Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering

(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
CUAP Proposal-New Qualification/Subject 2012
Section A
Proposal Description
Purpose of the proposal
To establish a suite of endorsements for postgraduate qualifications in Engineering, namely:
1. A new endorsement for the Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering qualification [PGCertEng (Earthquake
2. A new endorsement for the Master of Engineering Studies qualification [MEngSt (Earthquake Engineering)]
3. A new endorsement for the Master of Engineering Qualification [ME (Earthquake Engineering)]
4. A new subject area for the Doctor of Philosophy qualification PhD (Earthquake Engineering)
The increasing demands on society regarding the performance of geotechnical and structural systems subject to
earthquakes is requiring increasing complex means of designing and constructing systems to be capable of sustaining
these earthquake-imposed demands. Current undergraduate education in earthquake engineering (via the BE (Hons) in
Civil Engineering) is insufficient to provide practising engineers with the level of knowledge to be able to confidently and
efficiently design and assess structures for earthquake resistance. This insufficiency of current education is a result of
both a reduction in the quantity of earthquake-engineering related material in the BE (Hons – Civil) curriculum (due to
the increasing breadth of Civil Engineering), as well as the increase in complexity of earthquake-engineering methods
that are not becoming contemporary in practice.
The Civil and Natural Resources Engineering Department has a well established reputation of excellence in earthquake
engineering-related research and teaching, and is therefore well placed to offer such qualifications. The proposed
qualifications have strong support from industry and the profession, as evidenced by the attached letters of support.
The proposed programme will be part of a suite of specialist postgraduate programmes (including the well established
programmes in Fire Engineering and Transportation Engineering), which the Department of Civil and Natural Resources
Engineering will offer to those engineers wishing to specialise in a particular area of engineering.
The proposed programme is consistent with the strategic and planning goals of the University of Canterbury. The
University Profile notes a strategic emphasis on “increasing postgraduate enrolments and completions”, consistent with
the Tertiary Education Strategy Priority of increasing postgraduate student numbers. The proposed postgraduate
programme will contribute to these goals. The proposed programme, which entails both postgraduate courses and
research theses, will also contribute to the UC strategic goal of consolidating and maintaining excellence in curricula,
teaching and learning to standards appropriate to an international research-led university.
The Civil and Natural Resources Engineering Department’s Strategic Plan identifies our mission as:
1. To provide high quality education for undergraduate and postgraduate students from NZ and overseas. It strives
to offer a nationally and internationally recognised undergraduate curriculum that is taught by dedicated
educators, and to provide a vibrant research environment led by researchers with international reputations and
strong supervisory skills.
2. To provide professional civil and natural resources engineering expertise to the NZ and international
communities through relevant research and consulting activities.
The Department has been meeting these goals for many years, resulting in our reputation, both within NZ and overseas,
for the excellent quality of our graduates and research.
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
Nearly all the courses in the proposed programme are already offered as part of the existing Masters programmes in
Civil Engineering. There is a strong and growing demand for specialist postgraduate qualifications to be named or
endorsed, to reflect the area of specialisation, and the proposed new endorsements will achieve this.
The proposed programme consists of four options. Two (the 0.5 EFTS Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering and the
1.0 EFTS Master of Engineering Studies) are fully taught options (i.e. they do not involve a substantial research
component), while the other (the 1.375 EFTS Master of Engineering) involves some coursework plus a substantial
research component. Based on industry input, it is expected that most students will not pursue a research degree, but it
is deemed important to offer this option for the better students, if the programme is to be research-led. Finally, the PhD
will provide for those students wishing to specialise in earthquake engineering research.
The PGCertEng will allow postgraduate students to exit with a qualification if they are unable or unwilling to complete
the coursework requirements of the MEngSt or the research component requirements of the ME. It will also provide an
entry point for students who wish to complete an MEngSt or ME, but who do not meet the entry requirements for these
degrees; they can enrol for a PGCertEng and transfer to an MEngSt or ME if they demonstrate sufficient interest and
aptitude. The PGCertEng will also provide for those students not wishing to specialise to the same extent as Masters’
students. It is expected that some students will enrol for Certificates of Proficiency in individual courses, as part of
meeting Continuing Professional Development requirements, and it is expected that some of these will continue on and
complete either a PGCertEng or MEngSt. The following courses are proposed:
ENEQ 610: Engineering Seismology (0.125 EFTS)
ENEQ 620: Advanced Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (0.125EFTS)
ENEQ 640: Displacement-based Seismic Design of Damage-Resisting Concrete Structures (0.125EFTS)
ENEQ 641: Non-linear Concrete Mechanics and Modelling techniques (0.125EFTS)
ENEQ 650: Advanced Steel and Composite Structures (0.125 EFTS)
ENEQ 670: Seismic Structural Bridge Engineering (0.125 EFTS)
ENEQ 680: Seismic performance and loss estimation (0.125 EFTS)
ENEQ 690: Earthquake Engineering ME Thesis (1.0EFTS)
ENEQ 691: Special Topic in Earthquake Engineering (0.125 EFTS)
ENEQ 692: Special Topic in Earthquake Engineering (0.125 EFTS)
ENEQ 790: Earthquake Engineering PhD (3.0EFTS)
The ENEQ 610, ENEQ 620, ENEQ 640, ENEQ641, ENEQ650, and ENEQ 670 courses have been offered and run currently
within the existing PGCertEng (Civil Engineering), MEngSt (Civil Engineering) and ME (Civil Engineering) programmes (as
ENCI617, ENCI620, ENCI615, ENCI630, ENCI611, and ENCI629, respectively). Students enrolled in the ME (Earthquake
Engineering) will be required to complete the 1.0 EFTS thesis, while students enrolled in the PhD (Earthquake
Engineering) will be required to complete the 3.0 EFTS thesis.
Additional earthquake engineering courses will be offered from time to time as Special Topics. Students will, with the
approval of the Programme Director, be permitted to enrol in the Special Topics or other relevant courses in the Civil or
Transport postgraduate programmes, including:
• ENCI 601: Risk Assessment (0.125 EFTS)
• ENCI 621: Concrete Materials and Practice (0.125EFTS)
All ENEQ courses, as well as those Special Topics and relevant courses noted above are considered ‘core courses’ and
will be included in Schedule B of the ME regulations.
The earthquake engineering endorsement will have the following requirements for the proposed qualifications:
For a Postgraduate Certificate 0.5 EFTS of coursework must be completed:
A minimum of 0.250 EFTS or 2 15 point courses are to be selected from the core courses; and 0.250 EFTS or 2 15
point courses being from core courses, other 400 or 600 level courses offered by the Department, or with the
approval of the Programme Director, from other Departments or Schools.
For a Master of Engineering Studies, 1.0 EFTS coursework must be completed:
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
A minimum of 0.625 EFTS or 5, 15 point courses are to be selected from the core courses; 0.375 EFTS or 3, 15
point courses being from core courses, from other 400 or 600 level courses offered by the Department or, with
the approval of the Programme Director, from other Departments or Schools.
For the Master of Engineering students 1.375 EFTS of coursework and research must be completed:
0.375 EFTS or 3, 15 point courses chosen from the core courses;
1.0 EFTS (minimum) of research (ENEQ 690).
For the Doctor of Philosophy students 3.0 EFTS of research must be completed:
3.0 EFTS (minimum) of earthquake-engineering research (ENEQ 790).
Where possible, the core courses will be taught in block-mode, to enable the participation of practising Professional
Engineers wanting to increase their knowledge by studying part-time, typically taking one/two course(s) per semester.
It is intended that the taught courses be research-led, so that some students will be inspired to pursue a research
Masters or subsequently a PhD. The connections with industry will facilitate the pursuit of research which is relevant to
industry. Such research adds to the body of knowledge at both the academic and professional level, and it is expected
that senior practising professionals will assist with research supervision. The results of the research will in turn be fed
back into the course content.
The Department typically has five or more senior academics visiting each year, for periods of three months or more
(often funded via Visiting Erskine Fellowships). It is expected that there will generally be at least one earthquake
engineering specialist visiting each year, and presenting block-courses within the proposed earthquake engineering
The proposed programme will advance the earthquake engineering discipline through increasing the level of expertise
in both research and industry, and by providing a more comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the issues facing
earthquake engineering professionals in New Zealand. In this way, it will help to produce students who are well placed
to deal with these issues within the profession. The proposal will allow for a greater range of people to obtain either a
general or a specialist qualification in this key industry area.
The proposed programme has strong support for the industry/profession, with letters of support form:
Industry Regulators (The Department of Building and Housing)
Engineering Consultants (CPG consultants, Dunning Thornton Consultants)
The proposal was also sent out for internal consultation to stakeholders as per the UC consultation process. Feedback
was received from Professor Tim Davies from the Department of Geological Sciences indicating the Department
supported this proposal.
Goals of the programme
The aim of the postgraduate earthquake engineering programme is to increase the number of professional engineers in
New Zealand with earthquake engineering-specific training through a sound pedagogical programme of advanced
tertiary education which will attract graduates who wish to work in the earthquake engineering field.
The goals of the programme are to produce graduates with:
advanced skills in earthquake engineering, sufficient to meet the needs of the engineering profession and
a solid grounding in the fundamental concepts and theories upon which seismic design and assessment of
structures and infrastructure are founded, to enable them to address both current problems and problems
arising from rising community expectations;
a good knowledge of current policies and practices (in NZ and overseas), their strengths and weaknesses, and
the processes for improving them.
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
Graduate Profile
Structure of the Programmes
The regulations for the three qualifications will follow those for the existing qualifications, except for the individual
courses to be completed.
The academic content of the programme is designed to emphasise the following attributes:
Intellectual rigour in analysis of earthquake engineering problems
Objectivity, clarity, independence and flexible thinking.
Clarity and fluency in oral and written communication with professionals and the public.
An awareness of the diversity of objectives by stakeholders.
Mastery of skills required by practising professional earthquake engineers.
Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering (CUAP Approved)
The goal of this qualification is to provide a significantly improved suite of postgraduate degree options for students
wishing to undertake postgraduate study in engineering at the University of Canterbury, particularly for those
undertaking part-time study. The PGCertEng is aimed at current or future professional engineers wishing to develop
higher level technical skills. It will provide an entry point for students who may wish to undertake a Masters degree in
the future, but who currently do not have the requisite skills or background. A demonstration of good performance in
this programme may allow students to transfer to a Masters degree. Conversely, a PGCertEng qualification may also
provide Masters’ students who do not successfully complete their degrees with an “exit point”, allowing them to obtain
some credit for their efforts.
Learning Outcomes
The graduates from the PGCertEng qualification will demonstrate the following attributes:
• Sound knowledge of the fundamental principles, and application of these principles, in an engineering discipline.
• Breadth of knowledge in an engineering discipline.
• The ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner.
• Ability to apply their knowledge to new and complex engineering problems.
• Recognition of the importance of lifelong learning.
• An ethical approach to engineering practice.
Particular Attributes Gained in Earthquake Engineering
The aim of the PGCertEng (Earthquake Engineering) is to provide a major boost in the education and training of
earthquake engineering, and make a substantial contribution to remedying NZ’s earthquake engineering skills shortage.
Goals of the Programme
To produce graduates with:
Advanced skills in earthquake engineering.
A sound grounding in the fundamental concepts and theories upon which seismic design and assessment are
• Able to address solutions arising from rising community expectations of seismic performance.
• Knowledge of current practices (in NZ and overseas), their strengths and weaknesses, and the processes for
improving them.
Graduate Profile
The graduates will demonstrate the following attributes:
Analysis of earthquake engineering projects to maximise the effectiveness of various systems.
Objectivity, clarity, independence and flexibility thinking.
An awareness of the diversity of objectives by stakeholders.
A sound retention of skills required by practising professional earthquake engineers.
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
Master of Engineering Studies (CUAP Approved)
The MEngSt is an advanced programme of engineering education that is aimed at current, or future, professional
engineers wishing to develop high level technical skills. It is not research focussed, although taught courses students are
be enrolled in will exhibit a teaching-research nexus. This programme also provides an entry point for students who may
wish to undertake an ME degree in the future, but who currently do not have the requisite skills or background. A
demonstration of good performance in this programme may allow students to transfer to the ME degree.
Learning Outcomes
The graduates from the MEngSt degree will demonstrate the following attributes:
Advanced knowledge of the fundamental principles, and application of these principles, in an engineering
• Breadth of knowledge in an engineering discipline.
• The ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner.
• The ability to undertake independent study.
• The ability to apply their knowledge to new and complex engineering problems.
• Recognition of the importance of lifelong learning.
• An ethical approach to engineering practice.
Particular Attributes Gained in Earthquake Engineering
The aim of the MEngSt (Earthquake Engineering) programme is to provide a major boost in the education and training of
earthquake engineers at a high level of competence as a substantial contribution to remedying NZ’s earthquake
engineering skills shortage.
Goals of the Programme
To produce graduates with:
A wide range of advanced skills in earthquake engineering.
Grounding in the fundamental concepts and theories upon which seismic design and assessment are founded.
Address solutions arising from rising community expectations regarding seismic performance.
Advanced knowledge of current practices (in NZ and overseas), their strengths and weaknesses, and the
processes for improving them.
• Ability to critique and evaluate existing and new approaches and research in earthquake engineering.
Graduate Profile
The graduates will demonstrate the following attributes:
Analysis of earthquake engineering projects to maximise the effectiveness of various systems.
Objectivity, clarity, independence and flexibility thinking.
Identify and work alongside stakeholders with diverse of objectives.
An awareness of the diversity of objectives by stakeholders.
Mastery of skills required by practising professional earthquake engineers.
Demonstrate innovative approaches to earthquake engineering challenges.
Master of Engineering (CUAP Approved)
The ME degree is a specialised postgraduate research degree based around a master’s thesis. It aims to provide a
research focussed learning environment in which students can develop their independent problem solving skills through
supervised research. Study in a number of advanced engineering courses will provide each student with key technical
knowledge that will enhance, and support, their research activities. The specific choice of courses and the selection of a
research topic are determined by the student’s choice of specialisation (endorsement).
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
Learning Outcomes
The graduates from the ME degree will demonstrate the following attributes:
Advanced knowledge of the fundamental principles, and application of these principles, in their area of
The ability to design and undertake a research programme in their area of specialisation, and to critique the
research published by others.
Strong communication skills, in particular written communication skills.
The ability to undertake independent study.
The ability to apply their knowledge to new and complex engineering problems.
Recognition of the importance of lifelong learning.
An ethical approach to engineering practice.
Particular Attributes gained in Earthquake Engineering
The goal of the ME (Earthquake Engineering) programme is to provide education, training and research ability of
earthquake engineers at a high level of competence as a substantial contribution to remedying NZ’s earthquake
engineering research skills shortage.
Goals of the Programme
To produce graduates with:
A wide range of advanced skills in earthquake engineering, particularly the application of novel and innovative
• A grounding in the fundamental and advanced concepts and theories upon which seismic design and
assessment are founded.
• Address solutions arising from rising community expectations of seismic performance.
• Advanced knowledge of current earthquake engineering practices (in NZ and overseas), their strengths and
weaknesses, and the processes for improving them.
• Ability to critique and evaluate existing and new approaches and research in earthquake engineering.
• Undertake research on issues and ideas that add to the body of knowledge for earthquake engineers.
Graduate Profile
The graduates will demonstrate the following attributes:
Demonstrate objectivity, clarity, independence and flexibility.
Identify and work alongside stakeholders with diverse of objectives.
Mastery of skills required by practising professional earthquake Engineers.
Demonstrate innovative approaches to earthquake engineering challenges.
Demonstrate research ability in earthquake engineering.
Doctor of Philosophy (CUAP Approved)
The PhD degree is a specialised postgraduate research degree based around a doctoral thesis. It aims to provide a
rigorous research focussed learning environment in which students can develop their independent problem solving skills
through supervised research with renowned research leaders.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of their programme of study, students who have been awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy will
have demonstrated the ability to:
Create knowledge through original research in their areas of specialization.
Produce a dissertation, or equivalent, that demonstrates personal integration of, and original intellectual
contribution to, a field of knowledge within their chosen subject of Accounting, Taxation, or Information
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
Particular Attributes gained in Earthquake Engineering
The goal of the Doctor of Philosophy in the Earthquake Engineering programme is to provide an advanced research
capability of earthquake engineers with a high level of competence.
Goals of the Programme
To produce graduates with:
A broad range of advanced skills in earthquake engineering.
A robust education in the fundamental and advanced concepts and theories upon which seismic design and
assessment are founded.
• Advanced knowledge of current earthquake engineering practices (in NZ and overseas), their strengths and
weaknesses, and the processes for improving them.
• Ability to critique and evaluate existing and new approaches and research in earthquake engineering.
• Undertake research on issues and ideas that add to the body of knowledge for earthquake engineers.
Graduate Profile
The graduates will demonstrate the following attributes:
Demonstrate objectivity, clarity, independence and flexibility.
Mastery of skills required by practising professional earthquake Engineers.
Demonstrate innovative approaches to earthquake engineering challenges.
Demonstrate research ability in earthquake engineering.
Outcome statement
The proposed postgraduate qualifications are specifically focused on earthquake engineering. There is a significant
demand for personnel with such expertise in private consulting as well as local and regional territorial authorities and
research and development institutes. As a result, it is expected that graduates of these qualifications will be highly
regarded and employable.
Programme overview
The postgraduate programmes in earthquake engineering comprise a combination of taught courses and novel research
theses. The PGCertEng and MEngSt are taught-course qualifications (with a little emphasis on independent research).
The ME comprises 0.375EFTS of taught courses and a (minimum) 1.0EFTS research thesis. The PhD comprises a
(minimum) 3.0EFTS research thesis.
Proposed teaching/delivery methods
Teaching and delivery methods, where possible, will be in block-mode. Block-mode courses will involve:
Intensive face-to-face all-day lecturing blocks, with self directed study, reading and assessment work through
the semester.
Block courses will consist of lectures, tutorials, group work and simulations and presentations
Self directed study will consist of critical reading and evaluation.
Course notes will be provided to the students, with additional material available via the Moodle on-line learning
system. Moodle will also be used to facilitate class communications. Generally there will be no required texts for
these courses, as students will be required to access and use a wide range of information sources.
Block-mode teaching will be supplemented with distance-learning methods for all courses. These will involve:
Reading designated lecture and tutorial material, completing assignments and may include group work and
Contact with lecturers will be via email, phone and teleconferencing.
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
Course notes will be provided to the students, with additional material available via the Moodle on-line learning
system. Moodle will also be used to facilitate class communications and discussions.
Generally there will be no required texts for these courses as students will be required to access and use a wide
range of information sources.
Assessment procedures
The Earthquake Engineering core courses have been successfully run as courses within the Civil Engineering
postgraduate programme in previous years. These courses will be assessed using a mixture of assignments (both
individual and/or group) and also a formal exam (oral and/or written).
Where a ME thesis is presented, it will comply with the requirements of the University of Canterbury Masters Thesis
regulations and requirements.
Where a PhD thesis is presented it will comply with the requirements of the University of Canterbury Doctor of
Philosophy Thesis regulations and requirements.
Predicted student numbers/EFTS
At present postgraduate courses in Civil Engineering (ENCI) with an earthquake-engineering focus have student
numbers in the range 10-30. It is expected that this demand will increase as a result of the earthquakes in Canterbury
and the subsequent desire for up-skilling by industry.
The resources required by the proposed programme will be provided principally through the existing postgraduate
structure of the Civil and Natural Resources Engineering Department.
At present there are nine permanent academic staff, and two-fixed term staff, whose principal area of research is
earthquake engineering.
The department often also has Erskine and other visiting fellows who will be expected to contribute to teaching in the
core earthquake engineering courses.
Plans for monitoring programme quality
The PGCertEng (Earthquake Engineering), MEngSt (Earthquake Engineering), ME (Earthquake Engineering), and PhD
(Earthquake Engineering) programmes will be regularly reviewed by an Industry Liaison Committee, who will typically
meet twice-yearly to evaluate the programme structure and course offering.
Visiting academics assisting with the programme will be requested to provide feedback on the programme and how it
compares with similar programmes with which they are involved overseas. Similarly, the Department of Civil and
Natural Resources has links with other Departments around the world offering Earthquake Engineering programmes,
and the Earthquake Engineering staff will be expected to use those links to benchmark the proposed programme with
those other programmes.
Conventional university course surveys will also be performed to ensure excellence in taught courses.
All Earthquake Engineering programmes will be subject to the normal UC graduating year and full reviews
Proposed new regulations and prescriptions (use the Calendar Form at the end of Section A)
Confirmation that Section B has been prepared and is available to CUAP on request
Section B has been prepared and is available on request.
Calendar Form
New Qualification Regulations
2012 UC Calendar page 163.
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
The appropriate sections of the regulations follow, the complete regulations can be found in proposal 10.
The Degree of Master of Engineering (ME)
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
4. Endorsements
The degree of Master of Engineering (ME) may be awarded endorsed in the following subjects: Bioengineering, Chemical and Process
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Earthquake Engineering*, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and
Mechanical Engineering.
(*Subject to UNZ CUAP approval due December 2012)
Schedule A to the Regulations for the Degree of Master of Engineering (Endorsed)
Earthquake Engineering
(Subject to UNZ CUAP approval due December 2012)
Thesis: ENEQ690 and 45 points from the Earthquake Engineering course list listed in schedule B of the ME Regulations
Note: candidates with an insufficient academic background in earthquake engineering may be required to take a bridging course or
courses prior to being approved into the programme.
Schedule B to the Regulations for the Degree of
Master of Engineering (Endorsed)
Note: Not all courses may be available in a given discipline in any year.
Earthquake Engineering
(Subject to UNZ CUAP approval due December 2012)
ENCI601 Risk Management
ENCI621 Concrete Materials and Practice
ENEQ610: Engineering Seismology
ENEQ620: Advanced Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
ENEQ640: Displaced Based Design of Damage-Resisting Concrete Structures
ENEQ641: Non-linear Concrete Mechanics and Modelling techniques
ENEQ650: Advanced Steel and Composite Structures
ENEQ670: Structural Bridge Engineering
ENEQ680: Seismic performance and loss estimation
Not all courses will be offered in any one year. Students are advised to contact the College of Engineering for an up to date list of courses
Special topics are available in Chemical and Process Engineering, Civil Engineering, Earthquake Engineering *Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Mathematics and Transport Engineering. Students are advised to contact the
departments for more information on special topics.
With the approval of the Director of the Construction Management Programme, students may credit up to two courses offered in the
Construction Management Programme at the University of Auckland
*(Subject to UNZ CUAP approval due December 2012)
The Degree of Master of Engineering Studies (MEngSt)
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
1. Degree Programmes
Every candidate for the Degree of Master of Engineering Studies shall follow a course of study approved by the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry and Director of Postgraduate Studies as laid down in these Regulations, or those consistent with the regulations in the relevant
Calendar at the time they began their candidacy. In special circumstances the Dean of Engineering and Forestry may modify specific
aspects of the degree regulations for individual candidates.
(a) The degree of Master of Engineering Studies (MEngSt) is offered by the Departments of Chemical and Process Engineering, Civil and
Natural Resources Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics and Mechanical Engineering.
(b) It may be awarded endorsed in the following subjects:
i. Civil Engineering
ii. Construction Management
iii. Earthquake Engineering*
iv. Engineering Mathematics* (separate proposal)
v. Fire Engineering
vi. Mechanical Engineering
*(Subject to UNZ CUAP approval due December 2012)
Schedule to the Regulations for the Degree of
Master of Engineering Studies (endorsed)
Earthquake Engineering
Courses with a total course weighting of not less than 75 points shall be selected from the Earthquake Engineering course list listed
in Schedule B of the Master of Engineering regulations.
(Subject to UNZ CUAP approval due December 2012)
Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering (PGCertEng)
See also General Course and Examination Regulations.
1. Certificate programmes
Every candidate for the Degree of Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering shall follow a course of study approved by the Dean of
Engineering and Forestry and Director of Postgraduate Studies as laid down in these Regulations or those consistent with the
regulations in the relevant Calendar at the time they began their candidacy. In special circumstances the Dean of Engineering and
Forestry may modify specific aspects of the degree regulations for individual candidates.
(a) The qualification of Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering (PGCertEng) is offered by the Departments of Chemical and Process
Engineering , Civil and Natural Resources Engineering , Electrical and Computer Engineering ,Mathematics and Statistics and
Mechanical Engineering.
(b) It may be awarded endorsed in the following subjects:
i. Civil Engineering
ii. Construction Management
iii. Earthquake Engineering*
iv. Engineering Mathematics* (separate proposal)
v. Fire Engineering;
vi. Mechanical Engineering
vii. Transportation Engineering.
*(Subject to UNZ CUAP approval due December 2012)
Schedule to the Regulations for the Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering (endorsed)
Earthquake Engineering
(Subject to UNZ CUAP approval due December 2012)
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
Courses with a total course weight of not less than 45 points must be selected from the Earthquake Engineering course list listed in
Schedule B of the ME regulations.
UC Calendar 2012 Page 329:
Insert: “Earthquake Engineering” as a subject area for the Doctor of Philosophy
UC Calendar 2012 Page 437: Course Catalogue
Insert: “
Earthquake Engineering
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
ENEQ 610 Engineering Seismology
15 points 0.125 EFTS
Fundamental aspects of earthquakes and faulting, terminology for characterisation of earthquake faults, locating earthquakes, and frequency of
earthquake occurrence. Strong ground motion recording and analysis, characterisation of strong ground motion in terms of intensity measures
and empirical prediction models. Seismic hazard analysis and the development of design ground motions. Selection and modification of asrecorded ground motions for input in seismic response history analyses. Theoretical considerations in wave propagation and seismic site response
analysis. Simulation of strong ground motion time series using deterministic and stochastic methods.
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director
R: ENCI 617
ENEQ 620 Advanced Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
15 points 0.125 EFTS
Earthquake-induced ground response and failure; Ground response effects on earthquake motion and soil-structure systems; Seismic behaviour of
retaining walls, deep foundations, embankments and stability of slopes; Liquefaction of sands, including evaluation of the potential and
consequences of liquefaction; Earthquake resistant design and mitigation of seismic effects in geotechnical engineering; All topics will be discussed
through case histories of major earthquakes, design applications and advanced methods of analysis.
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director
R:ENCI 620
ENEQ 640 Displacement-based Seismic Design of Damage-Resisting Concrete Structures
15 points 0.125 EFTS
Alternative design philosophies and solutions for the seismic design of precast concrete structures. Introduction to PRESSS-Technology and the
hybrid (rocking-dissipative) system concept. Analysis and design criteria for frames and single or coupled walls. Introduction to and application of
Displacement Based Design (DBD). Simplified modelling techniques using lumped plasticity approach. Connection between floor-diaphragm and
lateral resisting systems. Displacement incompatibility: Issues and solutions. Examples of onsite applications worldwide in low-, medium- or highseismic areas. Constructability aspects, sequence and detailing.
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director
R: ENCI 615
ENEQ 641 Nonlinear Concrete Mechanics and Modelling Techniques
15 points 0.125 EFTS
Constitutive modelling of structural concrete and reinforcing bars, Buckling of reinforcing bars, Bond between concrete and reinforcing bar,
Confinement and its effect on the behaviour of RC, Shear in RC, Ductility of nonlinear RC members, Issues related to seismic design of RC
structures. Macro-modelling approach, using lumped plasticity techniques. Features and characteristics of different hysteresis rules. Modelling
Flexure-shear interaction using strength degradation rules. Use and limitation of fiber element modelling and Finite Element micro-modelling.
Applications to case studies: experimental-analytical validation. Modelling of sections, connections and structural subassemblies and systems
including: beam-column joints, frames, wall systems, diaphragms, floor-to-lateral resisting system connections, non-structural elements including
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director
ENEQ 650 Advanced Steel and Composite Structures
15 points 0.125 EFTS
Behaviour and design of steel members. Stability of frames. Limit state design rules. Earthquake resistant design. Design of braced frames.
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director
R: ENCI 611
(03) UC/12 PhD,ME,MEngSt,PGCertEng (Earthquake Eng)/1
ENEQ 670 Seismic Bridge Engineering
15 points 0.125 EFTS
History of bridges, construction techniques for viaducts, grid decking and box girder systems, creep, shrinkage and differential
temperature, lessons learn from earthquake failures and design issues, longitudinal and transversal seismic design with force and displacement
approach, seismic design of bridge substructure, low damage technologies, seismic isolation, advanced non linear modelling, seismic assessment
and retrofit techniques.
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director
R: ENCI 629
ENEQ 680 Seismic performance and loss estimation
15 points 0.125 EFTS
Seismic performance and loss assessment of structural systems. Quantifying seismic hazard, seismic response, component damage, and
component loss for specific structures as well as probabilistic frameworks to account for uncertainties. Introduction to loss optimization seismic
design, and loss minimization techniques All aspects of the course will focus on case-studies to illustrate the relevant theoretical details as well as
the role of loss assessment in decision-making.
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director
ENEQ 690 Earthquake Engineering M.E. Thesis
1.000 EFTS
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director
ENEQ 691 Special topic in Earthquake Engineering
15 points 0.125 EFTS
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director
ENEQ 692 Special topic in Earthquake Engineering
15 points 0.125 EFTS
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director
ENEQ 790 Earthquake Engineering PhD
1.000 EFTS
P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department or Programme Director