil.
18.Sodium fires can’t be extinguished by water.
19.Potassium nitrate is used in making explosives.
20.Elements of group 1A don’t exist freely in nature.
21.Sodium carbonate is not affected by heat. Sodium carbonate melts without
22.The existence of the allotropic phenomenon.
Port Said International Schools
Better Education for Future Generations
Science Department
Grade: 11
Unit 4 Revision
23.Both nitrogen and bismuth have no allotropic forms.
24.Nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent.
What is the role of each of the following?
1. Calcium oxide in the preparation of ammonia gas. Egypt 2008
2. Potassium super oxide in air filtration. Egypt 2008
What is meant by?
1. Representative elements. Egypt 2008
2. Allotropy.
3. Passivity.