Methods in EEC (BIO 221B) Dr. Jim Baxter Dept. of Biological Sciences Vegetation Sampling Using the Quadrat Method A quadrat is a frame that is laid down to mark out a specific area of the community to be sampled. Within the quadrat frame, the occurrence of plants is recorded using an appropriate measure of abundance. Quadrats may be square, rectangular or circular and they may be of any appropriate size. The quadrat method can be used in virtually any vegetation type to quantify the plant community. However, some vegetation types are best sampled using other techniques (e.g., a point‐frame for grasslands, or point‐quarter method for forests). Because a single quadrat cannot be expected to sample a community adequately, repeated quadrat samples are taken. Typically, the community is divided up into sub‐areas dependent on topography, aspect, other physical features – and apparent floristic differences – and these are sampled separately; within sub‐areas, quadrats are located randomly. This type of sampling approach ensures a representative sample of the different physical and floristic features of the community. This type of sampling is called stratified random sampling. Once collected, the sample data from all quadrats are added together and are considered to constitute an adequate sample of the community. When sampling vegetation using quadrats, different measures of abundance can be quantified to assess the influence or “importance” of each species in that quadrat. For example: Counts – a simple tally of the number of individuals of a species Cover – the percent (%) area of the quadrat occupied by a plant species. Density – estimated by quantifying the number of individuals of a species per unit area. Frequency – the proportion of quadrats sampled in which the species is represented. Overall cover, density and frequency estimates are then calculated for each species from the entire data set by combining all of the quadrats together, as indicated on the left side of the table below. To determine the proportional representation of each species relative to the entire plant community, relative cover, relative density and relative frequency values can be computed (right side of table below). For example, relative cover is the proportional cover of an individual species as a percentage of total plant cover; hence, it is expressed as a percentage, ranging from 0 – 100%. “Importance” is a measure of overall influence of a plant species in the community. An Importance Value (IV) for each species is derived from the combined contribution of the relative cover, relative density and relative frequency of each species in the community. Because it combines relative cover, density and frequency, importance values range from 0 – 300. The table below summarizes the key quantitative community measures derived from the quadrat method. Abundance (Ai) = Cover (Ci) = Density (Di) = total number of individuals of species i Total % cover of species i Relative cover (RCi) = Ai Relative density (RDi) = Area 1 Cover of species i Total plant cover Di Total plant density Methods in EEC (BIO 221B) Frequency (Fi) = Dr. Jim Baxter Dept. of Biological Sciences # of quadrats with species i Relative frequency (RFi) = Total # of quadrats sampled Importance value (IV) = RCi + RDi + RFi Fi Total plant frequency IV ranges between 0 ‐ 300 Quadrat size and shape The size of the quadrat that is appropriate depends on the layer or type of vegetation being sampled. For example: Vegetation Dimensions Area (m2) Mosses 10 x 10 cm 0.01 Herbaceous 31.6 x 31.6 cm 0.1 Forest floor herb 1x1m 1 Shrub 3.16 x 3.16 m 10 Forest/tree 10 x 10 m 100 Of course, these may be varied for convenience of measuring, though always being sure to use the same size quadrats for any comparisons. The shape of a quadrat can be square, rectangular or circular. Each one has advantages and disadvantages. Two main considerations must be taken into account when deciding on which shape to use. The first has to do with edge effect, which occurs when researchers must make subjective decisions on when a species is considered “in” or “out” of the quadrat. This bias reduces the accuracy of the sample. Circular quadrats have the least edge to interior ratio and so have the least bias. They are also easy to define in the field. However, this shape may not be advantageous in dense plant communities. Square and rectangular quadrats are sometimes easier to define, since tape measures can be strung through dense vegetation stands. Rectangular quadrats are considered a good compromise because they have a lower perimeter to interior area than a square and also can capture more linear distance along the ground. This distance property can more effectively capture environmental variation than square quadrats. Determining the number of quadrats to sample Using too few quadrats will result in an incomplete or inaccurate representation of all the species. Using too many will be a waste of time and effort. A species‐area curve (discussed in lecture) can be used to determine an adequate number of samples. To do this, keep a count of the cumulative number of species added with each additional quadrat sampled. Where the curve levels off, the number of samples is adequate. 2 Methods in EEC (BIO 221B) Dr. Jim Baxter Dept. of Biological Sciences Example calculations Area sampled: 5 m2; No. of quadrats = 50; Size of quadrats = 0.1 m2 Species A B C D E F G H Totals # Individuals 139 78 55 3 3 1 1 1 281 % Cover 15.5 10.1 4.3 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.1 32.0 # Quadrats 31 21 15 2 3 1 1 1 75 All Species Total density 281/5 = 56.2 plants/m2 Total cover 32.0 Total frequency 75/50 = 1.5 plant species/quadrat Calculations for Species A Mean cover = 15.5/50 = 0.32 Relative cover = 15.5/32.0 x 100 = 48.4 Density = 139/5 = 27.8 Relative density = 139/281 x 100 = 49.5 Frequency = 31/50 = 0.62 Relative frequency = 31/75 x 100 = 41.3 Importance value = 48.4 + 49.5.0 + 41.3 = 139.2 Cover classes Because plant cover is quite heterogeneous and estimations of cover made by different researchers can be biased, different cover classes have been developed to translate cover estimates into classes. Several cover class methods are given in Table 9‐2 of the Barbour et al. (1999) Ch. 9 handout. One of these, Daubenmire cover classes, is given below. Cover Class Range of Coverage Midpoint of Range 1 0 ‐ 5% 2.5% 2 5 ‐ 25% 15.0% 3 25 ‐ 50% 37.5% 4 50 ‐ 75% 62.5% 5 75 ‐ 95% 85.0% 6 95 ‐ 100% 97.5% 3