Fine Arts Curriculum Map

Jones County School Curriculum Map
Subject: Visual Art
Level: Beginning / Art I
Standards Addressed
See below
See below
1st Nine Weeks
Content Material Covered
See below
See below
Content Material Covered:
Art projects reflecting the following subjects and elements of art:
What is Art?
Why Do Artists Create?
The Language of Art
Art Criticism and Aesthetic Judgment
Art Criticism: Learning from a Work of Art
The Media and Processes of Art (2-D, 3-D)
Element of Art: Line (Expressive Qualities)
Element of Art: Line (Expressive Qualities)
Element of Art: Value
Element of Art: Shape
Element of Art: Form
Element of Art: Space
Element of Art: The Element of Color
Hue, Value, Intensity, Color Schemes
Element of Art: The Element of Texture
Standards Addressed: B.V.I.I; B.V.I.2; B.V.I.3; B.V.I.4; B.V.2.I; B.V.2.2; B.V.2.3; B.V.3.I; B.V.3.2; B.V.3.3; B.CX.I.I; B.CX.I.2; B.CX.I.3;
B.CX.I.4; B.CX.I.5; B.CX.2.I; B.CX.2.2; B.CX.2.3; B.CX.2.4; B.CR.I.I; B.CR.I.2
Text Book, Computers, Critiques, Teacher Resources, Demonstrations, Quizzes, Artistic Work Product, Written Work Product.
Line: outline, contour lines, gesture line, sketch line calligraphy, line personality, implied line, actual line, line of sight, static,
vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curved, zigzag, broken, jagged, thin, thick, dark, light, scribble, hatching, crosshatching.
Depth, Space, Shape, Form: one/two-point perspective, vanishing point, picture plane, chiaroscuro, abstract,
positive/negative-shape/form/organic, non-objective
Texture: Tactile, visual texture, implied texture, applied texture, surface, pattern, surface quality.
Color: analogous colors, complementary color, color contrast, cool colors, pigments, binder, double complementary colors,
intensity, intermediate, monochromatic, neutral colors, opaque, primary colors, receding, dyes, hue, secondary colors, color
spectrum, split-complementary, tint, translucent, transparent, triadic, value, warm colors, solvent, shading
Balance: Balance, symmetrical, asymmetrical, proportion, central axis, formal balance, informal balance, radial balance.
2nd Nine Weeks
Content Material Covered:
Introduction to drawing, painting, sculpting and printmaking mediums.
Art projects reflecting the following principles:
Principle of Design: Rhythm
Principle of Design: Balance
Visual Balance
Informal Balance
Principle of Design: Proportion
Scale, Distortion
Principle of Design: Variety
Principle of Design: Emphasis
Principle of Design: Harmony
Principle of Design: Unity
Standards Addressed: B.V.I.I; B.V.I.2; B.V.I.3; B.V.I.4; B.V.2.I; B.V.2.2; B.V.2.3; B.V.3.I; B.V.3.2; B.V.3.3; B.CX.I.I; B.CX.I.2; B.CX.I.3;
B.CX.I.4; B.CX.I.5; B.CX.2.I; B.CX.2.2; B.CX.2.3; B.CX.2.4; B.CR.I.I; B.CR.I.2
Resources: Text Book, Computers, Critiques, Teacher Resources, Demonstrations, Quizzes, Artistic Work Product, Written
Work Product.
Rhythm, Harmony, Emphasis and Unity: emphasis, focal point, harmony, unity, variety, dominance, surface quality
Balance, Proportion: Balance, symmetrical, asymmetrical, proportion, central axis, formal balance, informal balance, radial
Blending, hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, blending, pigments, binder, solvent,
Jones County School Curriculum Map
Subject: Visual Art
Level: Intermediate/Art II
Standards Addressed
See below
See below
1st Nine Weeks
Content Material Covered
See below
See below
Content Material Covered:
Review and more experimentation with drawing, painting, sculpting and printmaking mediums. Graphite, charcoal, conte,
colored pencils, pen & ink, markers, pastels, oil pastel, oil paint, acrylic paint, tempera paint, gouache, water color, relief
printmaking, intaglio printmaking, lithography, silk screen printmaking, modeling with clay, throwing on potters wheel,
carved sculpture, cast sculpture, assemblage sculpture
Art Traditions from Around the World
Art of Earliest Times
Art of Asia and the Middle East
The Art of Africa
Art of the America
Western Traditions in Art
Modern Art Traditions
The Nineteenth Century
Early Twentieth Century
Art After 1945
Art projects reflecting the above art styles/periods
Standards Addressed: I.V.I.I; I.V.I.2; I.V.I.3; I.V.I.4; I.V.2.I; I.V.2.2; I.V.2.3; I.V.3.I; I.V.3.2; I.V.3.3; I.CX.I.I; I.CX.I.2; I.CX.I.3; I.CX.I.4;
I.CX.I.5; I.CX.2.I; I.CX.2.2; I.CX.2.3; I.CX.2.4; I.CR.I.I; I.CR.I.2
Resources: Text Book, Computers, Critiques, Teacher Resources, Demonstrations, Quizzes, Artistic Work Product, Written
Work Product.
Culture, prehistoric, Paleolithic, Neolithic, megalith, Mesopotamia, cuneiform, ziggurat, Egypt, pharaoh, India, China, porcelain,
dynasty, lost wax process, Hinduism, Buddhism, stupas, calligraphy, parchment, Ukiyo, pagoda, scroll, Africa, myths and
legends, masks, griot, Mexico, pre-Columbian, Alaska, totem poles, nomadic, Greece, Rome, Idealized Figures, controposto,
Etruscan, Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Reformation, Mannerism, chiaroscuro, Rococo,
Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, photography, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism,
Regionalism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Op Art, Color Field, Minimalism, Super-Realism,architecture
2nd Nine Weeks
Content Material Covered:
Review and more experimentation with drawing, painting, sculpting and printmaking mediums. Graphite, charcoal, conte,
colored pencils, pen & ink, markers, pastels, oil pastel, oil paint, acrylic paint, tempera paint, gouache, water color, relief
printmaking, intaglio printmaking, lithography, silk screen printmaking, modeling with clay, throwing on potters wheel,
carved sculpture, cast sculpture, assemblage sculpture
More in-depth into art styles/periods; research for power point/oral presentation; art projects reflecting art styles/periods
Prehistoric Art, Egyptian Art, Greek Art, Roman Art, Pre-Columbian Art, Byzantine Art, Early Chinese Art, Medieval Art,
Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassical, Romantic, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Fauvism,
Art Deco, Surrealism, Nonfigurative, Regionalism, Abstract Expressionism, Color Field, Pop Art, Op Art, Minimalism, PhotoRealism, Installation Art
Artist Statement
Artist Portfolio
Artist Resume
Standards Addressed: I.V.I.I; I.V.I.2; I.V.I.3; I.V.I.4; I.V.2.I; I.V.2.2; I.V.2.3; I.V.3.I; I.V.3.2; I.V.3.3; I.CX.I.I; I.CX.I.2; I.CX.I.3; I.CX.I.4;
I.CX.I.5; I.CX.2.I; I.CX.2.2; I.CX.2.3; I.CX.2.4; I.CR.I.I; I.CR.I.2
Resources: Text Book, Computers, Critiques, Teacher Resources, Demonstrations, Quizzes, Artistic Work Product, Written
Work Product.
Vocabulary: Culture, prehistoric, Paleolithic, Neolithic, megalith, Mesopotamia, cuneiform, ziggurat, Egypt, pharaoh, India,
China, porcelain, dynasty, lost wax process, Hinduism, Buddhism, stupas, calligraphy, parchment, Ukiyo, pagoda, scroll, Africa,
myths and legends, masks, griot, Mexico, pre-Columbian, Alaska, totem poles, nomadic, Greece, Rome, Idealized Figures,
controposto, Etruscan, Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Reformation, Mannerism, chiaroscuro, Rococo,
Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, photography, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism,
Regionalism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Op Art, Color Field, Minimalism, Super-Realism, architecture terms
Jones County School Curriculum Map
Subject: Visual Art
Standards Addressed
See below
1st Nine Weeks
Content Material Covered
See below
Level: Proficient/Art III (Honors)
See below
See below
Content Material Covered:
Deeper exploration of mediums, techniques and styles that were covered in Art I and II. (Graphite, charcoal, conte, colored
pencils, pen & ink, markers, pastels, oil pastel, oil paint, acrylic paint, tempera paint, gouache, water color, relief printmaking,
intaglio printmaking, lithography, silk screen printmaking, modeling with clay, throwing on potters wheel, carved sculpture,
cast sculpture, assemblage sculpture)
Also, deeper development and experimentation into personal style.
Drawing Assessment series developing drawing/painting skills to achieve stronger 3-D Areas; 2-D Areas; Basic Shapes;
Proportion; Continuity and Regularity; Structure; Local Value; Variations; Irradiation; Aerial Perspective; Linear Perspective;
Three-Dimensionality; Contour; Size and Location; Light and Shadow; Texture; Reflection and Transparency
Series on Career opportunities in the Visual Arts field including archaeologist; architect; stained glass artist; museum curator;
scenic designer; sculptor; landscape architect; potter; graphic designer; industrial designer; public artist; botanical illustrator;
3-D computer animator; children’s book illustrator; photojournalist; futuristic artist; interior designer
Standards Addressed: P.V.I.I; P.V.I.2; P.V.I.3; P.V.I.4; P.V.2.I; P.V.2.2; P.V.2.3; P.V.3.I; P.V.3.2; P.V.3.3; P.CX.I.I; P.CX.I.2; P.CX.I.3;
P.CX.I.4; P.CX.I.5; P.CX.2.I; P.CX.2.2; P.CX.2.3; P.CX.2.4; P.CR.I.I; P.CR.I.2
Resources: Text Book, Computers, Critiques, Teacher Resources, Demonstrations, Quizzes, Artistic Work Product, Written
Work Product.
Vocabulary: three dimensionality, two dimensionality; continuity, variations, composition, aerial perspective, linear
perspective, reflection, transparency, archaeology, architectural terms, curator, scenic designer, landscape architect, graphic
designer; industrial designer; public artist; botanical illustrator; 3-D computer animator; children’s book illustrator;
photojournalist; futuristic artist; interior designer
2nd Nine Weeks
Content Material Covered:
Deeper exploration of mediums, techniques and styles that were covered in Art I and II. (Graphite, charcoal, conte, colored
pencils, pen & ink, markers, pastels, oil pastel, oil paint, acrylic paint, tempera paint, gouache, water color, relief printmaking,
intaglio printmaking, lithography, silk screen printmaking, modeling with clay, throwing on potters wheel, carved sculpture,
cast sculpture, assemblage sculpture)
Also, deeper development and experimentation into personal style.
Drawing Assessment series developing drawing/painting skills to achieve stronger 3-D Areas; 2-D Areas; Basic Shapes;
Proportion; Continuity and Regularity; Structure; Local Value; Variations; Irradiation; Aerial Perspective; Linear Perspective;
Three-Dimensionality; Contour; Size and Location; Light and Shadow; Texture; Reflection and Transparency
Series on Career opportunities in the Visual Arts field including archaeologist; architect; stained glass artist; museum curator;
scenic designer; sculptor; landscape architect; potter; graphic designer; industrial designer; public artist; botanical illustrator;
3-D computer animator; children’s book illustrator; photojournalist; futuristic artist; interior designer
Artist Statement
Artist Portfolio
Artist Resume
Standards Addressed: P.V.I.I; P.V.I.2; P.V.I.3; P.V.I.4; P.V.2.I; P.V.2.2; P.V.2.3; P.V.3.I; P.V.3.2; P.V.3.3; P.CX.I.I; P.CX.I.2; P.CX.I.3;
P.CX.I.4; P.CX.I.5; P.CX.2.I; P.CX.2.2; P.CX.2.3; P.CX.2.4; P.CR.I.I; P.CR.I.2
Resources: Text Book, Computers, Critiques, Teacher Resources, Demonstrations, Quizzes, Artistic Work Product, Written
Work Product.
Vocabulary: three dimensionality, two dimensionality; continuity, variations, composition, aerial perspective, linear
perspective, reflection, transparency, archaeology, architectural terms, curator, scenic designer, landscape architect, graphic
designer; industrial designer; public artist; botanical illustrator; 3-D computer animator; children’s book illustrator;
photojournalist; futuristic artist; interior designer
Jones County School Curriculum Map
Subject: Visual Art
Standards Addressed
See below
Content Material Covered
See below
Level: Advanced/Art IV (Honors)
See below
See below
1st Nine Weeks
Content Material Covered:
Independent study requiring 16 projects authorized by teacher. Projects need to address the following:
Art based on personal expression and applied design
Art that responds to contemporary themes in art
Create original art in response to artistic problems
Create art using experiences and observation to represent individual perspectives
Create art based on a creative exploration of a concept
Produce art using a variety of tools, media and/or processes appropriately, safely, and effectively.
Create art using skills and knowledge learned in other disciplines
Students will need to verbally and/or in written form address the following:
Making and explaining compositional choices
Analyze the compositional components of art
Interpret visual arts from personal, cultural, and historical contexts.
Implement a personal philosophy of art (Artist Statement)
Construct convincing and logical arguments, individually and collaboratively, to defend analyses of art.
Critique personal portfolios using personal and teacher-generated criteria
Standards Addressed: A.V.I.I; A.V.I.2; A.V.I.3; A.V.I.4; A.V.2.I; A.V.2.2; A.V.2.3; A.V.3.I; A.V.3.2; A.V.3.3; A.CX.I.I; A.CX.I.2; A.CX.I.3;
A.CX.I.4; A.CX.I.5; A.CX.2.I; A.CX.2.2; A.CX.2.3; A.CX.2.4; A.CR.I.I; A.CR.I.2
Resources: Text Book, Computers, Critiques, Teacher Resources, Demonstrations, Quizzes, Artistic Work Product, Written
Work Product.
Vocabulary: Student will be responsible for writing a vocabulary term and definition every school day in a journal or
2nd Nine Weeks
Content Material Covered:
Independent study requiring 16 projects authorized by teacher. Projects need to address the following:
Art based on personal expression and applied design
Art that responds to contemporary themes in art
Create original art in response to artistic problems
Create art using experiences and observation to represent individual perspectives
Create art based on a creative exploration of a concept
Produce art using a variety of tools, media and/or processes appropriately, safely, and effectively.
Create art using skills and knowledge learned in other disciplines
Students will need to verbally and/or in written form address the following:
Making and explaining compositional choices
Analyze the compositional components of art
Interpret visual arts from personal, cultural, and historical contexts.
Implement a personal philosophy of art (Artist Statement)
Construct convincing and logical arguments, individually and collaboratively, to defend analyses of art.
Critique personal portfolios using personal and teacher-generated criteria
Artist Statement
Artist Portfolio
Artist Resume
Standards Addressed: A.V.I.I; A.V.I.2; A.V.I.3; A.V.I.4; A.V.2.I; A.V.2.2; A.V.2.3; A.V.3.I; A.V.3.2; A.V.3.3; A.CX.I.I; A.CX.I.2; A.CX.I.3;
A.CX.I.4; A.CX.I.5; A.CX.2.I; A.CX.2.2; A.CX.2.3; A.CX.2.4; A.CR.I.I; A.CR.I.2
Resources: Text Book, Computers, Critiques, Teacher Resources, Demonstrations, Quizzes, Artistic Work Product, Written
Work Product.
Student will be responsible for writing a vocabulary term and definition every school day in a journal or sketchbook.