Renaissance Test Western Civilization sample test

Renaissance Test Western Civilization Fall 2007
Name ____________________________________________ Section ___________________
Number the following by chronological order (Put
a 1 by the event that occurs first, a 2 by the
second etc.)
_____ 3. Who painted The Last Supper?
_____ Trade using money increases
B. Michelangelo
_____ Renaissance
C. Leonardo da Vinci
_____ Crusades.
D. Donatello
A. Durer
_____ Greeks and Romans
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for
each of the following questions.
_____ 1. Venice, Rome, and Florence were
important Italian
A. Leaders
B. Writers
C. Artists
_____ 4. Which of the following was not a
Humanist belief?
A. Appreciation of classical culture (Greek and
B. People should expect happiness only after
their death
C. Every individual had value, dignity and worth.
D. People should participate in a variety of
D. City-States
_____ 2. The Last Supper is what type of
_____ 5. The term "a Da Vinci of today" would
best describe a person who seems to be
A. Old Fashioned (Behind the times)
A. Watercolor on canvas
B. A genius in many fields
B. Oil on canvas
C. A conformist (a follower)
C. A fresco
D. Only seeking pleasure
D. An acrylic
_____ 6. A Renaissance man may best be
described as
_____ 9. The most important new technology of
the Renaissance was
A. an educated person with wide-ranging
interests and accomplishments
A. the cotton gin
B. a person who has traveled to many countries
and interesting locations.
C. a scholar of the classics (Greek, Roman,
Hebrew etc.)
D. a famous artist
_____ 7. Renaissance artists developed the use
of perspective. What does perspective in art
refer to?
A. The use of light and shadow to make objects
appear lifelike.
B. the printing press
C. the steam engine
D. the internal combustion engine
_____ 10. Video question: Bankers often
A. world travelers
B. artists
C. patrons of the arts
D. internationally known
B. Painting on wet plaster
C. Examination and interpretation of art
D. The use of a vanishing point to add depth to a
_____11. What are the classical periods of
Western Civilization?
A. Greece and Egypt
B. Middle Ages and Renaissance
_____ 8. The Renaissance, and its great arts,
began here.
A. London
B. Amsterdam
C. Florence
D. Paris
C. Greece and Rome
D. Rome and the Renaissance
_____ 12. Where did the Renaissance begin?
A. The Middle East
B. In Greece
C. In England
D. In Italy
_____13. The artist, Donatello, sculpted the first
nude since ancient times. This statue is called
_____ 16. Which was one of the first European
books to be printed with movable type?
a. The Gutenberg Bible
b. Utopia
c. The Prince
D. Praise of Folly
A. The Birth of Venus
B. Moses
C. Goliath
D. David
_____ 14. What is the name for the economic
system in which businesses are owned by private
individuals or companies with the motive
(intention) of making a profit? (This is America’s
economic system.)
A. humanism
B. socialism
C. communism
D. capitalism
_____ 17. He wrote The Prince
A. Machiavelli
B. William Shakespeare
C. Sir Thomas More
D. Boccaccio
_____ 18. The author of The Prince said that a
wise ruler is one who
A. Keeps taxes and food prices low
B. Encourages education and the arts
C. Does whatever he has to do to stay in power
D. Treats his people with love and respect
_____ 15. Sir Thomas More wrote about a
perfect world in this Northern Humanist writing
_____ 19. In the Praise of Folly, Erasmus, the
Dutch humanist attacked
A. Praise of Folly
A. The spread of humanist ideas
B. Utopia
B. the rules of the Medici family
C. All’s Well That Ends Well
C. Superstitions and ignorance in society
D. The Decammeron
D. the art of the Middle Ages
_____ 20. The Renaissance philosophy that
focused on human concerns was called
A. Mannerism
B. Catholicism
C. Reformation
D. Humanism
_____ 21. As a result of the printing press
a. Books were more expensive
b. Information could be spread quickly
c. Only wealthy people could read
d. Books were rare
_____ 24. Gutenberg helped to spread
Renaissance ideas by
A. Developing a revolutionary printing method.
B. Opening a school in Venice for northern
C. Opening a school in Florence for sculptors.
D. Bringing Leonardo da Vinci and other
scholars to Paris.
_____ 25. Video question: According to
Protagoras, what is the measure of all things?
A. God
B. Man
C. Virtue
D. Truth
_____ 22. Video question: Which man is not
aligned with his accomplishment?
A. Petrarch - first humanist
B. Boccaccio - first literary criticism
C. Dante - first political scientist
D. Brunelleschi - designer of first massive dome
since ancient time.
_____ 23. Who wrote Don Quixote?
_____ 26. Petrarch (Petrarca) was famous for
A. The first biography
B. Love sonnets to Laura
C. City of God
D. A political and economic breakdown of Italian
A. Shakespeare
B. Marlowe
C. Boccaccio
D. Cervantes
_____ 27. Men who often took control of the
Italian city-states using force were called
A. Doge
B. Dictator
C. Despot
D. Dignitaries
_____ 28. The Papal office refers to the office of
A. Doge
B. Pope
C. President
D. King
_____ 8. Paintings done on wet plaster were
called Chiaroscuro.
_____ 9. Northern Humanists tended to focus
on the improvement of society.
_____ 10. Venice's republican government was
headed by an elected leader called a doge.
_____ 11. A "patron of the arts" means a
supporter of the arts.
Identify the following works of art and the
artist who created them:
29. List three plays by William Shakespeare:
b. _____________________________________
c. _____________________________________
True or False
_____ 1. Renaissance means "rebirth" or
“rebirth of learning”.
Name of Art ____________________________
_____ 2. “Secular” means of the church,
concerned with religion.
_____ 3. The cathedral dome in Florence was
designed by Albrecht Durer.
_____ 4. Brunelleschi painted the ceiling of the
Sistine Chapel.
_____ 5. During the Renaissance, Florence was
the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.
_____ 6. Powerful families such as the Medici's
supported Renaissance artists
_____ 7. Vernacular is the spoken language of
an area.
Artist ____________________________
Name of Art ____________________________
Artist ____________________________
Artist ____________________________
Name of Art ____________________________
Name of Art ____________________________
Artist ____________________________
Name of Art ____________________________
Artist ____________________________
Name of Art ____________________________
Artist ____________________________
Name of Art _____________________________
8. Artist ___________________________
Name of Art ____________________________
Artist ______________________________
Name of Art ____________________________
10. Artist _____________________
Name of Art ____________________________