Research Student Project Supervisor name & contact details: Research Centre Name and Website (if applicable) Name Dr. Damon Berry School Electrical & Electronic Engineering Email Name Paula Kelly School Electrical & Electronic Engineering Email Please indicate if the intention is to transfer from the Masters programme to the PhD programme (if applicable) No Please indicate if the project is suitable for a self-funded student Yes Funding Agency DIT (Fiosraigh) funding Scholarship Details Please give details of student stipend and research fees covered by the funding Assistive Technology, instrumentation, web services, the Internet of Things Subject Area Title of the Project No Ambient Intelligence to support a web-serviceaware domestic information appliance for assisted living Project Description (max 300 words) According to parents and carers, scheduling and planning activities of daily living is one of the most time consuming aspects of caring for people with intellectual disability. This project seeks to develop, using universal design principles, a generalised context model and accompanying general software architecture to support reasoning between web-service information, sensor network measurements and the static or quasi-static user preferences and context information selected by users themselves, carers and other stakeholders. This general architecture will be used to develop a simple-to-use information and communication appliance to support the care of intellectually impaired persons. If you look around a modern home or business place, you can see what could now be considered as “ambient” appliances. The user interfaces and mode of interaction with certain traditional household devices such as aneroid barometers, electric clocks or wall calendars, are literally centuries old. This project will re-imagine this functionality, in the age of web services and sensor networks, in the context of ambient intelligence with a particular focus on assistance for people with intellectual impairment. Leading edge domestic sensor technology such as sensors produced by NeST Labs (NeSt Labs 2014) mix locally-sourced sensor data with information from web services. Well-structured context information can help in this decision making process but context models of this type are not freely available. This context deficit problem is particularly relevant for intellectually impaired users who may not have the capacity to select options required to “set their context” as would usually be the case for users of say a mobile phone app. The student will develop an ambient intelligence-based information appliance featuring information from distributed services usable and well-structured context information and user preferences along different dimensions (e.g. temporal, spatial, environmental) , a reasoning process, a means of outputting information to the user. Please indicate the student requirements for this project min. high 2.1 BE in Electrical or Electronic Engineering. Preferrably 1.1 Student must have a strong interest and some experience in software development and must demonstrate a very good standard of written and spoken English. Deadline to submit applications (only for funded projects) Early summer 2015.