ANCIENT EGYPT AND KUSH SECTION 3 Mentuhotep – 96 finally, around 2050 BC, a powerful pharaoh named Mentuhotep II defeated his rivals Once again all of Egypt was united Mentuhotep’s rule began the Middle Kingdom Ahmose of Thebes – 97 drove the Hyksos out of Egypt once the Hyksos were gone Ahmose declared himself king of all Egypt began the New Kingdom By the 1400’s BC – 97 Egypt was the leading military power in the region It’s empire extended from the Euphrates River to Southern Nubia Sinai Peninsula – 97 Many of the lands that Egypt took over also had valuable resources for trade had large supplies of turquoise and copper Farmers and peasants – 100 made up the vast majority of Egypt’s population peasant farmers used wooden hoes or cow drawn plows to prepare the land before the Nile flooded Slaves in Egypt – 100 considered lower than farmers worked on farms, on building projects and in households has some legal rights and could earn their freedom