26 May 2015 Marine Bioacoustics

The Coastal and Marine Research Institute (CMR) at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University is running
the following course from 26-27 May 2015
Introduction to Marine Bioacoustics
This 2-day course provides delegates with a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of marine
bioacoustics and impact assessments of underwater noise.
Aimed at non-acoustic experts, students, researchers, government employees and industry personnel,
this course will help develop a clear, quantitative understanding of the usage of sound by marine
wildlife, the risks of man-made noise to marine wildlife, and how to potentially manage and mitigate
these risks.
The following topics are covered:
the principles of underwater acoustics,
mechanisms of sound propagation in the ocean,
the role of sound in the life functions of marine fauna,
Bioacoustic impacts of noise on marine life
Measuring and monitoring noise and noise impacts
Overview of management and regulation in several jurisdictions
Emerging studies and research needs in South Africa
The course is delivered by Dr. Christine Erbe, Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Curtin
University, Perth. Christine holds a Master of Science degree in Physics from the University of
Dortmund, Germany, and a Ph.D. degree in Geophysics from the University of British Columbia, Canada.
Christine previously worked for the Department of Fisheries & Oceans,Canada, on impact assessments
of underwater noise. She was Director of JASCO Applied Sciences Australia, a consultancy in underwater
noise, and is now Director of the Centre for Marine Science and Technology at Curtin University,
Western Australia. Christine's expertise is underwater acoustics, marine mammal bioacoustics and noise
impacts on marine mammals.
A course fee of 800 ZAR for registered students and 1600 ZAR for professionals will apply.
Deadline for registration: 31 March.
For any further queries please contact:
Dr. Stephanie Plön
Coastal and Marine Research Institute
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU)
PO Box 77000
Port Elizabeth, 6031
Tel: 041-5042877
Cell: 076-3791067
Fax: 041-5832317
e-mail: stephanie.plon@nmmu.ac.za