1) A country with a large amount of arable land and a small number

1) A country with a large amount of arable land and a small number of farmers will have a
D) low agricultural density.
2) The number of people who are too young or too old to work in a society compared to the number of working age people is the
A) dependency ratio.
3) The differences in the shapes of the pyramids from 1,2,3,4 of the transition are determined primarily by its
A) crude birth rate.
4) Costa Rica has a lower crude death rate than the United States because Costa Rica
E) has a lower percentage of elderly people.
5) Among world countries, the spread between the highest and lowest crude death rates is ________ than the spread between the highest and lowest crude birth
B) less
6) Life expectancy is lowest on average in
A) Africa.
7) Since the end of World War II, world population has been
B growing more quickly than the past
8) Refugees migrate primarily because of which type of push factor?
A) economic
9) Which factor most often causes a voluntary migration?
A) economic
10) People are forced to migrate primarily because of which factor?
D) cultural
11) Which statement most accurately describes the motivations of the historic European and current Latin American immigrants to the United States?
B) Migrants from Europe were fleeing religious persecution while migrants from Latin America are motivated by economic factors.
12) Migration to the United States declined during the 1920s primarily because of C) imposition of quota laws. 13) U.S. quota laws from the 1920s until the 1960s
had the effect of A) virtually ending immigration.
14) Most Asians are currently migrating to the United States through the process of C) chain migration.
15) Most European guest workers come from which part of Europe? E) south and east
16) According to the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, undocumented immigrants were A) permitted to become legal residents.
17) The largest level of interregional migration in the United States was caused by the D) opening up of the western territories.
18) The most prominent type of intraregional migration in the world is E) rural to urban.
19) Counterurbanization is A) the move from urban core to suburban areas.
20) In the United States, which is likely to cause virtually all population growth in the next few decades? B) net in-migration
21. The epidemiological transition refers to how C in stage three and four an increase in diseases such as heart attacks and cancers
22. According to the migration transition B stage two countries have people that migrate to stage four countries C stage four countries have low birth rates and
people emigrate to them especially if 4's wish to keep their population stable or to get it to increase. E both B and C
23. The following is true A Asian and African countries are in stage three of the demographic transition B Africa is the predominant area for stage two countries C
Latin America and Asian countries are in stage three and have high NIRs so lots of people from those countries head to America D America is a stage four country
but immigrants help to keep the population stable or rising because they have more kids than second or third generation Americans E BCD are all true and A is
absolutely false
24. It is estimated that _____ of the world’s population is seriously malnourished. c) 1/6th
25. Most of the one billion malnourished people in the world: a) have little power b) have little money c) are women or children d) all of the above
26. Replacement rate, the number of births needed to keep a population at a stable level without immigration, requires a total fertility of e) 2.1 TFR
27. The number of European countries at or above replacement level is: d) 0.
28. At the present rate of births and deaths in the world, we are adding about _____ million inhabitants every year. c) 80
29. A developed country that has reached a stage where the population is most stable will develop a population pyramid that is __________. c) rectangular
30. Highest rates of infant mortality are found in this region. b) Central Africa
31. Internal migration in Peru is fairly simple with the majority of migrants moving to c) Lima.
32. Ravenstein, in his study of migration, suggested that there is an inverse relationship between the volume of migration and the distance between the source
and destination. That is, the number of migrants _____ as the distance they know they must travel increases. b) decreases
33. Put down A and stop crying.
34. Today, the largest refugee numbers in Southeast Asia are reported from b) Myanmar (Burma).
35. In 1995, the collapse of which of the following European countries produced the largest refugee crisis in Europe since the end of World War II? b) Yugoslavia
36) Country X has a crude birth rate of 40 and a crude death rate of 15, while Country Y has a crude birth rate of 20 and a crude death rate of 9. Which country
has a higher natural increase rate? A) Country X
37 Site identifies a place by its D unique physical characteristics
38. The frequency of something within a given unit of area is B distribution
39. Which is a form of expansion diffusion? A contagious B hierarchical They all are except relocation C relocation D stimulational E A and B
40. A McDonald's in India that serves a McCurry Pan Burger is an example of what type of diffusion D stimulus
41. The concept that the physical environment determines human activities is B environmental determinism
42. Map projections attempt to correct for errors in B area, distance, scale and proportion
43. All of the following are very good examples of a Functional region except E Drivable areas
44. States marked by a blue or red color would be a good way to use a A vernacular region B functional region C nodal region D formal region E none
of the above
45. All of the following are effects of globalization except A the growth of the importance of distance decay B time-space compression C uneven
development D interdependence E none of the above
46. A small scale map most likely shows A al large area
Also in less detail
47. If someone said that people living in the desert did not have as many opportunities because of a lack of resources, this would be an example of what
geographic approach C Environmental possibilism
48. In the years before globalization (pre1990), the world had B More specialization at the local level
49) The most populous country in the world is A) China.
50) A physical feature, such as a body of water, which hinders migration is an example of C) an intervening obstacle.
51) The CDR is highest in b Japan
52 Why are the major ethnic groups in America concentrated into certain areas d chain migration
53 This law helps cause chain migration of immigrants from Latin America and Asia= c family reunification act
54. The major cause of legal migration a immigration act of 1964 b immigration act of 1968 c family reunification act d global quota act e none of the above
55. How many immigrants are here illegaly d 10 million
56. Currently, the world c a is at 1.2% NIR, has 7 billion people and is adding 75 million people every year
57. The biggest difference between an IDP and a refugee is d crossing a border
58. The biggest difference between a voluntary migrant and a refugee is a the cause of migration
59. The highest natural increase rates are found in less developed countries in this area of the world B Africa
60. The principal reason France had a decrease in its natural increase rate throughout the 1990s was because of A the country's growth and development B
the declining CDR C the in increasing CBR
D the increasing CDR E both A and D
61. Mr. Lewis frequently D All of the above
62. The epidemiological transition refers to how C in stage three there is an increase in diseases such as heart attacks and cancers D in stage four cancers and
heart attacks get pushed back to even older ages of people E both C and D
63. According to the migration transition B stage two countries have people that migrate to stage four countries C stage four countries have low birth rates and
people emigrate to them especially if 4's wish to keep their population stable or to get it to increase. E both B and C
64. Country X has a crude birth rate of 28 and a crude death rate of 15. In what stage of the demographic transition is it? C Stage 3
65. A country has net immigration if emigration _______immigration D is less than
66. India's Population a has a median age of 34 b has 55% of its population under the age of 25 c has started to decrease over the last decade d has a
higher NIR now than in the late 1960s e all of the above
67. One in six Africans comes from this country- A Nigeria B Sudan C South Africa D Botswana E Egypt
68. What is the child mortality rate B # of children that die by age 5
69. A stage two country would have what kind of population curve on a population graph A J curve
70. Mr. Lewis a) used to push Mr. Parsons into the snow in elementary school b) has every Hannah Montana album c) was introduced to Hannah Montana by Mr.
Vlahos d) brings McDonald's to every vegetarian club meeting that he sponsors e) all of the above
1. Situation identifies a place by its A location relative to other objects
2. Which is not a form of expansion diffusion? D stimulational
3. The concept that the physical environment determines human activities is B environmental determinism
4. All of the following are very good examples of a Functional region except E Drivable areas
5. All of the following are effects of globalization except A creates more specialized economies B time-space compression C uneven development D
interdependence E none of the above are exceptions
6. If someone said that people living in the desert did not have as many opportunities because of a lack of resources, this would be an example of what
geographic approach C Environmental possibilism
7. Which is true? B small scale maps have a smaller fraction and represent a more area in less detail because they have more miles per square inch on a map
8. Neo-Malthusians believe that the Malthus thesis is D. That food resources are only part of the issue
9. Global Population is
A increasing at 75 million per year
B is at 7 billion
E both A and B
10. If physiological density is about twice of the agricultural density then A You have a country that must be having a famine B there is only
one other person for every farmer C the country is most likely not a more developed country D you have twice the number of farmers over the
overall population E both B and C
11. Migration to Europe from African and Middle Eastern countries in the 1990s was due in part to the fact that these areas were (Africa and the Middle East) D
Europe had more resources and opportunities for employment
12. The difference between stage three and four of the demographic transition occurs when B the death rate rises
13. The highest natural increase rates are found in less developed countries in this area of the world B Africa
14. Mr. Lewis frequently A puts his cats in a stroller and takes them for a walk in the park B knocks the books out of freshman girls’ arms C knocks on LeBosco’s
door and then runs D All of the above
15. Country X has a crude birth rate of 40 and a crude death rate of 15. In what stage of the demographic transition is it? B Stage 2
16. Millions of West Africans migrated to Nigeria during the 1970s when the country’s economy expanded and then left when it collapsed in the 1980s. This is an
example of D a pull factor changing to push
17. Global doubling time
B is decreasing as the NIR increases and the number of people added per year goes up
18. Migration increased to the United States from Latin American and Asian countries in the 1980sand from Europe in the late 1800s to early
1900s in part because all were A had higher natural increase rates B were in stage 2 or 3 of the migration transition C had drops in their CDR’s
D the U.S. had more resources and opportunities for employment E all of the above
19. The highest natural increase rates are found in less developed countries in which stage of the demographic transition B two
20. Crude in CBR and CDR means C the number of births or deaths per 1000 people of any age or sex
21. Most of the one billion malnourished people in the world: a) have little power b) have little money c) are women or children d) all of the above
22. The diffusion of the idea of the hamburger to India but with a vegetable patty instead of the religiously prohibited beef is an example of: c) stimulus diffusion
23. A pyramid that has a population at a stable level
a) requires a total fertility rate of 2.1 b) requires that the population be at the replacement rate of 2.1 c) is rectangular in shape at the bottom d) will have a
median age in the 30s
e) all of the above
24. The world’s three largest population concentrations are all found on the same landmass, which is: d) Eurasia.
25. The European population axis is directly related to the a) orientation of Europe’s coalfields.
26. Most of the countries with low population growth rates are also among the wealthiest. An exception to this would be
e) Holland
27. A population pyramid with a wide base and narrow top is indicative of c) developing countries.
28. China’s population is still growing because
A of demographic momentum
29. Highest rates of infant mortality are found in this region. b) Central Africa
30. Which is true
A stage 2 countries have a NIR around 2% and a median age in the 20s
31. The pyramid for a stage 4 country will
A be rectangular
B be stable
C reflect replacement rate
D show more women than men at the top age brackets
E all of the above
32. Put down A and stop crying
33. The principal reason Rwanda had a decrease in its natural increase rate in the mid 1990s was because of A the country’s growth and development D the
increasing CDR E both A and D
34. Thomas Malthus concluded that A population increased geometrically while population increased arithmetically B the world’s rate of population increase was
higher than food production C moral restraint and higher wages could produce lower NIRs D population growth was inevitably going to end in war or famine every
time E All of the above
35. One important feature of the world’s population that is most likely going to have the most important future implications B there are more people alive today
than ever before
1. The most widely spoken language in Brazil is
C Portuguese
2. Hebrew is
E a revived language
3. The language spoken by the most native speakers is
A Mandarin
4. The language spoken officially in fifty countries worldwide
C English
5. Is a lingua franca
C English
6. Is the most popular language for websites
C English
7. A dialect is
A form of a language
8. The spread of Pop culture threatens the environment in two ways
C more production which means depletion of resources and increase in pollution
9. Ethnicity implies
A you have a common ancestry
B they identify themselves as a group
C you share a common cultural heritage
D you share a common hearth area
E all of the above
10. which is not an element of cultural diversity
D race
11 Describe the distribution of ethnicities in the USA
A concentrated into certain regions of the country
B concentrated into certain regions of states
C concentrated into certain neighborhoods in cities
D some states have virtually no ethnic groups
E all of the above
12. Where are African Americans concentrated
C in the southeast and cities
13. The dominant branch of Islam in Iraq and Iran
A Shia
14. Palestinians include all but
D Jewish citizens under international law
15) The frequent repetition of an act, to the extent that it becomes characteristic of a group of people is a
A) custom
16.) folk culture
A) often sets a minority group apart from a larger region’s general population
17) In contrast to folk culture, popular culture goes along with
E) disposable income
18) Folk cultures are spread primarily by
C) relocation diffusion
19) folk customs are more likely than popular customs to
D) have an known source of origin.
20) In contrast to popular culture, folk cultures are more likely to vary
A) from place to place at a given time.
21.) popular customs usually originate from all of the following except
C) familiar events in daily life.
22) Folk customs most frequently originate in
B) less developed countries.
23) A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom is a
D) taboo
24) A taboo against beef is a characteristic of
E) Hinduism
25) American chains such as Home Depot, McDonald's and Wal Mart
A) promote a uniform landscape.
26) The large number of individual languages documented in Africa has resulted primarily from
A) thousands of years of isolation between tribal groups.
27) Franglais is
A) English words entering the French language.
28 English words have entered the French language due to
C multimedia on the internet
29) With respect to the relationship between culture, religion, and the physical environment
A) ethnic religions more often derive meaningful events from the physical environment.
B) religious ideas may be responsible for some of the changes people make in the physical environment.
C) Proselytizing religions are less likely to have many symbols linked to the landscape.
D) All of the above are true.
30) The dominant branch of Islam is
D) Sunni.
31) Which of the following is currently the only major global religion that is primarily located in one region?
A) Buddhism
32) Which is a characteristic of Judaism that goes along with it being an ethnic religion
E) it has widely diffused through relocation diffusion not expansion
33. Conflict in Africa is widespread because of
A) colonial boundaries. B) numerous ethnic groups.
C) language differences. D) all of the above
34) Folk culture is linked to the demographic transition chart in that
B) Folk cultures usually go along with societies that have larger, unified families under patriarchs
35) Popular culture is linked to the demographic transition chart in that it
A) tends to occur in MDC's
B) has family values that have changed to the point where alternate lifestyles and divorce are allowed
C) has values that shift over time
D) can be expected in countries like the U.S. where women are going to college in larger numbers than men
E) All of the above
36. Mr. Lewis
A) Eats McDonald's in class when hosting the vegetarian club on Fridays
B) Will be rolling around in your scan-trons after the test to try and feel the answers
C) Takes money from the 7th graders for his lunch
D) likes to make Mr. Parson’s cry
E) All of the Above
37 How is an ethnic neighborhood a nodal region?
A Only people of that group belong to the area
B tends to be circular in shape
E Both A and B
38 What is the largest ethnic religion?
C Hinduism
39 The Palestinians
C Live in many differing areas as refugees
40. Stop crying and put down the letter A to get a point
41 English is important in North America because of
A colonization
42 Which is not an element of cultural diversity
D race
43 Israel has had control of Jerusalem since
C since the 1940s
44) When people who speak a given language migrate to a different location and become isolated from other members of their tribe
C) isolation usually results in the differentiation of one language into two.
45) Hebrew is an example of
C) a revived language
46) Christianity first diffused from its hearth through
C) relocation diffusion.
47) For most of the past 2,000 years, most Jews have been
B) dispersed around the world.
48 What is the main religion of northern Africa
B Islam
49 What is the main religion of Indonesia
B Islam
50 What is the main religion of Brazil
A Christianity
51 The borders of Pakistan, Bangladesh and India were drawn along primarily what lines?
B Religious
52 Romance languages are
A Derived from Latin
B Came from the areas of the Roman empire
C Are connected to some of the languages of India
D Help to explain why we call it Latin America
E All of the above
53. The English language has diffused due to
C popular culture (America dominates the movie industry)
54. Spain is a
B a monolingual state
55. The median age for Americans that have been here for several generations is
A Higher
by comparison to immigrants who are first and second generation
56. Unlike Spanish, English and Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese and Hindi
B are isolated languages
57. The largest example of forced migration sent people to
D Brazil
58. Which is the least effective for distinguishing cultures
D race
59. Describe the distribution of ethnicities in the USA
A concentrated into certain regions of the country
B concentrated into certain regions of states
C concentrated into certain neighborhoods in cities
D some states have virtually no ethnic groups
E all of the above
60. Where are African Americans concentrated
C in the southeast and cities
61. Where are Hispanics concentrated
B in the southwest and urban areas
62) A taboo against beef is a characteristic of
E) Hinduism
63) The large number of individual languages documented in Africa has resulted primarily from
A) thousands of years of isolation between tribal groups.
64. Neo-Malthusians believe that the Malthus thesis is
D. That food resources are only part of the issue
65. Thomas Malthus concluded that
A population increased geometrically while food increased arithmetically
B the world's rate of population increase was higher than food production
C moral restraint and higher wages could produce lower NIRs
D population growth was inevitably going to end in war or famine every time
E All of the above
66. A country with a large amount of land and a small number of people will have a
B low physiological density
67. Most of the one billion malnourished people in the world:
A) have little power
B) have little money
C) are women or children
D) all of the above
68) Mr. Lewis
A) Gives his cats airplane rides
B) Will be rolling around in your scan-trons after the test to try and feel the answers
C) Once killed a man for snoring too loud
D) Got into fights with Mr. Parson's in elementary school
E) All of the Above
69. The frequency of something within a given unit of area is
D density
70. Which is a form of expansion diffusion?
A contagious
B hierarchical
E A and B
71. All of the following are very good examples of a Functional region except
D Internet site usage
72. States marked by a blue or red color would be a good way to use a
D formal region
73. If someone said that people living in the desert did not have as many opportunities because of a lack of resources, this would be an example of what
geographic approach
C Environmental possibilism
74. In the years before globalization (pre1990), the world had
A Less specialization at the local level
75. The principal reason Rwanda had a decrease in its natural increase rate in the mid 1990s was because of
D the increasing CDR