1 Supporting Information – Marrotte, Gonzalez and Millien 2 3 Habitat sampling protocol 4 We measured habitat characteristics amongst the forest fragments where the mice were sampled. 5 Forest sites were surveyed using 8 quadrats of 4 m2 evenly distributed over the sampling site 6 between July and August 2011. A total of 32 variables were used to describe the habitat found in 7 each forest patch (Table 2). 8 Within each of these quadrats, all the trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) greater than 9 9 cm were counted, measured and identified to the species level. For each site, the total number of 10 trees, the total number of tree species, the total basal area and the mean & maximum DBH were 11 then calculated. The vertical complexity of the understory between 0 and 2 meters was assessed 12 by binning this vertical range by increments of 0.5 meters. The presence or absence of vegetation 13 between [0-0.5], [0.5-1.0], [1.0-1.5] and [1.5-2.0] meters was recorded and for each quadrat every 14 presence was summed to reduce this data to a single descriptor. As a result, this variable ranged 15 from 0 to 4, where a value of 0 refers to the absence of plants and a value 4 refers to the presence 16 of vegetation at each level. To summarize this descriptor at the patch level, the sum of the 8 17 quadrats was calculated for each forest patch. 18 To measure the horizontal density of the understory vegetation, a measuring rod was installed at 19 the center of each quadrat. The rod consisted of alternating colored increments of 10 cm in 20 length, with a total length of 100 cm. Within each quadrat the rod was observed from distances of 21 4, 3, and 2 meters while recording the lowest height visible on the rod at 3 observation heights of 22 1.0, 0.8, and 0.5 meters. This produced 9 visual obstruction measurements per quadrat, which 23 were summarized at the patch level by calculating the average of the 8 quadrats for all 9 24 measurements. 25 Within each quadrat, the ground cover was estimated visually by estimating the independent 26 density of the following elements: bare ground, rocks, grass plants, ferns, stumps, roots, logs, 27 branches, litter and shrubs. To summarize these ground cover measurements to the patch level, 28 the average of the 8 quadrats was taken for each type of ground cover. 29 For a canopy measurement a square piece of transparent plastic 15x15 cm containing 25 3x3 cm 30 squares was used to measure the canopy openness. While looking up vertically, the number of 31 squares filled with foliage was recorded and the number was then transformed to a percentage. 32 To reduce these measurements to the patch level the average of the 8 quadrats was calculated. 33 Litter depth was measured within each of the 8 quadrats and an average was used to summarize 34 these measurements to the patch level. 35 The elevation and slope angle were recorded at each quadrat and average of all 8 quadrats was 36 taken to reduce these variables to the patch level. 37 The area and perimeter were than measured from the digitized forest patches and we also 38 calculated the perimeter to area ratio. 39 Supplementary Figures legend 40 41 Figure S1. Within the univariate sensitivity analysis we tested 10 landscape features (Table 1). 42 This is an example of testing the urban land use class. In this resistance surface, the urban land 43 use is assigned a value of 104 or 10,000 resistance units relative to the flat surface and then 44 Circuitscape is used to compute pairwise ecological distances (effective resistance) between each 45 location. 46 47 Figure S2. Cumulative current map created using Circuitscape. Once a resistance surface is 48 derived, Circuitscape is used to compute the effective resistance between each pair of sites. This 49 figure illustrates the cumulative current of each pairwise computation of the urban univariate 50 resistance surface from Figure S1. This current flow can be interpreted as simulated gene flow 51 between populations (McRae 2006). 52 53 Figure S3. Within-site index estimates of the overall top model. Since the direction of the habitat 54 quality estimate is unknown there are 2 possible outcomes. The type 1 model is when site D has 55 the most suitable habitat. Type 2 model is when site A has the most suitable habitat. 56 57 Figure S4. Sensitivity analysis of the habitat estimates of the overall top model. For each site, the 58 type 1 habitat estimate was varied between 0 and 1 while holding the other habitat quality 59 estimates and the landscape resistance estimates static. 60 61 Figure S5. Boxplots illustrating the distribution of the estimated resistance b parameter of the 62 linear barriers (Richelieu River and Highway 116) land use classes (Agriculture, Orchard, Urban 63 and Other) for the 975 models that converged from the numerical optimization routine. 64 65 Figure S6. Sensitivity analysis of the resistance b parameter of the Richelieu River and Highway 66 116 linear barriers and the agriculture, forest, orchard, urban and other land use classes. 67